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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART lOUISVUiE KT THTJ2SDA7 JTHifZ 1 1922 Churchill Downs 1 mite Ser nttenUi day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 13 days Weitier cloudy temperature 70 Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckola Jr A G Leonard and C W Hay Judges W H Shelley N H McClelland and J S Wallace Starter A R Dade Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racicg starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W Indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Pis urea In parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date track record ago at tots and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance O FI2ST RACE 34 Uils Oct 16 1913 111 3 105 Parso 1300 3yecdds and O upward dinning Net value to winner 1000 s cond S2CO third S1CO Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFln Jockeys Owner 61770 BLAISE xrSllOSJ 81S15111H Gray W L Praia 3WMCO 3WMCOG1938 G1938 HEREAFTER w 5 110 6 5 VI U 1 2 H J Burks R Goosa 150100 62044 TRUST OFFICTTj wa 4 110 I 10 S3 91J 4l 31 D Connelly G Knebelteunp 1745100 174510062112PLANTOON 62112PLANTOON WB41C010 7 4ia iW Pool Cain Saniord 2013 61872 W1L OLDT TB 3 IK J 1 OS Z ZJiG JiG Branlng G V Baker 728109 72810962112DORIC 62112DORIC W41C05T 6 1 71 G J Ow na G J Lons 2085100 2085100G1377 G1377 PYX BaEflll 2iCa817 JH Burka W F Polaoa PolaoaG1077 G1077 SKILES ICNOB wlOrW4J S S PB Kftnady W Fauchter 61S35 LE BLEUET wrSllfllS 1019 S i B Martla L A Seresnl GSOOlflO 61333 RING ROSS ir 4 1121 7S Ea lOlO WW Tlor J MaLstersoa 420120 420120Tine Tine 3 48 114 Track fisfc 2 mnrucls paid RIalse 6500 straight 2XSO place 10JU shovr Hercaftxsz 490 placa iCO show Trnst Oificial 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booklns odd Blaise 2130 to 100 straight 930 to 1X placs 4C to 100 h n Hetsaiter 115 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Trnsi Official 320 to 100 ihow ihowWinner Winner Ch s ay Eo Donin Nolsa by Kingston rmtrfrt by W I Drake brwl by Ms Walter Sho waiter Wont to p nt nt 1W At pool J inlntilp fllnrt good nnd slow Wcm rtrlrlng second nnrt Uilrd tlio same 1IIAIHK inoTcl up nlcnillty fimn n Blow lirelnnlng nnd though comlnc wide on the last turn worn HHRnAFTKIl down aixl vn ilrmrliitf out nt llio ond 1 1 11 RIO A TOUR nhowrd thn mont speed to tho Ktrctch nnd nnrcit niurli uroinid on llio limn lull iKRnn tlrliiR near tho end TRUST OFFICIAL Qnlshcd fast after closing 11 big cup VM OLDT llrwl In tha Iiut Nlxtrciitb PTjANTOON ran a good race RING ROSH wnn fcrcnl Ivirk wlim tip crowding boean on the stretch turn turnScratched Scratched OI 12 Colmll lvin 1W 1WOrcrwclghti Orcrwclghti Ring HOIP HV poundn SECOND RACE Cfl Mil BUy Bft 101 S 113 Inrwj 510 8y iroIds ITaldcna Co3t and Qddlne CUImloe N t vatu to wtnnnr 1100 nocoml 200 third 100 Indei Hones AWtPPSt tt A KHtrlTIn Jockeyn Bqnlf Odd Htrt G2134JSKEEZDC w HS 1 3 Z 1 1 1 B TCennMy IT J Kcllf Kcllfw 62079 KENT L w nsi 6 8 Ci 3 1 W W Tlor M Kelley Kelleyw G1039 TUPITEH w HO a J 3 31 2J S T Murrny MonUort 1 1w G2007 COL WHALLEN w IU 4 1 V 21 4 Il II J Bnrkn It doono doonow G21SJ DAPPER DAN w 113 3 4 4 4s f E D Connelly J Hponcer Hponcerwn 62011 CAPPY RICKS wn 110 5 5 Gl 8 6 6 J II Btirko T C MoDo Thno 24 43 101 Track fast 2 mutuels pnid Skeezlr 320 straight 240 place 220 nhow Kent I 310 place 2GO phowj Jupiter 340 show showKqulralcnt Kqulralcnt booking odds Skeczix 60 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 whorr Kent U 55 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Jupiter 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 c by Sweep Margaret T by Sempronius trained by C 0 Van Meter bred by MRIHT R II Oots OotsWent Went to post at 231 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third drlr ing SKKKZIX running like a good colt began well and racing into the lead in the first eighth drew away steadily to win caning up KENT I began slowly and had to race wide early but finished gamely and outstayed JUPITER COL WUALLKN showed a good order of speed In tho lead for nearly a half mile BAITER DAN acted badly nt the post but ran prominently for threeeighths threeeighthsOverweights Overweights Kent Ix 1 