3rd Race [3rd Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-07

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nti DA PET 34 IHile Blaiu Course Kollis Seizing States ycnrolda aad Ol U nrtUU ui vara Sent 1 1O1O 11O 1 iO iOLOED LOED mTrcjner BEIGHTOK ch h 6 112 By Ballot Miss Crittenden by Soyal Fluslj m Trcjner S C Hildrath Owner Riacocas Stable StableG1002 G1002 PoflndiaC1704 Jamaica 34 Irll fast 2 124 2 1 1 13 E Sanflo 1 Routledse ElectcdII Poflndia C1704 Jamaica 5J f I Iu4sfnst u4sfnst 2 120 3 2 2J 11 13 Sand SandC1500 Sande 7 Musknllonse AVhisk Tle Bey C1500 Jamaica 24 l13i ood 115 114 9 3 51 2 L Fato 10 Dof tValy Manna Brainstorm 55732 Kmpire Ab 34 lC9iifa3t 45 125 2 244 4 41 L Fato Fato5CC15 Fator 4 Purchase Gladiator Dnsandol 5CC15 Empire 1 l49fast 32 1J6 2 1 1 1 1 2i K Sand Sand551X7 Sande 4 CDcinon GonieW Houyhnhaai 551X7 Aqduct 34 1 135faat 95 123 8 7 5 6 1 E Sand Sand5i Sande 9 Curfew GenieNV Mcrchilarine McrchilarineI3 5i S Boimont 1 116 l43 6fast 35 112 1 1 1 1 1 I3 1J H Sand Sand64W9 Sande 7 TMTjjart P Whack Sobrlgade 64W9 Belmont 73 l2CTfcfaat 35 121 2 1 1 1 2 21 5 5i i L Iato IatoMJ76 Iator 5 Thuuderclap Nfddam Montalro MJ76 Jamaica Im70y l42fast 135 116 1 1 1 1 2 2 E Hand Kande 0 Ktsnml Bcllsolar Georgie 54125 Jamaica S4 l12Hfaat 1 125 1 2 2 2 21 L Fato FatoW50 Fator 5 Peter Iipsr Kulade Star Court W50 Jamaica 34 IlCKood 15 120 3 5 5 31 4 L Fate Fator 10 On Watch NaturalNt DrClurk DBEAH OF THE VALLEY blk jr 5 113 113Trainer By Vatcrralo Bream Girl by Voter Trainer i Fenstol Owter Glca Eiddlo Farm Stable StableG1077 G1077 Jamaica 34 Illsfa3t 135 122 4 2 2 3i T Rice 7 EAlPoc Gladiator Brainatcna 01500 Jamaica 34 l13rood 5 113 3 1 1 1s 1 T Rico Rico579J2 10 Manna fdBrislUon Brainstorm 579J2 Jamaica 34 l13good 12 1 0 G 5 G 5 6 O7 A Sehi Sehi57B19 Sehugr 5 Tnderclap Diaiesdale Ti aI c 57B19 Jamaica 34 l13Aslow 1G5 122 1 4 4 41 5 E Sand Sandi7W7 Sande 8 BHomme Sea Cove LeatStraw i7W7 Belmt 34 MC lU = ifast 13i 116 5 3 3 5 61 6 6J E Ami Ami5C3S7 Ambrse 7 litiuttoyne Dry Moon Mertuy 5C3S7 Belmont 1 l37fast C 106 2 1 1 1 2 21 L McA McAM942 McAtee 3 Georsle Two Fcatherg M942 Boimont 34 st llSfast 8 122 1 2 2 21 4 41 E Ami Ami54SC6 Ambree 4 Gladiator Cum Sah Idle Doll 54SC6 Belmont 1 1S 149 fast 7 112 2 1 1 1 11 4 C Kum Kummer 5 Goulcr La Ralilce Capt Alrock 4629 Bclmont 1 133 fuat 135 122 3 1 1 1 1a 1 C Kuir KuirHS73 Kummer 5 FairGulu JuMarlc SiMldiael HS73 Jamaica 34 lllfast 4 103 1 1 1 21 2 J Moo Mooney 3 Audacious Thunderclap 4il2 Jamaica 34 l12fast 95 111 2 1 1 1s l 13 i C KUIE Kummer 8 Carniirvon TWitchct TcddyR TAITGEHINS b s 3 SO By Olainbala Orango Lilly by William tba Third Trainer T J Healoy Owner R T Wilson C2127 Belmont 1 11C l44fast o 571 S Bullman J Tiicblc Tnfter David Hnrurn 618 1C Jamaica ImTOy l45Sfcraud 32 9S 2 3 41 21 B iarlneII 0 Toudy R Wynnewood Normal RalcoGJ520 G1012 NormalG1012 Jamaica Im70y 4 fast 2 110 2 3 3 31 B MarielH 3 Frsatc Ralco GJ520 Jamaica 31 l13Vimud 5 100 7 6 2s 21 B Marielll 7 KustViiw KdsarAlPoe Normal 5S719 Normal5S719 Bowie 6i f l25 l22Smud = Sm U G 114 2 6 G GDSC71 6 1J J Butwell 10 Miriatcrooptr Penitent Iluiky DSC71 IluikyDSC71 Bowie 78 l29hvy 1710 103 643 6433 64335MJ19 3 3 3 L McAtee 7 Morto Charaplaln Doiishnut 5 5MJ19 619 Bcwle 78 l23hvy S2 110 6 6 6 6 65S 51 3s L Morris 10 Ilephaistoa Ilncky Opperrcan Chaispln5S155 5S 5SC Opperrcan5SC Bowia G f 122 hvy 4 104 4 96 965XJS5 6 1 C Lans 11 llcplistos YkecStar Chaispln 5S155 Pimlico 34 llG llGmud mud 6 109 1 5 63 3 21 1 L Penman 9 Simplicity Colatido Timbrel TimbrelDOUGKinJT DOUGKinJT br c 3 103 103Trainer By Sweep Fascination by Buck Hassle Trainer K L Byar Owner T F Prico G22CI Belmt Cl f MC las good 5 10U 7 3 21 L Fator 9 Dsydcs MasUand Kof tIIcr 02038 Bclm t Gl f MC llSfact 19 111 2 4 43 2 E Fator 9 Finality MasterHand EzcuscMe 01847 Jamaica 34 l13 mud 135 107 3 4 4 2 = E Fator 4 Lkyutton MCoopcr StiplatiTa 017GG Jamaica 34 l12 l12ifast ifast 20 105 3 4 41 S E Fator 11 Bil Watts Brainstonn Olynthus CinIO Jamaica 34 l12 l12sood tsoot CO 111 6 6 G G1 M Buzton G Itxltuian Lettennan Hrpbaislos 6110 Jamaica 34 l13Visoo 60 1C1 7 7 S1 8 A GantnerlO Dof tVal Manna Idltrishtoa iS747 Bowia 1 l44mud 61 61IS719 102 4 3 4 4 5 G E Joslah 0 Hcphalstos Modo Wcssle B IS719 Bowio 61 f l22Hmud 31 110 10 10 8 7s GJ E Joslah 10 MiriuTCooper Penitent Plucky 58671 Bowio 78129hvy Plucky78129hvy 3i 3i685S9 108 3 5 6 6 6 4 E Jostah 7 Modo Chnmplaln Tnnserlne 685S9 Bowio ImOy i70y Tnnserlnei70y lCOV hvy 3 3t 93 2 1 1 2 3 31 E Harbne 8 FlyClood MyldBelle Clarkson 58619 Bowie 78 l28Xhvy 40 107 3 f 9 9 9 G J Zoellcf 10 Hephalstos Plucky Tangerine 5SCS Bowie Gl TangerineGl f 112 hvy 20 104 8 488 11 J Zoeller 11 HepAtos Tangerine YkceStat 6S437 Plmllco 51 116 slop 3S 115 i 4 2 1 li G W Croll fl AllUier rinerjr Marjlaad Belli BRAINSTORM br g 3 3Trainer 103 By Peter Paa Bubble by All Gold GoldH Trainer J Edwards Owner H Waterson CVZ3G Belmnt 34 MC l14mud 41 110 C 3 4 4 1 L Penman 8 BPass Mawrcoron MPatricia C176G Jamaica 34 l12fist 7 10J 6 B 21 21 L Penman 11 Billy Watts Olyntlius Manna G1G77 Jamaica 34 lllfast 10 105 7 4 4 4 L McAtee 7 EAlPoe Gladtor Dof tlie Vy G1500 Jamaica 34 l13good 3 102 10 6 4i 4 = 1 II ThurbcrlO Dof tVal Manna LdBrighton 01398 HdcGce S4 l13Vsfast 14 110 6 1 l i 1 I Penman 7 Biglicart My Play Caretaker G1313 HdcGce 34 l14good 175 114 511 2n L Penman 10 Trcvclvan Higlieart Opperman G1280 HdeGco El f lC9hvy 3710 111 4 3 31 4 1 L Penman 7 LuckyHour Caretaker LE fort G1190 Bowio 34 l13fast 2310 112 6 4 31 4JJ L Morris C Wellfinder Translate Mercury 61098 Bowio BJ f l10fast l10fastC7797 1710 109 1 1 Il 1i L Morris G Elemental AllFair MlssEminaU C7797 Laurel 61 f 109 slop slop5G710 125 113 1 1 I3 1 L Penman 7 Alex II Marylnd Belle Jocoia 5G710 Bclmont 34 llU fast 6 110 6 6 7 773 F Cltilettl 7 Srob II June Grass Sedge 5C12G Saratoga BS cfast 10 104 10 9 9110 L Penman 10 Toil Bigheart Fair Phantom 5G047 Saratoga E8 59fast 15 108 7 6 6 61 L Penman 12 Oil Man Bigheart Pegasus PegasusC 55994 Saratoga 51 f l06 = fast C 1081 7 7 7 7 F Keogh 7 MissJoy KaiSang LdBtlmorn 55440 Aqueduct 68 C9fast 12 115 5 2 21 431 C KummcrlS Sidereal Ultimo Nortbcllff KREWER b h 5 112 By Aldford Keadean H by Gallinule GallinuleTrainer Trainer S C Hildrcth Owner Eancocas Stable StableC178G C178G Jamaica 34 l12fast 116 114 3 6 6J C Kummer 6 OnWatch CalJane Mnskallonge fiG7rn Belmont 34 MC lllfast 3 128 1 3 2s 2J E Sande 3 Crocus Step Lightly 56247 Saratoga 1 liSS fast 25 121 1 1 1 1J E Sande 4 Fair Gain Servitor TMcTagrt TMcTagrtr r 5733 Empire Ab 34 l03fast 110 116 3 2 21 11 L Fator 8 Wellfinder Guvnor 55533 Empire 75 124 1 1 21 L Ensor 4 Dominique Gladiator Naturalist 71 Empire ImTOy 145 fast 27 117 2 2i 21 L Fator G Thdercp Dmesdale Thdstm f 4 173 Belmont 51 f st l05fast 115 125 4 3 2 1 E Sande 9 PetPiper Bridesman CareFrea CRYSTAL FOED ch E 6 107 By Clifford Glimmerflass by Chactanunda ChactanundaC Trainer W C Clancy Owner W C Clancy 02290 Belmont 21 107 1 1 1J 1s S Lowe 1 Cromwell Title Anniversary G2204 Bclmnt 3 4 MC l12fast 7 109 8 S 6l 4s S Lowe 11 Excuse Me Sea Mint Proflndla 2004 Bolmont 1 l3Sfast 20 113 4 1 2 1J S Lowe 9 BlllyWatts Translate SirMaid 01G7G Jamaica 1 11C l4Cfast 920 20 102 1 1Im70y 1 11 II L Penman 2 David Harum G1GOS Jamaica Im70y l44fast 1710 10 110 4 2 2 3l L McAtee 5 Normal Kof the Her Runquoi 01 39 7 HdeGce 34 l14fast 7 110 1 1ImTOy 3 21 3 C Lang 0 The Boy Super Vibrate PS317 Empire ImTOy l4C = ffast 15 11C 5 5Im70y 6 6 6 E Sande 7 Sagacity Cromwell Dark Hill HillS fS180 Empire Im70y l4Cfast S 114 3 3ImTOy E 6 ° 6 = L McAtee 7 DJomcdes FirstPnllet Sea Mint 18119 Empire ImTOy l43 fast 12 110 6 3 31 G L McAtee 7 Tufter Siren Maid Sea Mint f 78Gl Jamaica 1 1S 154 fast 21 1041 1 1ImTOy 112 = 41 L McAtee 5 Diomedcs DarkHill Escarptte 57710 Jamaica ImTOy l44fast 5 118 2 3 Cs B L McAtee G WarNote SirenMaid RegLodge 57349 Aqueduct 1 l3Smud 7 1C6 1 1 2s 2 L McAtee 3 Edwina Regal Lodge C73SO Aqueduct 1 lS9fast 21 111 7 1 11 I1 L McAtee 10 Romany Thimble St Isidore DAN ROLLING b IT 3 3Trainer OgdenOak 05 By Sea King Coat by Ogden Trainer J Loftus Owner Oak Ridge Stable 62201 Belmnt 34 IIC l12fast 8 110 1 1 1 C l C Robson 11 Excuse Me Sea Mint Proflndia G1937 Jamaica 34 l12 yast 12 115 6 3 4 4 J E Sande 0 IrishSea MasterHand Olynthus G17GG Jamaica 34 l12fast 10 104 2 8 7 E Taplin 11 BilWatta Brainstorm Olynthus 01704 Jamaica 5 f l05fast 12 111 1 B1 L McAtee 7 LBrishton Muskallonge Whisk G1518 Jamaica 34 l14mud 7 115 1 1s I T Rice 8 Pirate Gold 01ynthnsBniom ES350 Empire ES lCOfast 12 105 2 6 C B3 G W CarU 9 Lkyllonr BeeaWai PhanBlne ES234 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 7 112 4 2 2 2 C Turner 9 Northcliff Fitigbon Trajanus 67551 Ajduct 58 l0fltrud 5 115 41 5B1 C Kummerl2 Horologe CMcilkln Vcnizelos E62SS Sartoga El f l05fast 30 11514 10 9 11 E Ambrse 14 June Grass Mercatio Snob II 5G12f Sartoga D8 CO fast BO 101 9 6 81 81 G W CarllO Toil Bigheart Fair Phantom 65597 Sartoga El f lCCfast 20 115 10 44 4l 7 T Rice 12 Oceanic Frsnk Fnrst Deadlock 5S283 Jamaica E8 100 fast 2 1081 5 SI 4 5 W Kelsay 7 St Maurice Mawrcoron Kirtle BEPEISAL br g 4 ISO ISOA By Helmet Bachelor Girl by Broomstick Trainer E A Smith Owner W M Jeffords JeffordsS4 G212G Bclmnt S4 MC 111 fast 7 110 3 J 2 8 J L Morris 10 Rocket Dnnboyne Tryster G13G7 Jamaica 34 112 fast 6 119 4 1 I1 11 L Morris B MusSeed Mnsklge Thundrclap C1739 Pimlico 34 lll fast 76 116 6 1 1 2 = L Morris 7 Star Jester Super Wellfinder C1582 Pimlico 34 Ill7ifast C 113 5 1 Il T7 L Morris 8 Hildur GoldenSphcre ByJimlny CCr90 Sartoga 34 llHifast 115 120 4 11 I1 I1 L Fator 6 Seiapis Knot TenLee CG2C3 Sartoga 34 lllfast 31 110 5 64 41 4s E Ambrse 7 Thderclap SmokeScrn Georgie EC07S Sartoga 34 lllfast 21 114 1 11 1 Il E Ambrso 7 Mcssiues StepLightly Dartmoor E5SS2 Sartoga 34 112 fast 15 116 1 11 1 1 E Ambrse 9 LoveTap Kirkngton ScotldYet 65520 Aqduct 24 l12fast 10 1GS 10 64 91 13 F Cltiletti 13 Dimmdale Messines StMichl E52S5 Aqduct 34 l12fast 7 1 5 1 24 6 6 E Ambrss 0 Gcorgie St Michael Edwina EULLABALOO b g 3 3Trairer 105 By Peter Pan Folderol by Burgomaster Trairer F Hopkins Owner H P Whitney G1175 Bowie Gi f l22good l22goodG1145 13 105 4 2 2 2 H Thomas 6 ExcuseMe JohnMorrill Troubler TroublerD5 G1145 Bowie 61 f l l fast D5 103 6 1 I1 1 H Thomas 8 Swecpy FannieBean GrMaycrs 61122 Bowie 51 f l08iifast l08iifastSLIKG 12 116 9 6 31 2J L Morris 12 Apex Zorro Welcome Stranger SLIKG ch o 3 3Trainer 103 By Pebbles Militant by Ballot Trainer W Hogan Owner J Butler Butlerlit ES161 Empire 51 f lOSgood 95 lit 1 1 2 2 11 E Sande 11 Picnic Finnish Maid Trajanus W57 Empire El f 107 fast 25 114 7 E E l D Stirling 9 LuckyHour NatlyeLand Ultimo E5SS9 Empire 51 f 107 good 30 115 7 66 61 711 C H Miller 8 Oil Man Ykee Star Reparation 65775 Empire Ab 34 l09 fast SO 112 6 6 5 El 62 R Lcasterll Ray Jay June Grass Snob II ESS75 Empire E8 l02Jy slop 20 109 4 6 6 8l 3 G W Car 1114 Atta Gal Stock Pin Grass Treo E5614 Empire E8 l01fast 30 112 10 0 7 6i S Bullman 13 Cydonia Grass Tree HlUsd l ttiid Aaduct E8 59fast 30 115 7 10 101 12 F Weiner 13 Sidereal Ultimo Nortiicllff BLACKSTONE blk g 3 103 103Trainer By Pebbles Tamira by Peter Pan Trainer W Hogan Owner J Butler ES630 VirginiaES679 Bowis 78 130 slop 5 100 C 4 2 1 S1 7 A Allen 8 GFostcr WessieB F Virginia ES679 OverES657 Bowie 7S l2Shvy 21 109 S 5 6 S 9 8 A Allen 11 Champlain Yashmak All Over ES657 OhamplainE8K5 Bowie 31 116 hvy 2 104 3 1 1 Zl 4 B Marielli 8 Elemental Penitent Ohamplain E8K5 YkeeStarS475 Bowie 61 f 122 hvy 4 1061 2 t 5 71 7 C Ponce 11 Hephstoa Tangerine YkeeStar S475 Pimlico 34 l17 hvy 9 100 6 6 S B1 3J L Fator 7 Oil Man Picnic Irish Brigadier

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922060701/drf1922060701_8_2
Local Identifier: drf1922060701_8_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800