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BOWIE FORM CHART EOWIE. MD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 1. 1922.— Prince George Park 1 mile. Iirst dav. Southern Mary- land Agricultural Association. S| ring Meeting of 12 days. Wenthcr clear: temperature 52°. Stewards. II. p. Coakllag, J. B. Campbell ami G. Brown. Jr. Judges. Joseph A. Miirphv. Edward lube, J. II. Ander-on. W. Norvell and Baker Waters. Starter, George Miller. Racing Secretary Josenh r McLennan. Racing sttirts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. Imlicates apprentice allowance. ■ThI alQsTa FI5ST, KACE— 1-2 Mile. April 4, 1921— 48%— 2— 114. Purse ,232.31. 2-vear-olds. *and*-r*JM Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 32.31: second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners" Kquivrodds Strt .0,„FonSHALA w n: l * 4" M 1" I Morris HPWnTTro1 TTrt 52i*,AUM PANTA«KS will 9 9 V P| 2 T Rice QChOM tir.TO-UM !S-i?, :-7,],i ,ACK w 11C 11 8 .;;. .v. H C Kummer Orleans Stable . 10O-W0 r C05M ELIZABETH BRICBwlUM 5 7= P V G Habin o C Raich OOllSl-LACRA 1AFFNEY w 113 :. 2 lb ?. E| A Johnson J L Holland UMIO-KK BR TRTJEMAN w IN 4 3 2i 4 C,h D Stirling K Trueman IS80-IOU e™ W 117 SU B 7i 7l F Ke0Kh alubria Stable 44t»-I0.l i-nmo C0al2 JENNIE C. wHS 0 I UlsH Bj E Martz G Peterson looii.-lo. BUDDUGIE w 110 7 10 si P . c Lanp J Arthur 2805-lort SILKS AND SATIN w 113 12 U p 9-10 J Rowan O M Tallontire K25-10U 00114 HILI.V GIBSON WHO 2 1 Nil IP M Buxton C Buxton t]T,-bn 5977! K1TAN w HI 3 7 10 Li 12 M Harson P J Lavin t vMnfuel field. Time. 25, 532.5. Track muddy. .S2 inutuels paid. Forshala, 3.10 straight, .30 place, .20 show; Carmen Pantages field 0 20 place. .40 show; Better Luck. 12.89 show. EMuivalent bsakksg sdeTs Bsrsasla, 555 to lOO straight. 265 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show Carmen Pantages. ljehl. 410 to 100 place. 12: to 100 show : Batter Luck. 40 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. f. by Broouitkk— Spun Glass, by Rock Sand trained by F. Hopkins- bred ttv Mr Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 2:31. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FOKSHALA dwelt slightly ai the -tart, but recovered thickly aud. securing a clear course throughout, took the lead in the stretch and finished gamely when challenged. CABMEN PANTAGES forced wide on the turn, moved up menacingly in the stretch, but was tiring in the last strides BETTER LICK began slowly and was forced to tin- eater rail when entering the stretch, but finished gamelv and ran a creditable race. ELIZABETH BBICB closed Bp ground sad finished fist LClt G UFNFY set the early pace, but tired in the last eighth. BE TBUBMAN showed speed. BILLY GIBSON stenued in a hole in the first eighth. Fl Scratched Wraagle, 11 ; Faith W., 113; Topango, 116; Armedee, 116. Overweights -Gray Bard. 1 pound. f£"f flQT SEC0ND RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 29, 1917— 1:19"5— 4— 112. Purse 232 31 JJ-J*JC 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 32.31; second, 00; third, Index