Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-22


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. TUESDAY. MARCH 21, Ittt,— Orteatal Part 1 iniloi. imc hundred and tttml day. Cuba-American Jeckep ;iinl Auto Cfctb. Winter Meeting of 107 days. Weather cloudy, temperature . Stewards. J. Hnchineist. -r. I. H. I ausdalc and E. Burke. Judges, C. Cornehl-en Bad Edward Jasper. Starter, hf i Hilton. Bactap Secretary, Martin Nathaaaon. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. m. I. Indicates apprentice allowance. JEk/Q *"f ~K FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. JanT 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Puree 00] 3-year-olds and VPvFtJ 4 O upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. I Index Horses AWTPPSt % % %~sTrFi"n Jockeys Owners 6~ HOPS j MMi sieen il era S US i i i» V Bl l1 F Hum .; w Piunkett io in 10 4 I J «5l!fl31 ELY wa :• 117 4 it 5»1 1= 1» J4 C Kindle R Miller 30 .TO SO 12 ■ , 10850 E1THOEICK wsb 7 113 s 2 1" 2 2- ft* W Pool A B Davidson S-5 t-5 8-.". 3-5 1-3 . 60811 NAVAJO xv 4 11L 7 1 l« S| fi" ft* B Atkinson A Mitchell I I 8 3 8-." 58811 DINTY MOOP.E w 5 115 fi 4 £*** :;» S 1 D Prible C F Tanner :; :: " C-5 2-5 6089S PRIMITIVE m 5 110 5 5 4* 4 4 I" B KenndyW C Kennedy 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 MBM HlKLEY wsb 5 113 9 .1 5i 6n* 73 7« J Smith C Reynolds 10 10 10 4 2 MSM V MKRRICK Wl 11 115 2 « fi 8- S» Si M Garner A C Imig 8 8 8 3 M . 60891 OCCUPATION wr. 4 107 17 9 9 9 9 "! Fields Square Stable :: 3 3 0-5 2-5 Time. 25, 50%, 1:20%. Track muddy. luntnels paid, Silex II., 9.90 straight. Ml 1:0 place, »ti.30 show: Ely. 1.10 place, 0.40 show: Litholick. .80 show Equivalent booking odds— Silex II.. 1395 to 100 straight. .".10 to 100 place. 215 to 100 show: Ely. 1455 to 100 place. 420 to KM show: Litholick. 90 to 100 shew. Winner — Ch. g, by Verdun — Safety Pin, by Adam trained by J. V. Piunkett; bred in France by , Rarou Maurice de Rothschild. Went to post at 2:33. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driv- , ing. SI1.EX II. began slowly and was far back in the early running, but closed up with a rush in the j Ktretca and got up in the last twenty yards to win going away. ELY raced into a long lead, but his -addle slipped back on him. el-e lie probably would have won. LITHOLICK set the early pace, but Ureal in the slretcli drive. NAVAJO finished fast and would liave been third in another stride. Scratched- iON.-.OThe Belgian II.. 115; 00042 Polar Cub. 115: 01714 Incinerator, 110. Overweight* -Ely. 2 pound-. i liilOTai SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and " tJvt«!J 4 O upward. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. ■ Index Horses AWtPPSt % Ms % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~ , iiofftO mess KIT wk 5 li:: 7 5 r- l4 v- E f Hant M E Tbompeon 444 8". 4-5 »608 KING WORTH vvu 11 110 lo 1 A 2 8* 21 G Fields I. Letourneau 3 3 3 «-5 2-5 « EMM BfiRVlCB Fl.Af. w 7 US :: 7 s 7 4!. ■ A Tryon C B St Clair 10 10 10 4 2 I t; 8!il POKBY B. wk « 113 1 lo io si E14* I Fletcher Q H Oilroy :; 3 3 ti-f, :: :, * 11089? I.T. W. J. MRAY ws 4 111 4 S Wi r.u fi B* "W Kelsay V. Iyydecker *i fi fi 2 fi-5 i •.■»8.".l *KAK.Si:. ws 5 111 2 9 ■» M V «» J Maiben G Irice V, fi 6 a] M • «ii6! 5 -NATRlM WS 4 Ms .". I a- 4 V 7 M Garner B J Sullivan 2. 21 2?. 1 1-2 t0680A I.AMATION ws fi 10". fi 2. 3 a 7- 8- R Swood.I Kindle 444 s-7, 4-5 Mi 1 »I.l l.l.APY w4 97 8 2 71 9i 9 9 P Walls Egypt Stable in 11 M 1 2 ,0.r.«4 SECOND COUSIN VSM 9 C 21. »* Pill. Hp.W Pool O E Foster 10 10 10 4 2 Time, 24, 49%, 1:18%. Tracl; muddy. I mutuels paid. Mess Kit. 5.1tl straight. .5 jilnce, 1922.sh.3» sliow: King Worth, .10 place, 20 show: Service Ilag. Slfi.HI show. Equivalent booking odds- Mess Kit. C55 to 100 straight. .T25 to 100 place, 215 to 100 show; King Worth, 305 to 100 place. 