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5555B5B!SSB5S?!emBSBamM*iaiass| OMAHA ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 3:30. © Superior mml runner. x Coed mil runner. :■: Fair u.ul raancr. M Maidens. VAnnrentlce First Bates — 4 1-8 Furlongs. Turse 00. 8-year aids and upward. AlloTaneea. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.WLHaS. 8S456* Lady Mack Ill :54 16 ill.. 723 62337 Sunny Ways 4 111.. 720 82668 bThe Uoy Favorite. B 116. .715 63834 tkQand .-.wen 103 56% 4 110x715 62848 V.iii o the Wisp ..107 :55i 4 116x715 68544 Goides Pine M .. 4 11:;. .710 62C47 Kitty IL M 4 111x710 02CiG Wild Fellow M . 7 118.. 788 C62C49 Sorerehra ii 8 118.. 786 G2G50 bBlae Jay 118 :59% 12 116X786 foOii; :L:.i.:.;y Man il.. 5 118.. 788 Krippe !, Ilk. c, by Orlin i -Bonnie Hays, by Bom lee 3 110 Prince Eld ward, eh. h, by St. Ma aim Uaaghty, by Handsel 11 lit, fKlnwacher 8 I.lclherson entry. I Baoe—i 1-2 FiirIoa53. Pur;e ?.5O0. S-year-eids and apward. Allowaneaa, G2547 bCoracBtter 117 :54 B 116. .788 82250 Patsy OKeil 5 116. .886 6S64and* Mayo P.. M Bill. .868 C£310 Arbor Day M ... 12 116. .686 61.64S Beds Maid til .. 10 111. .683 CZliG Apple Bloasoaa vM 4 ill.. 686 6,7650 Sea Water M .. 8 118. .683 02643 Auditor M 7 116. .686 62516 Ruby Oriole *M .. 5 111.. 065 6lill3 Jiy D.euni Iaght M 5 111.. 688 62Ci6 Mary Lyooa IM.. B 111. .688 677-j17 BaaatU Cain .,7d . 12 US. .886 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 40. 3 year sE6a and upwa.d. Clsisahsg. 02779- Pickle Paacy 113 12% V 98XT83 688811 Hazel W 104 1:07% 4 101XT28 6258S* Sedan 103 1:06 S 110*713 0.7506- Toon Eillsoa M.. 160 1:09 3 110.710 GiblO Margaret Eicon ..102 1:11% 3 91.. 788 62C49 Plorentine ii .. 4 113. .703 86848 Kakohi 7 : I 6SC47 Henry Waihank . .113 1:09% 14 108X788 Fod: iu Race — 5 1-2 Fuxlon-s. Purse 0o. 4-year-olds and spward. Claiaahsg. 60354 Layaliat M5 16% 6 107.. 725 62t-i5 bTom Itoacb 87 1:08% 4 1.0x720 62619 bMand 7.1 113 1:1- .. - 65. .TU 6£5 7- bMeMorp y 110 lr08% 11 110.. 715 88818* bAcclamatioa 115 lr08% 6 110X715 62andc4 George James ... .188148 4 110X715 626£8 Innovation 115 1:09% 9 106X716 62046 Ruili VVehle OD.. B 100.. 716 E .-. .o bltrando ... 10 705 Ct5i5 Homaid M 112 1:09!j 4 105X703 G-Tai-i3 Marion Lewia cM. ..700 Cic4.62 BalTatoron tM ...104 1:09 tl 107. .788 677040s Old Coin 110 1:10% 12 118x786 620*3 Bcsbrji 1! iijX700 62.504 Lnchy Mack 110 1:12% 10 110X708 GkGoO bCave Man M 118 1:12 ii 7 110. .186 Futh Racs— 3-4 Mile, lirrse S500. 1 jrar sins and spward. CTafaadsaj. 6221 San Pablo 4 110. .188 68848 Rosa Atkia 105 l:lo%s 4 110X728 6620 bWinchester 106 1:11 4 115. .715 6716?3 IXn Jose 116 1:13% 7 1154:718 C72S87- Little lolnter 10il:13 4 110x715 6258S Ro;a May Brown. .112 1:16% 5 :iu..7l5 62653 Ier.t;:l 188 1:14% 8 110®715 C2and43* Repeat 112 1:10 4 110X718 C2620 bTawaseaths 108 103% 4 110*719 625i3- Oklahoma Kid 7 U5..710 GJi89 B. A. Jonea ..108 1:14% 10 110X7*6 62657 MilopoTCl 112 1:15% 6 115X705 6620* Wise Judge 110 1:17% 4 115x783 G75S7J fashion Girl M.. 8 183.. 700 68687 bficnator Bioderick. 7 115X788 b2~Zl Bscadaide 109 1:16% 5 115. .700 Ei :th Race — 1 Mile. L- i . i : ; 1 Handicap. Iurse 8860. 8-year Sidi and npwsrd. G72622; MARCELLA BOY. .161 1:41% 4 102. .725 62507 Maysville 188 1:40% 4 10J..718 t-2023- fKanicme ;; 87. .716 C2380 fMildred 105 1:41% 5 100* 716 O.-Oi:1 Fill.- 88 148% 7 1 c26f:3 bPranklui 100 1:40!S 8 115X716 62338 bLeap rrog 6 80X708 6£0£2 hPrecioua Jewel ... 6 90X708 88488 Tony Beaa 10S 1:41% 4 111x700 ■fR. L. Baker entry. Baventh Race— 1 1-IG Miles. Pans 00. 8 year-olda and spward. Claisaisst. 6262a1 Aa Berojc 1061:48% 4 102. .723 025 i Moon ■ ue • -720 62658 Lorena M I 1011:47% 6 97X713 . bHer 7 112 713 t 5911 I . . 1 1 Head Ill l:":.:.i 6 112X718 625S8tbBnckhorn II 105 1:48% 5 120x710 iGiv;; i;N. K. Ileal 105 1:48 8 1 0 no 68460 Dolph 108 1:47% 5 I 3 .710 88S89*tbWalter Bant 103 1:47% 7 107.. 703 6:3 t.iv ■ .i.v, 106 1:4.. i • : 7u.. 62624 •■■ 11 102 .705 0:0 Tyian y ■■ 62549 Blae Van 7 107x708 tC. P. Irwin and N. Updike entry. «