Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-17

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■ J j ! I | I | j j I ! 1 : j I j j ; ! i j ! j j LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 953 LATONIA, Ky., June 18.— Todays gallopaj h-re inoludeu t.e foll .ving: LATOKIA. I Weather clear; track Fist — Three EighLhs Mile. i 93S-Actaary S3 BQS-EthH Clayton 88% 929-Bllly BUr 83% r»21-0eatlen JowettSS Krokea I Hi B I Great Iji i ...37% 957-BU of ■•• e .83 946-Ia ltemoriam ..87 I ■ i ...33% 951-Joba S. Beard ■:■-■ % 1 950-ClintoiiTflle ...38% l.r.!-I;a:s A 3S% i Chflds Plsy ...83% 975 ":,n:joy 31 . 942-Ortain 37% 947-Mianie B S-". 5 947-CaatileTer ....38% OSS-Spats 88% 951-Dr. HErkmaa ..SO 917-Sea. Co:uba ...37 Kalf Mile. 948-Ameriean Boy 51 BwT Taij Mather . IB ! 857-Dbna 58% 942-MJate 11 48 945-Rristow SO 935-MarsT*et WhsssrSl ; 947-Eddie Jr 40" .-. 945-BoldgoId 50 9G . r l Call 48% 9SO-Rahy 5.!% ■ 931-Golden Crest ..51 850-Tyeoos 48% I 850- Inqalai tion 47% 913-Tempting 60 I 951-Lady Madcap ..43 818 Thtlnilaiioi ...49% Five-Ei-hths Mila. i 848-AcceIerate ..1:03% O1-Kinburn 1:05 j 950-Angon 1:05 937-Micare ltaidl:94 I 931-Barh. Palsaer 1:04% Mar. AagaetalM 950-Beaa L 13% 943-Mias llafflna 1:01% : 851-Calewtta 1:021 Miss R. Mar:el:04% : 888 Qly 1:01-. 942-Rapid Day ..1:01 ! 941-11. Graham ..1:5-, 988-Tharoa 1:02% 888-HopeIess 1:00% SOw-rJacla Velo ..1:02% Ihnae-OTaarten Mile. 868-Oaaet atrate .1:17 881 Boalrsa 1:13 946-Pirebrand ...1:14% 84-Sir Lawafhl 1:15% 831-Glpsy Qocen 1:15% 953-Skilea Kr.ib 1:17% 937.-1 lysteria 1:13% 985-War Peamy ..1:F 888-haawiry 1:16% 835-Walnst Bafl 1:15 850-Loearae 1:16% Yankee Bap 1:1 7 % Miss OalthS 1:17% Sevon-E:t,ht!*.s Mila. 740-Omond 1:34 9-11-Sagaino k ...1:2S% 0r.e Kile. ? 45-Ry Gosh 1:44 94«-Jake Pernor 1:42% 940 Con i. d*Araonrl:46 840-Lorellneaa ..1:41% 847-OeL Raker .1:43% 7i!-Make Up 1:43% Oil CriL-.orn 1:41% C-.V -Salvo 1:42% 951 G era 1:42% 8TT1 Tnlane 1:43 Kiia and an Eighth. 945-Sun God 1:57% Firebrand acted good aa ever. Bit of White had ail her speed. Bun God did a good [work, inquisition showed rare speed. Hope-! b bs* vcr;c was exceptional. By Gosh was only cantering. Loveliness worked a real Cast mile. Cruxern showed marked improve-jmenL New Market galloped after a race Thursday live-eighths in 1:03. NEW YORK, N. Y., June If.