pounds rfTJO QCT TpTRp RACE 1 14 WJJes May 21 1021 203V4 7 100 Purse 1500 4yoroldi 3f JLOc9 and upward Claiminff Not valuo to winner 1150 sex nd 225 third 125 Index Hones AWtPPSt H 8trFIn ockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 01944 PARIS MAJD w C 105 3 3 3k 21 21 l i 1 W Pool S K Nlchola 235100 235100G2080HONOLinirj G2080HONOLinirj BOT W7U1444 4 4 4 ZB Kemidy J JIaaterson 155109 C1044 IEGAL wa 6 113 1 1 34 3 3i 31 31 G Brenlng W Perkins 1SO100 1SO100G204G3 G204G3 WICKFORD w 6 106 2 3 1 1 li 21 4 T Owens C Weldcmann G501CO G501COTimo Timo 24i 48 1144 141 206 Track fast 2 nratuclfl paid Paris Maid 870 straight 420 place Honolulu Boy 300 place show mutucli Mid MidEquivalent Equivalent booking odda Paris Maid 3M to 100 straight 110 to 100 place Uonolula Boy 80 to 100 placo placoWinner Winner B m by Transvaal Maid Militant by Rainbow trained by A Hakcr bred by Mr 8 1C Nichols NicholsWent Went to pot 307 At post 1 minuto Start good and Rlow Won easily second nnd third drly ing PARIS MAID followed WICKFORD in nearent pursuit to the stretch turn nnd passing him quickly won going away HONOLULU BOY was badly cut off when he tried to como through In tu last eighth and had to be ridden hard to outstay LEGAL The latter was taken back sharply In th flrbt quarter and made a fast finish WICKFORD set a good pace but tired In tho last quarter FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Oct 16 1913 111 2 105 Pursa 51700 SyearoMs ratios Allowances Net vuluo to winner 1300 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt BtrFhi Jockeys Ownen Eqnlr Odds Strt G1942 DOTHT BUCOCNER w 106 7 3 51 lll 14 1 B Kenndy C W Mooro Jr 110109 01004 MARGT WtNSOR w 105 34 2 2J 22lR Parrton D Lehan HOO100 HOO1005S134 5S134 GEORGETTE w 108 6 7 7 Cl 4 3 D Connelly D W Scott 303100 62129 BRIGHT LJ1A3T w 108 3 5 6 C 6 4 J H Burke Hal Price Headlay 200010 200010G1849GLYN G1849GLYN w 10S 5 1 1 31 3 B J Owena Gallahcr Bron 310100 61004 MONTAP V w 105 4 3 3 11 6 6 E Scoblo J II Roaantcr 14101W 14101WG2042BRED G2042BRED AT HOME w 103 1 5 4 7 7 7 F Mooro Idle Hour Stlc Fm Stb 15C31CO Timo 2S 47 113 Track fast 2 mntuels paid Dorothy Ruckner 420 straight 300 place 240 show Margaret Wlnsor 029 place 400 show Georgette 150 KUOW KUOWBquivalent Bquivalent booking odds Dorothy Ilnckner 110 to 100 straight DO to 100 placo 20 to 100 ihowj Margaret Winaor SCO to 100 place 145 to 10 show Georgette 125 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by McGee Elizabethan by Hamburg trained by T U Pierce bred by Mr Charles W Moore Went to post at 334 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third drlr Ing DOROTHY HUCKNER began well and being hanl ridden raced Into the lend after going tho first quarter and held the others safe to win In a canter MARGARET WINSOR had to be taken back on tho lirst turn hut quickly raced Into closest pursuit and nnished gamely but tiring GKORG1CTTH away slowly closed a big gap and Onlshed with a rush BRIGHT LKAF wns forced buck In the first quarter and finished well GLYN tired after Betting a fast early pace MONTARA quit quitOverweights Overweights Bright Leaf 3 pounds Georgette i 113 PUTM 1400 3yearold Index Horsei AWtPPSt M HStrFln Jockeys Owners Bqulr Odds Strt G2109 HARRY B WSB 5 1W 5 I 2i 3i I1 B Kcnndy W Pcrkinu 02044s WARSAW 3 7 4 3 3 SI 1 Owena McGarvcy Lewi 62135 LINK BOY we 5 105 4 3 S 2 2 2 31 B Scheffol J Randolph 62109 OLL1E WOOD w 5 10S 7 6 C1 G 41 4 4 II Gray Gray60857BROWN W D Mlllanl MlllanlW 60857 60857BROWN BROWN BILL w I 110 25 7 6 G 5 5 W Pool PoolG2041 Cain Sanfonl SanfonlE G2041 CHINNIE WALSH w 4 103 6 3 4i 7 7 7 6 E Scobln ScoblnG2109 E H Mooar MooarH G2109 GI VCE MINARD w 6 103 8 4 11 1 5l 6 71 K Martin MartinG18CD W C Goo llo G18CD BE SURE wu 4 113i 188 8 8 8 8 W WW W Tl Tlor Royal Oak SUbla 3105100 3105100Time Time 23 48 114 142 148 Track fast 2 mutuels pnid Harry B 140 straight 310 place 280 show Warsaw 100 place 370 show Link Hoy 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Harry R 120 to 100 straight 55 to 100 place 40 to 100 shovr Warsaw 100 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Link Boy 170 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Jim Gaffney Flying Frances by Ilaimde trained by W Perkins bred by Mr