3rd Race [3rd Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-18

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O-,! n/i.T r— Mile. T yr«r rili Fillies. Clafaaiaar. June 22, lf lO — oru nALc n: — 2 — ioa.i TEJ! SIXTY, oh. f. I 110 Ey Trap Ro:k — Princess Co?, by Cau.bnawaga. Tksaer. 5. Cbeuault. Dwaar, H. P. Gardner. C2 181 I Ltonia r I l M ..f. • ■.. I IM 4 1 l5 l" ■ MartU 7 Dearie, Pavlowa. Anlenia C-S44MJ Latoria M 1 U ri at 6 Ml 5 1 21 I i .! Howard ■ Kent L.. Ixslie, Dearie . ill i hinhlll 4j f :,4 Caa4 2i i 9 5 5 5» 6*1 .1 Kedarla • Miss Mlnerra, Poppj-c, Dearie .:;»!. : . lull 4i f MKtrood 14 HI 4 I b1 4- J Ked via 9 BiaJoaeBa, Aa I ■!. Pam. Garda til I0ii . . i 1-2 49 tii.st Ivi Ml 2 7 T Ci J Howard 11 Old Top, Poppye, Ai.sie VlWum XOB1H1ME, ck. f, 2 ill Ey ;.m CafTney — Lady Colonist, by Africander. r G. Land. Gwscr, C. Waidemaaa. GICOS ..;... r f ! K%faat 0 112 2 3 1«| V Q TiMs 10 Kent L., Dearie. I-uma •2517 Latonia 6-S 1: i-,,l:.y 17-10 US l l i* i« m Oam r 11 Beadita, Miaata I!., BaMgoM :.-!:i,S ii r bill :.-8 I n -." ■ .-.! i1 IM I E 1" :• - B Scobie 10 Maa. Maid, Pleasare, reraaadoa CtlandS tburcbill -ii f M%faat 41 M3 7 7 73 1*1 J Oweaa 10 BUaderer. Taylnrllay, MrC.irr.-l C1." ."1 i. .■ "i lit H hvy 11 112 4 4 5-"0- D CounUy I Swtbeart, Viiioire, Swttoikie DLARIE. j. i, 2 105 Ey Sweep — Experience, by Kr.ight of the Thistle. Traiaar, v.7. Vaadard. Cwr.er, w. Waaiatd. •MBS Lai n i i t I « .. tast 13 107 « 4 I Z C Balla 10 TakJbbae, Kent [*., P;,nna l.-JSl La on t 5 I lKl%fa*t S Ml :; :: 2] - C Bal ■ 7 Tern siiy, P.ivlowa, Anlonla I »iu ! • rU J-S 1 •■!-■,: aat 6 ;f,4 I 4 4J 4*1 J Oareaa 8 Kent L, Iyslie, Ten Sixty S2tl4 • Bon-fe ii S-l l M%faat I Ml I 3 3* !■ J Oweaa 7 Maa I lave, Aaaa Tod, Aatoaia 4; » ! i ! • b r bill 4 f M Cast ".; i 4 6 3 xj ::"i i Oweaa I Uaa Miaccra, Paaaje. Parlowa 4.!-;.; I Lex* ton 41 f K alow 20 IM 2 9 9- S;; V Vv ilson 12 i" 1 : 1 1 o K.n. Valoiae, Detaaive 4 I 195 i - • :i 4| f ."/. -m-.l M MS V I J 1*1 A WiUon 12 aaaa Tad, Papnye, PaUadlaai .l!".; Lex* ton 1-2 49 Cast 7 I4B 1 3 4n 0* B Keandjrll Old Top, Poppye. AiUie Veruor 01442 i. xtoa 1-2 1 -r.i;ood 31 US I 9 H »"1 i: K nadyll lit. Reae, Baatec Bella, Deaaaa j nda 1-2 5/-,hvy l| 109 I 1 1J U B Pool 11 LUacTbae. MUaClaire. Illaaiaslal 6 is! i" "n I .