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DA PET » iltl*. dorsetown Inrso. "-jear-elsls and upnard. Allovr- 4+h lii llrlUEl mice*. July 8, IBIS 1 -.Mi 1-5—4 10G. E0NTTS. b. f 3 S3 By All Gold — Remembrance, by Hamburg or Broom- Trainer, M. Goldblatt. Owner, Grcentrea Stable. s:ick. ;!:;■ I ! itoaU 3-4I-II jfast 83 M E 5 4» 41 J Owens 7 Gaasway, NtyNisba, D.Buckr 025OO LatonU ill faat 2l-: :J3 1 6 3? 2i W rool 8 Tbibodaax, Chattertea, B.Braah « : * 1 1 Churchill 1 1-8 l*B3?Cast 21-5 IM 1 4 5 J 57 L Lyke 8 Startle, Iteis.FaHea, Pre -sLula 4»:iC0 Cburchill 1 1-16 1 : 11 Vast 22 03 2 2 4 4ci B ScheCCel 4 Firebrand, Lyaiadcap, Mint.. II. 4i;9i2 Cburcbiil 1 l:37f4Caat 7-5 Ml 4 3 21 21 A Wilson S ThOradx, DorothyBackr, Aahld I 4isr.:; 1 bar bill 1 l*3rHanad 9 1011 1 2 3* Sl J Kederia B BrcheMac, KUbara, Blar.Hyaeal 4,177:! Churchill 1-4 1:13 fast 15 95 6 8 71 55 B ScheCCel 12 Gsway, DtbyBockaer, C.Baker i ES432 Lextaa 1 l**B*4Caat 5 102 3 7 6 6 4l 3?i A Wilson 9 RockaiUter, L.Astor, IfJPaUoa E82M Lexton FC il 10718 9 9 » "ill Garner 0 Omnipotent, B. andCoo, Col.Girl I E8212 Churcbl 7-8 l*24%taat 6 Ml 8 9 9 9 7J 7:i E Keaady 10 3. Bewdra, Rkmiidster J Finn BS134 Cburchl 7-8 l*2C%Caat 11 11113 12 11 11 31 22 D ConnliyW In-c.Lula, Thibodaux. Cap Bod E742B LatoaU M ld.v.hvy 43-10 104 7 t i B*| B Parke T M.FaUaa, I.inatlark, Oeaaipteal I : BOMB Latonia 61 t l*67%taat 9-5 108 9 8 8 7« V* II I Durke 0 Glyn, Lica Clark, Wavwd Lady , 1 EBOM WUdaar H C l*06%Caat 4 113 8 8 8 8 8" L Lyke 8 I, of Allah, S.Tlioughts", JuiiFini E0440 Latoala Bj t l*00%Caw8 7-5 107 7 E B 6* 2* D Connlly 8 SirHash, M.Falloa, PrecisLuU ! BaBO Lata da 3-4 102%xaa*t la 112 6 5 5 3J 14 L MoAtee 8 MissJoy, F.Phanto:u. Rminstei I CKACOLET, b. C, 4 102 By St. Amant— Martial, by Carbine. I Tr»i:er. W. Buford. Ow-er, Hal Price Headley. 02208 : itonta 1 l-M 1:01 Vast 13 107 l l 41 4*1 J H Baxha 8 L*MBaae, T—liil. aWhayfleOil C181U Churchill 1 1-16 l:48*«aaad 5 110 3 5 41 47 J H Burke 5 Gaaarway, T.dHouneur, Tulane 4J1773 Churchill 3-4 1:12 fast 8 104 11 9 8* 65 G BreunglU GtTWay, DthvBuckner, C.Baker I 01622 Lextaa 3-4 l*J3%Caat 12-45 105*7 4 !i l* J H BarkalO DJackaer. JbaDaiay, Travesty 61 139 Lexton 11-8 1:54 good 12 110 6 1 V 1« M Gamer 12 AvaK.. Pirate McGee. BobBaket 5S6 Lextaa 3-4 1:16 slow 30 109 9 19 9 61 5S1 E Barnes 12 Bermont, Louis Adair, Doyle 57679 Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 117 107 6 5 8 6 5? 5* E Barnes 9 Cimarron, Willow Tree Ace 67267 Iatonia 1 1-16 l.landVast 34 109 12 11 11 11 11»»H«* E Barnes 12 ICkHakle. LWharBy. Uiehelleo JIH DAISY, ch. c, 4 107 By The Manaser— Waterblossom, by Waterboy. Tr-ai-er, A. Baker. Owner, R. L. and A. Baker. I fi-SiJo 1-ul 01 ia 1 l:3SVast 7 107 2 2 2* 3J W Pool 7 Dartmoor, Billy Brash, Tomahoi 62000 1 bar hill 11-16 1:45 fast 43-10 108 1 2 2 i 4*3 M Gamer 8 Radio, Hold Me, Blarney Snne ;17;3 Chun hdl 3-4 1:12 fast 37-10 M0 7 4 6l T- M Garner 12 Ggway, DlhyBut kner, C.Baker I 01022 Lextaa 3-4 1:13 Vast 9-10 116 1 2 32 31 A Wilson 10 Okacalit, D. IJaekaer. Travesty 11451 Lextaa 8-4 l:12*4Caat 5 108 4 2 3 2*1 F Wilson 3 lady Madcap, MJatoIL, Fnikilsa E8400 Lextaa 3-4 l:12Vast 13 97 2 2 2 2 i 1*1 E Scobie 0 Centimeter, Am. Ace, D:stin tion D.--323 Lex"ton 3-4 l:14%mud S7 133 4 4 4 6" 4 J KederLs 8 Centimeter, Extero, Tuscola ES172 Churihl 3-4 1 Hllwat 1SM73 984145E Barnea 11 Centimeter, Estero, J.S.Ueardon ES013 COturchl 7-8 1.25 fast 5 106 1 4 4 3 3 3* E Barnes 7 Aladane, WbiteStar, Botlserafn 67725 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vast 31 1061 4 4 3 31 3H E Tool 8 Ace High, Aba l::ne, Ben Bolt BOOB Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast 9 104 4 B 6 S* 3» E Barnes 8 Abadaue, WbiteStar, BegPardo-e 5*H3 D. shire. 3-4 l:12Vast 33-10 103 4 I 2 21 31 E Pool 7 E.llickbcher, Hdrian, F.-B*dlt 63720 Wir-Uor 1 1-16 1 :44V:ast * Mill 1 Ml J Rowan 6 T.Porter, BgoceDays, Muttiklnt 5iiG60 Windsor 1 1-16 l:4:.%fast 8 100 1 1 3 1 1* 2* E Joslah 8 Iridi Jig, ltucquol, Poaeee 65391 L-.tonia 3-4 l.lfast 6 107 6 2 2 11 11 W Morseyll B.Kean, Botheration, T.Basr.-isi BILLY BRUSH, b. c, 3 85 By Ben Brusli — Sweetheart Sue, by Peter Quince. Trainer, J. S. Everman. Owner, R. L. Hobble. K2636 Latonia 1 l:3SSfast 8 103 S 6 5* 2* B Knndy 7 Dartmoor, Jim Daisy, Tomabol 62500 Latonia 11:40 fast 102 108 8 8 4» 4» J Francis S Thibodaux, Bonus, Chalterton .2355 Latonia 3-4 l:13Vast 19 108 3 4 4* 41 J Francis 6 Bdalbane, J.Bo-.vdre, D.Bekner 581»2 Chjrchlll 7-8 l:25Vaat 29 108 I I 7» 7" J D Mney 8 Rkminster, M.Fallon, Tlftlrtl 57948 Chut bill 3-4 IrJSfEJrant 9 119 B I 61 510 L Lyke 7 F. Phantom, ClegeGirl, B.Fishei E7650 Latonia 1 1:40 good 69 109 4 S I 814 F Paul S Yoshimi, B. Mosie, Bill and Coc 57597 Latonia 1 l:39Vast 38 108 4 I •* 9" F Paul 12 SUrtle, John Finn, June Grass 57530 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 6 MO 8 0 B1! 