Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-13


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I , - I | 5 I • j 3 » I 3 t ! I ; | , . I 0 1 r : - 0 | • 9 0 0 0 Overweights — Sammy Jay, pounds; Pattern, »■■■■ " ■■ ■ ~ t .li.. ■ i . TIJUANA FORM CHART TLTPANA, KEX., TUESDAY. APRIL 11, 1922.— One mile. One hundred and nineteenth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winder Meeting of 130 days. Weather clear; temperature 86*. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffrotli and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Lron Wing. Raving starts at 1:55 p. in. I hie-ago time 3:55 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. niOOC FIRST RACE— 1-2 KUe. May 12. 1916— 47%— 2— 123. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. QlllO Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00. third. 0. Index llT-i-s A WtPPSt *t 2 jt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 61194*1AT 11AMPSON w 110 3 1 l3 Is l3 I Wilson J L lrannon 150-100 U1M**PETBR IIERSON w 10G 4 2 21 2s 2"- G Wliams J C Holmes 150-100 61103 MKLCHOLR ws 106 5 7 7* 54 3J D Hum Woodland Stable 1120-100 61194 *LOCKKDALE ws 104 7 8 6J 41 4» II Long B H Hambrick 1100-100 O. HENRY w 109 2 3 3s 31 5l P Caron E Getchell 900-100 59927 LADY LEONID wl07 6« 886«kE Fator C B Daniels 5160-100 •MART BUNCH w 104 1 4 4* 71 7=1 E Petzgold W G Jenkins 2500-100 6664 C FRANK KIERCE w 106 8 6 S* f ! H Jones E McKenster 7160-100 Time, 24, 49 %. Track fast. mutuels paid, Pat Hampson, .00 straight, .40 place, .40 6how; Peter Piersen, .20 place, .60 show; Melchoir, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds — Put Hampson. 150 to 100 straight. 20 to 190 place, 20 to 100 sbow; Peter Pierson, 10 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Melchoir, 60 to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by Pataud — Nancy Hagan, by Handsel trained by J. L. Brannon; bred by Mr. Eugene Rueker. Went to post at 1:54. At post 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv ing. PAT HAMPSON began with a rush and, decisively outpacing his opponents, won iu a can:er. PETER PIERSON raced in closest, but unavailing, pursuit of the winner and, making a game finish, outstayed MELCHOIR. The latter began slowly and closed a big gap. LOCKEDALE made up ground. O. HENRY showed speed to the last eighth, where he tired badly. Scratched— 61194 Rainy, 101. Overweights — Peter Pierson. 5 pounds; Lady Leonid, 1. f*~t 0*?#? SECOND RACE— 1 Kile. June 17, 1916—1:38—3—03. Purse 00. 3~-year-clds and "-*- ™" upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner S350; second, 03; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlTSt , ■ *t Str Fin Jockeys Owners E.iuiv. oTi-N Strt BUM CASTLE CROWN w 3 89 4 1 li lb ll ll v P Hum W G Jenkina BOOM 01170 NORAHS w 5 110 2 3 5i 5=1 2b 23 21 C Ralls G A Luckey t500-100 61179»BOOKWOnM w 4 105 6 6 €1 4b 42 35 3« G Wliams II Farn.ll 190-100 61150 AUNT SUE w 5 113 3 9 10 8=1 7l 5» 41 II Jones Emcryvills Stat!e t — _________ Charts continued on eighth page, ■ TIJUANA FORM C HART COiVTIXUKD FROM SECOND PAGE. Continued from second page. .llJVmiU.A WKI.TA w 5 108 1 2 8| 61 5* 41 5* W D Miller A L Jones t ! l . 