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J . . 1 : ; : I , j j , | : j I t : 1 | i , « LATEST BOWIE WORK-OUTS 887 BOWIE, JId., April 10.— Training ganopa at Prince George Park were aa follows : Weather clear ; track fast— Three-Etghtht Mils. Rs4-Amase 39 ■BS-BVaahrth Briee. »3 Btt-Ac* of Aces ...39 HI Fly lag Orb . . . .38% 873 Biyngar 30 877 ljidy MSaaslh 44 Fat Chart Flyuii ..39 BtS Mahaat 38% 8S4-Pautzic 37 Basle B M 870 Duster .39 BM-Bssartt 40 Half Kilo. S73-.Mmino ol% BV-Fltet H Sol Archive 00% SS4 Fair Mac S3 880-Aiiliro H SS3-Hap. C* Lackr.Si SS4-Hob McCray .50 BBV-R. Prcmmel ...50 870-t-haste Star ...51% MV-Bastter 54 ESr.-Douiingo 53 FJB-T UrTaggart..S4 BO- Daniel 49 BSt-The Nephew ...52 Kw-Emden 51 8S2-Woodland 57 Five-Eighldis Hiie. BM-Lasaa 1:07 Wt Bhaal 1.04 877 -Miss Em. G..l:03 BT7-Trteastet IL.1:09 BM-lIiss Fllle.v .1:03 KV.-Tin 11 1:05 8S5-Marylaad hlel:04% BBt-Teritl 1:48 Three -Quarters Mile. SSO-Allah 1:22 fisr.-r.i07d Rearf».l:lS% 8-4 -Bright Lights 1:19 US-May Roberts. 1:25 BM-Balastfaehj ..1:17 BM-N*a*a 1:17 835-Cape Pillar ..1:14% B8d-Piopag.inda .1:22 8H5-Harry M iiml.20 BM Qairh ..1:1,1 ■BS-Jaaeah Btaat.I;tt 832 -T. C*kascaier.l:UI 6S3-Lady Ward ..1:20 One Milo. 8 C»-Dark nill ...1:51 BA5-Pammv Kellyl:50 f 80-Handful! 1:44 RSI-Veil. roi!een.i:51 BtJ IClha 1:51 BBt-War Not.- ...1:47% 830 Lucky 15 1:47 Btt-WM. Itedotre.l :53% Duster was only cantering. Nohant is training well, but not Quite ready. Kate ] Brummel showed speed all the way. Happy I Go Lucky is showing good speed a.nd work- | ing well. Bob McCray worked fast. Cap* j Pillar worked evenly all the way. War Tsote j was never extended. Itosie II. is fast and j fit just now. Chaste star worked well. Torn i McTaggart is at the top of his best form. 883 BOWIE, Md., April IB,— Monday trateiBS operauona tiere :.c:uded th* foliowir.g woiti- outa : Weather c!ear ; track fast — Tlrse-t.cfltbs XUs, Btl-AIheaa 40 ss.i-i Krasj r» R:.7 !".ii»IOW 3H 8,;-Mursjret V/ii.elO 885 oiando 31* ■ 8S2-i:inain:n 41 Bss-Btaaiaaaai 4.» B4a-ra*t*rai Swais ~ l% H* -IIiaa a Jc*? 3i; B4I II It III ■ 43 «S-Hl***e*taa ...:;9 B94-T taaia 4t B44-0. Warrea ...M ffuTl TTTan rsaai ...44 BSS-IIsasjy Uattsa us 7.: -;." ear? C9 684-L/ BratteahasaFJ Half Mils. Mt-Aaaa Ca:;i:p . ,0J BT-Mabel f;-;i ..51% BJSBeaaare . . .49*-- R«|.ttax CaU -"-O 8SL-itjrr:b!::iie . . . .51 PSVSerretarr 51 Brtt-i-ray Gahics ..SB*, T14 Baiassorr 49 MB-Uiehary ...57 BKVBataaa -t BKi-laaa Praah ...51 EflS-Trsatals •"•! BBVJacqaeiia ...SI BSS-Tatar 1 1 Kj BSS-Layal Sleeper 54 BS5-VVaf roae . . ..Vi BW-L*at 54 BB-WIfeieaa ol SS5-Lsdy Uosa . . ..11 Fiire-Eirhihi Mil*. WT -Araa*hse .. .1:0; Wt-Oeihl Had ..:iv«% 8Sft-t urat Breatall 443 St. Uicaael . . t :11 Three-Qaarterf Bile 495-Aastral 1:21 ESS-Karaest :"-•. ~S.,-rdiio 1:21 B4ft.F««esl Queen l:tB ;iS-7-Pr.vr.ija- 1:» 444-L*4 Rack Valel:14 484-Rroiaskl 1 :20 8«C-Margi* M. ..":i4 8S4-3;P. M-t ;o/. .1.-0 BBMhU liy ..1:2S One Mas. B74-Attaraey ...l:5S fr, o i Hei l:44Bj 8S7-.iliiro 1 :4fl B4*-l*r*t*r*4 Di"l I :51 BBv-Dessaite 1:51 727-Richr Angle.. 1:54 447-Dssahsaa 1 :44 447-R*stler 1 :49 R79-J.k Beat ...1:41 »44W will U4*% S."*-! Jack 1:54 BH-YaaUlF Irear! :54 S*4-.N;gut] oat . ..1:4T% Hidden .lewei worked a fast ITilff fljtllHtB u.:id is Quite re.ady. La IvroMi ran ••ci. Bris-tow is training -svell and goinrr soundly. I astora! Swain ran a fare three eigfatha ; haa plenty eC speed. Lad;.- Brettenhandm works like a farst fill:*. Lent showed some *peed :■.!! the way and finished under restraint Valor ia about at top of bia Hetc Coram.