Omaha Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-07


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OMAHA FORM CHART 03IAHA Neb Tuesday Juno 6 1 22 One ralle Tblrd day AkSarBen Inhibition Co Spring meeting of 13 days daysPresiding Presiding Judge Martin Nnthanson Associate judges W J IConin and Perry Reed Starter Arthur McKnight Racing secretary Charles L Trimble TrimbleRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 330fi9 fi9 UZJOLU 1 ft FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purso 5QO 3ycar0ijs and Upari claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Cquiv Cquiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight622G1 622G1 Kimberly 104 1 B Schcffel G 5lCO Oklama Kidll4 2 E Barnes 195100 C22GO Sir John Jr 112 Z W Handera 430100 430100I2G1 I2G1 Flossie F 104 4 L Mills 150100 150100G10CG G10CG Mary D 101 5 II S Jones 2S33100 2S33100G22G1 G22G1 Darley Belle 10S 6s F Derby 57SO100 62285 T B PavitelOa 71 D Hurn 1540100 1540100G0243Mar G0243Mar Elnra 102 S M Richardsn 1433100 55039 My Dr Light 9D 91 J Allen t 58439 Onota 106 10J J McBrlde 6110103 6110103GC938 GC938 Blue Jay 119 11 E Barham 1375100 Arbor Day 114 12 I Rabidcau t ttMntuel tMntuel field 2 mutuels paid Kimberly 1510 straight f590 place 140 show Oklahoma Kid field 180 place 310 show Sir John Jr 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Kimberly C55 to 100 straight 245 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Okla ¬ homa Kid field 140 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Sir John Jr 95 to 100 show showTimo Timo 109 Track fast fastWinner Winner B Stillmans br g 8 by Ben Trovato Africa by Savile trained by E Stillman bred by Mr Overton II Chenault ChenaultWent Went to post at 240 At post 2 minutes Start pood and tlow Won easily tecond and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched C228G Will o th Wisp 103 G101G Mc Murphy 115 115Overweights Overweights Oklahoma Kid 5 pounds Sir John Jr 4 Mary D 5 I arley Belle 3 Onota 2 5231 1 SECOHD HACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claim in Not valua to winner 100 second 570 third 30 30Etiuiv Etiuiv Odds OddsInd Ind StraightCOS Horse Vt Fin Jockey Straight COS 14 Brown Dick 101 In C McCorklo 110100 55CSG Tom Ellison 100 2 W Varley 13SOO100 JOG95 Peros Baby 103 3 = k L Hall 10SC100 Salvatoron 104 4h R Kspende t34CO100 50012 Kazan 109 109K12SG D L Mills S4M100 K12SG Crisplo 110 6 J Singleton 170103 5504 I Fashion Girl 99 7 F Horn 10M51M C2259 Uutli Van 109 81 F Crimes 8200100 8200100T T Oklahan 114 9J 13 II Barnes 0103100 0103100Sea Sea Water 111 10J II Dority t 550GTpy Dean 104 11 D Hurn 900100 900100fMutucl fMutucl field 2 inutiicls paid Brown Dick 420 straight 410 place 340 show Tcm Ellison 121 CO place i2SO show Properos Baby 110 show showUiuivalent Uiuivalent booking oids Brown Dick 110 to 100 straight 10j to 100 place 70 to 100 show Tom Ktlison r3iO to 100 rlace 1015 to 100 show Iros peroa llaby 155 to 100 show showTime Time 1C9 Treck fast fastWinner Winner F Stitca br g 3 by Waldo Scvenfiill by IJdlnborough trained by W Glover bred by Mr lienjamin A Jones JonesWent Went to peat at 312 At post 5 minutes Strrt pcod and slaw AVon driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 57020 Winchester 105 C2259 Mark Dcnunzio 112 112Ovcnvcights Ovcnvcights Ruth Van 5 pounds The Okla lioman 5 Sea Water 2 V 200 OAJ 19 THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 00 3ycar0jd5 and upward Claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 100 second 570 third 30 30E E ulv Olds OldsInd StralehtG22GO Ind Hore 7t Fin Jockey Straleht G22GO Clear Lake 110 IB D Hum 3ii100 3ii100G22GOJtulEC G22GOJtulEC Brow 113 2 F Wilson EO1CO EO1COG22GO G22GO Innovation 110 3 R Dority 24SO100 C22C2 Bob Giles 115 4i T Johnson t 622GO Rosa Atkin 110 5i W Handera DS100 G22C2 Acclamation 115 ffi E II Barnes 2JCO100 02259 = Jim Farmer 113 7 C JlcCorklo 3Wt100 G22G2 Jf Tilghman 115 Si E Barham t GS259 GS259Lo Lo nrack 115 SJ J JfcBrldo S925100 G22G1 Eil Le Van 115 I01 T Beyer 19520103 62258 Littlo Tlllie 110 11 ° J Allen 97501CO 97501CO622GO 622GO Tom Iaston 115 12 H S Jones 10223100 10223100IMutucl IMutucl field 2 niuiuela paid Clear Lake 850 straight 260 place 2fiO show Judge Budrow 250 place 270 show Innovation field 330 