4.1149* VIRGINIA JAMKSwb S 108 10 M 7» 71 6| 6« 6! H Long Palmer and Casslty 78W-100 . «1179,gti:EN LEAD II. wb 4 104 6 8 4i 2 3» 7* 7* W Davis Montana Stable 9480-100 «11!»7*DIX1E MASON w 4 104 11 7 9* 9* 9 8i 8« W Martin Tatterson and Matlook 5148-100 61179 ALICE RHMOND wb 4 109 8 5 2 ?h i- 9 9 E Fator W E Hunter 7S60-100 IMMWOOIEN BNET W3 6 108 9 4 3» 10 Pulled up. M Fator O Rogers 3120-100 61197»li MAN WHIT II. ws 5 11 7 Wheeled. T Wilson J H Ripple 310-100 Hmmtari field. Time. C5"5. 50Vi, 1:16%. l:43i. Track fast. miiiuels paid. Castle Crown. .10 straight, .00 place. .60 sbo.v; Norain, field, .60 place, BJ2.4M tkmm; Iookwonn, .40 show. Riui»alent booking odd»— Castle frown. 270 to 100 str:iiglit, 100 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Norain, . field. IM to liJO plMC, 30 to 100 siiuw; I.ookw.rai, 20 o 100 show. Wianer— B. f, by Czar— Rose worth, by Wadsworth trained by A. F. Horn; bred by Messrs. Clark A Tear. Went to post at 2:23. At post 1 minute. Sl.irt good and slow. Won driving; second find third the . same. CASTLE CROWN set a good pace and, withstanding repeated challenges, stood a bard final drive »nJ Mtatayed NORAIN in a fast fiaisj. NORAIN was prominent fom the start and, under hard riding, , Lel,l BOOKWOBAI safe in the rinl I.rive. The latter did his best under strong riding. AUNT BUK J elided a big gap from a slow beginning, but was beaten off. QCJEKN LEAD II. and ALICK RICHMOND I i . v.-i -arly Mpwi, but failed to stay. WOOLKN BONNLT bolted to the outside just before entering tU- lia-kitretrh and was pulled up. , RaatdMm— SUtn Etna R.. 10~ . Orerwcigtits— Bookworm, 1 niaal. £j -6 tTJrtfWf THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Fiirlongs. June 23, 1916— 1:03V5— 3— 118. Purse f500. 3 -year- • M JLIjU 4 olds ard upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 60: third. £50. !id-x Horses AWtPPSt !4 _• =« Str lin Jockeys Owners H.|iiiv. Odds Strt 61166 HAS. CANNELLwa 11 l« :, ." 71 7i 4A li H Jones 1elter Bros 10-0-100 . 611S1**VEBA RITA w 4 10" S I 11 1 1 21 T Wilson W L Sianfield "90-100 : 61082*METEOR wb 3 100 M G 2 2l 2= SJ J Majestic Maple Leaf Stable 1220-100 611»!J.*H.VL WRIGHT w :; K11M ll 9J 71 4" P Hum G Neal 16.0-100 «1181-* ;aLWAY wsb C 108 4 11 101 10-J 9l 5» C Ralls W Harvey 250-100 61184 MJBR.A.SKA LAD w 4 112 2 8 9» 8* 6l C1 F ] Baker Pinnegar and Loa 2S740-1GO 61 181 K. OF PYTHIAS w 10 113 7 7 6i 5" 8* 7J E Fator J Smith T1S20-100 ; •.llOoMTER FRKLIX w W IM 5 I CJ 4»" 5= 81 J Thomas W II Moore t UM*BROWN BBE w 6 106 9 1 4» 3-1 31 9* G Wliams C I. Smith t « 1 07 !• MARION" FLUKE ws 4 IM 1 4 87 6 10" 10» M Fator L Ga.braith 6160-100 ■tM4*BABT GIRL wb 6 lOi 6 3 2| 11 11 11 D Hum G M Murphy 5S10-100 fMtJtaH field. Time, 24, 4.8%, 1:02%, 1:08%. Track fast. ■attlJ paid, Cbas. Canneli, 2.40 straight, 2.00 place, .80 show; Vera Rita, .80 place. . GO sliow; Meteor, .00 s.ow. Equivalent booking odds -has. Canneli. 1020 to 100 straight. 530 to 100 place, 290 to 100 show; I Vera Rita, 190 to 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Meteor. 200 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g, by Dk-k Welles— Lunette, by Favor trained by J. Pelter; bred by Mr. Jerome B. Bmbmm. 1 Went to post at 2:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. I HAS. CAXNELL was outfun to the last turn, from where he moved up fast on the outside and, finishing with a great rush, wore VKRA RITA down and got up to win drawing clear. VERA RITA set -■ good pace and, after being challenged, finished resolutely. MLTKOK showed much speed and outstayed HAL WEIGHT. The latter was away slowly and pulling up, then closed a big gap, but finished in a packet and could not get through. .ALWAY also began slowly and sutTcred from the same interference ai the finish. BROWN BKK was prominent until midway of the stretch, where she quit. Scratched— 01180 Hug M:». 111. £*-i OOO FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Furse SE00. 3-yeax-OXjAIO olds and upwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. £50. Index Horses AWtPP8t t • Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Bqaiv. Odds Strt 4ill66*.i. D SCGG w 9 106 7 8 6-J li 23 li G V.liams J Kcktrt :;S0-100 SllM*E3UfA WWHUBR w 5 106 12 1* 2« 1J .*• W D Miller P Glixman 2310-100 U0784 COLONEL MATT was 9 Ml I 1 4* 3" 4* 3» ■ Fator S Polk SI-MI IHM»BLCHE MEYERS W I Ml 6 6 21 l* V 4! T AVilson W Jenkins 500-100 •llMSTILETTO *raa 6 111 9 7 74 7« 5s 51 D Hum G W Atkinson 710-lOu •UM CHROME ws ." 113 11 S 8J 8i 7" 6l P Caron J Ramboih S680-1O0 «:i 164 •LLTTV REE w 4 100 , $ 3b 51 62 71 M Giirrett J J Quinlan tjs6:"v-lo.j •llM*ASHTON GIRL w 7 I06 I M 10« 91 8l 8! E PeUgold E Anderson 20:0-10 61166*GOOO ENTCGH ws 6 108 4 4 51 6 9* 95 W Organ J G Arvin 4GJ-U0 6676$ PETUkB wa 9 113 M 9 91 W 10* 10* B McEwen L McDowell t C11M*TUTT W3 4 107 2 11 11 11 11 11 R Moss Smith and Williams t lAKtuM li"ld. Time. 24. 48%, 1:01%, 1:0S%. Track fast. S2 mu.uels jiaid. J. P. Sugg. .00 siraight, .40 place, show; Kmma Weller, 4.40 place, .S6 how; Colonel Malt. .00 show. Liu:val»iit liooking odds— J. I . Bags, •!S0 t0 *•• straight. 220 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Emma Weller. 