65J E Barnes 9 Gr.Warc, M.Wlnaor, Qu. Gardes 57391 Lator.U 3-4 1:15 slow 4 109 6 H U* 9s B Kcnndy 12 Carpenter, Jankn, Tom Hare Jr. 57272 Latonia 3-4 l:12*4fast M 108 1 2 2» 21 E Pool 8 Bdlbane, Rkminter, F.Phtoa. 57116 LatonU 3-4 l:13%fast » 109 8 8 21 33 J D Mney 10 Carpenter. Wiiahinrtnn. CoLOlr 56821 LatonU SI f l:07%slow 10 113 8 8 4l 4» H J Burke 7 Braedalbane, Carptcr, Yoshiml 56719 LatonU 81Cl:10%hvy 33 108 3 B 4* 4* B Kenndy 8 J.Bowdre, L.Clark, Rockminister 55581 LatonU SI C 1:06 Vast 43 113 6 I 6« 811 W Lllley U SirHugh, Gran. Ware, Way. Lady 65400 LatonU 61 f l:07%fast 32 112 1 3 2* D* W Lllley 8 Hephaistos, Pegasus, Blos.IIouse 55442 LatonU ■ C 1*06 Vast 79 U2 8 7 «1 61* J Francis 9 S. and Boots, BI. House, Hephtos C5271 LatonU 8-8 l:00%fast 171 US 7 I 101 10 * J Francis 12 Bit oBlk, SirHugh. SuavePrin. 55169 LatonU B-8 l-OOttfast «2 115 I 7 71 T T Nolan 12 J.B.Brn, BkrBrn. SuarePrce I I t i i ! i | • | ! ; • ! i • RED V.TNGFIELD, ch, g, 3 05 By Superman— Off. by Canard. Trainer, R. Wingfield. Owner, M. and J. Lowen steU. 02560 Latonia 1140 fast 34 116 3 6 6* 5» T Mnrray 8 Thlbodanx, Bonna, Chattertea 1.2398 Latonia 1 1-15 l:4GVast « 106 3 8 3*- Sl W Pool 8 Light Rose, Tomahoi, Cbacolet 4*2211 cnurchill I l-M l:4S%taat 15 110 1 1 1« l* K Scobte 6 8portsnutn, Dorius, Rob 02120 Churchill 3-4 1:l2Va3t 60 104 « 7 71 6*1 H ScobU 9 Janku, J.B.Brown. WaywdLady MOM Caaarchl 3-4 l-JSftfaat 8 112 6 4 3 31 3« J Kederbi 13 MCtwood. Flycaat, Marimba .7723 I-ttonia 3-4 |-JB*afaat 8-5 110 4 4 6 3»k 1«* E Scobie 12 Settle, Haniet, Dad 57394 Latonia 61 f I OtHlsw 29-10 110 4 3 4 2i 2« B Scobie 10 Louanna, Spoda, Dad 571-57 Latonia 8-4 1:14 Vast 7 109 4 4 4 31 3J G Stack 12 Salamander, Settle, Tamper SMI Latonia 51 f 1 -OOftfaa*. 17 10? 1 4 1 4 BJ E ScobU 10 Buckingham, Salamander, Bojnl 55074 Latonia 5-8 101 faat 40 115 8 8 8 8* 8" G 8Uck 10 GteWare, DpSlnker, SePrlnce SAGA2IC0K b* 8. 4 107 By Charles Edward— Otsikota, by Ornni. Trainer, J. Walter*. Owner. G. M. Eeadrie. 