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AIL DA OFT 34 3IiIc AetvtoTvii fceum Sellins Htaucs 3yearoltls ami 4m nftbt May 3 1922 111 25 1 125 GLADIATOE b h 5 5Trainer 115 By Superman Lotawanna by Trenton TrentonForeign Trainer S Hcllaushtcn OTmer Foreign Stalls 58193 Empire Ab 34 113 fast 7 125 8 4 4 5l 6 C Kummtrll KoftIIther Knobbie Dimdale 57413 Aqduct 34 112 fast 35 12G 12G5729S 4 3 3 4 44 B ilarielli 4 Diiiil Tiie DiyMoou DiiiKiiMalo 5729S Aqduct 34 l13aiop 95 135 4 3 3 31 3 C Kummer 5 Knobble Dry Jloon lilnzci 57191 Aqduct 34 ll good 1S5 130 1 6 5 5 2 = 1 B MarielUlp Dunboyue UissStraw VirNote 55732 Empire Ab 34 liCS fat 1 127 127E5S33 4 4 3 3 24 W Kelsay 4 iurciuue Dsanilel L Krfhton E5S33 Empire Ab 34 l03Xfast 2 128 128E543S 3 2 2 1 31 F Keogh 4 Dominique Krewer Naturalist E543S Aqduct 78123 fast 8 132 476 5 51 o A Sihugr 7 Audacious SningsPk IJIeDell 55231 Aqduct 1 136 fast S ISO ISOKEEWEE 622 2 5s 6 A Sohugr 8 JohuPGriiT Audacious illanil KEEWEE b h 5 By Aldford Eeadean II by Gallisale Trainer S C Hildreth Owner Hancocas Stable 5G750 Belmont 34 MC lllfast 3 Crocus Step Lightly I 56247 Saratoga 1 l3Sfast 121 1 1 1 IJ E Sande 4 Fair Guin Servitor TMcTagrt 55733 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 110 116 3 24 U L Fator 3 Wellfinder Guvaor 55G33 Empira Ab 34 l09fast 121 1 1 2s 2 L Ensor 4 Dominique Gladiator Naturalist 55571 Empire Im70y 143 fast 27 117 2 2 242 C Thdercp Dmesilale Thdstm 54173 Belmont 51 f st lT5fast 115 123 4 3 3J 1 E Sande 0 Pet Piper Bridesman CareFrea CareFreaEBGAE EBGAE ALLAN POE b g 4 114 By JIcGeo ITaltha by Offdcn OffdcnTrainer Trainer S C Hildreth Owner Eaacocas Stable 55792 Empire 1 l40 fast 14 111 1 1 1 1 1s Il A Schtger 7 Curfew LEclair Wrecker 55505 Empire 51 f lC6fast 5 112 3 1 1 I1 1 C KobsonlT Arrow of Gold Killala Esquire Esquire4S411 4S411 Sartoga 51 f lOSgood 12 115 12 11 11 81 74 C RobsonlS Bl Bubbles Nohunt lienningtnn KTJSKALL01TGE ch c 4 118 By HcplicU Gay and Festive by Kri ht of tha thaTraicor Traicor A B Gordon Owrer H C Fisher Ihistle 57674 Latonia 34 l123fast 5 107 4 1 2 41 5Ti E Pool S BofWhite LMadcap MMufni 57236 Latrnia 34 l12fcfast 9 104 1 1 3 5J 4J E Buel 8 Rouleau Ieterliper VustwooJ 36327 Sartoga 1 l37fast 7 111 4 3 4 4 4 0 J C Bue H Jolin Paul Jones Frigate Tody Tody364aS 364aS Sartoga 7 S 126 fast 7 120 6 2 3 4 31 7 L Lyke 10 Dimmesdale Georgie War Note 56327 Sartoga 1 lSfast H5 107 2 1 1 1 1 2 G W Car 11 G Klevgton Servitor Wnewxxl 53147 Aqduct 1 l3S ifaat 115 120 6 6 6 6 6 44 E Sande G VRrgal CDemon JohnPJone 5 804 