D W Scott ScottWent Went to post at 403 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HARRY II close up from the start raced Into the lead when calliMl on and won a his rldtrr pleased WARSAW began slowly and had to close a big gap but finished gamely LIWK BOY showed speed but tired badly nfter going threequarters OLIVE WOOD was going well at the end CHINNIH WALSH ran poorly GRACE MINARD quit after leading to the far turn turnScratched Scratched 020J1 Young Adam 112 112Overweight Overweight Ue Sure 3 pounds SIXTH HACE 1 Kilo May 7 1921 l3G4 3 03 Purso 1300 3yearolds and uprard Claiming Net valao to winner 1350 leoond 300 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Sir 62078 SANDS OF PURE wn D 111 4 4 6 Cl 5 Ji I1 B KennMy J M Gooiln GooilnG21lllTOMAHOI G21lllTOMAHOI wn 3 94 5 2 2l 2 2l Il 2 = J OweiiH M Goldblutt 61975 BTHERLY LOVE wall 6 6 5 4 31 3J 3 D Connelly J Mclhrrson 3 10100 62077 J S REARDON WB 4 109 Ill1 1i 1 21 41 W Pool Montfort Jon JonG18 Jonea 960100 960100G18 G18 14 DERNIER SOU wn 1 108 7 5 4 5 G 5J 5 T Murray M J Lowt Lowenatcln G2012JCLINTO V1LLE w 5 113 3 3 3 3 4l 6 6 W W Tlor S K Nlchola G2115 MARINE CORPS vr 4 108 2 7 7 7 7 7 7 II S Jones J 1 Aaho Timo 23 47 113 138 Track fast 2 mutnels paid Sands of Pleumire 1230 straight 050 place 430 show Tornahol 740 inucn 420 show Brotherly Love 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds SomSs of PIt amir 515 to 100 straight 225 to 100 place 112 to 100 show Tomahol 270 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Brotherly Love 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 g by Fair Play Golden Sands by Rock Sand trained by J M Goodc bred by Mr August Belmont BelmontWent Went to post at 434 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won handily rweond and third driving SANDS OF PLEASURE moved np with a rush after lx ing far bark for the flrat half mile and finishing fast wore TOMAHOI down In the la t sixteenth and won going away TOMAHOI raced clow up from the start and ran a good race but tired after taking the lead BROTHERLY LOVK alao closed a gap and finished gamely JOHN S RBARDOV set a fast pare to the stretrii but tired In the la t eighth CL1NTONVILLB was done after going a half mile and ran far below her true form formOverweights Overweights Clintonville 1 pound ff Q h SEVENTH RACE 1 11C Uile ilay 24 1922 144 4 113 51400 Added 3year XP f SLOtX olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 1100 tocond S233 third 5122 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFln Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 62135CHEER LEADER w S 103 5 5 4 Z 41 I1 I1 W Pool R L Rogers 240lf G1906SUN GOD w 9 103 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 B Scheffel Williams Bros 435109 435109G1978 G1978 BLVCK THNG WB 6 110 3 6 6 = 5i 3 4 G Brening R B Allen 2X Vt 62046 PAHASKA WB 4 103 8 3 2 I1 I1 T 4 E Scobla M J Lowenntol LowenntolG20C8 G20C8 CIIARLINB w 3 05 2 4 51 6 6J Ga fA J Owena C W Clark r 62008 BOJUL wn 3 12 7 2 11 4 5 S 6 H Gray G P Mattingly SWHX SWHXG2008 G2008 DOLLY VARDEN we 3 93 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 II Stutta II C Mnrnan H95109 H95109Time Time 23 S 43 114 140 147 Track fast fastintuels intuels paid Chter Icuder 000 straight 32O place 200 sihovr Sua Cod 520 place B70 show Ulnck Thong 300 show showBqniTalent BqniTalent booking o teCheer I a lr 200 to 100 straight 60 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Sun Ood ICO to 100 place 85 to 100 show Black Thong 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Cgden Belle of Ashland by Ornament trained by R L Rogers bred by Jlr Thomas C McDowell McDowellWent Went to post at 508 At post 1 minute Start good and low Won easily neram and third driv ¬ ing CHEER LEADER well up in the early running saved much ground wann ranting into the Hlrcteh and taking the lead drew away in the last sixteenth 8UN GOD ran a jtood rae alt the wny HLAC1C THONG was away slowly and need wide on the turan but flntebl fact PAHASKA tlre l badly after showing speed In racing into a good lead CUARLINK finished faat BOJUL Ured DOLLY VARUIif almost fell at the start startScratched Scratched G215G Macbfavelli 105 62112 Plato 103 103Overweights Overweights Bojul 4 pounds