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LATOUXA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 1O21 to May 23 1O22 Inclusive At or OverWt Over Jockey Wt Mts MtsIOC Van Dusen O IOC 41 Darles It 105 45 Garner M 103 707 140 112 125 125i Wirth L 105 10 i i Wilson P 102 391 7 Kennedy B 105 C34 118 S3 103 Pool B 103 703 119 101 133 Howard J 105 120 Fields G 105 720 112 91 08 Pool W 03 131 21 12 2O Wilson A 102 539 Iloblnson G 111 345 Johnson A 112 279 Koble S 107 SOD Barnes E 100 G21 Eurte H J 110 533 Connelly D DGray 110 2GO Gray IT 103 C3 Mink L 110 85 13 Thclen V 100 14 2 Binder C 97 439 2C7 C7 73 74 Bcheffel B 83 372 47 x m Bcoble E 103 G55 4 At or OverWt Over Jockey Wt Mts latXdSd Bobbins J 110 Barrett N 110 247 Mooney J D DPoclim 111 656 Poclim E 105 16 Burke J H 107 83 1 Ktderis J 102 159 1 Murray T 111 S64 J Breuning G 100 251 25 Smith V 107 251 24 Zocller J 107 20 80 40 J Owens J 84 195 17 28 0 Arvin A 90 100 9 4 13 Barnes N J 107 291 25 ° Francis J 107 5C5 53 Frieshon A 95 134 12 McGraw S 99 133 10 Martin A 107 183 13 Tcrrat A 94 53 4 Harrington II 107 209 0 Dcmourelle C 05 2 0 Jackson B 103 7 0 Matthews R 85 1 0 Moore F L to a