Belnsont 1 138 fast 5 122 4 1 1 1 1 1 E Sande 7 Muutulvo JoanMarie BkKnlght BkKnlghtLOED LOED BRIGHTON ch h G 114 By Ballot Hiss Crittcndcn by Eoyal Flush HI mTrainer Trainer S C Hildreth Owner Eaccocas Stable 53732 Empire Ab 34 lC9Vsfast 45 15 2 244 41 L Fator 4 Purchase Gladiator Dnaandel 55015 Empire 1 l40fast 32 126 2 1 1 1 I1 2i E Sandc 4 CDomou GenieW Houyhuhauj 55087 Aqduct 34 34313fast 313fast 95 128 8 7 5 5 1 E Sandt a Curfew GenieW MerchMarine MerchMarine64S09 64S09 Belmont 1 116 l43irast 35 112 1 1 1 1 1 = 1J E Sanilo 7 TMTgart PWhack Sobrfsade 64309 Belmont 73 l25fast 35 124 2 1 1 1 21 53i L Fator 5 Thunderclap Neddaai Monlalro MonlalroE437G E437G Jamaica Im70y l42S l427ifast fast 135 116 1 1 1 1 2 2 E Sande G Eternal ISellsolar Georgie 54123 Jamaica 34 l12 fast 1 125 1 2 2 2 2s L Fator Fator340W 5 Peter Piper Kufilade Stur Court Court340W 340W Jamaica 34 l13V good 15 120 3 3 5 31 4 L FatorKEECI73Y Fator 10 On Watch Naturalist DrCIark DrCIarktnCECIISY tnCECIISY ch r 4 11G By Vulcain I ITrainer Eese of Pink by Pick Coat Trainer J P Smith Owner Vulcain Stable 61432 HdeGce 34 l12fast IS 103 3 3 2S I1 J Rowan 5 My Play Wellfinder Mcssinos 61281 HdeGco 34 l14hvy 13f 103 S S 7l 7 J HeupeP1100 Heupe 2 Estermator BKelly Dexterous P1100 Bowie 34 lifaat 6 110 4 1 2 3i H Thorn ThornG1009 Thomas Wcllfdcr Translate Brainstm G1009 Bowie 34 110 mud 215 110 4 2 31 3 H Thorn Thomas s Kof JHthpr Exodus StAllan 00123 FGnda 34 l14slow 3 110 4 1 1 1 1 I1 H Thorn Thomas c TabdIIonncr TanSon Lnnetta 60040 FGnda 51 f l10 l101Jhvy hvy 7 108 5 3 3 31 3 C Lang Lang5S719 8 ElmerK Mnlribor TdIIonueur 5S719 FGnda 34 l15ihvy 95 110 2 11 14 24 C Lans LansSWKg G Ntdilam TdIIonnour StAllan SWKg FGnda 34 l12kfast 1S5 105 8 4 5 S 34 F CTltllt CTltlltiSSSo CMtllettl 8 ElmerK Neddam BrfgMLighti iSSSo Empire Ab 34 11 fast 12 115 4 22 2 2 4 C Turue5S033 Turner 9 Thelloy Jvntee Round Robin 5S033 Empire Ab 34 l09tifaat 20 103 6 65 E F WllsoELECTED Wilson u Kot UieHeather Valor TheBoy TheBoyBy ELECTED II b m 6 115 By Voter Tr Triomphalo by Arc de Triornphe Trainer E Siestas Owrcr E Siestas 5S319 Empire Ab 34 liawfast 7 121 2 4 4 41 C Turner 4 TcnLcc ArofGoId LyGertruJs 58227 Empire Im70y l45fast 31 120 2 3 4 4IS C Turner 4 Light Rose IMwiua LGertrede 58055 Empire 1 l39fast 20 102 2 5 5s 5 A Gantner 0 YHand Thilorclap BonHotnme 58001 Jamaica 34 l13iast 115 125 1 1 11 2 C Turner 4 LStraw TBnttons LGertude 577GO Jamaica 51 f l05jfast S 107 2 1 I1 I1 C Turner 4 Thunderclap TenLcc Sea Mint 57585 Jamaica 34 l12f st 20 112 2 2 2l 432 L Penamn JS