Horses A Wj£PJM4_J_g]jln_Jb£ckeys [Owners Bquiv. OddTStTt e!L:r*1;!",A:.!!":,-c, «h 7 107 t; 7 P V r p G Babi.t Winfrey Bros TiPM M581 I.Ain ZEUB w :; 00 2 fi 4 r,- 4 2] E Martz i Peterson - K -ino - - II .rK SE ■ ; m ,n •"" f ,; 4 A Frieshon J Robertson and£Z M745**ZAINER wa 4 lM 7 I P| Q r, ", R T Moore J A Brause 11765-00 ****** MOSE wt. 7 107 0 2 .;-• 7-i 7 7 P Wdstck I. Sperlins SmE 00937 WAR RELIEF «■ :: 07 S 0 H p 0 g] J Wallace S Skinner f •8»! 5 KEZIAH wh 0 112 I :; 1 1- H - P| 9 D Stirlins C W Gasaer E38J-100 2-2SS!i?SiiT5J W"!HI.4M •» ** ** »* c -«« "■*■»■ a«9SS*SANDl H. WB • lit 12 I 11 11 11 11 .1 Owens O Wendel 17 0-100 ■ 5989.-, RUSTLER, S.Jlli U Wheeled. J Conlcv W Karnum 760-100 tMutuel held Time. 25=3. 00. 1:17. 1:24%. Track muddy. show -" l"lI,",l"l|S S-oitnhow0 HM -,!i,iKl" •*•" •*•«• •**• 8l,ow: «**• Ze«s. 825.80 place, 8.40 Equivalent booking odds— Ettahe. 145 to 1H straight. 105 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show Ladv ? Zeus 1180 to 190 place. S20 to 100 shoe : Edna I ., 1200 to 100 show. Winner— B. g, by LawatJa— Indian Lass, by Locohatchee trained by G. C Winfrey- bred bv J Mrs L. A. Livingston. Went to aasj at 3:03. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow for all but RUSTLER Won easily-second and third driving. ETTAHE began slowly, but gradually improved his position in the cente of the track and passed the leaders under mild pressure in the last eighth. LADY ZEIS also made tin ground and. tinMiing gamely, outstayc EDNA I. The latter took the lead at the eighth post but _ji£ed_jU_Jlio_iinIil_djll-2 V|Uj|1 mt i|Ut||wi; n tr position farther. ZA1NER raced well he ■ half mile. MOSE was never prominent. CHASTE SWAB set the para la the stretch and c|iiit. Scratched — 60460 Encrinite, 107; 60160 Mark West, 113; 58656 Dairyman. 112; 0073! Perhaps, 10H; MM Iron lt.-.. 112. Over* klits |_,dy Z.-iis. 3 j nds; Zain.-r. 2; War Relief. -1: Keziah. 5. ft"! AQQ THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 2. 1017—1:07—3—100. Promcnado Purse. Purso OAvrt.70 ?1 232.31. 3-ycar-oldand. Allowances. Net value to winner 32.31; second, 00; third, 00; Jndex Horse* AWtPPSt %~~%~t tr Fin "jockey* Owners Kgiiiv. Odds 8trt 147747 BRAINSTORM wu 191 C 1 V P PI 1*1 1. Herri II P Whitney 175-loo 5H746 i:i.i:mi:.tal win; :; I 2- : . 1*44* J Bvtweil o W Foreman US-MI 5867! AIM. FAIR w 112 2 ti I 4 " l .1 Williams .1 W Been 1100-1 10 60898 MISS BMMA G w MS I I t V 4] P W BotfakJ ■ W Moore BSM-MI 60535 • i:i;ihl,iA.T HAY u is lo* i ;; ;,- i; « ;, i. Coney M Smith 14*0-109 60233 ELY BALL waft* :. :. p M :.- I C Leas .1 R BMaker 1M0-14I Time, 24/,, 49%. 1:03. 1;MK, Track muddy. mulucls paid, Brainstorm. 13.8a straight. S2J4 place. 42.84 Atw; Elemental. 0 place. .4$ show: All Fair. S3.:tu show. ■aajTaleal i kin;.- aaaa Bibbbbbbib*,. 1".". la loo straight, IS la 19$ place. 25 to loo show; Elemental. •10 to 100 alaee. 24 to loo show: All Fair. 05 to 444 ahew. Winner — Br. g. hy Pater Pa a Tlaaali . bjr ah Cold trained ay T. Hopkins; area ay Mr. Harry Payae Whitney. Went m aaal at 1:41. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BBA1N8TOBM took the had at on. e and. drawing clear mi the beth*U*Uh, saved ground when entering tbe aaaaaatrctck and easily held elemental safe, elemental, araaaiaeat throughout, made I game tiui-h under vigorous riding, bat tired under his weight in the last sixteenth. ALL IAIR b.-gun slowly, bat gained steadily and outlinishcd MISS EMMA G. The latter ran a good race. BRILLIANT ItAV a i- tightly rrowdea alter the start. ELY HALL qatt badly. S.ralcl.e.! cor.f, Swerpy. 1KI; 54S44*Capa Pillar. 1111. Overweights- Braiaatorai, •" Baaatfa; All Fair. S; Miss Bauaa G., 3. «3-j| AQQ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 24, 1917— 1:12%— 4— 122. Twin Citios Purse. Purse UxVl/l/ SI. 232. 31. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 32.31; second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses ~AWtPPSt % % % Str Flu Jockeya Owners Equlv. Odds Strt SS7SS*K. OF T HTHBR wi4M4 I I ii 8* li li W Oacti V V Casey ~" 275-Mt 54611 EXODUS an 4 lK 2 8 a3 Ill Il G Lang Greontree Stable SSS-1M 60123MHROCRY ara 4 V$ ■" 1 "■ V U V H Thomas Vulcain Stable 425-lotl 60430 ST ALLAN an 5 112 fi 1 1* Z- 1- 4" F Murphy II M Howard 975-100 58473 = THi: ARCHER WB a 110 II I 73 7- f» I. Coney F H Smith MK-tM 60368 HOBBY bakkr wk G Ill s i BJ 4- 5* fih j BajtweU J PauHajiaaaal S70-100 B4MM*QUBBN BLONDE wu 7 97 1 t; 7" 611. 61. V A Frieshor. C W Gasser MK-1M BMB1*DBSPAIR am 4 Ml 7 5 6 a H 8 F Wdsfck G W Foreman 1065-10J Ti,:nc, 24. 485. 1:16. TracX muddy. |S mulucK paid. Kaajfet of the Heather. §7.."«0 straight. .00 place. S3. 40 show: Exodns. .80 place. lit show: Mercury. S3. tin show. Equivalent lxiokins adds— Knisrht of the Heather. 27". to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Exodus. 90 to 100 place. .". to 100 show: Mercury. SO to 100 show. Winner— Br. s. by Ogdtn — Madchen, bv Knight of the Thistle trained by W. V. Casey; bred by Mr. Richard T. Went to ] st at 4:13. At post r, minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. KN1CI1T OP THE HEATHER, fuvofd by the going, followed the leaders under slight restraint until in the last quarter, where he came fast and took the lead, but was ridden out to the end. BZOOD8 bcgaai slowly and. displaying brilliant speed in the early running, took the lead, but bolted to the outside rail at the eighth post Bad but for this would have won. MERCERY ran forwardly all the way, but tired slightly. ST. ALLAN quit after going a half mile in the U-ad. THE ARCHER closed a gup. BOBBY BAKKB was eased up when beaten. DBBPAIR ran poorly. Scratched- 60777-Applc lack IE. 100; ..96S0 Tom McTaggart, 106; 59391 Vltra Cold. 106. Overweights — Hobcy Baker. 5 pounds; Despair, 3. |T»-4 -g flfl FIFTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26%— 4— 116. Inaugural Handicap. ,500 k 13JLJLvrvV Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,910; second, 00: third, 00; fourth. 