200 lo 100 show: Service Flag. 1205 lo 100 -how. Winner- B. g, by Tracery — Moucta. by Spearmint trained by II. K. Davis; bred in England by Mr. I Augu-! I.elniont . I Went to a— at 2:5S. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third dr:v- 1 ing MESS KIT took the lead tpiiekly and. drawing far away in the early running, won in a canter. I KINO WUKTH ran a game race, but was tiring at the end. SERVICE FEAtl closed a big gap and made a tart tiiii.--ii. POKBY B. also made up much ground. SECOND col Sl fell badly lanic. Berateaed- WBBt Mike, 10S: M8K Keataaere, 107. overweights — Natraaa, 1 paaaat; Et. Win. J. Murray, 4. , aciAQT THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917—1 :05i— 5— FoT Pu7so~ 00. a-yeaT ■ W"JJ 4 4 olds. Claiming;. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. 1 ailex Horses_ ~~AWtPPSt A j _■ % Str Fi B Jockeys Owners O H C P S~~ MS7S* BUCKINGHAM 5 Mi 7 4 l~"t 1 1- VI W PoiTl ~ Fknebelkp r, T; l 2.. 15" f;0»3:i MAD NEEE w 112 C :! 21 2 »• V 8 Bojrlfl T Hoyle f. « fi 2. fi 5 00913 ATHOARVEN vvu 112 2 fi :-.- :: 2 33 B KeundyW Pilcher 2 21 2J 1 1-2 , .0913 PEERAEITY w 110 9 1 fi- .,u 4 44 M Garner Harlem Stable 2 2. 2l. 1 1-2 , •MSI CAIMITO w lit 8 7 ft C 5"i. ..1 W Kelsay F D Weir 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 , .VttJHT HITTER BITING w 97 3 5 4 ,k 4". ,; ■ fiut a Verrat Indiana Stable 10 10 10 4 2 «.08i9 AWNING wn 107 5 8 71 7 7 71 A Mcl/hlinM D Bell 10 M lo 4 2 ■Mil MRS. GRUNDY anaVMG 1 9 Bj 9 q 8 J Smith T Trovato 10 12 12 5 U «;0913 NAVISCO w 112 I 2 9 8 9 9 A Pickens P G Julian 0 8 8 3 8-5 Time, 24%. 50%. 1:04%. 1:11%. Track muddy. !j2 mutuels paid. Buckingham, 0.50 straight. S5.20 place. .y.E90 show; Mad Nell, 4.10 place, . HO 1 low; Atiigarven. BSjM show. j E.|iiiViil nt booking odd- -Buckingham. 425 to loo straight. lf.O to 100 place, 145 to 100 show; Mad Nell. 005 to 100 place. 390 to 10O show: Athgatven. 150 lo 10O show. Winner— Ch. g. by Toay Boiiero— Mi-- Eddie, by Ioidliam trained by W. B. F.iiinegnii; bred by Mr. , C. ». Van Meter. Went to post at 3:20. At peal 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- , ing. Bl CKINGHAM raced to the front soon after the slart and, setting a good pace, saved ground on 1 tae turn- and w.ui under restraint. MAI II.E raced in closest pursuit, but tired after making a chal- I lenge at the head of the homestretch. AT1IO A BVEN rased forwardly and gamely throughout. PEIKAE-ITT began well, but quickly dropped back. CAIMITO ran poorly in the going. Sera tched— 00951 Moon Winks. 105: 10933 Smiling Ead. 107. Overweights- ainiito, I pound. ~ - .3 ■ t?AQ7fi FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Ya.rd3. March 6, 1913—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. mJ*J 4 O 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. DECLARED OFF. — |£fVQr7Q FIFTH RACE— 1 MUe. March 23. 1919— 1:38%— 5— 105. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and y3"t7 4 *J upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 60; second. 00; third, 0. « "index Horses AWtPPSt j jj % Str Fin Jockeys Ownerii 0 H 0 V S * i08".4-*TONV BEAC w 4 107 2 1 :! S 1 I« 1« D Prible S f Baxter 2-5 3-5 3-3 1-fi out 00932 lTTZ-BOODEE w R 4 lo5 4 1 Ill1 2 2 t B KinndyP T Richardson 4 4 4 6-5 out 00957 TIIE PIRATE w 5 112 I 2 4 : -• 4=5 430 4=n 3J Q Fields Re—dale Stable 2 2, 2* 1-2 out 00874 "MOEINERO wis 4 108 1 3 * 2 al ■l 4-" M Garner A J Molera 4 4 4 G-5 ont j 59131 WAR PLUMB wit fi 110 5 5 5 5 I 5 5 Q Stone F Delbarrio 20 30 20 7 out Time, 25%. 50%. 1:17%. 1:46%. Track muddy. , mutuels paid. Teny Beau. .*3.00 straight. .V2.40 place: Fitz-P.ixKllc. . SO place; no show mutuels eeli. , Eliiivalent booking o.Ids— Tony Beau. 50 to 100 straight. 20 to 100 place: Fitz-Boodle. 40 to 100 place. Winner — Ch. c. by Tony Bonero — Clenwaltz. by Ouarautee trained by S. T. Baxter; bred by Mr. j IE E. Franklin. Went to post at 3:52. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- , ing. TON I BEAE. after racing in elo-e pursuit of FITZ- BOODLE, moved up with a rush when culled 1.11 after rounding the far turn and. rushing into a long lead, won in a canter. FITZ-BOODEE set the 1 larly puce ;ind, after being passed by the winner, held the others safe in the tinal drive. THE P1KATK I lmiiied gamely and out-r.iyed MOEINEUO. The latter showed speed, but tired badly in the last eighth. Scratched— 00S.33 Harlo.k. 107; 00090 Benin. nt. 100. Owivseights — Molinero. 3 pounds: War Plume. 2. I ■ arlACaQA EIXTH RACE— 1 Mile end 50 Yards. March 0. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. Ol/ijOv C-y.ar-olds and upward. Claiming, Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. laelea Uataaa AWtPPSt M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C l-S_ J I MM4 CHIMERA ws G 115 2 2 -■■ ! • 1 » V 1« S Uiyh- P llinpby i-3 fi-5 C-5 2-5 out l«!:t;t.10l.l,Y PFFF ami 97 I 4 I 5 I 21 ft* P Walls J Da Estrampes 7-3 S-5 8-5 1-2 out tMU MAEV EBB wb 4 108 1 1 4 I- :.- !»1 :;•• F Hunt F Hart 3 Zx. BJ 1 out , .0855*i"111COT1:aGVE wb 4 105 4 3 I»| V Lnt 4 ° 4-u D Prible G K Allen 6 7 7" 2 out «,0!ll;;*CAKRIH BAKHB w I 92 I 5 | | 4i» 5 5 W Pool W F Knebolkp 4 41 Ah 8-5 out Time. 24%. 49%, 1:17%. 1:46. 1:51. Track muddy. inutuel- aeM, Chimera. ..30 straight. *2 90 place: Molly Puff, .40 place; no show mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odd: — Chimera. 115 to 100 straight. 45 to 100 place; Molly Puff. 70 to 100 place. Winner— Ch. m. by Key Hindoo— Illu-ion. by Mesmerist trained by P. Hinphy; bred by Mr. Edward ; Cebrian. Went to post at 4:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and third ; driving. HIMERA laced to the front on tin- h.icksrot. h and. drawing away into a long lead, finished i-a-ed up in the middle of the track. MOLLY IIFF saved ground when entering the homestretch and : made a fast linish. MARY ERB raced well, but lost ground by a wide stretch turn. CBINCOTBAGUB and CABBIE BAKER tiled. Scratch, d- 00934 Oatusa. 90: 009300rris, 97: 00S74 Roseate. 108. OiatfMBiatl — Cattle Baker, 2 pounds. itAQfil SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 3. 1918— 1:44%— 3— 92. Purse 0o! 3-year- : UUt/Ol olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third. 0. . Index Horsea AWtPPSt *4 H % Str Fin JockeyT~ Ownera ti H~iJ P S~ a09SS*RANDBL w 3 N 3 5 :; V 1- !•• ]7 A y,.rr.,t j T Mueller 7-107-107-101-5 out 0OH9I HLEX wit 4 113 4 2 1- 2 2 2:T. 2j W Kelsay P E 1utnian fi 6 fi 2 out 1 MBM*BILL HUNLET w 7 105 12 5 5 4» 3J 3:s R Swood B B Rice 4 || 4 6-3 out 1 C0934 RIGODON ws 2 99 5 4 21 31 5 5 4 A McLblinE M Daly 5 6 g" 2 out 1 MBMAUDBEY A. w 4 103 2 1 4i 4i ;!:n. m* fmi.b KendyG Smith 2 21 21 7-10out 1 Time. 25%, 52%. 1:18%. 1:46%, 1:54%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Baieiel, .50 straight. .50 place; Huen, Jilace; no show mutuels sold. 1 luiuivalent booking odd Bandel. 75 to 100 straight. 75 to 1H peace; limn, 195 to 100 place. , Winner— B. c. by .lack Atkin— N:ko, by Ossary trained by J. W. Nayloi : bred by Mr. I». W. ScottE 1 Went l.i |M»-t at 4:43. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BANDEL began slowly, but moved up rapidly 011 the outside and, raeinir into the lead on the back--tr.tih. drew fur away after rounding the far turn and won in a canter. IIIE.N set the early pace and rated well, but was driving hard al the end an oi:t-t;:y BILL HI NEEY. The latter made up ground and finished fast. AlDKEY A. broke down and fell in the stretch. Scratched 0O!l31lllu-h. 105: 00930 Wreekle— . 94: 00930 Zoie, 105: MM Harrv M. Stevens 115; 00S7U Qreal Bawk, 102: aVHM Cork. IBS; 00952 Ava B., 105. Overweights Audrey A.. 2 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922032201/drf1922032201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922032201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800