110 to 100 place, 390 to KM sliow; Catonel Matt, 100 to 100 show. Winner — Br. h, by Bo.vling DfCCa El It dOr, by Pursebearer trained by J. Eckert; bred by Mr. 1 t. B. t ampl ell. Went to post at 3:14. At post B minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and tliird the nam-. .1. D. SCGt; began slowly, but moved up steudily and. finishing with a rush, passed EMMA WKLUB ia the last fifty yards to win drawing clear. EMMA WELIJIR, after racing BLANCHE ilEV-.i* lata defeat, took the lead in tne stretch, but could not quite withstand the winners challenge. COL0NBL MATT made a game finish and outstayed BLANCHE MEYEBS in the last strid.s. The latter ttli-rnated in forcing and setting the pace, but tired in tiie stretch. STILETTO and CHROME made up KWaaB, LETT I REK tired. OOOD ENOUGH raced disappointingly. I iivhei— 61186 Ouiaam. 103. *T»"« OQQ riFTII RACE— 1 Mile aaJ 70 Yaid.. Feb. 1, 1920— 1:43%— C— 122. Pirse S500. 3 A a. eat *_/ 3-ycar-oids and upward. Claimintr. Net valuo to winner 50; secor.d, 00: thrd. S50. Ind-t Horses A Wt PPSt * lj ■ t Sir Fin .luckeys Owners Eliiiv. Odds Strt I 1,1 !5»o •THRILLS v 7 10S 2 1 V V U l:i 1" T Wilson II D Oat** MMM ! «;il!." i.i N w 7 115 G 6 I" 2* 2" 25 21 H Jones E V Winters 500-ldo S11M*«VERA ATOOD ws 4 HM 9 I 2i M 4* 41 31 W D Miller T Martin 41S0-100 i «.ll:7 COBRITA aiTUl 4 5 71 S» 71 5" 4 B McEwen Coeur dAlene Stable 1220-100 • Ml 70 BART SISTER wllllll 8 7 9 71 8« 61 5* C II Miller C L Dickerson 290-100 ; BllBlGAPON v.3 4 106 1 9 6-1 4 31 31 61 G WPams P Mrfaaa 230-MI I 611B48*DIOXE arallM 5 I P 9 9 8-1 "S R Moss J AV Tate inuO-100 B11BS«MARJ*IE MIGNON w 4 Ml I 4 4 q R 7« 8=1 M Fator L Brown 5130-100 411.1 MEOFORD BUY wa 11 115 7 I I 6] 0. I 9 F J Raker C Turner t 10-100 Time. 24. -19%, 1:16%. 1:44, 1:48%. Til Ml fast. *2 BaatneU paM. Tkrilla, S1L66 straight, . SO place, .00 show; t;u On, .20 place, .20 show; 1 Vera IVoad, .00 show. i: iiii-ji -nt bookiag od-ls— TkriTla, 450 to lOO straight. 190 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Go On, 260 to 11*1 ntaee, 1:0 to !• Uow; V-ra Wood. SW to 100 show. WTtaatr Br. m, by toy Lad — Avi.Uon. by Ayrshire trained by J. Croftoa; bred by Mr. H. H. Hewitt. IVeat to post at 3:4". At P".st 2 ■iaatea. Start good and slow. Won drivin;: second and third the warn •. TLIRII-LS set a goaa pan f r MB t.ie start and, holding way taraacaoat, Btood I 1:.:1 drive C»fii-7 and barely last.-.i t iria. GO OS raced rloa* up from the start and. atakiag ■ faal Baiaa, would j aav" «on io the n xt stride. VERA WOOD r. 1 fonatateatly aad i il li! r best, COB BIT A .uaie iride whea ratertag the tretch and Balthed fit. BABT BIBTEB was in close aaartcri in the stretch. CAPON I beg.i.i -I.... y :,!id raabed 1 ia lata farward eaateatiea, bat tired finally. L S-r.: Led— 431202 MadMt*. lil: 11196 MKs Krng. MBj 611H7 Eatlatf, IM. _T»-g f * EIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 ruriong::. June 28, 1910— 1:05%— 2— 113. Pur-e r,50o! EyeaJ- : 13 A ±d «1 V old; aid upward. Claiming. Ket value to wiener 50; seoond, 00; third, 0. lad-; Becata AWtPPBt !t _• % Str Iin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda strt ».l !Wh!!..siA v. 3 .b 4 6 C~ 4" 2* 1" M Fator M Kceffl i": i-p.O rilMSHELRYVTLXJC W 3 98 i 3 1 1 l1 2* J Majestic McDowell Pros B66-10I B11M**GRACE TRULE w 6 109 