Thorncliffe Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-04


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THORNCL1FFE PARK FORM CHART TOSOHTO Ont Saturday Juna 3 1923 Thorn cliff o Park One mile Sixth day ThorncHffe Park Racing and Breeding Association Spring meeting of 7 days Wextlwr cloudy cloudyStewards Stewards Joseph A Murphy J F Monck and W A Hewitt Judges H P Conkllng E Tribe and W R Norvell Starter George T Miller Racing Secretary W R Norvell NorvellRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 130CO CO U44UJ OKI FIRST RACE 34 Mile Sept 20 1921 113 4 8 Pursa 1000 S yerolds and upward Foslod in Canada Claim ¬ ing Hot value to winner 700 second 2C0 third 1CO 1COEqulv Equlv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 62171 Push Pin 100 14 K Parrineton 235100 62117 Bengali 106 2 C Rails 3SS100 62225 2 Last Chnce 104 3l H E Jonea 520100 62143JOaklinff 111 4 1 J McTasgart 315100 62202 Satinmore 107 E N Foden 4330100 62202 Jim Petrie 105 6 J Wallace 53100 61870 Islander 109 7 T Brooke 5S45100 2 nintucla paid Push Pin 670 straight 370 place 320 show Bengali 415 place 320 show Last Chance 355 shovr shovrKquivalcnt Kquivalcnt booking odds Push Pin 225 to 100 straight 85 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Bengali 10Vi to 100 place 00 to 100 show Last Chance 77 to 100 show showTime Time 3 J 47 113 Trark fst fstWinner Winner Tborueliffe Stables ch f 3 by rlrst Sight Sky Rocket by Star Shoot trained by F Schelke bred by Thoraclitfe Stable StableWent Went to post at 234 At poat 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingOverweights Overweights Push Phi 1 pound Satinmore 2 COOK W4404 O SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Sept 1920 106 2 112 Pursa 1000 3ycaxoUs ted upward Claiming Not value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 100Kqulr Kqulr Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Tin Jockey Straight 62 198 Loading Star 112 1J H Shilling 10 J100 G2227 Ruddles 152 2 H Brydges 62145 Silver Spga 107 3 J McTaggart SS5100 61595 Dancing Girl 105 4l J Wallace 59C100 57372 De Land 107 5 E Barnes 40C1CO 62199 Avion 107 6s H Gregory GregoryG1799 783100 G1799 Bano Boy 104 7 W Organ Organ57844L fl 3100 57844L Miller 100 S = k C Rails 1510100 62198 Turnabout 105 SJ F Weiner 2120100 6219S Leo EnflelU 102 M J Thomas 1673100 61751 Chisca 104 11 R McAlaney Garfield 107 LridK Parrington t ttMutnel tMutnel field 2 mutcels paid Leading Stir 2283 straight 1130 place 675 show Ruddles 850 place 585 Fhow Silver Springs 433 ehow ehowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Leading Star 1042 4 to 100 straight 4G5 to 100 place 2S714 to 100 show Ruddles 323 to 100 place 192V to 100 show Sil ¬ ver Springs 117 to 100 show showTime Time 23 47 101 107 Track fast fastWinner Winner C Kocrners b h 6 by Sweep Star of Ruunymede by Star Shoot trained by C Koeracr bred by Mr U Lawrence Smith SmithWent Went to post at 317 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Wou driving second and third the earne earneScratched Scratched G1341 The Decision 107 02172 Bill McCloy 107 60344GrayiEian 107 C219S Viola Park 105 5SC43 Cock o the Main 107 G2123 Paul Connelly 107 113 4 98 Burso 1000 3year olds and upward Claiming1 Net valua to winner 700 second 200 third 100 100Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horee Wt Fin Jockey Straight StraightC211SIcon C211SIcon 101 11 H E Jocea 19711CO 19711COC2172 C2172 Dcrent Eyes 113 2 J Groth 2W100 2W100G2173 G2173 ntzBoodle 104 3 C Rails 75100 7510062118s 62118s Rolo 100 41 R Flynn SSO100 62172 Citizen 116 E H Myers 1290100 1290100G217C G217C Roy C 103 65 J Smith GI2010Q GI2010Q6IJ087 6IJ087 Dcllshnar 107 7 N Foden 2003100 2 mntucls paid Icon 095 straight 295 place 200 show Different Eyca 320 place 265 show FitsBoodle 340 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Icon 197VS to 100 straight 47Vj to 100 place 25 to 100 show Dif ¬ ferent Eyes CO to 100 place 32t to 100 show FiUBoodle 70 to 100 show showTime Time 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner C T Worlhingtcns b f 4 by Judge Wright Tres Joli by Inspector B trained by C T Worthington bred by Mr Thomas Piatl PiatlWent Went to post at 403 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the theScratched Scratched 62171 Horinga 101 C2119 Miracle Man 100 62118 Earnest 111 111Overwoights Overwoights Delhimar 4 pounds R99PJ4 FOUHTH RACE 34 Hile Sept 20 U iuxe i 1821 113 4 88 Perse 1000 3 ycarolds and upward Claiming Net valso to winner 7CO second 200 third 100 100Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight62173Hidden 62173Hidden JewellOS 1 R Flynn 650100 62087 Wraith 113 2 J Wallace 180100 62172T o th 113 33 E Barnes 185100 62197 Radical 103 41 P Weiner 4495101 62118 A Jack II Ill 5 J McTacgart 1055100 62118 Tidings 111 6 A Plckens G25100 2 mutucls paid Hidden Jewel 1500 straight G80 place 355 show Wraith 335 place 200 show Top o th Morning 270 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hidden Jewel 600 to 100 straight 240 to 100 place 77JA to 100 show Wraith 67i to 100 place 25 to 100 show Top o1 th Morning 35 to 100 show showTims Tims 23 48 113 Track fa t tWinner Winner A Swinkes b g 6 by Disguise Rnbia Cranda by Greenan trained by A Swinke bred by Wickliffe Stud StudWent Went to post at 447 At post 3 minntes Start good and slow Woo handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 02Q52IEttshe 1C9 6211S Phantom Tair 103 C2119 Black Betty 101 99 1 JtltTJl HACE 1 Kile and 70 Yards 044 uu gcpt 20 1S20 lASK 7 104 CTOTCTI Hacdic p Purse 15CO 3ycarolds and upward Ket valno to winner 1OCO second COO third 200 200Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight61914Star 61914Star Jester 110 1JJ T Brooka 70100 62147 Lunetta 117 2 J McTaggart 550100 62174sPIanet 100 31 P Weiner 355100 62174 Bygone Days 103 4 J Wallace 1050100 62174Mock Onge 152 51 R Flynn 1620100 62 147 Auntio May 9S 6s H E Jonea 2400100 62171 Louis 100 7 J Thomas 12S100 12S10062201sUlUmata 62201sUlUmata 100 PupC Rails 5110100 2 mutuels paid Star Jester 340 straight 260 place 200 show Lnnetta 370 place 320 show Planet 355 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Star Jester 70 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 30 to ICO show Lunetta So to 100 place 60 to 100 show Planet 77 to 100 show showTbae Tbae 143 new track record Track fait faitWinner Winner K Lobs b c 3 by Black Jester Star flight by Sanatar trained by 0 E Poas bred in Kngland by Mr J B Joel JoelWent Went to pest at 529 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched G2230 Eleanor S 102 R99Kfi U44UU SIXTH HACE 1 116 Miles May 31 1522 145 5 B7 Pursa 1COO 4 4yearolds yearolds and upward Churning Net valno to towinner winner 700 socoad 2M third 100 100Equlv Equlv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey S 62175 = Doctor Jim 109 1 M Schwartz Schwartz62148sEncrinite S63100 S63100B95100 62148sEncrinite 110 2 J Wallace WallaceC5821T B95100 B9510013S3100 C5821T Sb N PslOO 31 H E Jones 13S3100 61940 Sea Way 107 4 E Barnes 1300100 62121 Handfull 107 R Flynn 1070100 62148 Wer Willow 10G C C Ralla 12235100 62203 Dantzic 107 7 C Miller 210100 62228 Rajah 107 S K Gregory 4240100 4240100t 62202 Joe S 105 3 II Fallen t 60536 Cont Events 107 10l J McTaggart 1035100 61S01JPio 107 11 J Thomas 23131W 62121 Flypaper 105 13 F Weiner T TtMutuel tMutuel field 2 mutnels paid Doctor Jim 930 straight 133 place 340 siiow Eacrinlte 350 place 420 show They Shall Not Pass 695 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Doctor Jim 305 to 100 straight 117S to 100 place 70 to 100 sbow Kn crinitc 175 to 100 place 110 to 100 show They Shall Not Pass 247 to 100 show showTime Time 147 Trzck fast fastWinner Winner W Caywoods b g 5 by O den Rock Merry by Rock Sand trained by W Caywood bred by Mr John D Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 610 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched C2227 Satana 110 61799 Dottas Best 112 02013 Tingling 107 62175 Mark West 110 110Overweights Overweights Doctor Jim 2 pounds U44UJ fiOOK7 SliVJxNJLH EACE 1 Kile and 70 Tards JUM 3 ig22 l 3 110 Purso 1C05 4reaxolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 703 second 200 third 100 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 62 1 48 Hainan 105 1 J Thomas 3321100 62122 High Gear 113 2 E Taylor 2C51CO 62146 Stanley 1CS 3 K SmaHwood 2330100 2330100C1820Zouave 2330100C1820Zouave C1820Zouave 101 44 R Flynn 42010J 62122 War Winner 106 5 E Barnes 1855100 62145 Baywood U2 6 G Stone 1630100 62 176 3 Antilles 1 M 7 J McTaggart 305100 62148 Donatollo 106 8 P Wolner 3820100 2 mntuols paid Haman 985 straight 440 place 340 show High Gear 380 place 350 show Stanley 800 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hainan 392VJ to 100 straight 120 to 100 place 70 to 100 show High Gear 90 to 100 place 75 to 100 show Stanley 300 to 103 show showTime Time 143 Track fast fastWinner Winner K L Fitzgeralds b g 3 by Horron Selina Lou by Ktlierran trained by E L Fitr gerald bred by Messrs Talbo Bros BrosWent Went to post at 700 At poet 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 61911 FUbbertygibbet Ill 61985 Bal ¬ lot car 1OI 6214R Rhymer 106 106Overweights Overweights High Gear 1 pound Baywood 2

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Local Identifier: drf1922060401_11_4
Library of Congress Record: