5th Race [5th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-18

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I J I ! I I 1 1 i »*»fh RAPP 3~* BBIlej. West It -id en Springs Iln rid iotio. 1 jm alnw ami up-vJLI! lldV/L nan!. June 7. 1921 1:14 4-5 li HO. DR. CLARK, ch. g, 5 117 By Broomstick— Panasine, by Peter Pan. Tr-iner, M. Goldblatt. Owcr, M. Goldblatt. 02200 Latonia I l:37Vast 31 UO 3 1 21 21 D Connlly 7 ltints IL, Pirader, I! aiiean 02123 CkurchiU 3-4 111 fust 8 UO 3 5 52 Gl n Coaally 0 Dtotcl ion. Brdalbaae, Cthwetaa 61007 ChurchiU 71 1 1:31 Cast 11-10 US 1 2 2:1 8* D Coaally 5 II igiiCIood, UUtoIL, GraaWasa 01703 Churchill H C l:lS*4fast 13-10 IM 4 1 Ml" D Coaatly 5 Ctiateter, Keddaaa, B.BCaieaaa 01741 Churchill 3-4 l:llVast It 119 6 4 3 3 D ConnUyl3 H.Cloud, kUrrUklay, M.. lesai ma 6-2.32 Havana 1 l-S 1 :6I | f est 7-5 125 111 1 l* l« M Gnraer 7 sea Prince. Llewellya, Aikes BOOl Hav.ina 1 1-8 1 :1 ..fast M 127 4 11 1 f» 3* C Robson 7 Bil. Barton. Cf a Mineral. Aiken 5:i618 Havana 1 1-0 l:52Vast 2-5 129 1 2 1 1 3 2l C Robson 3 Billy Barton, Atta Boy 11. „ii3S2 Havana 1 1:38*4 Cast 8-6 139 1 1 1 1 2a 1» B Keaady 5 Lot is.., Riverside. Tliel.- i,!«r l i!l73 ChurchT 1 1-8 l:4S*%Caat 7-6 SO 3 1 1 1 8» M D Coaally 6 Firebrand. Kouleau, Marj.iljnea CEIJTLMETER, b. c, 4 110 Bv BTenlitk aTeaea. by Ma. -rave. Trainer. R. H. Vestal. Owner, G. L. Blackf o ! 62140 Latonia 3-4 PHVast 19-5 114 6 7 7 72 W W Tdor 7 BriMbane. DtUctioa, AdrocaM 02122 Chan-hill 3-4 111 Cast 9 1 17 3 3 3l I | B Barnes 6 Distction. Brdalbaae, M.Hynea 62010 Churchill 3-4 l:U*4fast 1 UO 1 3 2* 3j Johason . Brdalbaae, [seddam, lasrr.blay 61793 Churthill Si f l:18*4Cast 7 5 IM 3 3 8* 2 a Johnson 5 Dr.tlark, Neddsso H.BCoicsaa C1744 ChurchiU 8-4 1 ai%Cast Hi 123 M 7 5| 5s K Hams 13 HiehClon-1. ManrUMay, Dr.CUit 61167 Lextaa 3-4 l:12*ifast 8-5 118 4 3 li Ill Wilsoa I Uarria May, Retrina, Bea Valet 611M7 L x tun 8-4 l:14*4cood 1 112 3 2 2* 1 j a Wilson 9 s Combs, SarCRtder, T.dHaaarx MBSF.Gnds 3 I l:13%aloa 3-5 113 3 2 4 21 l«* E Barnes 5 A J. ickll., Cobaa.Tena, Neddaai MARTHA FALLON, hr. f, 3 C6 By MeOee Becay Doon, by Prince of Balkenina Trainer, T, L. Pierce. Owner, J. Livingsta*1. C2561 Latonia 3-4 l:ll.,f..st 13 0-! ! 5 2J 2* W Pool «. Distinctl n Uar.May, M.Hynea C2241 chunhili 1 1-3 1:52 Vast 8 116 5 2 2l 2 B Kenndy 8 Startle, Pre LnU, liar.Wiasor 61901 COanrchiU H C 1:18 Vast 9 1 # 3 2 1« 1* B Kenndy I PreeiousLo 1, Bill andCoa Wi.irl 6IS12 Churchill 7-8 l*2B*salow IS MO B 3 3* 3C M Ga ner 0 U.Jemima 1 lad ip, K.ONeiB C1140 lexton 3-4 1 IPhoaod 5 K 7 1 4 I I ,o Wiliia 6 M.Biosai, Ere.WIiite, I T areata* 68402 Lexton 1 l:398tCaat M 112 2 1 1 2 21 rj 11 Parke 9 Rockniinister, LddyAator, Bonaa 53204 Lextaa FC l:10*4Cast 31-11 IM 5 4 6 6J PI I Pool 9 Omnipotent, B aadCoe, Dal iiiri SU92 Churcbl l-S l:2"!r,fast 8 112 1 1 1 1 1J S* B Barnes S Bkmiater. TbUdx, C.McMkta SSOM Chanhl 3-4 l:12%Caat 14-5 112 2 4 5 3*- Z- E Barnes 8 J.Bowdre, Prec. Lula, M.Wiaata* 6783S LatoaU 3-4 1 :Mdi, 19-10 1U I 5 4 21 lt» B Baraes 7 LUaClark, Omaipotenl BirdieG. ;7":-7 Latonia 1 19*«Cast 12 117 5 5 8 5 6 u • !