9 4 3»l 2»1 2i 31 P Caron E II Andrusa MI-MI 61160 MAID OF ANSEL wb 6 111 [11 9"- J»| 5J 41 F J Baker E McCown 3540-10o •BB1B*GREEN MINT w 6 108 1 I 71 81 6!4 5« T Wilson Elander Broa 260-100 : 61197i»STRIKER wu 12 10S 2 10 10 9» 8« 6»1 W Davis J Kern 1610-100 i 61199»M TILGHMAN ««UM 7 1 2 3* 7* 7»i C lUlls M Morrison 11840-100 6II04"LITTLE JAKE w B 12 108 6 7 5" 5=141 S» G Wliams E M Level 710-100 6116.5 CLAUDE AVEAVR w 9 108 3 6 4 6* 9-191 E Fator J S McDaniel 1820-100 «037»MRS. PAT w 3 93 10 I 11 101 10* 102 W D Miller Patterson and Matlock t 6tM»4»::,.-;n,PARA ws 7 108 ll 9 8» 11 11 11 H Long Palmer and Casaity 12680-100 tMjtuel field. Tune, 21. «%, 1:02%, 1:08%. Track fast. I 1 | ! j 1 ! ; 1 ! 1 : I I • 1 t ! l . . S2 mntuels paid. Fiesta, 3.80 straight. .20 place. .00 show; Shelbyville, .40 place. .60 show: Orace Tiimble, .20 show. Equivalent looking odd — Fiest;. BMJ to 100 straight. 310 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show; Shclb7T.!le. 170 to 100 place. BB to 10O show; Orace Trimble, 210 to 100 show. AVinner — B. f, by Rock View — Berriils Image, by Berrill trained by G. J. Miller: br.-d by Mr. Johti H. Baaarter. AVent to post at 4:10. At post 1 minute. St.:rt good and slow. Won drivins: Eecoad aod third the same. 1IESTA movid np fast after rounding the far turn and. challenging SHE! RYAILLE midway of the stretch, wo-. him down and got tip to win in the lat strides. BUELB V Vli.LK set ■ k o.1 iia.e ial olly gave way ri?ht at the end. GRACE TRIMBLE sho.ved |K ed to the last eighth, when si;e ti-ed. MA IB OF ANSEL . loed a big gap fiom a slow beginning. MARSHAL TILGHMAN ran well for a hair. GREEN MINT had a reach race. S ratched— 61 10". Ilockbridge, 113. Overweights — Fiesta, ■ pound*-: Slelbyville. 2: Bran TtlaiMf . 8; Mrs. Pat, 5. f*~i 4Tj«- -g BETEaTTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 19iC — 1:33 — 3— 95. Ptuse 00. S-7ear-ol«b aiid :n.ijLi2el i ayward. c:ai-r.i-.-:. gat Talcq to wtaaar 0; stxnd, S10J: third. £ BB tadei uT."r7cs AAV; :i::t % % gtr Fin Jockejm Qwaeie !"•, ... . .i.i. t:-t BlBB4*ORLEANS r.i;ti wa 5 IM 4 I 7 I*J fc] 2 li tJ Ralla Thompson and tJcrr. 10 isi 61 19! •LIMERICK alXI 6 2 l"k IS lJ 1 2; M Fator T Poii; lOt-MI B11SB*CAREEN iraa T IM 1 1 4 H 6i 4i ;;♦ Q WUaaai Hall and Da Bolt 1S0-1OJ «1 IBB* VELVET w I HO s 5 2 4i 4 ol 4 » H Long Palnaer * Caastty ISM-MI CltlB*FOND HOPE ws.i 5 110 7 4 ." * 3 :;» 5- P T Wileaa H T Faimer 814-100 6!L"»0 CANVASBACK ws 5 109 2 C 8 S S P 6- IT Jones E V AVinters MM-MI B15#B*HcCROAN w 6 MS g I 5 2 21 6- 7s R Moss Smith A William* 2 •;.-. 6118l*MARY JAY am I MS I 7 C1 5 7- 8 8 E IetzgoM C Tyler MB-MI Ihaa. 25. 43%. 1:15%. 