Audacious Thderclap Misnary 57515 Aqueduct 1 l38faat 185 117 1 2 31 3 E Sande 5 ChThierry Edwina Escsrptte 57232 Aaueduct 6 f 113 fast 115 103 1 1 I1 1 F Cltiletti 4 Ar of Gold Cimarron Pen Rcse 57164 Belmont 1 lSSfaat lSSfaatDTTNCECAP 6 120 1 1 11 31 E Sandc 6 Edwina Super Mile Cadeau DTTNCECAP ch f 3 83 By Olamcala Booby by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer T J Esaley Owner E T Wilson Wilson5SG79 5SG79 Bowie 78 l28 hvy 20 107 10 10 10 7 101 10 G W Carllll Champlain Yashmak All Orer Orer5S653 5S653 Bowie 61 f l21slow 14 102 10 10 7 6l 54 G W Crolll2 All Fair Moco iites Wax Wax5S627 5S627 Pimlico 34 l15hvy 2 05 4 5 3 3l 2 C Lang 5 Simplicity Excuse Me Moco Moco5S596 5S596 Pimllco 34 116 hvy 1310 10J 7 7 6 64 L Penman 7 Simplicity Moco Manheitn 55313 Empire Ci f l07faat 10 110 S 87 4 4l 5 S Bullma Bullman 8 Nose Dive Leghorn Chewink Chewink56S12 56S12 Belmt 34 MC l14slow 2 100 6 5 1 1 F Cltile Cltiletti 7 Quesada Atta Gal Leghorn VALOB ch g 8 115 By Ballot JIu JIuTrainer JIuriel by V atarcrsis Trainer D E I cDaniel Owner P J Lavin G1413 HdeGco ImOy l44fast 95 107 4 2 2 23 C Lang G Mainmast Sedgeficld Fairway 61399 HdeGcc ImTOy l43 = fast 195 109 5 2 11 21 C Lang 5 Registrar Rubien MockOrango 60590 FGnda Im70y l4Sihvy 45 110 4 3 3 6 6 6 A Wilson S BiffBang PasSwain GdeCause G01S1 FGnda Im70y l45mud 2 116 2 1 1 1 1 l G Lang 4 Serapis Pimlico Botheration 6S315 FGnds Im70y IMSifast 85 1C4 1 1 1 1 1 1 C Lang C Baigneur TabdHonneur Pictor 601S9 FGnds 34 113 fast 12 1071 4 3 3 34 34 E Pool 8 ElmerK Miss Jemima Neddam 576 FGnds Im70y l44good 115 112 3 1 1 3 4s 4 G W Carll 5 Irish Kiss Wapiti Court View 59435 FGnds 1 139 fast 135 106 4 2 1 2 21 G W Carll 7 Irish Kiss Rimzaf Tan Son E9376 FGnds 1 l3S1ifa3t 85 103 2 1 1 24 2 G W Carll 7 Pral Swain Coaler GrayfablPS 59303 Jeffaon 34 l12fast 115 112 6 3 3 3l 2 G W Carll 6 IrDream RisRock AAlesOer 59213 Jeffson 51 f l06 fast 2 116 7 543 24 G W Carll 7 Elmer K ColTaylor Smart Guy 50156 Jeffson 34 llSsgood 95 109 4 3 3 34 3i G W Carll 4 MarMay IrishDreani Botheran 5S701 Jeffson 1 I4l7sfast 1710 116 7 3 3 4 C1 54 N Barrett 9 WrZone RapTravelor LuckyB CEYSTAL FOED ch g 6 112 112Trainer By Clifford Glimmerslass by Chactanunda Trainer W C Clancy Owner W C Clancy 61397 HdeGce 34 lll4fast 7 110 1 3 2l 3 C Lang 9 Tle Boy Super Vibrato Vibrato5S317 5S317 Empire Im70y l45fast 15 116 5 6 6 6 6l 6 E Sanda 7 Sagacity Cromwell Dark Hill Hill51SO 51SO Emplro Im70y l46faat S 114 3 3 4 5 6 6 L McAte 7 Diomedes FirstPullet SenMiat SenMiat5S119 5S119 Empire Im70y l45fast 12 110 