4.22B9 Latonia 1 pro Vast 55 107 I S 61 4" A Y.-rrat 7 Tulalip, Jouett, Sands ofPl •asure JOB Lex ton 1 1-16 P47Vs!ow 9-5 106 5 5 5 4 2* ll E Barnes 5 Tharon, British Maid, TTavesty E82H Charchl 3-4 l:18%Caat 6 109 5 5 6 5 5- l H J Burke I Mile.Daile. Cahalan, BoUieratioa FnaCtarchl 8-41-JJKtaat 5 109 7 9 9 51 6s J Francis 15 Judge Pryor, Tharon, Bermont 57979 Cburchl 1 1-16 1 :4B%Cast 17-5 104 8 5 6 S 3" 3» B Parke 8 Wapiti. Petrarch. Ace .1 :,5 Wtlbine 1 l-M l:46fast 4 100 6 1 2 4 61 6»i C Lang 7 ! Sphere, BriluLJester. IrishJIg o71f 9 Wdbine 1 1-4 2 OS Vast 33-10 116 2 3 3 3 3* 1»* H Thurb*.- 5 Ajom, Ch.Sponsor, Reeonnainnce •4MM Wladnat M l*j2%Caat 14-5 M7 4 4 4 21 2» B Parke 12 B7Jna*ttka, SuuTurret. BtaehBahp PUMPS, b. f, 3 SO By Whisk Broom EC— Slippers, by Meddler. t Trainer. T. P. Hayes Owner, T. P. Hayes. E7870 1 -a tenia 11:42 fast 41 KJ3 6 8 6 6 V J 3= E St oble 10 Georgette, Bright Trash, Bojnl .7184 Latoala 3-4 1-J5%hvy 19 104 7 7 5 4 4" A Wilson 7 C.lyn. Hysteria, i6T24 Dshire 61 f 1:06 Vast 31-10 97 2 2 1 ll V L McDott « .lohn. Dundee. WessieB., OgirlU KSC8 I-shire 54 f l:C5Vast 9 U2 7 5 4 4* 2« J H PurkelO FiftyFlfty, StacyAdaaM, Tulane .6103 Windsor 51 f 1 :11 mud 12 10712 7 8 8* l- *» H J Burkell Beat" Bal. Br. White, V. C-.llees .SP.3 Dshire 5-S l:01V5fast 13 107 8 E 4 21 9 « Pool 11 B. Bumps. Diss.dute. Gaxlnta 56972 5-8 1*01 Vast 18 112 10 8 9 7 7»1 J Dutwei. 11 JateBeranr, S. Prince. LII.MaeB. rOfOt Loartoa 1-2 OJfahvy 5 mil 8 8* 7" E Martin 12 J Jtowdra, fllmliaa. T.U1rM* -B, RIB GRASS, ch. c, 3 95 By Short Grass— Marian Hood, by Martagon. Trainer, T. J. Harmon. Owner, Short Graas Stible. 62397 LatoaU 3-4 |-*Jf4xaat 15 MO 9 9 si 6,: ■ Pcot.ia 9 BaaTePrkaec, IsusleHiaa. D..lorea 60003 Jamaica B f l*06%taat 7 115 1 2 3 31 41 C Karanter 5 Com. Sons;, Phaa.Blne, Tu-.gina 67680 Jamaica 5 f 1:07 Vast 15 IM 2 5 8 S" 810 C Turner 9 Bleireconard, Penitent, Mo.le»ty S8039 Belmt 8-4 MC l:U%Caat 50 119 I 6 16 20« 11*5 L MtAtee 22 liaatlas UaUataaaa I af Allah =.5761 Betant 5Jf J.IC l-t5%raat 13-5 HOI 2 2 3 4 41 C Kaaanaar 4 Harridaa, Tan.SUr, CberryTres 65812 Empire Ab 3-4 l -OfWaat 0 113 7 7 8 8 8l* L Knsor 8 Bun-tar, Kni Sang. Little ChleC EBOaOBhanOM 61 f l:08slow 31 112 8 3 2 l1 in C Rummer 9 Bay Jay, Fifty Fifty. Uestralat