•" Smita 12 Startle, ■ ;1 n FUa, Jane Hr-;*» 67368 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 4-5 115 2 3 3 2* 21 E Pool fl I •. " II ■, Birdie G ErH 57171 Latonia 3-4 l*J2%Caat U-M Ui 1 2 1 11 p B Pool 7 L.Motlier, Beralce K., B.au.iCoe MI£S .TEMIMA. br. m, 5 IZ3 By Black Ton. v — Va..a, by Fariaaaa, Tralr.er, C. E. Rowe. Cwr.er. C. E. Rowe. 61812 Chunhili 7-8 l:23:-,s!.w 6-6 MI 2 1 l» l5 F Smith I Ll ! tp, M.FaUon. K.OMeil 61744 Churchill 3-4 l:HVast S 112 5 3 4 i F Smith 13 Hig-hCl ad, MarrinMay, Dr.CUrh 8*287 P.Gnds ll.il-hv. 11-28 HI 2 11 1 l5 l3 M Garner 5 DayLiiiy, Bscarpolctte, GenieW. B9U0 P.Gnds 3-4 1:13 Cast 9-20 1U 1 2 2 8*1 2* M Garner 8 Elmer K. v .1 ■• . ddam 59880 P.Gnds 8-4 1:12V; fast "-5 120 2 2 2 21 P M Garner 5 alarrta May, Tan Sea, WarNoU 68106 Church] 7-8 1:24 Vast 6 114 1 2 3 1 1* !■» J D Mney 7 Westwod, Urookl .1:. Lyll leaf 57946 Churihl 3-4 1:12 Cast fi 116 1 4 3 i" 1** E Pool 5 Brookbolt, A. e uigb Distinct* 57651 Latonia 3-4 IU2!4soodl7-M 113 2 1 1 ll Is L Pool 6 Giayer, Brookbolt, Che Che 57591 Latonia 3-4 1:11 Vast 6 115 3 3 3 4* 4«1 H Uny 9 DUtinctioa, U.Cost, Brookbolt S7393 LatonU 3-4 1:13 sljw 9 115 1 1 2 21 2 H lay 8 Gay Hick Cost, BmohkaH *894 Kworth 3-4 l:HVr.slop 7-5 117 I 2 8 3 35 W Morsey H s ombs, J BUawth, U.Tr-ivier 2839 Windsor 3-4 l:ll*«faat 7 c 118 5 3 3 3* 2| W Mor*sey 8 K-Rabacber, Milkmaid, Duydoe 46339 LatonU 3-4 1:11 Vast S-5 lis 3 2 2 P B*» L Lyke 0 Hiah Cast, Aacaa. DarJeelUfl ROYAL PALM. ch. c. 3 103 Ey Sreat Britaia— May Ellen, by Cesarion. Trainer, S .Chenault. Owner, L. Is- is. C2T6; LatonU 11:49 fast I 115 2 1 ~* I1* B Martin 8 riiibodaux, Bonos, Chattertea 62327 Latoala 3-4 ldiv.fast 9-C 97 3 2 1 | l4 W Pool 5 LordAIlea, ElmerK., RoyalDiCfe C2113 Churehili 3-4 l:12*4fast 22 10 94 4 3 3 P VV Pool I Mar.May, H.C euaaad, i intadoa 51942 Churchill 1 1:37 Vast 29 107 3 4 6* P» J Kederia s riiibodaux, Banna, DothyBknefl 55581 LatonU 51 f 1 : 6V iat S 113 I 8 7 7! 7 I Howard 11 Si Hugh, Gran.Vt re, Way.Lady B4517 Cburchl 41 f 53 Cast 19 115 7 4 3i y-i .1 Howard 8 Pah Phantom. Uha Joy, Aloft 84338 Church 1 41 f E3*4Caat U-10 U6 3 1 P 1 E Pool 12 Bel Mosie Lugs, Uontjay 54142 Cburchl 41 f EEakry s 117 2 5 4" 1i .« Garner 8 Casey, Uekab, Braedalaaas

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922061801/drf1922061801_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1922061801_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800