6 6 5 3 3 5 L McAtee 7 Ttifter Siren Mnld Sea Mint Mint57S64 57S64 Jamaica 1 18 154 fast 21 1041 111 1 2l 4SJ L McAtee 5 Dioniede DnrkHill Escan tta 37710 Jamaica Iin7 y l44 ifaat B 118 2 2 2 3 5 6 L McAtee G WnrNote SIreuMaid ResLodga 57549 Aqduct 1 l39mud 7 106 1 1 1 1 2 2 L McAtee 3 Edwina Regal Lodge 57550 Aqduct 1 l tast 21 111 7 G 2 1 11 I1 L MtAtee 10 Romany Thimble St Isldnf 72C3 Aqduct S4 l12fast 41 1C6 6 C S 5 4 i F Cltiletti 5 Vista Squaw Men Siren Hald J5M5 Belmont 1 l40Jialow 5 106 1 1 1 1 21 2 L Penman 4 Edwina Kof ths Eer Serrltoi BEAIHSTOEJtI br g 3 102 By Peter Pan Bubble by All Gold GoldTrainer Trainer J Eowe Jr Owner H P Vvnitcey 61398 HdeGco 34 l13fast U 110 6 1 1 1 L Penman 7 Rlgheart My Play Caretaker 61313 HdeGco 34 l14T5good 175 114 5 1 I1 2 L Penman 10 Trevelyan Bfcheart Opperiraa 61280 HdeGco 51 f l09hvy 3710 111 4 3 34 44 L Penman 7 Luckyllour Caretaker LEffort 61190 Bowio 34 l13faat 2310 112 C 4 34 42 L Morria G Wellfindcr Translate Mercury 01 098 Bowie El f llCfast 1710 1C9 1 1 14 14 L Morria 6 Elemental AllFair MissKmmaG Jocosi5G710 57797 Laurel El f 109 slop 125 113 1 1 1 1 L Penman 7 Alex U Marylnd Belle Jocosi 5G710 Belmont 34 lllfast 6 110 6 6 7 773 F Cltiletti 7 Snob II June Grass Sedge 56126 Saratoga E8 E3fast 10 104 10 9 9410 L Penman 16 Toll Blghcart Fair Thantom ThantomC6047 C6047 Saratoga 58 59faat 15 108 7 6 6 54 L Penman 12 Oil Man BIgheart Pegasna 55994 Saratoga El f IrtGTsfaat 6 10S1 7 7 7 7JI F Keogh 7 MhjsJoy KaiSang LdBtlmora 55440 Aqueduct ES E97sfast 12 115 5 2 2l 44 C KummerlS Sidereal Ultimo Northcllff CABE FBEE b g 4 4Trainer 110 By Colin Domino Noiro by Kingston KingstonMcDonald Trainer J McDonald Owner J McDonald C1478 Jamaica 61 f 1C6 fast 15 McDonald11G 11G Left at post L Lyke 12 RonndRobln SMlnt Camaflage 6S223 Empire Ab 34 lJOfast 18E 110 3 1 1 1J 1s G W Croll 7 Hard Guess Fluff Titanium 6S053 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 50 95 Left at the post A McLhllnll Kof theHcather Yalor TheBoy E7364 Jamaica 84 l13faat 10 115 Left at the post J Zocller 0 Monastery AUamilton Bolo E7865 Jamaica 34 l131 fast 12 106 3 7 7 6 6 J Zoeller 7 SeaCore Montery WTGrivcs 67793 Jamaica 61 I l06good 30 105 6 4 4 6 J Zoeller 0 Kof tHtber FOclilll Mavrn 67709 Jamaica 61 t l06fast 12 118 7 7 fi 6 S F Wilson 7 AHumllton Monastery SqMan 67266 Aqduct 34 l13fast 8 112 6 4 8 84 2 G W Croll 8 Huddles PceJamea GldenFllnt 67068 Belmt 34 MC l12fast 185 103 5 2 1 21 21 M Barson 0 Lampns Esquire Arapahoo DREAM OF THE VALLEY blk g I 112 By Watcrvale Dream Girl by