3rd Race [3rd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1922-04-18

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Ol 3rfi U RAPF nHOt 5 1_2 For,onK«- 3-year-olds, llaidens. Special Weights. April , ig, tMU 1:05 1-5 ti 108. 117 .LAY b„c £ M lla Bt F*i* Play— Mahnbah, by Bock Sand, drainer, R. Waldron. Owner, Lexington Sta Me. ro?2? £imlico 11;42 eood 13 122 3 8 WIO5 C Robson 11 Morrich, LuckyHour, Runautell .-„«o Emmre 61 f 1:07 fast 7-10 105 4 3 2» 2* L Fator 8 LnckyHour, S.Adams, K.Graei BMM Empire Ab 2-4 l:0»%fast 6 107 « 6 4* 4«i B Marielli 6 Bunantell, Kai-Sang, Bm *.«-« 5863 Jamaica 3-4 1 :12%f ast 9-5 108 2 6 31 3 A Schtger 6 SurfRider, LBrigadier, AkTruatl 5.447 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 18-5 112 1 2 21 4*1 C Robson 7 Burf Rider, BweepBy, B*jl*j £iio„ Aqueduct 3-4 l:14*sgood 31 107 S 1 21 3»1 A Schugr 12 Missionary, All Over, Sa**toa 56939 Belmont 3-4 MC l:U**fast 10 117 1 16 15* I1»J C Robson 22 K.mtine. Galantman. B. of AfU» 22-H, Belmont 5i f st 1 :C3%f ast 9"6 H5 3 4 2l 2»* C Robson 10 TankeeStar, Relay, FirmFriend 56. 93 Saratoga 61 f l:0t%fast 20 1« 4 9 9" 8" A Schugrll Bunting, Snob II.. Snnreigh B4»Z2 Saratoga 61 f l:05Ufast 12 107 1 6 41 €«1 C Robson 8 Surf Rider, Bunting, Runstar 5.9.0 Empire 5-8 l:01V»slow 7-10 114 3 6 7 781 A Schugr 7 Knot Grass, Venizelos, Shaffer RACaUETTA. b. f. 3 M 111 By Wrack-Lady Isabel, by Holstein, i-ramer, H. Smart. Owner, S. Ross. 6C3."S Sartoga 61 f l:C7%fast 30 111 3 3 4 4* 3nt F Keogh 14 Janku, KosterGirl, DickDeadeye THE PERUVIAN, ch. c, 3 M 116 By Hesperus— Rural Delivery, by Mortlake. Traicer, S, M. Henderson. Owner, E. B. Hen derson. W2CS Saratoga 61 f 1 :05fast 60 115 10 U 11 U] 10" C Kummer 14 June Grass, Mercutio, Snob II. ANNA M.. br. f, 3 M 111 By Light Brigade— Rugosa, by Ben Brush. Trainer. F. M. Bray. Owner, Lilane Stable. 8075 Havana 51 t l:06.fast 31 107 8 8 8 8« 8-« W KeLsay 9 Fltimo, Way.Idy. Fincnstle ty.l~l Empire 6-8 l:01Vbfast 16-5 114 6 4 4 6» 3» C Turner 9 Nat. Land, Confusion, M.Cooper 6«. 62 Jamaica 6fl:0C%fast 6-5 115 7 2 2 2 3«1 C Turner 9 BeesWax, Ir.Confetti, Chevsink 67666 Jamaica 6-8 l:01%fast 21 115 4 « 7 61 3s C Turner 9 Prelude, FlyingJib, Ir.Confetti 6741o Aqduct 6-8 59%fast 2 116 « 8 21 3* C Turner 12 Bayonne, Yashmak, Confusion 67108 Belmont 6-8 st efast 5 114 1 2 2 1»* 2* C Turner 7 P.Q.Roule, Prelude, L-isuCfettl 66713 Belmont 5-8 st l:00%fast U U4 7 2 Si 6» C Turner 8 Oolong, Fanfare, Irish Confetti VITAMIN, b. g, 3 M 116 By Transvaal— Incognita, by Disguise. Trainer, F. T. Miller. Owner, F. T. Killer. C.1251 Bowie 6 f 1 :20fast 54 94 4 5 6" 57 J Chalmers 6 War Note, Super, St. Donard G1219 Bowie 61 t l:22%mud 19-10 116 6 6 3* 2* L Morris 10 Ilar.Maxim, Sanlledron, Belmon 6S567 Pimlico 11:45 mud 23-10 110 2 4 6 6 81 4" A Gantner 8 Mary. Belle, G.Foster, SeaMaster 68518 Pimlico 3-4 l:13%fast 35 110 8 2 7 62 6" G Babin 12 Mercutio, All Over, Finery 68437 Pimlico 3-4 1:16 slop 20 113 6 6 6 6 6" J McCabe 6 Doughnut, All Over, Finery 68287 Laurel 1 l:4£%fast 41 110 9 11 7 6 41 4« A Allen 14 Manheim, Orris, Colando 