Rockminister Works Again: Montfort Jones Derby Colts Injured Foot Gives No Trouble, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-11


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KOCOINISTER WORKS AGAIN • Monor t Jones Derby Coifs Injured Foot Gives No Trouble. ■ ♦ I I Vew $ 5 0,0 00 Stake Race in Con- uv:n?Ution for Latonia. — Guy j to Stun at Lexington. c i • i r OT7.i,3VTT.T_E, Ky., April !•-— Conataerabte activity p-evaHed at both of the local trucks today, despite another downpour of rain early t rJ-JLi morning, hut Kentucky Derby candidates t-.iwl little In it. Deadlock galloped j. half f mile in 5", while Chatterton covered three- •ightha of a mile In %i% at Churchill Downs. . Both of these will ha.e longer work-yccs to- t ■BOfTOW. ■ ; e most ple3ning fei+.Jre oT the j ,i ougtas Park was the rejopearauee of , Xtockmlnister after a layoff of several days J d .- to •• bruised heel. The Montfort Jones 1 j Derbj coK showed no effeets of tbe injury , mad ■■ •• nor Kay Spence is confident that it a-:: not bother him hi the future P. Phillpia eras an arrival from New , Orleans this morning and hia horses, of irl •■ h there are twelve In the consignment, ■re en route from the same place. C uy aid j Gourmand wil! he aent to JOTlngton later , In the montn to Oil their tcaice engagements , there . •, , U I£ecgan, t-uclt superintendent at : , Lexington, .y fairly swamped with applies-; ■•■••;. for stalls by horsemen here todiiy ar.d 1 , n al a loss as to how to take care of them Aio.- . those who plan to ship over from ! here have out* or mere banes entered in ■takes a d ■rroanmmistlans naust be pro-sided • Cot them to aesss maimer. , t rlGHT 1 OUIST1LLE 1AI, A -r CarroU attorney for the kantucky • Joa k ■■;. Cluia, announced today that he win i fte aatit far a:, injunction to prevent the City Of Louisville from enforcing the racantly-pai ■ ted race track license ordinance. He will i take action within the next two weeks, he i ■aid, and tr.e outcome af the litigation la ■ ■waited S*ith much interest by the horsemen I here William Harris, -who rode races with Tommy Griffin, trainer for the J. 13. Smith 1 horses, thirty years ago, came over from 1 ;-■ I aula to risft with the latter for a few • ; i ■ , riffua will take a few of tbe Smitl horses to Lexington late tiii° warning to 1 race :! the two-year-Old stakes there. II is his Intention io r.ip to New York to time ,? . the opening at Belmont Park He Is s ;i eloping a new jo?key, James OBrien, a h, : teen-ye ar-ok i lad whose home is in Brooklyn and bam applied for an apprentice license ;. ! -ii. with the Kentucky State Racing 3 * ommiasion • Uner Louis F. Marsha".! returned from Bowie this moaning. He brought jockey J. 1 :£ ..* • back with bim and the rider wil r» """t Che Marshall Brothers bones o-i the Kentucky circuit this season, I "iiny BuCsrd was an arrival f-om his 9 ■on e in Memphis today. He rested there e *!: •■» the New Orleans meeting closed. V. ii Scott, who need the man Diama In Muc aectiaai last year, came in from Tijuana. BBivaTn WIriG H U BVGCHTE3. .. Br mas Wing foaled a hay colt by Cataract t»- ;Vi L.ehaiia farm. Jefferaontown, Ky., an 1 this maie was shipped to Lexhagton to he lated with TCing Coiin.. f rhtn sent Rose Ring to the court of Don n bow a at Hopklns-Ti •, Ky. J lluster Flower to V/ormVighton m.; Lsxingtoa and Bellira to Under Pin at t the limn pltce. He had CastiereaR!. and | Bpats unsexed during the winter and b »th I, ►jre training in excellent fashion row See-pod ,. call on the senrlcos of jockey Jot Kederia a fa j ».-i. obtained by While plans for another $."A»,000 «t.ike ra- e ,, I . ae tdded to Latenlaa roster have not t een n compteted by genera! mai ager Matt I. iVisn _ -,he Kentucky club. It is considered a cer-tainty ._ that it will be fashioned exclusively .. i m three-year oHai and it will V e over a fonaiaVirahln distance of ground. It is Col- l„ r..-! BVlnna intention to l ring the winners of ,* the Kentucky Derby and Preaknesa together. Ha tguret that this stake will serve the purpose ■i exceedingly well V. I . V.eant has twenty horses la training 5 _ tbia y **r. including the veteran 1op o th" Morning ard four two-year-ohis of his own n breeding His outfit spent the winter at] Lt I I3hurchiil Downs, It hi coniposed. la addition! _ j to Tap," of Eulah F., Vanessa Welies, Blary j I Bieget, LothaJr, Sheer Fai-e. Anac, Ten Can, a | j I Diotned, Moss Fox II, Deland. Southern n Maid, Inotoplay, Sea Way, War Winner, An-r.eile IT and the following two-year-olds: Sly y I Fox, / Mom Fox — Automaid , Virginia Fox. c by Moss Fox— Virginia W. ; Dr. McCarthy, by _ Ls* hholny — Bachelora Blend, aad Yuba, jT by /mdergrift. _ tt/utiaued BS i cejod pace.. ROCKMINISTER WORKS AGAIN Continued from first page. Jockey Russell McDermott joined forces with the John E. Madden stable this morning and will depart for New York with it next week. McDermott rode for J. S. Ownbey last winter. Death removed one of the most likable characters of the American turf when Edward Jasper, placing judge, handicapper and entry clerk at the three Kentucky tracks and an official at Oriental Park, Havana, passed away in Cincinnati yesterday. The news of his demise came as a shock to the horsemen and officials of the Kentucky Jockey Club here, as it was not generally known that he was seriously ill. He underwent an operation, necessitated by ulcers in his stomach, several days ago and pneumonia set in, hastening the end. It was just ten days ago when he returned from Cuba, where he officiated all winter as clerk of the scales, including other duties. Jasper had been active in racing circles for a quarter of a century and held positions at Ascot Park, Washington Park, Santa Anita, Worth, Harlem, Newport, Ky. ; Juarez, Mexico ; Churchill Downs, Douglas Park, Oriental Park, Tijuana, Lexington, Memphis, Empire City and Nashville. He began his turf career as marker of the jockeys board at Latonia for Louis Ezekiel and his application to duty soon gained him a place of prominence at various race tracks throughout the country. Early in life he aspired to the theatrical profession, but he did not remain at it long. Always cheerful and ready to tell a humorous story he gained immense popularity with the horsemen and others connected with racing. His duties as entry clerk brought him into contact with thousands of turfmen during his long service and he was ever ready to assist them in every possible manner. Jasper had few equals as a handicapper and his judgment of weights to be carried by horses in handicaps was almost invariably found to be correct. Many a horseman who complained before a race that he thought his horse overburdened came to Jasper after winning and congratulated him upon his ability as a weight adjuster. His death marks the second of a high official in the Kentucky Jockey Club within a short period, Harry Breivogel, resident manager at Latonia, having expired several weeks ago. Jasper is survived by a widow and four children, who reside at 2412 Highland avenue, Cincinnati. * «

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Local Identifier: drf1922041101_1_2
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