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DAILY RACING FORM Daily During; Winter Mi.* Daily Kxcept Monday Balance of the Tear. DAILY RACING FORM PU3LISHING CO Ml PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. 157-153 F. ttsd R : .. NJ.V. TORK. CITY. M EXCHAXGS STREET, BUFFALO, N. Y. Entered ay second-class i.-:it:._r. Apni 2. lSf-G. at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, to r the Act of March Z. ISW. NEW YORK CITY 0 if ICE 157-159 Bast Thirty-second Sti All d ipplled fn m this oirice. : and monthl: books supplied. For sale at all hotels and Dews-stands. SUBSCRIPTIONS MIST BE PAID IS ADVANCE. r *r Week $ 1.00 Per II nth 4.oo t: at Year so.oo One Year 40.00 The above rates are for single capias as Bo;iied letters — first-class mail. Daily Racine Form Publishing: Co. prefers to send single copies as i.rst-class mail in all . Local suhseriptions — outside the down-town i I let — will be declined at other than ftrat-elass mai! matter rates. TBLBPHOHE MS! HARRISOE. For bosiness and circulation puipuaea only is tel phone has ro oonnection with the r nrs or editorial departments and eannct be as I to communicate with theru. To be considered and answered, all queries to Dally Racing: Form must be sent over the full name and with the address of writer. i h mmfl a;:d addresses are subject to a lo al and foreign directory test. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, JUNE 17, 1022.