5th Race [5th Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-04

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12 Slile Hinata Sal C 2yearoldw Fillies Allowance 5th RACE April 25 1O21 17 25 2 114 AVISACK ch f 2 119 By Jack Atkin Avis by Ballot BallotTrainer Trainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt 61433 Lcxton 12 48good 2 316 1 1 14 1 I Connllyl2 FigbtCook PandTake FSpoon FSpoonFULL FULL SPOON b f 2 51 114 By Sir John Johnson Spoonful by Plaudit PlauditTrainer Trainer K Spenco Owner Montfort Jones 61433 Lexton 12 4Sgood 16 115 6 3 4 4 B Scoblo 12 Avisack FightCook PandTako PandTakoMISS MISS RubyTrainor MINERVA br f 2 119 By Black Tony Star Dreamer by Star Ruby Trainor K Spenco Owner Hontfort Jones DODKOBE676 61142 Lexton 12 48good 4 313 7 7 1ft1 3014 B Scobio 31 Mt Rose Easter Bella DODKOB E676 FGnds 38 3iy4fast 31 314 2 la 1 M Garner 12 KewpicU SLAngelina LyBoss 59593 FGnds 33 35 fast 15 131 4 61 T R McDotU2 K Williams Prince K Daniel DanielETHEL ETHEL CLAYTON ch f 2 M 114 114Trainer By Adam Bedo Tea Biscuit by Rock Sand Trainer W Perkins Owner W Perkins 61160 Lexton 12 48Afast 11 312 4 2 61 C T Murray 12 Finday Misa Ccrina Oui Oul OulLAVINIA LAVINIA auincoTrainer br f 2 H 114 By Jim Gaffnoy Sweetheart Suo by Peter auinco Trainer W Perkins Owner R L A Baker BakerC14GG C14GG Lexton 12 48ifast 31 312 8 C 63 G J F Wilson 12 Finday Miss Ccrina Out Oul OulDEARIE DEARIE b f 2 119 By Sweep Experience by Knight of the Thistle Trainer W Woodard Owner W Woodard 61495 Lcxton 41 f 57mud 10 305 7 8 83 S l A Wilson 12 Anna Tod Poppye Palladium G1456 Lexton 12 49 fast 7 ICO 3 8 4 61 B Kenndyll Old Top Poppye Ailsie Vcrnor G1442 Lexton 13 487igood 31 113 9 9 91 9 1 B Kenndyll Mt Rose Kastcr Bells Dongei 605SO FGnds 12 BOthvy 31 309 5 1 11 31 E Pool 11 LilacTime MissCIaire Illusionist 604S1 FGnds 38 30 mud 65 112 1 14 21 C Turner 12 Antonia Lilac Time Amole 6P3G6 FGnda 38 35fast 15 101 1 21 3 A Wilson 32 Prince K Anita Hampton ROT 60220 FGnda 38 35fast 6 313 2 24 2 L Morris 12 AlOcbe KewpicS SunDucrow G0140 FGnda 38 35fast 21 318 1 11 24 L Morris 12 Mascotte GoldenFork Spartina S9973 FGnds 38 33hvy 31 114 5 7 6 J L Morris 8 LadyBoes StAngelina Mscotta 59779 FGnda 38 SSHmud 6 113 2 2 2H li Monis 11 Anitallpton Delusive Athleta D9G76 FGnda 38 34fast 186 111 I ii p 71 L Morrla 12 MJUlnerra KpieS BUUgelina MASCOITE ch f 2 119 119Trainer By Wormloighton Erminie Anderson by Lackford Trainer J U Goodc Owner J M Goode 01442 Lexton 12 4S good 74 113 o 5 51 G S McGraw 11 Mt Rose Easter Bells Donses DonsesG3 0557 FGnds 12 SO hvy 8 100 2 6 G3 5 E Pool 9 Prince K Lady Bess Rork 60531 FGnds 3J I 42 = fslow 15 111 5 56C140 7 54 E Barnes 12 PBrown AHampton CPtage CPtage2l 6C140 FGnds 3S Sf fast 3 116 2 2E9S73 2l Il B Pool 12 Denrie Golden Fork Spartlna E9S73 PGnds 38 SSSJivy G 114 3 3B9676 51 3 H J Burke 8 LdyBoss StAgelina Sperbum Sperbum6l B9676 FGnds 38 34fast 15 114 6l 5 H J Burke 12 MMinerva KpleS StAngellna BELPHRIZOITIA b f 2 M 114 By Vulcain Belphooue by Orsini OrsiniTrainer Trainer H T Griffin Owner J B Smith G1438 Lexton 12 43 good 20 115 S C 54 5 J D Mncyl2 Avisack FightCook PandTake PandTakeKITTY KITTY VTrLLIAHS br f 2 119 Ey Granite Dustpan EC by Sweeper SweeperTrainer Trainer C F Clark Owner J H Louohheim LouohheimCOSGG COSGG FGnds 3S 33fast 1120 113 8 9s S 3 G Walls 12 PrlnccK AnitaHampton Dearie 59593 FGnda 3S 25 fast 45 113 5 4 14 G Walls 12 Prince K Daniel Uugbie 69412 FGnds 38 35fast S5 114 2 I1 1 G Walls 12 LadyBoss Nowata Kewpn S SANTONIA ANTONIA ch f 2 119 By Tcny Boaero Pretty Dale by Hinsdale HinsdaleTrainer Trainer J L Taylor Owaer HcGowan e la ylor ylorC0331 C0331 FGnds 31 f 42 = slow 13 103 10 94 S11 F Smith 12 PBrown AHampton CPtages CPtages634S1 634S1 FGnds 3S 36 mud 12 109 2 2i 1 E Pool 12 Dearie Lilac Time Amole AmoleG02SI G02SI FGnds 3S 33hvy 12 113 7 S1 710 H J Burke 12 Rosiell llnshie Lilac Time 60119 FGnds 38 36slow i2 112 12 12 12 H King 12 TMulkinr LGaffy Patlmn PatlmnFirst First start for the following followingFAIH FAIH AGUES b f 2 H 114 By Light Brigado Five Aces by Disguise DisguiseTraiusr Traiusr J C Kilam Owner J N Camden CamdenHIKD2ED HIKD2ED ch f 2 H 114 By Jack Atkin Sister by Uncle UncleTrainer Trainer J I Smith Owner H H Hewitt HewittBELLE BELLE OF BLUE RIDGE br f 114 By Vnlcain Adelinette by Melton 2 H Trainer H T Griffin Owner J B Smith

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922050401/drf1922050401_4_7
Local Identifier: drf1922050401_4_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800