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C4U DflOC 1 3Srilc yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 7 1O11 DIH nAUt 137 45 3 1O7 ROYAL DUCK br g 5 113 113Trainer By Eoyal Realm Buckshot by Gcllinnle Trainer J S Hayes Owner C N Freeman G2058 MLRoyal 1 11G l47fast 1 112 112OJ315 11 W Hinphy G Joaquinn Exhortcr Duke Ruff OJ315 HdcGce 1 3l 201ifast 3 114 6 1 1G1208 31 11 C Turner 6 Joan of A re Romeo LadyLiflian G1208 ILdeGce 1 1S l55good 21C 103 4 1 14 I2i C Lang G MidnitSun TrieksterlL Aiuaza 60100 FGnds 1 18 154 fast 3 113 5 5 1 1 153C61 24 64 15 Pool 11 Corson AttorMuir CurtKvents 53C61 FGnds 1 1S lG3V fast 5 107 6 6 5 t tiS378 3 4 1 E Scoblo 8 Gmaud Ace WadsworthsLast iS378 FalrGds 1 14 207 fast 165 109 7 2 1 1 15S2S3 14 U E Sooble 8 LazyLou Gorilla l renaMos 5S2S3 Lex ton 1 14 205ifast S UO 5 2 2 2 61 9 L McDott 11 Ktmpalong La Foudre FrankT NATURAL ch f 4 102 102f By Martinet Chemulpo by Ben Strome f Trainer J Bauer Owner J Lyon LyonG22 G22 19 Connght Im70y l46mud 9 93 6 6 6G2194 2 k 13 L Gregory G Royallicu Kuklux Sun Brao G2194 Connght 1 116 l4Sfast 29 10S 3 6 6IG18 61 44 F Hunt 7 Joaquina Kuklux Romeo IG18 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 10 110 S 9 lot jots N Swart 13 FIzer Smarty Fantoche IG1509 Pimlico 1 l43mud 6 106 6 4 4G1450 41 5 J N Swart 12 Sister Flo Laughter Antilles G1450 Pimlico 1 11C l4Sfast 13 11210 U Ui S G R Rice 11 AVidBedotte BillyLane Stanley i 612G7 Bowie 1 116 l52Amud 5 112 6 2 2G1147 I1 2s H Thomas 8 Romeo Joan of Arc Nlshtboat G1147 Bowio 1 116 lElfast 2710 103 2 1 1G1124 I4 I1 H Thomas G Queen Blonde Bryngar Verity G1124 Bowio 1 116 l50fast 8 103 4 41 B J II Thomas 7 MidtSuu Brib Voter Tksterll 60593 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 135102 4463 4463SU5S5 8 4s H Thomas 10 Mormon Elder The AVit Ettakt SU5S5 FGnds Im70y l4Shvy 2 98 3 3 4 5 5CC2S9 3 2 J Owens 5 MMaxim KBruml UKcmble CC2S9 FGnds 1 116 l52Jihvy 165 102 2 2 J 2 11 14 J Owens 6 AValnnt Hall Romeo Little K4 170 FGuda 1 18 154 fast 10 103 3 1 J I E 51 J Owena 7 Tantalus Exhortcr Ace STAE EEALH ch p C 110 By Star Shoot Continental by Yankee YankeeTrainer Trainer J Beamish Owner G W Foreman 02081 Woodbino 34 lHfast 8 105 4 4C01G 2 21 3T A Claver 8 Ultimata Clansman Hcl Atkln C01G Wdblno 1 116 l43slop 6 106 4 4G1880 4 4J 6li H B Bwer 5 BGrad ParDiaraond Mercntio G1880 Wdbino 1 116 l49slow 11 111 4 4C0411 7 10 91 H B BwerlO Tantalus Mcrriinae Servitor C0411 Tijuana 1 116 I47fa3t 8 108 3287 2 8 7 9 911 G Will imsl3 Omona Furbelow Breeze BreezeLO 60226 Tijuana 1 116 152 hvy 8 110 LO 6 6 6 6B93DO 41 4 1 II B Bwer 9 East Indian Furbelow Regreso B93DO Tijuana Im70y l43V slow 910 113 3 C 6 5 5BS747 3 3J J Majestic 8 Veteran BobBaker WPrtDce WPrtDceL4 BS747 TUuana 1 116 l47fast 32 U4 L4 4 1 4 4E9626 21 11 H B Bwer 0 Grace Frank Fogarty Sam Rch RchLI E9626 Tijuana 34 l14fast 126 111 LI 8 8 71 6 B Taylor 10 SmReh Huronl WMtsomerj WMtsomerjLO 50570 Tijuana El f 110 slow 7 110 LO 6 6 41 4 H B Bwer 6 Ikey T Huron II Furbelow 69019 TUuana 1 116 l47fast 2110 117 1 3 1 2 2 1 I E Denny 7 Breeze Regreso Verdi Loon G216G Connsht 34 l13fast 9 109 3 1 3 4 1 A Claver 7 Camouflage Clansman KtGra 61425 HdeGco 34 l13fast Gf 117 345 7i A JohnsonlS HJewcl Runqnol LitBShee LitBSheeGI213 GI213 Bowie 34 l13fast 10 115 3 Z 4 4T T RJca C UltraGoM KgJohn ApplcJkl 01174 Bowio 34 lUgood 31 11G 3 1 21 4 T Rico 8 The Lamb UltraGold King Jol JolCC11G CC11G FGnds 34 l12fnat 20 113 1 1111 5J H J Burke 7 Aaackll AAlexder Monast 60232 FGnda 51 f l06faat 15 111 6 56 10 101 J Wlllimall BlParadlse ColTnylor RRot 59324 FGnds 1 116 l55hvy 15 105 1 2 1 5 7 7 F CMtilettl 7 Day Lilly Who Cares Lampui LampuiES631 ES631 FGnda 34 113 taut 4 103 2 S 4 2 61 B Pool 11 Arrowhead Panaman Graysot 59375 FGnds 51 f 107 Rood 185 109J 1 1 1 11 3 i E Pool 11 GdSwell Runquol RislnsRoc RislnsRoc6950S 6950S FGnda 34 l16hvy 135 114 2 12 4 4 i M Gamer C Ticklish Sagamore L Luiuz Luiuz6S052 6S052 Jeffson 58 l01sood 135 116 6 IS 3 3ll E Pool 12 BlmerK HUcRock Mavonrn Mavonrn6S038 6S038 Churchl St 102fa3t 32 113i 2 1 1 2ll 2 H Lunsfd 0 RapDay Stilhael CotBloi CotBloiEOTALUET EOTALUET b g 6 109 By Tho Manager Kings Daughter by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer B Womeldorff Owner W B Bemhardt 62249 Connght Im70y l45mud 7 105 C 41 23 A Claver 0 Natural Kukltrr Snn Brae 02192 Connght 34 115 fast 7 113 5 5G2001 4 2 k s Turplano 5 Titanla Gallipot Margt White G2001 MtHoyal 34 l14fast 10 112 112CM 4 F Chiavta 0 Mumbo Juinbo Chasseur Ilerron CM 16 HdeGcc 34 l15fast 41 10712 6 3 S Turpno 15 Dare Satana War Map 59701 FGnds Ira70y l47V rnud 20 111 3 1 2 4 4J F Chiavta 0 GGabs dArmcc TVgeance 55324 Aqduct 1 l39fast 41 117 4 2 6 6EfllW 51 5l E Sando 0 Rep Gipsy Lad Frank Fogarry FogarryG8 EfllW Belmont 1 l37faat 50 108 3 2 3 3C001S G8 61 E Jelley 7 CAIcock IlobBaker Genie W C001S Belmont 1 l37slow 15 10S 6 6 5 6 6 D Honktna 0 MajorParke Veto TMcTaeeart 49712 Saratoga 1 l3Gfast 20 117 6 7 6 7 71 P Keogh 7 CaptAlcock Sltusic Lallablee 49091 Empire 1 140 fast 2 117 2 4 4 4 41 J Bodguez 0 YelIIand LaRablee LBrwyck 4SOS9 Jamaica 1 116 147 fast ilE IIS 8 6 7 5 41 C Borel 9 KgAlbert SwtMuslc Bmarai CHASSETTS b h 6 113 113Trainer By Light Brigade Panno by Polymelus Trainer G C Brcnton Otraer C C Smithson Smithson2J C2091 MLRoyal 34 l14 fast 32 112 2J W Hlnphy 9 MumboJumbo Herroa Royallleu 61021 MtUoyal 34 l14faat 6 113 4U H Atkinan 8 VJeeChairman KtGrass LkyB E797C Laurel 1 l41fast 7 115 6 3 666 C51 J Mooney 7 Fairway Night Raider Servitor 57672 Laurel 1 116 l4Sfast 1710 116 3 1 1 1 41 4 1 J Butwelt 9 Lads Love Comme 01 Runqnol 67420 HdeGe IrnTOy l46fast 3 117 2 2 1 1 Il Il J Butwell 6 Night Raider Belarlo Flzer 57258 Itlboro Ab58 110 fast 14 110 1 D Stirling 5 Le Gardon Ahara Nigel 55587 FcErle Im70y 146 good 195 103 5 3 4 4 4 4 J McTagt C KcThrush MkOrange 8yBeal BEOMELIA ch 107 Trainer V Owner J r H Skinker C21CG Connght 2310 115 4 5 5 = k 61 L Gregory 7 Camouflage Clansman KtGrass 61682 Pimlico 1 141 fast 7 109 2 1 11 U R Romelll 8 Fluzey Wid Bcdotte Sister Flo G158t Pimlico 34 111 fast 6 1CD 2 1 I1 Jl R Romelll 11 Mayor House Kttahe Bountiful 61528 Pimlico 34 l14slow 18 93 1 128f 2 2 2l P Walls 8 Sagamore CamTlenr Ddellory C1446 Pimlico 34 l12fast 28f 110 10 7 10 10s1 R RomellllS Carmdale JIavournn Poflndia 58234 Laurel 34 114 fast 71 106 10 10 10 10 10 R RomellilO Vibrate HelcaAtkin SomeBaby 58186 Laurel 1 l42fast 39 39ll40fast 103 5 3 3 3 3 k 61 R Romelll 7 Servitor Bresden Wellflnder 57974 Laurel ll40fast 77 95 4 2 2 2 2 4 G Walls 0 Lunetta lluttikins Rubidinm E7870 Laurel 34 113 fast 12 93 7 7 777 7 i Q Walls 7 Knot Wcllfiuder Night Raider E7537 Wdblne 1 l40fast 19 19S4 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 R Romelll 4 MyDear LadyMeaye JIuttlklna 5739C Wdblne S4 113 fast 209 10410 8 8 10 Si R Rometlll2 SailingB UotorCop MajParko MajParkoBy THE ENOuTEER b g 4 103 103Trainer By Luta BIcLnke Fleeing Venns by Kantara Trainer T Doyle Owner T Boyle 61050 Havana ImSOy l42faat 4 109 6 5 41 2 S Boyle 8 Pibroch Hush Count Boris 61020 Havana 34 115 fast 6 112 2 1 I1 21 S Boylo 12 Polar Cub Gratian Mike C0671 Havana 1 140 fast fastC0542 31 101 3 6 Bolted D Priblo 5 Harloek Rockport Jacobean C0542 Havana 1 113 slop slopC0138 31 107 3 2 2 3 41 E J Chalmers 7 Money George W Mary Erb C0138 Havana 1 116 16 l55hvy 1 109 3 1 1y 1 1 1 1 L Penman G LitDear AndreyA Bandy Van TO351 Havana ImSOy y l42fast 8 106 5 6 6502G7 5 E 4 A Pickens 7 Foster Embry TonyBeau Koran 502G7 Havana 34 l13fast 3 100 9 8 61 6 1 V Pool 10 G Chance Discussion Perplexity 60094 Havana 34 l15i slow 41 107 1 6 6 31 S Boylo 5 Money Golden Flint Byrne 5993 Havana 34 l13fast 10 102 3 3ECOO 4 41 5J G Fields 9 Tacola Gratian Koran ECOO Havana 34 l12 fast 20 106 6 3 64 S A Pickens 6 Meliora Old Sinner Oscood 59101 Havana 1 116 l45faat 20 93 4 4 4E9001 5 6 B Scheffel 6 Cromwell LadsLove EleAoorl E9001 Havana 1 116 l50mud 12 103 1 4 4 2 = 3 1 S Boyle 6 Trooper Melvln Whippet JOAOOTNA br f 4 4Trainer 110 By Garry Herrmann Joannina by Yoter Trainer E Holinan Owner T H Wilson 02194 Connght 1 116 l13 trast 6 6C2058 107 7 1 1J M Andson 7 Kuklui Romeo Natural C2058 MtRoyal 1 11C l47fast 5 104 21 C Gross G Roy Duck Eihorter Duke Ruff 61055 MtRoyal 34 115 fast 8 113 4 W Hlnphy 7 Lucky B Bengore Mum Jumbo 61192 Bowie Im70y liSyast 8 113 6 8 5 4 Morris 8 Our Birthday Romeo Ettahe 01101 Bowie Im70y l52 mud 95 107 1 2 2 21 C Lang 7 Our Birthday Romeo Attorney 60777 Mobile Ab 61f l25good 12 115 115C0117 6 6 61 J P Ryan 7 GraceMaycrs ApJackll Klrah C0117 FGnda 1 116 l4jfast 95 102 4 5 4 A Wilson 0 Rep Pimllco Willow Tree 60342 FGnda 1 11G 147 fast 41 105 105C0192 5 5 4 A Wilson 7 BthcrlyLove Padua GyGables C0192 FGnds Im70y 145 fast 5 105 105E9115 6 2 1 H Thomas 9 WalnnUIall Murray HPardner E9115 Jcffson Im70y l5114mud 32 102 102C8939 3 J 1 A Wilson 4 Grayson Cote dOr Richard V C8939 Jeff son 1 l41fajjt 2 104 E 2 S1 C Lang 9 Grayson Tantalus Joaqnlna ESS1S Jeffson 1 116 l4854fast 1110 104 104ES765 4 11 I1 C Lang G JCStone BShannon SVerdict ES765 Jefson 1 l41fast 7 105 5 2 2 M Harson 7 Lampua LucyKate MlssEankla MlssEanklaBy JOHN HOSHOH b s 4 110 110Trainer By tight o m Life Imprint by Knight of the Trainer C T Worthinston Owner C T Worthington Thistle G2281 Thncliffo 34 lllfast 04 100 100C1515 41 H E Jones 11 LaatOne Champlain CroDawn C1515 Lexton 34 l15mud 14 108 3 7 61 C H B Jones 9 MysGirl BultProof RoyalDick 68263 Lex ton 1 116 l47V fast 115112 223 3 3 3 C Dishmn 4 TanSon PlusUltra T Virginian 88235 Lexton 34 l12fast 53 103 8 8 S 8 81X C Dhmon 8 Honor Man Ablaie D Loriotta 67131 Wdbino 1 141 fast 95 95 2 1 2 2671S9 S 3 3eJ H Jones 4 Bastille Irish Jig Kentish Boy 671S9 Thcliffe 34 l13Vifast 115 104 104CG597 1 H Jones 12 Mary Rclgcl Tubby A Sheba CG597 Dshire 1 l2Sgood 6 107 E 3 3 3 21 2 J H Burke 0 Montalvo BgaBuck FitzBoodle 65399 Dshire 1 l39fast 10 111 3 2 2 2E52J3 2 2l 3 J B Parke 9 MissPetite Old Chap All R Sir E52J3 Hamton 34 l15fast 7 113 7 7 8 S1 51 H Saladln 12 SocSlar GrdDaddy VlcMunoa 64926 BBonta 24 l14Vifast 85 112 3 1 1 1 1i H Saladln 0 Tan Son Social Star Pcrhtips Pcrhtipsl G4603 Thorncllffe 34 lHsood 5 112 l k H Saladin 6 SocStar VicMunoz GiltFrlnse 62919 TUuana 1 l42islop 910 100 4 2 I 5 3 S M Slghter G Hyampom Nebulous Cahalan CahalanBy Sim BRAE ch c H 103 103Trainer By Sundridgo Sweet Briar by St Frusquin Trainer B Wonieldorff Oxracr W A AC2307 cKisaey C2307 ConnRht ImTOy l46alow 6 103 5 5C2249 1 11 4l W Botjski G Duke Rnff Kuklux Romeo C2249 Connsht ImTOy l46 mud 10 101 4 4G21GG 1 3l 4 J W BogskI G Natural Royalllcu Kuklux G21GG Conncht 34 l13fast 27 119 6 6C1955 6 6 5T1 F Wdstck 7 Camouflage Clansman KtGrass KtGrass6J C1955 MLRoyal 34 115 fast 6 111 111G1C85 6J F Wdsfck 7 Luckyll Iensore Mum Jumbo G1C85 Pimlico 34 113 fast 16 US 2 2C1397 1 21 3s C Thpson 8 Vitamin DbleCross TPruvlaa C1397 HduGco 34 l14Jifast 7 112 6 5 6J 51 A Johnson 9 The Boy Super Crystal Kord MUSEAY b g 5 112 112Trainer By Kins James Bcllamia by Henry of Navarre Trainer 0 Johnson Owner B F Coppaje G2249 Connght ImlOy IMS mucl 185 112 2 3 5 61 T Pargton G Natural Royallicn Knklnx G195G MLRoyal 1 l9 fast 185 108 21 R Holway G VChairman Sgrado DukcRuff 01717 MHcights 7S 126 fast 13 107 1 R Holway 8 Reliability BProof KRankin C1G20 MHeights 34 114 good 16 10CJ 4 R Holway 5 Iullet Iroof Bristow Kuklux CC7C5 Mobilo Im70y l54 slow 1310 119 3 2 2 2 21 J Groth 5 Exhorter Phclan Old Faithful C0537 FGnda 1 116 l4Ssow 12 114 6 5 4 4 3 4 J D Mney 8 Merchant May Bodine Attorney C0419 FGnda 1 116 l46V fa3t 6 102 4 4 4 4l 5 J G Brening 7 Tribune Claymore Attorney