1:43%. Track fast. m-iti-els raid. Orleans Cirl. ?10.20 straight. So. 00 place, .00 show; Limerick, S •! pjee. .10 show; Caieen, B3.66 sl.o.v. Equivalent looking odd.i— Orleans Girl, 410 to 100 straight. ISO to 100 place, SO to 160 -how: Limeri k, 210 to 10O pi ice. 70 to 100 ahaar; Careen, 50 to 100 show. Winner — B. m, by Jack III la laBj Installator, by lattaBatar trained by c. Berry; bred bf Mr. Thomas Shaw Went to po-t at 4:33. At post 1 minute. Start poor a-irt slow. Won drivin;: eeeaaB and thirl the same. OELEANS OIBL, after being practically left at the pot and MNMealy improved, wai hard r.ddea a:id, moving up gradually, forged to the front when a sixteenth out and held LIMEBICK ~afe at the end. LIMERKN set the pace under re-traint. but tired when called on. CAREEN was in repeated trouble, but finished well. AELAET tiled after racing I good three-. matters. POND HOPE and Aie-CROAN showed early fpe»d, bat failed to stay. MARY JAY was away i.oorly. Scratched— 1.1204-Yhge, 11.5: B12BB lively Kay, 107; 01090 Red William, 112. Herweights — MeCraaa, 1 pound. ~ =. : — « _JJ 6-i900 EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong-3. June 2S. 1916— 1 :05%— 3—118. Purse |BBB. C-year-JL!«3m olds ar.d upward. Cslming. JTet v.itne to winner *Zb0: second. S100: th:rd. 0. Index Horses AWtPPBt t ]- % Str Fin .loi key, M-.vr.ers li |:;. ■. Odd- strt |6I;UI I.Mid w.s 7 105 G 1 8" 5; 4 li G Wliuni.-, J A irur.son 9-P» 61 !0t •PERCH wsn 7 103 3 I I] 2-i 2- 2" W Oqaj R M llollenbeck HM-MI 61201*MADAM BYNG WSlMI 9 4 21 1» U V B Moss J W Tate 1I86-MI 61168 TENNILEE W 4 Ml 4 2 SA 3 TJ 4- J Majestic J Pidgeon KB-M8 61151-*BLACK TOP w 4 109 8 6 41 41 5- 5J P Hum W Walltcr KB-MI 61166*OLYMPIAD wb 3 98 5 7 l* 7" 61 6« M Fator G H Abbott MM-MI 61201»TEW wa 7 110 2 3 51 8* 8* 71 E Petzgo! 1 F R Irwlci 516O-10O 61201 RINGLEADER ws 6 115 7 8 C1 6l 7J 85 W Garan AV Gargan IMI Ml 61058SHENANDOAH wIM 1 I 9 9 9 9 W Martin H D Catea MMB-MI Time. 23%. 48%, 1:01%, 1:03. Track fast. mntuels paid, Neg, .S0 straight, .00 place. .40 show; Perch, .20 place, 0.00 show; Madam Byng, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Neg, 00 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Perch. SBB to 100 place, 400 to 100 show; Madam Byug, 2C 0 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g, by Oriniar — Lulu M., by Maattto trained by J. A. Panaa; bred by Mr. Martin Doyle. Went to post at 4:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won dri/ing: eeeaai and third the fame. NEG, away fast, was outrun eariy, but came around the leaders when entering the stretch and, finishing fast, won drawing clear. PERCH set the early pace and. being best ridden at the end. was lucky to be second. MADAM BYNG raced into the lead when turning for home, but hr rider was of no paatBtaaca to her in the linal drive. TENNILEE ran well and finished ciose up. BLACK TOi had no mishaps. Scratched — 61201-Harrigans Heir. 110; 611S6 Florence Been. 95. Overweights — Neg, 1 pound; Olympiad. 4.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922041301/drf1922041301_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1922041301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800