Latest Bowie Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-13

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l LATEST BOWIE WORK-OUTS 830 BOWIE. Md., April 12.— Todays training gallops here included the following : Weather clear ; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 8S2-Retter Luck ...39 SSS-Margie M 39 854 Keaiah 39 887-T. Cloc kmender.38 855 Let 37 SsO-Trickster 11. ...39 Half Mile. 8S7 Balustrade ....."4 SSs L. Tottenham. r.4 8S«-Capt. Costigan.f.3 Wf f ■■ Effort ...M% 87«-F.iith W -A 8S7 Miss Filley ...."! Ml Uttmtm Mayers. .52 8S7-Tropagand.1 ...52 881-Jatfo 50% SSS-Panaman .".1 % SSO Kewpie S ."2 878 Super 492i Fivo-E ghths Mile. 88fi-Brilliant Rnyl:02 887 May Roberts. 1 :0S% 884 P. v gone Days. 1:00% 885 Momentum ..1:09 887 Daniel l-OOri Iris. Grnwayl :09 887-Kmden 1:05 885-Roy C 1:13 nt-Onn Foster. 1:07 881-SandyH 1:10 MB-Oray Gables.. 1:02 888 St. Michael .1:12 8o7-Il. Go Lucky. 1:07 888 Wireless 1:09 Three -Quarters Mile. SSS-Attorney 1:17 684 Perhaps 1:21 886-Biff Bane ...1:22 88-" -Port Light ..1:22% 88S-Colando 1:28 8S2 Romeo 1:17 % 885-Dairyman ...1:20% SKiJ-Spngs 1:18 SSS-Devonite 1:19 888-Titania 1:21 889-Midnight Suu.l.-H SSi-Toogeria 1:19 8S0O. Birthday.. .1:17 888-Valor 1:16% One Mile. 889-D.irk Hill ...1:46% 878-Natural 1:49% 8SS-Master Jack. 1:50% SSS-Our Betsy ..1:49% 886 Merrimac 1:49 8-8 Pastl Swain. 1:48% 887-Nonus 1:54 887 Shoal 1:56

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Local Identifier: drf1922041301_2_4
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