— Training gallops over the local courses today included the following: JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast — Three -Eighths Kile. 922-Anna Mack ..86% SGI -Merrick] 85% 861 -Cork Elm ....88 808-WeL Btnagsc 3o % 947i-GoL Dawa 11.3t;% Half MHa. 050-Armistice S3 £52-Spade Guinea 49% Jol-BrOMinster ....47% HO-West Plttstos 49 950-Borolose 40 832-Whiaxaway ..47% 941-Joseph Brant .50 888-WiasjecesBM ...48% 9 liTiS-Futjtou 49 Five-Eishths Mile. 950-IIulbibaloo ..1:03% 861-Nonaal 1:03% 931-NiLntokah ...1KM Ttreo-Ciaarten 851 -Brainstorm ..1:14% ir.o-l. of the T*yl:16% 952-Rlack iiuigi:tl:lJ 950-Exodas 1:14% 945-Crank 1:16% 950-Lea t 1US1% Sevea-Eishtha Mils. 951-John. Dundee 1:28% Gne Kiia. 951-M. A. Noonaul:54 Morvich showed terrific speed. Wl away calloped with Broomster and could have worked much faiiter. lioi-oloe was under restraint. Kxodus was not fully extended. Brainstorm worked fast. Dream of the Valley was under restraint, Johnny Dun-| dee should race ■ ed in tne r.tir future. AQUEDUCT. "Weather dear; track fast— Ihree-Eigkttts Kile. 929-Ffkna 37 888-Kat S 88% 8Q2-Dtek*s DsvghterSO 931-tiaiiys Alley ..t-ii tf7d-7ilary Anes ..35 ;j Half Mils. 951-Athelston 58% 50-Lady Myra ...50 918-All Over 58% SaO-Paialey 50 .•J.-Ren Wood 49 930 Sweep liawk ..52% 951-Caayea 50 Sua Foy 5. 5 9ul-Castleton 58 550-Sunfereace 50% 934-Dalby 61 t50 Snraini SObj 940-Gleutilt 51 V.aterfeather ..52 aTbre-Eightha Mile. tol-Rungrsnd ...1:00 951-Whisk 1:03 97j0-Tus-ctiy 1 :J5 TUrfce-Quartora Kile, 951-Atherstone ...1:17% 951 Sweep By ...1:23 050-hobbed Uair 1:17% 801-Serenadex ...i:_0 951-Jaanebar 1:27 947-SIerrecoaard .1:14% STil Mai— laini ..1:18% . i;;-i :iinibie 1:19 850-RuciiuetU ...1:24 BSl-ValSX 1:17% One Klie. 942-Anniversary .1:45 950-Yankee Star 1:50 950-Troma 1:45 Serenader Oi.iy cantered. Slieveconard showed good speed. Lady Myra ran welL "rhisk worked fast. Atnerstone was driv-ing at the linrsh. Thimble was cantering, MONTREAL, Que., June 16.— Todays I training gallops included the following : DOIi VAL PARK. V reather clear; track fast — Tcree-Eizhtis Mile. 942 Brvr.™3r 40 937-Pa tch work 88 945-Fdith K 30 SfM-Beap 88% 888 Tl basil I 3S 93; -Royalliea 38 905-Jago 37% 951-Top Notch 3j% Marie Blanche. 3 7% Half Mile. Myrtle Crown. .53 904-Sir Jack 53 PSatssraase ...60% V»ater Willow. 51 Rai Gaiety .. .88% Five-Eighths Mile. Al Pierce ...1:05 903 -Pretender ...1:03 910-Lncky Pearl. .1:04 Threo-C.aartora Kile. ETa Song ..1:F.% 914-S, n Grado ..1:1S% Paula V. ...1:19 799-Thirtccn 1:17 One Kile. 936-Romeo 1:53 Top Notch and Heap ran together under restraint. Jr:go showed a fast turn of speed; seems to be in good form. Patchwork gal-i loped from the harrier. The iortuguese showed speed all the way. Rex Gaiety ran welL Myrtle Crown ran off a mile and a half. Lcky Pearl had a good turn of speed. Pretender, with light weight up, started from the barrier and finished fast. San-■ grado was doing his best. Eva Song seems to be a fast mare.

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Local Identifier: drf1922061701_11_4
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