Voter VoterTrainer Trainer L Feustel Owner Glen Riddle Farm Stable 67932 Jamaica 34 l13good 12 120 6 5 6 6 6 A Schugr 5 Tnderclap Dimcsdalc TenLee 67619 Jamaica 34 l13slow IG6 122 1 4 4 4l 6 E Sande 8 BUomme Bea Core LnstStraw 67107 Belmt 34 MC lllfast 136 116 5 3 3 61 6 E Amb se 7 Dunboyne Dry Moon Mercury Mercury6GSS7 6GSS7 Belmont 1 l37fast 6 106 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 L McAtee 3 Georgle Two Feathers 64942 Bclmont 34 st l13fast 8 1221 2 2 2i 4 E Ambrso 4 Gladiatnr Cum Sab Idle Dell 64806 Bclmont 1 18 149 fast 7 1123111 11 4 C Kummer 5 Coaler La Rablee Cnpt Alcock 64629 Belmont 1 133 fast 135 122 3 1 1 1 1 1 1J C Hummer 5 PairGain JnMarle SLMlchael 64373 Jamaica 34 lOl faat 4 108 1 1 1 21 2 J Mooney 3 Audacious Thunderclap 64242 Jamaica 34 112fa8t 95 111 2 1 1 1 14 C Kummftr 8 Carnarvon TVrUcIiet TeddyB TeddyB641S9 641S9 Jamaica 61 f l07Xmud 21 113 6 4 2 21 2 1 C Turner 6 Kinnoul Irish Dream Tbe Boy PICNIC b g 3 101 101Trainer By Pebbles Hay Queen by Ultimas Ultimasj Trainer W Hogan Opener J Butler Butler6SG57 6SG57 Bowie 34 116 hvy 2 107 1 2 26S633 j 3 6 L McAtee 8 Elemental Penitent Ohamplain 6S633 Pimlico 34 Id5 hvy 45 107 3 3CS540 2 21 31 L McAtee 5 Caretaker Bit oBlk Trevelyan CS540 Pimlico 34 l12fast 29 112 6 3 21 31 C Turner 13 Good Times Relay Bit o Black 68475 Pimlico 34 l17hvy 9 108 6 2 2 1 21 C Turner 7 OilMan Blackstone IrBrlgadr 68281 Empire Ab 31 l10faat 2 106 3 36S225 3 8 1 L Fator 4 Hcpbaistcs IrBgadr Chcabk 6S225 Empire 61 f l06fast 15 114 2 26S1C1 3 I1 21 L Fator 7 MPatricia Hephtos Cneatbrk 6S1C1 Empire 61 f lCSgood 95 114 3 3C5914 1 1 21 L Fator 11 Sling Finnish Maid Trajantu C5914 Empire 61 f 106 fast 15 10S1 G GG5773 6 5 4l ° L Ensor 7 Runstar June Grass Hoy Jay G5773 Empire Ab 34 l10fast JC6 100 0 0KC53 2 V 21 J Callahan 7 R Brigade Duccecap F Fifty KC53 Empire 61 f l07faet 41 1091 4 466E70 3 81 21 L Easor 6 AllceO Sailing Along Pastoral 66E70 Empire 68 101 fast 8 114 a E 6Ji 6 L Ensor 0 Rocstar Aknustl CloaghjordaB BILLY KcLATTGHLIN br c 4 4Trainer 113 By Wrack Lady Elite by Order OrderForeign Trainer 8 XiIcNanghton Owner Foreign Stable ES597 Pimlico 1 143 hvy 1310 101 367 7 7 7 E Kummer 7 BunBuck TipWitchet Georgie 68442 Pimlico 1 18 157 slop 1 110 333 3 4 5 E Kummer 7 Itiinsa Buck IlcKistrar Bluffer 6S179 Empire Im70y l46fast 115 118 111 1 I1 11 C Kummer 4 Frigate Sedgefield TFeathers 67714 Jamaica Im70y l44fast 1310 110 322 2 1 11 B Marinelll 4 LadyGertrude StAllan Recount 67619 Jamaica 24 l13slow 4 122 2 6 6 61 4 B Marinelli 8 Bonllomine SeaCove LastStraw 