00. "index "Horses AWtlESt % H % Str Fin Jockeys Ownera _ Bqulv. _ Odds Strt 605»1*ECNGA BUCK - 4 Ml »: 1 1- "I 0 U V% C Lang H Dnttner 225-100 •MM*8LtPPBRY ELM w I 111 I 2 q M 1*1 V M L Morris Sunnyland Stable 355-100 60261 LUNBTTA w 5 105 1 4 1 1?. :; V :: L Coney Winfrey Stable 2:i50-10O 58718*SUPER wit 5 104 7 7 S3 6- V ii 4J M Schwtz G W Foreman 1140-100 1 60500 BIFF BANG w :; 5 110 2 " 2" 4- 5- 5: 5- II Thomas LT Bauer 225-100 60591*BVGON"E DAYS w u 4 110 4 I S 7i Cl 6 6- T Brooke « .1 Brockmiller UM Ml 60591 CRAY GABLES w I 10S X I 7- S s S 71. T Nolan T H Cross 4485-100 60308 Tll-Y WITCHBT wb 7 124 :; 5 5- :.i 71 7i !i C Kummer L T Bauer t tCoupled in betting aa L. T. Batter entry. Time. 245. 48%. 1:15%, 1:30%. Track muddy. IS mutuels aaM, Bunga Buck. .00 straight. S3 lilt place. $:1.50 show: Slippery Elm. .00 place. .04 show: Lunetta. SJS.30 show. Equivalent booking odds — Buuga Buck. 22.5 to 100 straight. 95 to 100 place. 75 to 100 show: Slippery Elm. 100 to 100 place. 100 to 100 show: Lunetta. 315 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. i. by iihain — JIa.y Orr, by Orimar trained by .1. U. Deavenport: bred by Mr. Edward E. Siminsl. Went to paat at 4:51. At pot • minutes. Start pear and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BlNCA BECK, prominent from the start, raced SLIlPERY ELM into defeat after entering the stretch and. taking the lead, drew away under hard riding in the last strides. SLIPlERY ELM saved ground on all the turn- and made a game effort in the stretch, but tired finally. LUNETTA set the early pa.-e and. after being passed. , ame again and would have been second in another stride. BUPBB was off pearly and raced wide, but finish..! .lose op. BIFF BANC tired after going three-quarters. BYGONE days begaa riewty TIIPITY WRCHBT tueased so labor in the going. Beratched BMbb Hebey Hiker, iom: Oflaa st. Allan, no. b S"b "I f%~i SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— 1:45%— 4— 107. ,232.31 Added. ■3JL AvfJL 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,032.31; second, 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Yt , ■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E pii v. Odds Strt 60090 OCR BIRTHDAY w b 5 112 4 5 31 3s 1- 1= li T Rice E J Salt 7".5-100 60777*.IOAQCINA w ii 4 107 1 1 1 I] 2 P SJ C Lang T H Wilson IK-MI 60536 ROMEO W/B41M ii 4 4- 4- V 4 3=1 J Butwell H Fallehy 225-100 60584*ATTORNEY w 4 110 :: :; V •" 41 2 4" G Babin Winfrey Bros 565-100 60158 MA8TBR JACK w B 4 11*. 5 7 7 7 7 «• 5i M BefeWta J E Nash 2190-100 60159- MIRACLE MAN wit 1 M I 2 M M SJ V 6 A Frieshon W F Ormsbee 2940-100 60310*CLEAN GONE vr. 6 114 7 ti b* B» «- 7 7 W Boeski J .1 Farrell Jr S55-100 Time, 25%, 52,5. 1:19. 148%. 1:52%. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Our Birthday. 6.70 straight, .40 place, .70 show: Joaquina. .20 place. .70 show: Koni.o. .70 show. Equivalent booking odds— Our Birthday. 735 to 100 straight, 270 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Joaquina. 110 to 100 place. 35 to KM show; Romeo. 