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: • -♦ . SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RACING TIJUANA. Mexico. March 21.— The following is an official summary of todays racing. Weather clear. FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Horses. Wt., Jockey. St. PI. Sh. Kin. rabe* 118 I. Metialfl $ 3. HO $ 2.60 $ 2.00 Won Miss BkkM 112 CTVasaa i-.SO 2.80 2nd Pat Hampsnn 103 D.Huru :..00 3rd Babe Ruth. Nancy Winet, Melchoir. Peter Pier-son. Red Planet and Dud also ran. Tim©, 49. Track fast. No scratches. SECOND RACE— 34 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Herns, Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. sh Fin. Meteor 100 V. Davis.... $ 8.20 $ 4. HO $ 2.80 Woii Alazon 93 M. Garrett 8.00 3.40 2nd Caadenea 98 D. Hum... 3.40 3rd Toyon. Squirrel Hawkins, Silk Sox, OrM W., Ethel Kismet. Wylie Garrett. Mango, Echo. Woolen Bonnet and Delia Welta also ran. Time. 1:16Vand. Track fast. -No scratches. THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Horses. Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh Fin T. Owens 108 J.Htainer$ ."i.40 $ 3.20 $ 2.20 Won Contiot 11G C. Thompson 3.4y i.H oul| Bookworm Hit! C. Studer i-.4o 3rd Nebraska Lad. Lady Enfield, Cascade, Dixie Mason. Renin, Jacobel, Reene Fry. Ponza Ray and Aunt Sue also ran. Time. 1:15. Track fast. No scratches. FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimiug. Horses, Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. Fin I.W.Harper ll.".P.M*tinez$ 4.20 $ 2.20 $ 2.20 Won K. Cheatham lOSJ.Hamer 2.20 2.20 2nd Stiletto 113 fC Thompson 2.40 3rd Marshal Tilghman, Muriels Pet, Grace Trimble, Dione and Dorothy also rau. Time, 1:14%. Track fast. Scratched — Capon. Chas. Canuell, Knight of Pythias, Tambian. FIFTH RACE— 1 IS Miles. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Horses, Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh Fin Belario 111 K. Donahue. $ 6.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.00 Won Plain 10.1 C. Gross 4.00 2.40 2nd Bath 108 J. Huntamer.. 2.20 3rd Nan McKitiney ami Woodie Montgomery also ran. Time, 1:54%. Track fast. No scratches. SIXTH RACE— 3 4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Horses, wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh Fin Coverlp 108 J. Iluntamcr$ 4.00 $ 3.20 $ 2.40 Won Joelnilerwood 10S P.Caron 6.40 3.10 2nd Col. Snider 118 1 R. Carter 3.1:0 3rd L.ol.v ion... onichou. Indian Brigade, Chrome. Hug Ha, Nick Klein and Our Leader also ran. Time. 1:14%. Track fast. Scratched— Prophecy. Thirty Seven. SEVENTH BUCK— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3 vear olds ami upward. Claiming. Horses. Wt.. lackey. St. PI. sh. Kin S..l.ergne 113 C.Thson 1 $ 4 20 $ 4.40 $ -.SO Won Montona 117 1 P. Martinez 6.00 3 40 -nd T. Brooks 111- i.l . Htnmer ;•_- 3rd Gen. Byng. By Right. Shenandoah. Red Man and Tee Breekearldge also ran. Time. 1:46%. Track fast. Scratched l.otla Speed. Lola, Weinland. IMGHTH RACE -3 4 Mile. 3 yea 1 olds ami up ward. Claiming. Horses. Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh Kin Trusty 111 f», Cam 1 «.20 9 4.00 f 3.20 W.11 H. Riiigoyne 111 lE.Fator 6.40 3 MO ml Little Beach los |C. Rallsi age jt,.,| Katherine Rankin. Dancing Girl. Sedan and Nonsuit also ran. Time. 1:13%. Track fast. | Si ra tched— Don Jose, Coca Cola. *|