66777 Belmont 1 137 faat 75 113 123 3 3 13 E Sande 5 Dartmoor Debadou 0 Sweeper NOSE DIVE b g 3 1C8 1C8Trainer By Aeronaut Agnier by Clifford Trainer R V Boyle Owner R V Boyle Boyle6S345 6S345 Empire 6i f l07fast 3 112 5 42 426S243 11 Il C Robson 8 Leghorn Chcwink Sweepy 6S243 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 185 114 3 21 216S176 1 21 C H Miller 0 Rose Hill Chewink Timbrel 6S176 Empire Ab 34 l12fefast 10 112 3 11 116S052 1 I1 C H MlllerW Nightboat Swccpy Lucky Girl 6S052 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 12 112 3 66 6667SS7 61 4 C H Miller 12 Sweepy Griselda Knot Grass 67SS7 Jamaica 34 l13fast 7 110 3 22 31 3 C H MillerlO Reparation Rose Hill Bcllatrlx BcllatrlxC1 67757 Jamaica 61 f l06fast 10 110 3 66 66C74S3 C1 61 B MarlolHll Leghorn Comic Song Modesty C74S3 Aqduct 34 l13faat 96 110 3 14 14WSS6 4 4 L Fator C Sweepy llellatrLt Doughnut Doughnut2J WSS6 Belmt 6Jf MC 106 fast 166 110 2 22 22K317 2J Il L Fator 8 Bayonne Finall r Theo Theo2J K317 Sartoga 34 l13fast 4 106 S 22 22t 2J 3 t L McAtee 13 Dolman Vendor Donghnat t 73 SaTtoga 61 f l06fast 7 4 87 8 8 T J Doyle 8 Dcecap Bsmtry Pass Dlg Al HANNA eh g 3 3Trainer 39 By Zons Fantam Bala by Olambala Trainer T J BTealey Owner R R650S9 T Wilson 650S9 Aqduct 58 l01fast 5 112 3 5 El 71 L Ensor 12 DDeadeyc LadyDelhi MWhite 64339 Belmont C8 st l02fast 95 116 1 6 6 1 51 L Ensor 9 EvelynWhite Beamcr Mad Nell 64475 Bclmont 41f st 53fast 6 102 2 4 31 I1 S Bullman 12 Brilt Ray Confusion Wreckless 64106 Jamaica 68 l01fast 12 107 2 1 1 I1 1 S Bullman 7 Burom Bantry Pass Beamer 54053 Jamaica 68 l00fast 7 108 1 4 4 4 3 C Turner 7 GTlmea KilSang KnotGrass 63768 ILdeGce 12 49 slop 185 109 1 2 2 21 C Turner 7 Blue Teal St Maurice Teddy B 63646 HdeGce 12 4Sfast 81 116 116RU7INTOL 5 1 3i 6 J S Bnllman 10 Elemental Lent Eicuae Me RU7INTOL cb c 3 3Trainer 103 By Runnymede Olatho by Solitaire n nT Trainer T 0 Webber Owner T 0 Webber CMC4 Aqduct 63 59Vaat 8 106 106652S7 6 11 101 10 C Turner 11 BRascal Budana DrTSDncy 652S7 Aqduct 68 100 fast 12 1C6 1 6 61 2i C Turner 11 DrTSDalmey Picnic Bltltay 65193 Aqduct 5S l00fast 12 105 10564S03 1 1 I1 I1 C Turner 12 Mad Nell DDeadeye Bountiful 64S03 Belmont 4Jf st 62fast 5 115 6 9 T 9i J Metcalf 1C M White Juno Com McMeekln 54439 Jamaica 68 l02slow 15 107 1076U65 1 4 4 41 4 B KenndylS LDelhi LltPatsy VeilColleen 6U65 Jamaica 58 l02mud 12 112 2 6 6 2 2i J Metcalf 10 BrushBoy BcvBelle Fif Fifty 64128 Jamaica 61 f lOSfast 12 112 7 8 7 65 6 J J Metcalt 7 Duncecap Scrillusion DVarden 64048 Jamaica 58 l01fast 