35 to I0O s-how. Winner— B. h, by Colden Maxim— Autolee. by I.cttoon trained by E. J. Salt; bred by Mr. A. V. Thomas i. Went .. at .5:30 At paat 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. OCR BIRTHDAY followed the leaders under hard restraint for the first half mile anil, racing into the lead on the lat turn, won easing up. JOAQUINA set a good pact to the far turn and saved ground on all the turn-, but tired in the final eighth anil just lasted to save se.-ond place. ROMEO, under re-atraiat in the early running, finished gamely under hard riding. ATTORNEY made a game rush after cut-ring the stretch, bat quit in the final drive. MASTER JACK and CLEAN CONE were off poorly. MIRACLE MAN showed speed, but retired in the final quarter. Overweights —Miracle Man. 2 pounds. sfj"l "1 O1 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mije:. Nov. 25. 1915 — 1:48 — 4—116. Purso . 23237! OJ. A-7*mi 4-year-oldo and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 32.31; second, 00; third, 00. "index Horses AWtPPSt j Hi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqulv. Odds Strt ioT::*. -itll LIGHT HI. wk fi 111 : 2 ! ; ! 1 ■ F Pi H Thomas T O Webber 220-Ml 6091 .* JACK REEVES ara 9 1U 11 1J Mi U I1 1- 2 E T Moore G W L Willard 7ZM-M* 001 16 »S» "LID ROCK w 1MB 14 i $ H l| 21 If M Schwtz AV Smith 12oo-lini 60091 -NAITHAL ITS WB 4 110 M 14 1114] I -I- F Murphy T B Edwards 2M0-1M 609il -la KROS8 arlMSU I I I" 5J :.y M W r.ogski ■ c Belleat J.570-ioo ■BSMTRICKSTER II. w 4 111 2 I 7" 7| 71 7- I1 .1 Owens W D Bernhardt 11M-1M 60637 TOREADOR wu t 112 4 7 4* Ii ti- 4 71 r» Stirling B K Bryson t I 61I5K6 .UtllN ARBOR v. s 4 10S 7 fi -• V 2- N sl C Uing .1 Tigue SM-SM ■BfdMWALK IT a/B 4 Ml 15 4 5 :■ 41 l .- A Gantner C Buxton t 60I60- ATTORN* T MUIR w 7 Ml 3 12 131 1.:- 12- Ml HP G Babin G C Milton IMS-MI 60536* LITTLE ED w 4 HI 12 la la 12 M1 Hili: B Marts i Peterson 2210-10" HIIIANNA GALLUP a ■ •"• 1"1 I N Ml 41 HI 12* 12* R Rice A Swenke j 1 608HH LEGACY WB 4 US I 1 11* M1 13* 13» W J Butwell C B Walker 4M-MI 60747»o.- HIGH a • l»: 1 11 Mb IS IS lt-n-1 A Prteahoa A Robertsea i : »696-*G WASHINGN WB ? M4 5 :! ::-• 4- It1 15 15 L Con-v C W High 1 tMatael field. Time. 26. U%, 1:184.. 1 48. 1:56. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Search Light III.. 44.44 straight. .74 place. 44.14 show; .Tnck Reeves. 3.00 place. 3. M Show; Solid Reck, .74 s!,„w. Bqafvaleal hoalrlai adda Bearth Light III.. 224 la 100 straight, 1S5 to loo pla e, 105 to loo show: .1,1. I Keees. SSS$ to 100 pla --. IBM to 100 show: Solid Rock. SSS to 100 show. Winner Ii. g. by S.cei» r — ia- Jet. by Lainpligatcr tiaiu.-d by 1. . Weaker; bred in Erauee by-Mr. UeraMB B. Daryeal. Vent |a BBBl at t.tio. At post 2 minutes. Start read and slow. Won ridden out: second and third diiving. BEABCH LIGHT III. raced into a long lead in the early running and easily held sway throughout. JACK REEVES sa.d ground on all the turns and. losing a big gap. finished fast and gamely. SOLID ROCK raa well, bat tired in the last eighth. NAPTHALIUR riaaei a big gap. LA KROSS ran well, and aa did TRICKSTER 11. JOHN ARMOR and WALK DP Bai 0 mi Blights Tercadar. 2 aaaads; Walk cp. 2; Anna G4Uaa , l: ; •.. rge Washington, l.