679S6 Laurel 3-4 1.16fast 8 112 9 9 9 8» 7»* T Rice 9 G.Mayers, Brill. Ray, Clansman f 67607 Laurel 61 f 1 :0Cfast 33 114 10 10 10 10 91* J Rod gezlO Rocket, Alex H., Gladbrook 65775 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09%fast 30 112 9 9 9 9* 8« L Fator 11 Ray Jay, June Grass, Snob II. I K442 Latonia 6 f l:06*fast 8 U2 9 8 8 8» 8»» L McAtee 9 S.andBoots, Bl.House, Hephtoa f BUXOM, b. f, 3 M ill By BallotLady Doncaster, by Elopement. Trainer, W. H. Fizer. Owner. W. Farnnm. M5S8 Belmont 4f st 53%fa?t 8 1061 3 12 13 13»! G Babin 13 Bev. Belle, D. Deadeye, F. Rush I 64241 Jamaica 6-8 l:00%fast 20 109 4 S 6 5« 67i G Babin 6 Nancy F., Galeta, Fanfare 64106 Jamaica 6-8 1:01%fast 41 104 1 2 3 2 2* G Babin 7 Manna, Bantry Pass, Beamer 64029 Jamaica 6-8 l:00 iBOOd 7 103110 12 15 11 8« G Babin 12 Morvich, BrushBoy, Dol.Varden 63S35 H.deGce 1-2 47andfast 239 114 8 8 8* 8»» J Conley 9 Ogurite, Nancy F., Mir. Cooper £ WELCOME STRANGER, ch.g,3M 116 By Boots and Saddle— Billows, by Cunard. I Trainer, W. V. Casey. Owner, W. V. Casey. | 61219 Bowie 61 f l:22mud 9-5 H lf.f 9*1 W Obert 10 H.Maxim, Vitamin. San Hedron E CllaS Bowie 7-8 l:30=5fast 3-2 104 1 2 21 3*1 W Obert 10 Orma Reed, Archive, Swagger § 61122 Bowie 61 f l:08Mifast 39 116 2 2 4* 4*1 W Obert 12 Apex, Hullabaloo, Zorro I M.1S Bowie 61 f l:10%mud 29 114 1 2 2 3* 3* R Lcasterl2 LadyZeus, Pret.Lady, Ind.Prlnce I 6865a Bowie 81 f l:24Vihvy 10f 108 1 M l| T1 O Babin 13 SammyK., B. Primrose, FarSight 5 68608 Pimlico 1 l:47%hvy 32 107 2 1 4 9 9 9" G Babin 9 G. Foster, S.Master, F.Virginia 68567 Pimlico 1 1:45 mud 43 108 4 1 1 8 4» 6" C Ponce 8 Mary. Belle, G.Foster, SeaMaster E 68276 Empire 61 f l:08%fast 30 105 7 7 9 91 101 G Babin 15 Goodhart, Fusee, Citation i 681S6 Empire 61 f l:08fast SO 112 1 2 2 21 6* G Babin 15 Canyon, Grandson, Bullet 68121 Empire 61 f 1 :09%fast 7 110 2 14 6 10T1 S McGraw 12 S.Grass, Vineyard, Wild Demt* | MAGGIE MTJRPHT, br. f, 3 M 111 By Hessian— Noreen, by Ogden. Trainer. J. F. Kelly. Owner, J. Kahn. I 68567 limlico 11:4, mud 21-5 9S 1 2 3 4 6* 6= L Penman 8 Marv. Belle. G. Foster, SeaMaster ■ 681.1 Pimlico 3-4 1:19 mud 24 ll« 4 6 3 71 5«J S Sndmanll ThcVengce. Ear Bird I Frince 5 68276 Empire 51 f lrOSfefast 20 1C3U1 U 11 11 81 G W Carll 15 Goodhart, Fusee, Citation 5 68222 Emp, re 61fl:07fast 30 101 9 Fell. M Harsonl3 Knot Grass, Kirtle, Avispa J 58121 Empire 61 t l:09fcfast 15 112 9 9 9 101 H» S Sndmanl2 S.Grass, Vineyard, Wild Deuce 66403 "tt indsor 6111:11 mud 27 104 8 9 9 91 8* W Obert 11 Teace Pal, Ev. White, V. Colleen i 65G10 EnTlre 6-8 l:02%fast 8 110 1 8 4 2* 3| S Sndman 9 SailgAloug, Tulwar, Hyperbole 65-43 Abduct 6-8 l:00*ifast 1 101 2 4 V 2» J Mooney 6 Hyperbole, Kirtle, Birch Bark 5 FXTTEN. b. c, 3 M H6 By Meridian— Daruma, by Solitaire LL Trainer. R. F. Carman. Jr. Owner, R. F. Car man. 2 61219 Bowie 8] f 1 :2:-::muJ 14 116 10 9 9» 8=» J Butwell 10 H.Maxim, Vitamin, San Hedron j CALISTOGA. ch. f, 3 Ml 111 By Friar Rock-Traditional, by Watercress. I Trainer, J. W. Dayton. Owner. J. W. Dayton. 