-S Sii mad C-:- 112 1 1 J .J C Turner 12 Antonia, Lilac Time, Amole 6.,.; r 1 la 3-S PTILfast Ii 104 1 2j Z A Wilson 12 Prince K., Aatta Hampton, Rorli ; Ai.NA TOD. ch. f. 2 110 Ey Eelhi— Brandon Eclie, by Voter. Tndaer. r. J. Pierce. Owner. J. "VV. Eaiiey. :-.■■: l 5-Sl-l *%fast 12 HI 6 6 S B" B K nndy n Kiadred, Pnnta Oof-da, Latiala 4;2:;!/ ; Latonia 4: f :t tnrt 15 Ml 4 7 s3 -"•;•; Rcobie 9 Hopeleaa, HucrliesGiiam, Sfceesix I 4.*::! ■ Uurcfaitl 5-11 9 1 111 2 1 l3*B Keaady 7 Dearie, Ui-a CUlre, Aataaia 02043 Chjr h II 4i f KI*aa;ood 13 i 112 2 S 21 2 | B K nady I Sia.Joa Ua, Pa.Oorda, Ten Sixtj 01008 • :. 1, r r.r..:..si 17 1 M 6 3 21 2 1. Kenady 8 rnUSpaon, H.Grabaaa, Jkiellay 01024 ii f rr-.-,r.ii l a-M ill 1 1 J"* J* A Jobatoa 10 Gneat of Boaor, Wida, Rwwatt 61771 Tiurcbill II t Sliifasl I »7 7 6 V .""». K Pool 9 Poppye, JTalta. Corta 01054 i . • U f • :j alow 22 0 113 I 3 2»- ■;. - A Wi.-on 12 Pnil o Pna, Valoiae, Deraai-M Cl 195 !.• cton 11 :.;:,muii 2.: 101 i 1 1*1* .: Pool 12 Poppye, PaUadlaam, Spa.-tina BfABICITRE MAID blk, f, 2 110 1:. Tbaadaret — Beauteous, by Hamburg. Craiaar, li. Co.dalatt, Owner, H. V. Whitney. 4***S1 Latonia 5 I i. l-"..fjst E IM 6 6 6; E*i D CoaaIIy 7 Ten Sixty. Dearie, ParMwa «:.::;■; i. tonU Hi 51 Cast 17 KBH 0 El B» D Coaalljr 0 Hopeleaa, HasbeaGbav, Skeests 62238 1 b :■ :• 5-1 LOlfaat 21-5 1131 4 € 21 l»i I. Lykve 10 Tokilibae, Pleasare, Feraaadoa « ■■ ;7" 1. ■■•■ !. ... 4j f :.:,":hv. 24 Hi 5 3 :.J " I Coaally 8 i.i!H;., Sweet Lady, Feraaadsa J 010*4 : 11 C and4 fast 32 111 12 12 12 Ii 3 t Coaally! 2 PaTlowa, Antonia, 1aiiua FAaTVA. Vk 1 n. 110 By Deiiii— Carrie Hogan. er. P Coyaa, O--ner. R. H. Anderccnl. I C,!":i Lato . itasl E3 II 112 8 6 5 4*1 H .1 BarkelO Tokihiaae, Kent L., Dearie 4-.;::s Lator 1 5-8 1:0-*.,f:!st 3S ill 7 6 f» 59 B Keaady 8 A.M.Hpbrey, Arisaek, Bwthrt liM*..-! bur bill 41 C Eft hvy 11-5 H5 2 2 2s 1* m Garaer 8 BtLady, UeareMaid, Feraaadoa 4.104:; h :- bill "If r.l! .-..:■. -t 31-10 111 6 7 7J 3*1 B Pool 12 Parlowa, Antoaia, Corto 01771 Cbur bill 1: f MlfcCast 7 M4 9 9 9 9 A Wilson 0 Poppye, Talta. Corto •VHTOBIA. cb. f, 2 110 By Tony E nero — Pretty Dale, by Hinsdale. Trainee W. Bulord. Owner, KoOewaa and Taylor. rii.