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HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES * FOR SATURDAY, APRIL 15 • WEATHER CLOUDY; TRACK HEAVY. 67 1 -30 Fourth Mile. 67 1 -30 Hariri:; starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time . 0 Superior mud runner. X Good rami niruiT. sj: Fair ajai runner. M Maidens. Apprentice ■aaaanaaaa. b Blinkers. First Race— 1-2 Kile. Purse ,332.09. 2 year-elds. Maiden*. Special Weights. Track record: April 29, 1918 — 47— 2—1 12. Tod.iy« Ind. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.ltau. vOnt and Gone 1 1 "» iKnchantment 11" fMnlater 1 1 r. «Osage Ill Ghost 113 Setting Sun Ill 61211 n Wrangle 11". :4S% 112. .726 MM Grey Bard 117 :"4%m 115. .70.1 61187 Btiddugie 107 :50% 111. .70.". t .Cartoonist Ill 7 Witticism HI Hitter Times 115 m Avalanche lir. Ambler 1 1 ."i St. Valentine Ill tH. P. Whitney entry. fW. .1. Salmon and It. T. Wilson entry. tilt. C. Fisher entry. jSUubria Stable entrr. |J. S. Cosden entry. Second Race — 3-4 Mile. hn 31.332.C9. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Truck record: Sept. 27. 1919 — 1:11%— 3—128. 61220. Turnabout 112 1:13% * 1MX725 61150 tlU-tsinda 104 1:13% 5 110X720 61188 Whalebone 109 1:15% 6 108X7J5 605E8; »Uolo 1011:13% 4 1MX7U 58695 »KxploiTe 117 1:15% 4 9S 71". 68346 Ting-a-ljng 109 1:12% 9 110X71.". 6026J- bService Star 101 1:13% 5 111X710 60532 *:.Satana 90 1:13% I MAX 710 61188 Dairyman 112 1:14% 7 110X710 60339 lliiribelle 90 1:15% 3 18X710 ! 58650 Charlie Summy ..114 1:11% I HO. .710 1 61250 *W. pyright 107 1:14% 5 111X710 60593 *lansy 102 1:13% 4 98X705 i 60315 Wrecker 114 1:14s 4 108x705 I 60C43 Fictile 115 1:15% 3 S9y70" ! 6SS92 bBeaverkill 100 l:lb%m 8 11037 W , I 29967 Sand Mark tl«7x7W| 6SG85 Cachet 7 lo5. .~ M 5*643 bLiughter 10-11:16 fi 1» V . 700 61013 Cuddles 112 1:13% I118..7M •j:-. Lashl and J. E. Nagle entry. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Tiptop Pur. e. Cii-op ,322.69. 3-year-olds. Ilaaaaaiia TracU record: April 16. 1921 — 1:05% — 8- MS. 68507- LTJCKY HOUR 115 1:07 MS. .138 68161 blx ng Island 115 1:06% 10.!. .740 68691 r.iivtaker 115 1:07% M8X783 611C0 t.r.ruinstorm 115 1:09 111x730 1 67642 brtigiieart 106 S8S 61251 List Effort 1011:07% 388X738 6105£» bQuesada 10! 1:07% 188x725 61122 b A pear. 116 1:08% 188.. 123 60535 bSt. Maurice 1211:07% 114X720 BOWIE Fourth Mile. 67 1 ! i I ! , I 1 Race — 3-4 Twelfth Running Harford Handicap- 55,000 Added. 57 3-year-olds and irpward. E Track record: April 27, 1919— 1 :11%— 3— 128. « 58630 Billy Kelly 130 1:11% 6 132®8O0 54 50184bLion dOr 107 1:10% 6 125*795 64 f57462 Violinist 113 1:13 3 104X790 U 61131 tKxodus 1011:11% 4 115. .790 _ 58595 | Polly Ann 1111:12% 4 114X790 5S664 Carmandale 109 1:11% 5 109X790 _ 1 58612 Kxtcrminator 7 132® 790 , 53258 iltocket 1111:12% 3 110. .790 2 58393 Missionary 113 1:13% 3 108X790 * 61191 Baaga Duck 101 1:13 4 118X7S5 " 61191s Bygone Days Ill 1:13% 4 104®785 2 55CS2 tbBroomstcr 130 l:14%s 3 109. .70 5 6059£J Serapis 112 1:11% 4 107x780 Z 611903 Mercurv 97 1:11% 4 103X780 . 61037 l.The Rov 122 1:11% 6 105x770 ; 58442 tbDue de Morny 112 1:14 4 104X760 ;, 61131 Irish Dream 117 1:12% 5 107X750 - 61190 Wellfinder 108 1:12% 4 104. .750 88788 Mack Garner 117 1:12% C 93X750 I 611S0 bK n i g h t of the Heather 113 1:12% 4 103x740 5! 58441 bDcsterous 1111:14% 3 102. .740 U 61C523 Qucsada 110 1:13% 3 90x740 5 61122 Apex 3 95.. 730 Si tH. P. Whitney and Greentree stable entry. 5! J. K. I.. Ross entry. »1 |C. J. Jenkins entry. 5! Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. ] Chester Purse. Purse ,032.09. S-vear-olds and upward. Allowances, y Track record: Sept. 25, 1915— 1 :42%— 4— 119. a 5*595 Tolly Ann 4 105 X 750 5] 57462 Violinist 3 97 X 745 g 504322 Ow Flag 4 110X745 £ 58595 Jeg 104 1:43% 4 103x740 B 58636= By Jiminy 108 1:44 4 101x735 5. :61215 bSt. Allan 95 1:45 5 102X735 g 53S55» bSailing 15 113 1:43% 4 106.. 735 5S74£» bDresden 105 1:44 5 97X730 5 G0S32 Sea Pirate 0 102x725 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles, Purse ,332.09. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ™ Track lecord: Sept. 18, 1920— 1:44%— 3— 138. ■ 61192 »bOur Birthday 112 1:46% ■ 114®725 J 61130 Incog 105 1:45% 8 10.8x720 -, 60584 *iDark Hill 1011:45*; 6 113x715 J 58585- Anniversary 106 1:46% 3 112x710 Z 00419 »L*dy Lillian 97 1:47 4 99X710 61213- King John 104 1:45% 7 118*705 g 60430»fbTun Son 107 1:46% 4 107X705 60588s •tPluaey 1011:48 6 100X700 and fMU-haelis and J. ML Cooper entry. | Seventh Race — 1 1-8 Miles. and Pursi ,332.09. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. and Track record: Sept. 27, 1919—1:50—5—126. 61222-*bAttornev Muir 104 1:53% 7 105X725 61*16 •bVority 104 1 :55% 6 101 X 720 ■ 60590 bWaukea- 98 1:54% 8 108X715 • 61132-*bAttorney 105 1:54% 4 109X710 60395 Osgood 101 1 :52% I 101®710 : i 1 5S-335 *Bar One 110 1:52% 7 109x705 I G0S93 bMary Jane Baker.. 102 l:59%h 4 102X705 I 58724 *Diadi 100 1:54% 11 H9*7i0 i «-™.-.,„ E