7 112 3 1 2 3J 6 1 J Metcalf 9 Timbrel Miles S KDrniniae XTTCKY BUTTON b f 3 98 98Trainer By Sweep Buttonhole by Stalwart StalwartP Trainer F Kraft Owner Ascot Stable Stable6S4S4 6S4S4 Pimlico 61 f l10hvy 12 107 6 4 46S350 P 6 1 li McAtee 7 Prelude Roulette Caretaker 6S350 Empire 58 l00fast 12 109 5 2 31 61 L McAtee 9 LkyHour BecsWax PbamBlue 67935 Jamaica 61 f l07good 95 114 4 1 1E5599 1 ink i McAtee 6 Leghorn Phantom Bine Prelude E5599 Empire 61 f l07KOod 4 112 7 7 6 6 L Ensor 7 My Reverie Penitent Nancy F 55437 Aqduct 58 58fast 4 112 2 31 31 B Marielll 8 MyRcTerie RBrigade Penitent Penitent4l 5536 J Aqduct 58 50nud 2 113 6 4l S i B MariellilO Sherando Emotion M Patricia 65145 Aqduct 68 69ifast 41 112 9 41 3i C Kummerl4 Budana Penitent Ultimata UltimataIl 51512 Belmont 4Jf st 52fast 15 115 9 3 3ST Il 1 B MarielllH MissnBells Balance BeeiWas BeeiWasBy ST ALLAN b g 5 114 114Trainer By Bridge of Allan St Aelwena by Chaucer Chaucer3J Trainer J W Hay Owner H M Howard HowardC1329 C1329 ILdeGce Im70y l46mud 165 108 1 3 3J 410 L Morris 6 Sedgefield Registrar OBthday 61215 Bowie 1 143 fast 8 108 2 1 1G1131 1 I1 F Murphy 5 TMcTagt GdeCause TArchcr G1131 Bowie 34 l13Vsfast 43 110 7 7G1099 71 5 3 F Murphy 8 Exodus Wllfinder KoftheHer G1099 Bowie 34 116 mud 10 112 2 2C0430 1 4 F Murphy 8 Kof tIIther Eiodns Mercury C0430 FGnda 34 112 fast 20 113 B B602SS 41 M Harson 0 ERbachcr Dartmoor Hadrian 602SS FGnds lm0y l4S hvy 4 103i 6 4 45S719 6 M Harson 0 Biff Bang Servitor Rep 5S719 FGnda 34 l S hvy 20 116 6 4 M Harson 6 Neddam Mercury T dHonneui 69639 FGnds 34 l12fast 20 114 2 811 L McDott 8 Elmer Kt Neddam Mercury 68030 Jamaica 34 l12fast 15 1081 4 4 4E7714 4 C Turner 4 Dimsdale Dominique Rtledgt E7714 Jamaica Im70y l41fast 30 95 1 3 3675S5 21 3 1 C Brnlng 4 BMcLgblin LGtrude Recount 675S5 Jamaica 34 l12 faat 20 102 5 C B F Welner 5 Audacious Thderclap Misnary 57327 Aqduct 81 f l19good 135 1011 3 X 3 1 M Harson 4 Light Rose War Note Beckna 67194 Aqduct 34 l12Hsood cO 102 9 6i 81 M HarsoalO Dunboyne Gl dlator LaEtStraw CAHALAN b e 4 HO HOTrainer By Honeywood 1 Alice Gary by Trappean Trappeanft Trainer P H Burch Owner Hevada Hevada6S211 Stock Farm Stable 6S211 Church 1 34 l12fast 6 103 2 26S103 4 3 2J 21 B Parke ft Mile Dazie Botheration Tharon 6S103 Churchl 1 l37fast 17 102 1 7 76SC11 7 7 6s 6 B Parko 8 WhStar BelQueen MlleDazle 6SC11 Churchl 34 l12fast 23f 102 5 56C637 6 3i 21 B Parke 11 JohuSReardon LastOne Tharon 6C637 Dshire 34 l16Amud 6 103 1 16G572 2 2 2 V B Parko 0 Smart Guy Orlova BrownCheck 6G572 Dshire 34 112 fast 