Bowie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-13


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- ■ i BOWIE FORM CHART , _ i BOWIE. HD., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1922.- Prince George Park 1 mile. Tenth day. Southern n Ma .-ylatid A»tlfllfl As -ociation. Spring Matting of 12 days. Weather clear; tempe.ra.tare 58. Stewards, 11. 1. Coikling. J. B. Campbell uuiX G. P.rowu. Jr. Judges, Joseph A. Murphy. Edward I TrilK, J. EL Anderson, W. Norvell and Baker Waters. Starter, George Miller. Racing Secretary, Joseph Wcl/nnan. , - Bating start-, at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. Indicates apprentice lltMMI, £2.~t * Q* FERST RACE— 7-5 Kile. Nov. 21, 1916— 1:26%--4 -116. Purse ,204.83. 3-y*ar-OJL«L e o.ds and upward. Cla-iminp-. Net value to winner 64.83: second, 00; third, 00. Index 11,. AWtPPStrt .j Mr Fin Jockey, Hotits Equiv. Odds Strt I til 113 -ALLAH WBtlMfti 4 21 2i T- 2 1 D Stirling C C Smithson 47J-IOO | •lltS*WTNNl£COKNE wsb 5 105 1 1 V 1» 1» V 2» A Gantner C Buxton 18." -100 5 I 61125;»S1I:STA wb 6 103 5 6 71 4* 41 4 3*t C Lang J R Skinker 250-100 • 6112 LUCKY GIRL vi 3 100 7 6 S1 3s 3» 3J 4 H Thomas R Seherrer 1250-100 j MX10 II. C. BASCH w 7 108 8 2 5» 61 6i h* h* B Parke J J Feeney 3290-100 3 •1 lBSENCRINITE w 5 105 2 7 41 6* 51 61 6!1 J Wallace F Farrar 720-100 » I CI 173 M NIGHT STRIES w 3 95 6 8 61 7» 7» 7« 7« J Owens J W Murphy 369:5-100 3 t 67456MATHKR w 7 10S 3 3 8 8 8 8 S Mi-Lane W H Denham 9C10-100 ! I Time, 25, 48%, 1:14%, 1:28%. Track fast. mutuels paid, Allah, 1.40 straight, .20 place, .90 show; Wiuneconne, .40 place, .40 show; ; | Siesta, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Allah, 470 to 100 straight, 110 to 100 place, 45 to 100 show; Wianeconne, , . 120 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Siesta. 40 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by McGee — Mirror, by Sir Dixon trained by G. C. Brenton; bred by Mr. Charles W. Moore. Went to post at 2:33. At post 1 minute. Start good snd slow. Won handily; second and third I driving. ALLAH, after racing in c-losrst pnrsuit of the leader from the start, passed WINNECONNK 0 vith a rush in the fin:.l sixteenth and won going away. WINNECONNE set a fast pace in the early running, but tireil a:id gave way when challenged. SIESTA was in ClMM quarters in the first eighth and 1 steadily imirovd his position when clear and outiinisked LUCKY GIKL in the final drive. The latter r rated well tli;"iit. 11. C. BASCH closed a big gap. fccru :.,: HM I iil to-Pay. 9s; 5M71 Lloyd George, 103. Owrweickte- Allah, l-i I«ounds; Lui ky Girl, 1; Slidnight Stories, L : kj"fl * * /4 SECOND RACE— 7-8 Kile. Nov. 21, 1916 — 1:26% — 4—116. Pitrse ,204.83. 3-year-O Xt ~t olLs and upward. Claiming. Net valne to winner 04. 8 3 ; second, C0; third. 00, li.Jex Horses A WtPPSt ■ ■/-.- % St r Fin Jockey Own, is E.[uiv. Odds Strt " - ei097-lA.».Di EKUS w 3 97J 5 8 8 8 6J 73 U E Martz G Petersr n R15-1N C1121 rORKST QIEEN w 3 99 2 6 24 2* 2» 1 2 J Wallace J M Hubbel Jr 6J5-100 0 612121-Kl-rrLNDER w 9 108 C 7 71 71* 72 5 31 G Walla G May berry Bt-IM | HtM*MI8a ORB w 6 105 3 4 4« 4 4 31 4 A Fri.shon R H McCrosson 20110-100 • •il47*EDNA D. wn 4 105 8 6 C4 i» 51 tJ 51 J Owens J J Farrtll Jr 1715-104 9 nSS0**PKRIGOURI Xm w 7 108 4 1 3" 3i 3* 21 65 H Th raas A Solomon MC-1M 0 Sltl2*»THE NEPHEW w 5 110 1 2 1 1 11 4J 7« A Gantn.r A Marrone 105-100 0 68751,SECiLETARy wb 4 103 7 3 5! 