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DAILY RACING FORM C r Dally During Winter Months. Pally Except Monday Balance of the Tear. 1 ! DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO- 2 2 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO, ILL. 3 3 157-159 K. Srlnd ST.. KEW YORK CITY. : : 74 KXLTIANOE STREET, BUFFALO, V. t. . — 5 5 Entered as second-class matter, April ... 1S96. at the post-ofBOfl at riiierago, Illinois. 6 Milder the A. t of March 3. 1S79. NEW YORK CITY OFFICE 157-158 East Tlurit j sseoad Street. All dealers supplied Croat this office. Back numbers Bad monthly books suptk-d For sale at all hotels and newa-etaada __ r BUB8CBIFTIOWS MUST BE PAID IN ADYAME. 1 1 Per Week I 100 2 Per Month 00 :: Half Tear 20.00 4 One Tear 40.00 5 5 The above rates are for single copies as c S sealed letter*- Brst-clasa mail. -t 7 Daily Racine lcrm Pohlishraa; Co. prefers to send single copies as Brst-clasa mail in all 1 1 Local Bubscrlptlona oatsade the down-town I t ; let wlli be decliiM d at other than first- 2 2 Class mail matter rates. 2 TELEPHONE 20*7 HARRISON. For bttsi and circulation purposes only. 4 This t. has no connection with the news or editorial departments and cannot kj; used to communicate with them. | JC 7 To be considered and answered, all queries j to Dally Racine Form must be sent over the 1 ful nan* bad with the address of writer , 1 Th l ames end addresses are subject to a • • :il and for.ipn directory test. 2 3 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. JUNE 18. lta. 4