9 108 4 6 4 3 3s B Parke 9 CottonBloKsorn Ruby Furbelow 66407 Windsor 1 116 l62 mud 27 105 5 3 3EC130 6 6 71 8 B Parke 8 Golden Sphere Old Chap Gny EC130 Dshire 34 l12good 8 S6 4 4t761 4 4 4 4 i B Parko 5 Daydue FitaBoodle BultProof t761 Kworth 34 l14cood 20 97 9 6 32 4 B Parke 12 FitzBdle ILTraveler Mellora RALCO blk h 5 115 115Trainer By Rock View Black Hantilla by Sain Trainer B T Littlefield Owner H S S68C32 Bowns 68C32 Empiro 1 110 l47ifast 185116 222 2 31 41 L McAtee 4 RegLodge Neddam Sunyland 57795 Jamaica 61 f l06good 3 124 1 6 6 4 41 C Kummer 6 Kof tHther FCchill Mavrn 67617 Jamaica 1 116 l46slow 115 108 2 1 1 1 I2 21 L Fator 2 Edwina 57522 HdeGe Im70y l43faat 31 108 3 4 4 4E7152 6 41 4 F Cltilettl 5 Bellsolar Serapls By Jimlny E7152 HdeGco 34 112 fast 5 113 6 6 3 4 4 J Butwell 7 Tin Witchet Ararat HobBafcer 66813 Belmont 1 116 l46 slow 1120 126 112 2 2 2 C Kummer 3 Super Hnonec 65543 Aqduct 78 l23faat 8 IOC 3 3 3 3 3 3J J ilooney 3 Sennlngs Park Pen Ross TEN BT7TT01Trainer BT7TT01 IS b f 4 105 By Ton Point Enttonbolo by Stalwart Trainer F E Kraft Owner Ascot Stable StableIm70y 6S722 Bowie Im70y l497smud 85 J6 2 2 2 2 21 11 C Lang 5 KoftheHthcr Pof India Ckson CksonImTOy 6S6C6 Bowie ImTOy l4S slow 16 103 3 4 4 4 2 2 S Lowe C Bluffer Ilalu Knof the Heather Heatherlm 68651 Bowie lm 0y l49hvy 3 SO 1 2 2 2 3l 6 C Lang 6 Lunetta Dresden LyEinmeline 68CS4 Pimlico 34 l16 mud 9 112 2 1 2 21 2l M Harson 5 Polly Ann AofGold Turnabout 68490 Pimlico 1 l46hvy 95 104 1 2 2 1 1 1 M Harson 9 Natural Helen Atkin Hoseate 58439 Pimlico 34 l16slop 17 119 11 11 10 9s 9 M HarsonlS Camouflage Halu Vulcanize VulcanizeIm70y 6S347 Empire EmpireDOUGHNUT Im70y l455 fast 7 IOC 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 M Harson 5 Emotion Thimble LyEmmcline DOUGHNUT br c 3 101 101N By Sweep Fascination by Buck Hassio Hassio5s Trainer N L Bycr Owner T F Price 8747 Bowie 1 l44mud 61 102 4 3 4 4 5s 6 E Joslah C Hephaistos Modo Wessie B fS719 Bowie 61 f l22mud 31 110 10 10 8 7 C E Joslah 10 MiriamCooper Penitent Plucky 6S671 Bowie 78 l297ihvy 35 108 3 6 6 6 6Im70y 6 4T E Joslah 7 Modo Champlain Tangerine 6SK9 Bowie Im70y 150 hvy 34 98 2 1 1 2 3 37i E Harbne 8 FlyCloud MyldBelle Clarkson 6S649 Bowie 78 l2Shvy 40 107 3 9 9 9 91 6 J Zoeller 10 Hephaistos Plucky Tangerine 6S635 Bowie 61 f 122 hvy 20 104 8 48 81 11 J Zoeller 11 Hephstos Tangerine YfeeeStar 68437 Pimlico 34 116 slop 36 115 4 42 42Ab 1 11 G W Croll C AllOver Finery Maryland Bell 68249 Empire Ab 34 l10ftfast 1310 103 6 66 6 6 G W Carll 0 Rose Hill Nose Dive Chewink