show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking odds Clear Inke 325 to 10J straight 30 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Judge JSudrow 25 to 100 place 33 to 100 show Innova ¬ tion field C5 to 100 show showTime Time 108J Track fast fastWinner Winner C B Irwins b m 8 by Fountain Sqnare Clear Night by Free Knight trained by C U Irwin bred by Mr William Dietz DietzWont Wont to post at 347 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Mine MineScratched Scratched C22S5 B A Jones 110 C2259 San Stefano 103 103Overweights Overweights Cob Giles 3 pounds 62313 rouTS RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 5003yearolds ClaimingJfot 3yearolds znd upward Claiming Jfot value to winner 400 secod 70 third 30 30Kfjiiiv OddsInd Kfjiiiv Odds StraightC0855 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight C0855 Maysville 103 la j Allen AllenG22GlThirty 250100 250100G22GlThirty G22GlThirty Sen 113 2 L Mills MillsG22GO 210100 210100G22GO G22GO Lit Florence 105 3 H S Jones JonesG1IJ30 19CO1CO G1IJ30 Lltt Pointer 110 4J R Jones 022 GO Don Jose 113 61 II Scoviile C0418 Lotta G G1005 Helen Major 107 7J L Hall 14755100 14755100G5043SJ G5043SJ R Roche 115 8i R Dority 2043100 2043100G1S39 G1S39 I W Harper 113 9 J Singleton 1823100 Mar Lewis 110 10 i I Treat t C2251JLast Chance 115 H5 F Greene t G13S1 Hyrtlo A 110 12 D Hum 1175100 1175100IMutucl IMutucl field 2 mntucls paid Mnysrille 700 straight 4 20 place 370 show Tliirty Seven 370 place 31iO Bliow Little Florence r o show show1quivalent 1quivalent booking odds Maysvillc 250 to 300 straight 110 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Thirty Seven 85 to 103 place CO to 100 show Little 1lor enie 100 to 100 show showTirco Tirco 114J Track fast fastWinner Winner J Nichols b f 4 by Caraleadour II Hill Top by Clifford trained by J Haggcrty bred by Mr S K Nichols NicholsWent Went to post at 415 At pest 1 minute Start good and Blow Won driving second end third the fame fameScratched Scratched 01007 Fickle Fancy 110 55035 Over Btcp 102 102Overweights Overweights Little Florence 3 pounds Lotta G 3 Helen Major 5 g231A ETFTHRACE S4 HiU Purse 500 4 year olds and upward Allowances Net valua to winner 400 second 70 third SO SOKquiv Kquiv Odds OddsInd Ind StraightG22G2Ktes Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight G22G2Ktes Cub 117 1 R Dority 115100 117 2l It Mills 30J100 G1321 Herder 113 31 D Hurn 3S51CO G1872 Hazel W 107 4 R Espcnshade 993100 Eddio Fuller 122 5 J Carter G390100 55048Tyranny G39010055048Tyranny 111 6 L Hall 2230103 47791 Florentine 117 7 R Scoville 035100 2 mutnels paid ICirstiea Cub 430 straight 270 place 240 show Noasnlt 320 place 250 ehow Herder 3CO show showEiniralent Einiralent booking odds Klrslles Cub 115 to 100 straight 35 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Nonscit CO to 100 place 25 to 100 show Herder 80 to 100 khovr khovrTims Tims 1HK Track fast fastWinner Winner A Borlands b h 7 by Bcarcatchcr Kirstle by Frankfort trained by F Borland bred by Mr Taomaa Piatt PiattWent Went to post at 440 At post 1 minatc Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched G22CO Money 113 yearolds and upward Allowrnc s llct valuo to wiroer 5DO second 70 third SO SOlM lM lMv v da daIrtd Irtd Horse Wt Fin Jockey Slrj ht htG2288JW G2288JW Mcery 122 13 J Singleton MMOO 61259 Franklin 117 2s R Scovllle SSO100 SSO1005019N 5019N 1C Real 112 Ss F Greene 3170100 3170100C223R C223R Capt Clover 109 4 II S Jones 101100 G10GO Regrcso 112 5 D Hum S85100 S85100G2258D G2258D of Wth 112 C I Rabidcau 2035100 2 mutiiels paid Woodc Montgomery 720 straight 300 place 330 show Franklin 5020 pLice 5120 aliow N K Heal 5550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Woodie Montgomery 200 to 100 straight S5 to 100 plnce G5 to 100 show Franklin 210 to 100 pUce 110 to 100 show N K Heal 175 to 100 show showTimo Timo 141 Track fast fastWinner Winner P It Irwins ch g 9 by First Chip Duchess of Mcntebello by Ilanastnr trained by l WaringWent U Irwin bred by Mr H Waring Went to post at 513 At post 2 minutes Start good and Blow for all but Hegrcso Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 01015 Buckhorn II 117 G2203 Bal four 11G

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Local Identifier: drf1922060701_11_1
Library of Congress Record: