4th Race [4th Aqueduct, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-17

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4th RACE ■ SSi_-iSS-w-!Sto "-5iap-"11 »«•"««• j«=*e , MORVICH. brcl 123 By BaaaiaiHl TTjmb, by Dr. LeS?4. Train er. F. Burlaw. 0 vn?r, B. Block. ** Sli-iS*" * !"1 2:0ifast 6 6 12« 3 1 V* 1*1 A JohnaonIO BetMaal*. JobaPnam. Deadlock :.h-0* PiniBco 1 1:42 coed 13-10 123 I 3 35 ls V i ,--, :, I F -tvi !, ,,,- ••,,,•• i ■ 57"04 H.deCrace J4J:ia5.p 1-4 B»l | H ,? 1 *££Z£fi iSSSL. ftandfeiSr EMM Baratosa 3-4 102%Mow 13-10 Ml 1 1 V l« A J n 12 K 18a • • , - BMMSaratosa 3-4 l:12_ood 3-B IM I 1 1« V P Keogh 4 K.t -.?"£ W h akawly 56150 Saratoga B-4 l.ll.fast 8 5 125 1 1 U 1-P Keogb 12 . Oil Man gfr n h M?M Rmpira H f l.-M%alow 34 122 1 1 v 1*1 S Sande 5 11., ■ Bt iaVur*e. BSS7B Empire R C 1.07-uist 1-2 IM 1 1 I* l*| P K ,gb 4 9 lonaTv nV« £?. 55385 AQueduct 5 8 1 .■,! .slow 1-4 Q3 1 I I r Keo«b 9 , 5501S Aqueduct 6-8 Mtasnei 1-3 110 1 1« 1* F Keocb 7 Drift Belay -«., II 51203 Jamaica. 51 I 1:07 Blow 9-29 112 1 1 1* i« L Baeor 6 Brush Bey. D VardcnJLPataa 51029 Jamaica t-6 LMfaBeai 30 112 1 1 1* pa j MetcaU 12 Br h Boy. Del.Varden bWecaa WHISKAWAT. ch. c, 3 MB By Wfciah Bream _.— Inaocaral b. 7 Peaw *•"* Trainer, Jaa. Rowe. ODer, H. P. Whitney. 12554 Belmont I l:3T%_at 18 17 3 1 l« Il L, Penman S Overtake II E !!■ MBM Belmont 3-4 MC l:U«taat 17-10 1.2 I 2 31 M L, Penman 22 Ittinting. «u! BMS6 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%alow 10 5 US 7 4 4- 1*1 L Penman 12 MoTTich Kaiandti it 56593 Saratosa Ell:M1«Xaat 1 -3 122 6 4 4 r;r Rice II Una tine. Scab II. 56398 Baratosa 3-4 1.12-0 od 6 122 4 4 P V L Fator tn,., BuT-Sans UlWtaiiB .56311 Saratoga 51 f l:05%:ast 5 MB I I 1» V L Peaman 15 Pegasna Knot Qraai T Flv Ball 55150 Saratoga 3-4 111 ..faat 8 112 I 11 ill 9* C KnmmerU Murvteb Kai-Saag OB Man 55997 Saratoga 51 t l.0t -fiist 8-5 115 5 o 7 54 C Kummer 12 Oceanic, Prank Patat, Lv-dl.xrk SliOB II. , br. o, 3 123 By Presti~o— May-Bora, by Lsidor. TrataeB, W. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. 62132 Belmont 1 3-6 3:lft%fnat 1-3 125 l l 2* 2* C Knmtner 4 Piriarj f;.i Pjt Jay 62153 itclmont 1 1 .:! I rj ast 9-20 IM 2 1 1* l» C Kummer S Pillory. Jane Gram 6 1 826 Jamaica I l:MT4n— i 11-5 117 7 1 l* 1* B Sande B GaUntnun, Pirate Geld v.o 56710 Belmoat 3-4 l:ll*4faet 8 0 ill 3 3 34 M C Robaaa 7 June Graaa. Sedge Akonatl I 5659:? Saratoga El t l:":„fast 20 122 1 1 H 21 C Rob son 11 Bualinc. Sonreigb Wiitskawai ! 56509 Baratosa B-4 l:U%faat 9-20 IM I 1 3» P B Sande 7 Snnreigh Pietrua lag 1 66221 Sm-atosa 54 f 1 : i, faat 1S-3 1-14 5 4 3* 3-J F CltUetU 5 Boating, Dexteroaa nanta Clara ,56238 Saratoga 54 f 1 .05 1 fast 10 IM 5 4 3 3* f Keogb 14 Jnae Uraaa, Uereatie Bent lag 55775 Umpire Ab 3-1 1 : 9 - f.Lst 115 112 4 2 3 3* F Keogb H BayJay, Jen-ti.-i.-a. . ,i. lyliour IMMI Aqaedaet 5-8 l.o-JVifast 12 115 7 P 5*2 F Keogb 11 Serf Bider. Oceanic. nVdge IUU GRASS, b. c, 8 103 By Short StaaB— Comsora. by The Commocor Trainer, J. Evaus. Owner, G. A. Cochran. .02.-.96 i.-imont 11.33 fast 31 122 3 7 8 3* P Keosk 10 Prbjata, DnvUHarma, riBuBai C2SM Belmont I 1:M Caat 11-20 111 1 1 1* P F Keosk 4 H rologe, ITnd-ah Leocharee IL 62153 Bcimont 1 1 S%faat 11 115 1 ? 3 38 P Keijh 3 Baob II., P 61826 Jamaica 1 l:.fj.raud 6 l.5 3 6 4 5" F KcoKh S Snob II., Ualantmaa PlrateGaM !C1737 iimiico 1 1-8 1 :5i:v"ast 14$ 111 2 2 23 C* C Tbpoonl2 Biltorj Ilea Pirate G il I CI 571 Jamaica UaMy I:M*4Caal 34 M 1 1 .* 8* H Thnrber 7 Wr.UolJ. ,.■ niy Lei *maa 61473 Jamaica El f l««,ifaat 4 IM 6 4 3 3 F Keoab 12 BeeaWax, St.Henry Galautmaa [M44I Pimllca 3-4 l:14«4alop 30 M7 2 9 B* 1*L Id - ■• 10 GoodTtoiea iretaker Si !. . rt lE80i2 -hurchiil 1 l:2SVr.irt 8 i:2 1 4 5 4 5-J G W ai-l! 3 ?i»u!,. Becket John I no 167591 l.atouia 1 1.3?-Mas-t 13 1.0 9 3 3 3* Q W Car II 13 Startle. JobnFinn. Ukminbttai 57139 Aqnednet 3-4 1 I4*4good £-5 U3 I 2 64 7* C Kummerl2 Missionary, y+, ;570C7 Belmt M M C 1:25 aat IS-5 M7 1 1 4 4* Q W CarTJ I Surf Bider. G . . a • ■• l II do J5C710 Belmoat 3-4 1:1. fast 18-5 110 4 2 14 i* C Kummer 7 Snob I!., Bedge, 11 50020 Saratoga B-4 l:12%siow 6 US 6 7 M 19" C Kummerl2 Morvichi Kai-Saag. Whiskawaj 502CS Saratoga El f 1 /ast 16-5 tM 3 1 1* V L Fator 14 Mercntio, Sn ,r- I! Bnntlng 56126 Baiatoca 5-s :9fast B 194 1 G Q E« Ponce 16 Toil. Bigbeart, I .r I ,.r.u. 55911 Empire H f laM f.vst 15 K-9 2 2 2 2** C Ponce 7 Rnastar !:■■. •Mil Bbaptn Ab 3-4 1 Ml/eel 15 IM 13 5 P L McAtee - Banstar, Ka Bang, U tlaCBba J K0B0LOGE, br. c, 3 1C3 By St. Amant— Hear Hand by L belbert Trataac, W. K. Wallace. Owner, F. J. Farroll. 62M6 Belmont t 1 :-S r--st 13 IM 4 2 24 2* L McAtee 4 J.Graaa, : eharea IL 1 61674 Jamaica lamMy l:44%faat 41 iffl 7 I I 7 » I. McAtee 7 Pir.GoId Jun Hears ! :.,. 17 Pimlico 11:42 srood 41f 1:2 9 H n 11** C Kammerll Uorvicb, LockyHonr RnnanteB 58043 Cbnrcbni 1 1 JS%faat 21-1 123 5 5 7* 7i C Robaon I Startle. Bocket, John Han 57796 Jamaica 3-4 1:14 good 8 Ml 2 1 2:4 U A Bcbug*r :i Baatell, Shaffer, Oem.McbPkaB 57551 Aqaedaet E-3 144%nrud 24 IH 1" V 0 Robaon 12 CMrM*kin, reniaelea, Beoaratra WTT.T.T1W A., blk. c. 3 123 By Jack Atkln— TeUora, by Bastartiam Tr-incr, S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rmcocas Sta-lji. 6255°. i.-imont 3-4 l:ll-f,:st 10 1H 7 7 6l 4* L Fator 8 Lnnloa, *f On Witch 622M Belmnt 3-4 aic i:i; amnd 41 l-s 6 6 5 6*1 L Pater B B.P u Patricia C2070 Bvlmnt 7-8 MC 1 23%f est 31 l!0 6 6 6 6-J L rater 6 Dimedaie Che tbroob • sorgie f J 0 1 3 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 f.-.st 14-5 124 1 6 61 4* L Fator B Calamity Jaae, Ilea*. Tea 61531: Jamaica 3-4 l:12--ood 5 113 4 6 5* 1*1 L Phtor 0 Gal* i man Lette m a : pbaiaaai 56710 I.-lmont B-4 101*afaat 14-6 128 7 7 6* 6 K Sands 7 Sneo ll, June Graaa Bedge 56460 Baratosa 3-4 l:12%faat 1 127 8 3 24 2*1 E Sande 13 Kai-Sang. Pegaaaa Oil Maa E6SM Saratoga B-4 1 Jl%faat 5 IM M 8 5 4 5*4 ■ Sande Lt Pegaaaa, Serf Rider. I.iiory 55382 Aqu-Muct B-4 l:13Vslow 3 127 C 4 5» y E Sande 7 Olympus, UualardSeei] Violialal 5-1832 Belmont 5J t st 1 :BS**I ast 2 116 6 4:i IJ K Sande 16 Sweep By. Bigbeart. Bltba* 61443 Jamaica 5-8 l:K: !ow 13-10 116 4 I P 1J C Kummer I Detnma, 5ii!es S., Timhrvl 5-i2i0 Jamaica t-6 I.MMIub 5 lis 3 2 2* i* C Por.ce B Fanfare, Paaeier, Carpenter 54199 Jamaica 5-S I BPaiiad 6 114 7 6 3 3« A Johnson 9 MinaVal. Mawreorea, BllclaicW | 54130 Jamaica 6-8 IsMfafaM 13 U5 6 6 I1 Il A Johnson 12 Kai Sang. BaaTkaber. JuceGraae

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922061701/drf1922061701_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1922061701_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800