-.i Latonia S 8 1 El tta it 21 110 E 8 4 : ii Dnrlce 7 Ten Sivtv. Dearie, PaTlowa 62400 Latoi j E-S 1-01-HCaet I HI 1 I E* B«l V W Tloe 8 Kent L, Ios.ie, Ten Sixty 6221 4 • h ir .1 U 5-8 Id ,-,1ast I 1131 1 4 4 5 3 W W Tior 7 Je.:,ie, Miss Claire, Anna Tod 02134 Churchill 41 f M Cast 43-11 HI I 4 B* E*l W W T*lor 7 Hashes Ghaam, OldTop, Skoozix ! I 01043 bur hill 4i f B4*4Cast _"i 111 1 1 2s 25 J H Purk~l2 Paetewa, Paaaa, Corto «J!3:si burchJU 4| f E6*karad is M0 I 8 9* 9= J H BarfcelO Gaeat of Honor, Wid.., AaaaTod I 61004 ! stoa *| I K alow M Ml 3 8 B* • • G Breaingl2 Full o Faa, Valoiae. DeloaiTC 1 61555 Lex* ton 4* f ."•■.hy ICC Hi 2 6 8J S*/, G Breaa*sl2 Poppye, AibtleVeraor, l.it.Sallie 1 i 03S3I F.Gnd* H f 42%sloa IS Ml M 9 | I F Smith 12 P.Brawn, A.Uamptaa, r.Vtages Cn-:i F.Gnda 2-s M muJ IJ M8 2 21 U B Pool 12 Dearie, Lilac Tim?, Aruole • _- 4 F.G nda 1-1 :.-.,t;.y H ii3 7 S: 7 H J Barkel2 ReaieH., Hasfale, Lilac Time MISS KEISE, b f. 2 aT 107 Ey Orn.ondale— Margaret Meise, by Star Shoot. Xraiaar, K. Bpaaca. Owr.er. Mcntfort Jones. 02500 LatonU 6-11*01 Cast 9 112 E S I 7»| B Scobie 10 D. Flower, A. P.. Gown, Prestolife 6*5i7 LatonU B-S l.-li-bvy 40 115 6 S 41 711 E Scobie 11 Tokihime, Beadita. Minnie li. CREDIT ch ;, I M 107 By The Manager — Applause, by Royal Flush III. Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, J. H. WcodfordL 02130 1 b rrhill U t M fi U Ml 7 8 l«| 8" G r.veung 10 Paa.Gorda, Barb.PalBier, Bdeau 61043 barthill 4J f B4*4Cast 71 106 8 U U* M1* J Oweaa 12 PavUwa. Aatoaia. Paaaa , BFBBKABE, ch. f. £ M 107 By Ballot— Iilwill, by Sir Dixon. j Traiaar, C. Cabn. Owner, T. J. Pendergast. .1 ISO Lexton 1-3 6r%aTOOd M 115 5 7 71 6* F Smith 12 Arisack, FiglugCk. P.andTake i ■XS8 14NE. hr. f. 2 M 107 Ey Rock View— «ane Straith, by Daihousie. Traiaar, W. Perkins. Owner, "W. Perkins. f.2IH! LatonU B-8 l*4tt*4fast 36 10 1 2 0- €!n X Barrett 7 Tea Sixty, Dearie, PaThrwa riaraa-g B. f. 2 OB. 107 Ey Fauoheur— Liquette. by Perth. Traiaar. R. W:ngfield. Ow:.er, M. and J. Lowen-tein. j r, !S23 LatonU 44 f 51 Cast SI 115 2 4 «• ««T Murray 6 A.M. Humphrey. E Morn. G.hfaid j 02230 Churchill B-8 l*01%Cast 76 112 8 10 10 10* T Murray 10 Man. Maid, iVLilsime, Pleasure!

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922061801/drf1922061801_5_1
Local Identifier: drf1922061801_5_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800