6l 8 8 8 W Bogaki R V Ilaymaker 5090-lfcO 0 time. 85, 48%, 1:15, 1:23%. Trtck fisi I • I • • 1 ■ , 1 i 1 " !, r 1 l I I ; . I ■ s , 1 ■ i _ i n mutuels paid. Lady Zcti", 6.30 straight. 8.90 place, .70 show; Forest Queen, .70 i lae% .20 show; Pretender. .80 show. Equivalent booking odd:i— l,ady Zeus, 2715 to 100 straight, 845 to 100 place, 2S5 to 100 show; Forest Queen. 285 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Pretender. 90 to 100 show. Winner— B. f, by Zeus— Lady Fesca, by Ethelbert trained by G. Peterson; bred by Mr. George Peterson. Went to post at 3:05. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: seeond and third the same. LADY ZEtS lacked early speed, but elosed a gap and gained rapidly v.hcn well into the stretch and. finishing fast en the outside of the leaders, got up to win in the last strides. FOREST QCKUI was a prominent contender for the entire race and took the lead at the eighth post, but tired in tlie final drive. PRETENDER gradually improved his position and finished gamely. MISS ORB ran well and was in close quarters through the stretch. EDNA 1. finished close up. PERIGOURD1NE quit badly iu the la t quarter. THE NKPHKW fell to the rear after leading to tie stretefc. Scratched— 61223 Financial Rooster, 110. Overweights — Lady Zeus, 1% pounds. £?"! *?QPI THIRD RACE— 7-8 Kile. Nov. 21. 1916— 1:26%— 4— 116. Purse ,204.83. 3-year-l li.«Ottl olds and upward, Claiming. Not value to winner 04.83; second. W; third. SIOO. s Horns A WtPPSt Vj % % Sir Fin Jockeya Owners F. luiv. 5 ids Strt 61143 ARMISTICE vvs 5 110 6 2 4 31 1J V li F Murphy G C Denny US-MI PI 097 RUSTLER wb 4 115 1 1 S1 6s 21 21 2» J Conley W Farnum 630-100 61173 CL1NCHFIELD w 3 98 7 9 61 6» 41 41 31! J Wallace J Armstrong 383-100 •114?*BKYNGAR w 5 98 9 6 81 7* 6J 514l J Chalmers F Tannehill 630-100 61212*MALVOLIO wsb 7 103 10 3 31 1" 34 3 53 H Thomas O Wendel 410-100 60747»»LADY WARD w 8 108 2 10 9« 85 V- 7s 61 E T Moore E Lutz 470-100 58724 ARDITO w 5 108 4 8 71 9» 9» 8* 7» W Bogski E C Lucas 6005-100 01188*CAPERS w 7 105 8 4 2* 2 51 61 8« R Rice G A Sanders 5495-1C0 61188 INCLES LASSIE wb 6 1071 3 5 1" 41 8s 9 9* L Coney L Williams 245-100 61212*HELIOCROSS wb 7 110 5 7 10 10 10 10 10 A Gantner J E Nagle 15330-100 Time. 25, 48%, 1:14%, 1:80. Track fsst. mutuels paid. Armistice, S70 straight, 2.10 place, .10 show; Rustler, 0.30 place, .50 show; Clinchfield, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds — Armistice. 1335 to 100 straight, 505 to 100 place, 305 to 100 show; Rustler, 415 to 100 place, 275 to 100 show: Clinchfield, 185 to 100 show. Winner— B. h, by Disguise — Debacle, by Bend Or trained by A. H. Yivell; bred by Mr. James W. Corrigan. Went to post at 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ARMISTICE rushed to tlie front when entering the stretch and came extremely wide, but held his advantage gamely and ontfini hed RUSTLER. The latter moved up rapidly on tlie last turn, but was forced wide by tlie leader and lost much ground, then finished fast. CLINCHFIELD made a game finish. BRYNGAR ran a creditable race. MALVOLIO raced into the lead and quit. UNCLES LAJsSIE set the early pace, but r tired after going a half and ran out when entering the stretch. Overweights — Armistice, pounds: Lao.v Ward. 3; Uncles Lassie, 4%. ■ f*-fk f Q/ FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Hile. Nov. 24, 1917— 1:12%— -4— 122. Purse ,204.83. 3-vear-V?J»LIOO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 04.83; second. 00; third. S100. Imiex Horses A WtPPSt V* 5 S Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. .: !