6th Race [6th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-02

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Claiming Oct 20 1O21 WADSVOKTHS LAST tli s 10 103 Sy Wadswor WadsworTranar Wadsworth Aprils lady by Xinden Tranar J II Goodo Owzer J M Goodo GoodoC2011 C2011 ClrjrJiil1 1 14 207good Co 112 3 1 11 21 E Pool G Conntess LLongflow CWalsh 01900 Churchill 1 18 l52fast 4 110 1 6 3 Sl S McGr McGraw 11 Cut Up Countess Dr Rae Raefc1790 fc1790 Churchill 1 14 207 fast 3 111 1 2 21 21 S McGraw 7 LLilllian PirateJIcGee TheWlt TheWltG1655 G1655 L xton 1 14 207slov 175 110 5 4 3l 3 E Barnes G Kordeck YounRAdam The Wit WitG1492 G1492 Lxton 1 14 2JOmud 1310 112 2 5 5 5 E Pool 7 Young Adam The Wit Sun God GodCC5SJ CC5SJ FGnls 1 1S 157 hvy 8 1C9 6 6 6 6 54 5 i E Barnes 7 GrGables GdcCause Tnitalii3 Tnitalii3C0371 C0371 FGnds 1 31G 5fzist 6 107 9 8 6 6 31 1 E Barnes 10 Scrccman LThGear Trksterll 60100 FGnda 1 12 233 fast 10 1071 253 4 41 4J 13 Pool 5 WarneyStone Padua Gourmand Gourmand6JS93 6JS93 Fii ls 1 316 2llhvy 2 116 1 2 2 2 2 2 II J Burke 3 Waukeas Old Faithful Faithful597S4 597S4 FGnda 1 1S 200 mud 32 111 2 2 2 1 1J 1J II J Burke 3 Scotch Verdict Old Faithful Faithful59JS1 59JS1 FCnds 1 1S IrKVifast J310 110 877 8 41 34 H J Burke 8 Gourmand Ace Royal Duck DuckS947S S947S FGnds 1 18 l577 njud 135 110 5 5 4 2 24 2i S McGraw C OBthday SVdict SpdgnII YOU1TG ADAH ch h G By Adams Express or Frederick L JIaczie by Trrinur T F Bevereaux Owner T T Devereaui G2041 Clijrchill 1 14 207prood o1 R Davics G Countess WsLast LLcnsfelw G1770 Churchill 1 116 l17fast 93 113 7 6 44 34 M Gamer 10 Dr Rae Virgo Chinuie Walsh WalshC1G55 C1G55 Lexton 1 14 207slow 3 110 4 1 21 2 G Breuns G Nordecl Wadsa I ist TheWit 61492 Lcxton 1 14 210mud 13 1C7 3 1 14 1J G Rreung 7 The Wit Sun God Bond 61431 Lixton 1 1S 131 fod S 112 12 9 7 C18 D Connllyl2 Cliacolet Ava R Pirate McGc 5rS01 FGnds 1 116 155 hvy 10 114 3 4 5 6 31 41 E Pool 7 AlexJr WIIBkner JkReeres 9722 FGnds 1 14 213 hvy 6 112 1 3 3 7 7 7 E Pool 9 Verily Mltirpclil Bscaraoletts 69631 FGnrla 1 11G l46ifast 7 113 6 7 5 5 E 4 i U IOng 9 Darnay II 1unlner Pir McGc 59379 FGnda 1 11G 149 good 12 112 7 9 9 S S1 4 1 E Scobie 10 MidSun ZdArmee Lazy Loa LoaD953S D953S IOnds 1 1S 2COhvy 4 112 3 2 1 2 31 3 M Garner 7 Richelieu Pickwick Great Gcll Gcll5945S 5945S FGruls 1 316 201 mud 6 112 6 2 2 2 2 2 F CltlletU 7 Richelieu Gourmand JOvertoo JOvertooG9417 G9417 FGuds 1 11G l47iifast 21 110 3 3 4 4 34 lk W W Tlor 5 SRocX SthLislitllL aCStoaH aCStoaHpn pn LICO b c 4 1C9 By Zou Horla by Henry of Havarro HavarroTrainer Trainer T 2 Bornrsan Owner il Helly HellyG1G39 G1G39 Lexton 1 14 2lC mud mudG1591 4 105 5 6 f 43J S Roehm G LadyLonsfelloT Bond Countess G1591 Lcxton 1 l33fast l33fastC1550 17 112 6 6 5i 5 H King G Clintonviil Tody Rep C1550 L3Xton 1 116 l50hvy l50hvyG1471 24 114 S 4 4 3 H Kins 8 Jlerchant Kscarpolette Pictor G1471 Lozton 1 18 l534fast 8 Amcr Ioy Paris Maid Nordect 61413 Lxton 1116147 good 11 118 9 10 l 610 J D MneylO AmericanUoy Rep Kscnrpolette G08SO Mobile Im70y l ifast S 120 7 7 7 24 J Conway 7 GMayers FRooster MarTohn C0777 Mobile Ab 6K l25good 15 118 7 777 7 L Gray 7 GrucvMuyero ApJsckll Kirah KirahC03SI C03SI FGnds 1 1S 157 hvy 10 107 7 7 7 7 7 7 J L Coney 7 CrGiblo GdeCnuse TanUsiu TanUsiuCC4S4 CC4S4 FGrda Im70y l45irud 5 167 433 3 3s 3 E Barnes 4 Valor Serapis Botheration 60417 FGnda 1 116 l45fast 6 IOC 6 C 6 5 31 2 E Barnes G Rep Willow Tree Juaquina 60100 FGmls 1 12 233fast 4 IOS a 4 5 5 5 5 i J D ilney 5 BiarncrStone Padua Gourmand GourmandBROVTN BROVTN BILL br s 4 134 By 7aido Cutaneous by rarandclo rarandcloTrainer Trainer J Partridge Owner Partridse 62137 Churchill 1 116 148 fast 19 110 5 6 5 C W Iool 8 Harry B Warsasv Link Boy BoyfiOS57 fiOS57 Mobile Im70y l51fast 4 112 3 2 I1 I1 G Mangan 9 Legacy Cjipt 15nms nine Star StarC0795 C0795 Mobile ImTOy 202HJ T 4 112 9 3 3 7 74 7 W Hlnphy 10 Rosccliff Dickie W Obstinate Obstinate607C2 607C2 Moljilc Ab 58 l02Ksow 15 120 S 8 8 8 8 E Pollard 10 CrannyLco NorthSliore Nolnwn COCS7 FGnUs 34 11C hvy 18T Ill 6 55 5 5 M Garner 8 ISetfiinda Back Bay N Shore 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lBSHhvy 81 1C3 787 S S S U Harton 9 Pit J 0 Stone AlezJr AlezJrE7G76 E7G76 I itouia 1 116 l47f t 88 WJ 11 11 11 9 10J 11 W Morseyl2 Alii van LyLgflow Mlernborit

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922060201/drf1922060201_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1922060201_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800