88638 Pimlico 61 f l:07%fast 82 101 1 6 9 12= 12" J Heupel 13 Jos.Brant, D.Deadeye, Dovesrst * 68506 Pimlico 3-4 l:15good 48 1019 9 10 121 12" S Lowe 14 JewellV.I., Carmencita, Avispa l aurt ,?"41:15 fast 36 115 3 3 4 6 7"T Rice S Prudish, Finery, Maryland Belle E 22f*™2 S-JUL?f* 4 m 2 1 J V*3* A Richcrk 8 LAmmie, T.Vengeance, RosaLee * SSSL 61fl.08%fast 9 105 3 1 1 1» 2* F CltilettilS MissColin, EarlyBird, Lit.Ammif 2S,,dnC* r„5"81;01 fast 8 m x 2 S1 6* L Fator 10 Nishtboat, At too. Miracle Man 1 K2 Belmont 6-8 st 69%fast 20 104 3 1 9 81 G W Carll 9 Bellatrix, Bayonne, Lucky Girl 66560 Sar toga 3-4 Lliast 30 lu2 7 8 10 10* 101* G W Croll 12 EagerEyes, Doughnt, Dovearooel 5i OLTOTHUS. * c, 8 M 116 By Naasovian-KUdoran, by Ladas. £ Trainer, A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. gj*f! Havana 1 1-8 l:54%fast 10 107 6 7 8* 8" T Nolan 9 Rebuke, Lady Astor. Qnesada 6 6091.-, Havana 1 l:41slow 6 95 3 S 4» i«| N Swart 7 Rebuke, Petrarch. The Leopard I VDJEYARD. br. c. 3 M 116 By Vulcain-Conspiracy, by IfcGee. E Owner, B. Kamims. 58C76 Bowie 3-4 l:16-hvy 9f 113 11 7 8 Sl 91* J Butwell 12 F Virginia FeinedZeal Beamer 6 58121 Empire 61 f l:09?ifast 13 110 6 3 2 9 2 C H Miller 12 S.Grass, W. Deuce. *. " Gold 6 6802o Jamaica 61 f l.Ofast 50 108 9 9 9 8» 9" C Ponce 12 Clinchfield, Awning, Promnade « 6,791 Jamaica 61 f 1:08 good 60 107 10 U 11 11 11" B Marta 11 Grace E Pastoral Nlehtboat ■ SJiS S5J2S 2 S4 7 1* i* I*, e Mar* » STL£ £££ wSSSSSU • 663JS Sar toga 61 f l:07%fast 30 107 13 13 9 8* 10»i C Ponce 14 Janku. Koater Girl Racnuett. u 64210 Jamaica B-8 l:00*t;low » 115 9 8 8 7* 7-T Rowan 8 William A "an !.« Fancier S 64128 Jamaica 61 f l:0S%fast 7 112 1 1 8 T 7" T Rowan 7 Duncecap. Serillnsion D.VaMe, 5! TOODLES, ch. f, 3 M 111 By Celt-Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer, R. B. Jackson. Owner, J. H. Shreve. 3J S2S|°2! 9t.?:*wa S m 12 Vi l2 10" G Corey 12 IidyZeus, P.Ladr. Wei Stranger a SS 659.2 D n shire h L 6-8 1 I l:01*,fast SS"Z L°f, 49f III 109 *! 9 n 6 9 10° G Corey 13 SammyK., R.Primrose, FarSight I 9 10 9» 8 » G Corey 11 JakeBerger S Prince Lil MaeB 6402 Pimlico 41 f 57 hvy 29 108 4 6 6 6*. 6" G Corey 7 T ?.C.wMy, My-1dBelle DevH. 6 63494 Bowie 1-2 48 ifast 86 U4 2 9 9* 8- G Corey 12 Wishbone, Yank Maid? Ch Star 5 DINAHMEUR. b. f. 3 M HI By Allumeur-White Dinah, by The White mm Knhrht. 5 Trainer. E. Wayland. Owr.er, W. S. Eilmer. seisin.. g 55069 Aqueduct 5-8 59V-fast 6u 189 2 8 P 9" C Robson 10 Sweep By, Bigheart, Pillory 5 First st;irt for the following: 5 STAR JESTER, b. c, 3 M 116 By Black Jester-Starflight, by Sunstar. ! COOLGARDIE br c 3 M 116 By Bryn Mawr-ustly, by Mithra. i Trainer, A. G. Weston. Owner, T. Clyde. 5 SUPERLATIVE, b. c. 3 M 116 By Snperman-Bupicola, by Advance Guard. Trainer, T. 3. Healey. Owner, W. J. Salmon. 6 ROCKWOOD. b. c 3 M 116 By Friar Rock-Aunt Mamie, by Uncle. £ Trainer, J. Fit2simmons. Owner, ftuincy Sta ble. and

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922041801/drf1922041801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1922041801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800