- Strt 61121a*BRlGHT LIGHTSwb 6 111 1 2 4i 43 3 In J Wallace J J MeCauley 1TSJ-130 61159*JOCK SCOT ws 8 111 8 1 31 31 4= 2K H Thomas R Seherrer 70-100 61160 HIDDEN JEWEL wb 6 111 2 3 1and B 11 3» R Rice A Swinke 4and 100 M159;*TRANTULA w 4 109 3 4 21 2J 21 41 C Lanand J R Skinker 610-100 61121BENGORE W 6 111 6 5 6* 5» 5« 54 J Owens C J BrockmilLr 2090-100 61160HACAMBO w r. 6 llo 4 6 61 6* 63 6* J Hcupel A S Day 2O3O-100 C1160*SAXDY II. ws 5 111 5 7 8 7s 7* 71 E T Moore O Wendel 295-100 5809C*T. CLKMENDER w I 9.1 7 8 7l 8 8 8 A Frieshon J Mechamkin 14110-100 T;me. 23%, 47%, 1:13%. Traxk fast. mutuels paid. Bright Lights. 7.00 straight. .30 place, .20 show; Jock Scot, .00 place, .70 show; Hidden Jewel, .50 show. Equivalent booking odd.-, — Bright Lights. 1780 to 100 straight. 315 to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Jock Scot. 100 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Hidden Jewel, 75 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Peter Quince — Blaze o Gold, by St. Florian trained by J. F. MeCauley; bred by Mr. W. S. Threlkeld. Went to post at 4:13. At pos* l minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BRIGHT LIGHTS met with early interference, but responded gamely when caUed on in the stretch and outstayed JOCK SCOT at the end. JOCK SCOT was taken back nnd saved iu the early running, but was forced to come wi when entering tlie stretch and, finishing gamely, would have won ia another stride. HIDDEN JEWEL s t a fast pace to the last eighth, hut tired in the closing strides. TRANTULA quit in the final eighth. BENGORE ran well. Overweights— The Ciockmender. 1% pounds. £JlJ 999 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mil* and 70 Yards. April 10, 1919— 1:45%— 4— 107. Purse ,204.83. O JLbO 4 3-year-dlds. Claiming. Net value to winner SS04.S3; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses A Wt PPSt % z % Sir Fir Jockey.* Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61 10 1* MIRACLE MAN w 9s 5 3 l1 Is 1 Tl ll C Lang D L Richards 3 ;5-100 61173»NIGHTBOAT ws 100i 7 6 5i 41 41 2= 2« S Lowe G Choos 7:5-100 61148»MATCHES MARYws 101 8 7 7» 6 54 5s 3J H Thomas P J Lavin 200-100 61173*IIRMIS KEMBLE wb 105 4 5 ■ 7 7M 4 R Rice H Marmouget 725-100 61173*L1TTLE AMMIE w 101 2 2 4l 6* 6 6* 5J A Gantner L T Bauer 1155-100 61 148* VANITY DRESSER w 95 1 1 21 2» 21 41 fib J Owens E Pons 118J5-100 611733*BILLS LUCK w 96 3 8 3J 31 3J 31 V A Frieshon J D Wilson 525-100 61148*VE1LED COLLEEN WB9S648 8 8 8 8 J Wallace S Louis 11865-100 Time, 25%, 61, 1:16%, 1:45%, 1:50%. Track fast. mutuels raid. Miracle Man, .70 straight, .40 place, .50 show; Nightboat, .70 place, .90 show; Matches Mary. . SO show. Equivalent broking odds — Miracle Man, 335 to 100 straight. 120 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Night- boat. 185 to 100 place. 95 to 100 show; Matches Mary, 40 to 100 show. Winner— B. c, by Sweep — Biscajue, by Rensselaer trained by J. P. Mayberry; bred by Mr. W. C. Goodloe. Went to post at 4:45. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MIRACLE MAN, suddenly improved and helped hy I good ride, took the lead on the first turn and, setting a moderate pace, held sway throughout. NIGHTBOAT, under restraint in the early, made a game effort when called on, but could not overtake the leader. MATCHES MARY met with interference while going to the first turn and was foiced back, then raced next to the rail afterward snd nyde a fast finish when of little use. HERMIS KEMBU closed a big gap in the final quarter. LI1TI.H A.TMIE was under pressure all the way. VANITY DRESSER and BILLS LUCK quit after toing v*ell for three-quarters. Overweights — Nightboat. 