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REMOUNT SERVICE REPORT Shows 160 Stallions Mated With 4,262 Mares During 1921— Gaining in Popularity. WASHINGTON. D. C. February Jo.— The first annual report of the Remount Service, which has just been made public, is most encouraging to tin-federal authorities and will be reassuring to the American Remount Association, the civilian body which bellied to initate the movement. Its optimism should be a tonic for those pessi mists who thought they saw the doom of the fine type of riding horse which this country at one period produced in satisfying number, but which through slipshod breeding methods was fast bediming extinct. This family of horses is best described by the term general purpose, being useful in times of peace and available in periods of national stress. The report shows that 160 stallions, mostly thor oughbred, distributed in various breeding centers throughout the Itiion. were mated with 4.2C2 mares in 1921 and that an aggregate of 0,000 will be collected in fees. Because the work was carried on under the supervision of the quartermaster corps of the army there was no charge against the government in this connection — a most satisfactory position in these days of saving. When the Federal Remount Service came into being the Remount Board, composed of civilian and military experts. lecommended that Congress should set aside ." 0.000 for the work. This fund was secured, thanks to an active campaign on the part of the Remount Service, the personnel of which *s purely military, and the members of the American Remount Association, which is composed of horse breeding enthusiasts in every walk of life. A campaign of education, undertaken with vigor by those behind the movement, met with astonishing results. Men interested in racing and breeding were quick to respond to a call for horses, and the records show that eighty-five sires were donated to the government during the last year. There are now available for the coming season 200 good horses. 120 of which were bought by Major C. L. Scott, chief of the Bureau of Purchase and Distribution, and his associates at an average of a little less than JfSrjO each. For this purpose ~.000 was expended. The annual report shows that t, 000 was paid for maintenance, forage, transportation and wages for agents having the stallions in charge during Ike breeding season. This left an unexpended balance of 4,000. which was turned back into the treasury of the Cnited States in the belief that Congress would welcome a policy of retrenchment in every department at this time. EVERY STATE WANTS STALLIONS. It is at this juncture that there has ensued an unprecedented demand for horses from every state in the Inion. but chiefly from communities which should be Meal for the work. In addition to its present quota Texaa, which fought the remount niOM-nv-nt at the outset in the belief that it threatened the private Breeder and already has twenty-five stallions, has requisitions .-it headquarters sen for ninety-one additional bead. Arkansas wants seventy one recruits, wliile breeders in New Mexico asked for forty-seven aids in the breeding plan, which they see bringing them a more certain return tban other crops. Oklahoma, another fint- horse-breeding ceater, asks for thirty-six new sires. Missouri, once a splendid horse breeding region, require--thirty eight in addition to its present quota. Wyoming asks for thirty-one. Its present allotment is eleven. Virginia, with sixteen remount sires within its borders, wants a dozen more. Illinois. Sanaa and Texas, which produce the best of our draught tyiics, have applications in for twenty-eight, eigh teen and eleven, respectively. While it will be impossible to comply with tbi requisions. which total 570. Colonel Armstrong, chief of the Kemount Service, and his chief aid. Major Scott, are doing all in their power to meet the demand. With their appropriation cut to flSB, -tOO they ,-ire endeavoring to do justice to every community. Additional purchases are being made. They will welcome, ;;i addition, further donations of stallions by owners and breeders in sympathy with the work, which has now reached a point where it cannot be abandoned, having enlisted the outspoken approval and support of Secretary of War Weeks and Senator Wadsworth, chairman of the committee on military affairs. That all but twenty-three of the 200 horses assigned for the season of 1922 arc thoroughbreds, indicates the popularity of this type of stallion a-a top cross for all breeds. In some quarters then has been a tendency to accuse the remount authorities or piomoling the interests of the thoroughbred. In the current issue of the Remount Bulletin the government makes its iiositiou clear in the following language: "Admitting that all breeds have their excellent qualities and also their faults, any breeding scheme for a nation must be. and. where successful, always is, founded on popular demand. "In order to dispose of their animals, breeders must produce the kind that :iie people desire to use and will buy. That the desires of ihe users of animals are based on some foundation of practical utility and thai well-bred hor.-os wiii also be satisfactory in war is beyond di-pute. "In encouraging breeding by the distribution of stallions, the Remount Service endeavors to supply the particular breed of sire desired in a comnii:n:ly. "The popular demand at present shows that tie thoroughbred sire is greatly desired for the production of riding horses, and is. therefore, furnished — not in an endeavor to exclude all other breeds. but to meet the demand. "Sires of other breeds, such as the Arab. Morgan, standardised, etc.. are furnished, of course, when asked for and when available." A