2%. pounds; Hermis Kemble, 1; Little Ammie, 2. @-g OOQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Kilos. Nov. 25, 1915— 1:4—4—116. Purse ,204.83. 4-ycar-lUg old; and up-.rard. Claiming. Net value to winner 34.33: second. f0; third. £100. Index Horses A WtPPSt % Vfe =h Str Fin Jo. key ; Owneis Eiui . Oid- StrT 61176*ZOLAVE B S 101 1 1 l1 ll 1! l« 1» R Flvnn W L Saur.Utrs 215-100 6117S«.MORMNG FACE w 4 96 2 2 21 3» 3« 3« 2i J Wallace F Farrar 1895-100 61217»FIZER WD S lOii 3 4 4° 2- 22 21 3° R Rice A Swinke lhMOO 61177*TIGER ROSE w 6 99 4 3 3b 4" 4» 44 4* A Frieshon J Robertson 730-100 61193*JACK REEVES w9 105 555 5 5 5 5 E T Moore G W L Willard lo;J-100 Time, 26, 52%. 1:18, 1:44%, 1:52%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Zouave, straight, .90 place, .70 show; Morning Face, .30 place, 30 show: Fizer. .30 show. Equivalent bockirg odds— Zouave, 215 to 100 straight, 145 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Morning Face, 315 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Fizer, 15 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g, by Sain — Black Tail, by Disguise trained by M. Hackett; bred by Mr. Edward R. Bradley. Went to post at 5:14. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. ZOUAVE set the pace from the start and drew away into a cantering lend in the final eighth. MOitNING FAtE raced next to the inner rail ail tlie way and easily passed FIZER in the stretch drive. FIZER raced well, but tired in the last quarter. The others were always outpaced. Scratched— 61223 Lucy Kate. 99; 61217 Tan II., 101. Overweights — Fizer. 2 pounds; Jack Reeves, 2. 1 £Z~t *?*" €! SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Kiles. Nov. 25. 1915—1:45 4 116. Purse. ,294.83. 4-year-1 V» JL and. O t olds and upw.-rd. Claiming. Net value to winner 04.83; second. 90; third, 0*. Index Horses A WtPPSt U ..■ - Str Fin Jovkeyi Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61162 SOLID ROCK w 9 111 7 3 1» 1-1 l3 1« Is C Lang W Smith 110-100 611932JOHN ARBOR wb 4 106 3 4 4« 4= 3* 35 2b H Thomas J Tigue 305-100 61217 WALK UP w 4 101 1 2 31 3i 21 2s 3« A Gantner C Buxton 415-100 C1217*SAMMY JAY w 4 103 2 6 5* 5,u 5,s 44 4IJ F Wdstck G Lewisohn 3645-100 61178»G. WASHINGTON wb 7 101 5 1 2* 21 41 6» 5" S Lowe C W High 7020-100 61193 PATTERN w4 108 456 6 6 6 C S Doerr J J Troxler 20085-100 61193*LITTLE ED w 6 109 6 7 Pulled up. E Mart/. G Peterson 915-100 Time, 26. 52%, 1:18, 1:44%. 1:52. Track fast. mutuels paid. Solid Back, .20 straight, .90 place, .40 show; John Arbor, .80 place, .30 show; Walk Up. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds — Solid Rock. 110 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; John Arbor, 40 to 100 place. 15 to 101 show: Walk Up, 40 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Trap Rock — Amaranth, by Sir Dixon trained by P. Farrar; bred by Mr. P. J. MilleU. Went to post at 5:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- ing. SOLID ROCK took the lead quickly, won all the way and was never menaeed. JOHN ARBOR saved ground when entering the stretcli and, finishing gamely, outgamed WALK UP. The Litter was shuffled back on the first turn and moved up fast when entering the stretch, but tired in the final drive. GEORGE WASHINGTON showed early speed. Overweights — Sammy Jay, 2 pounds; Pattern, 2. »■■■■ " ■■ ■ ~ t .li.. ■ i .

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