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i »i 0«#J RAPP About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4- oar-ol«l« and upward. Selling. I ARDS. eh. h, 8 149 By Maiajax — Natia, by Soliman. « Trainer, E. G. Heider. Owner, A. J. Pavi-D. ! 62471 !;• lmont Ab 2 IrMffcfaal B-6 14:; 1 1 l» P R H Cfd 8 Syoswrt, Tell Me, Gny Gaunt l| PERKIOKEN, ch. g, 4 Ml By Balaamaa — Nancy Grater, by Nasturtium. ! Trailer, J. T. Kermath. Owner, R. B. S trass burger. 2566 B.Bnnets Ab2 4:07%fast 1 141 1 1 Ill3 B Hnynes ■ FairMac, Cn 1 rll err in , BllfanS I .2404 n TTaailta Ab2 4:09fhvy » 142 2 2 DID B Haynes 6 Fair Mae, Algardi, Butcher Bay I! 61916 Wdbtee Ab 2 4:0..Vfast 1 139 2 2 1« ]• D Prady fc ButeherBoy, G.Datriot, Algardi - 61877 WoodM .«• Ab 2 l*7%alow 31-10 109 4 3 2" 21 W Jones 4 BUgMyll., Oaraaaao, FlyFruj: J 61543 Dimlico 2 4:07 slow 8-6 134 3 2 23 2= W Jones • BoMFOyle, Grenadier, I/bBafle t .14r 9 Pimlieo 2 3:. .-"Lfast 17 137 3 3 35 : .* P Brady 8 firMarrt*r. Infidel II., Forraisfs - 61396 H.deGco Ab 2 4 0S ..iast 26 l?l 6 4 V° •»■ P Brady 11 1 1 Mil Mala. D.Sbore. Fair Mac 61326 B.deGce Ab z 4.21 mad 12 127 8 4 6*» V* P Brady 9 Ducky Kind. Free State. St.lau1 j 5 HHH Ab 2 4:03 .riijd 21-10 137 2 2 Irost rider. N Kenndy 4 FLoenix, Sobrigade, Brixacna ;- tS124 Laurel Ab 2 30a fait 8 140 3 Fell. K Krause 6 Mnsiy, Sobrigalo, Briganna ROBERT OLrVER. ch. g, 11 133 By Fatherless — Diamontinft, by Eon. | Trainer, J. W. Heily. Owner, J. V. Hcaly. i 62627 Aowodact Ab2 4:7 fast 11-5 129 2 2 320 2* W Hunt 4 Vigilante, GuyGaont, n.illavi.l | f 62350 Befant Ab 2 1-2 :SHtfaat 6 1« 6 8 8 S3* A Sims 8 Kingdom II.. Phoenix. Bullseye . 62001 Belmont Ab 2 3:52 fast 12 152 6 6 6 6" A Sims 6 Peccant. Mchioin, Bytle 61C47 Pimlieo 2 1-4 i:M%faal M-M 152 6 6 o1 D4 W KeatteS 6 Wisest Fool. Minata, Esquimau . 61459 Pimiieo 2 3:5.".tfast 4 112 7 5 615 6s B Simj son 8 Ix-Maison. Infidel II., Icrkmei] . i-S-34 Pimlieo 3 C:C97t.hvy 8 157 4 0 6 4 S:5 3" W Hunt 5 Peccant. Bytle. The Trout 68539 Pimlieo 214:5: fast 9 145 S 10 10 10 Fell. W Hunt 10 Fly. Scout. SeaSkipper, Hondinl : j J ■OH Kauri 1 Ab 2 4.02"; fast 3 164 6 3 2 2 3 3s A Sims 6 Shoal, Formistress, Be Marsouln ," HOB; Laarel Ab 2 3:57 fast 8 146 4 3 3 3 2J ll A Sims 7 Joyful. Frank B., Minata R9T1 Laurel Ab2 4:03 fast 17-1;. 160 6 8 8 3 2 2*i W Hunt 7 Surf, La Cyprin, Overmatch h j B1M Laarol Ab2|4Ji slop 21-5 139 2 5 9 Ran out. W Hunt % Ply.naawt. KeMaiiwuin, Peccant IZMtAqdaet Ab 2 4:12 fast 1-3 150 I S I 2 !•-t* W Hunt 4 Muhty, Algsirdi, Decisive l 67105 Belmont Ab 24 4:5::-.fa3t 7 147 9 Ran out. W Hunt 9 Houdltil, Sweopment, Sklhbreea | j 66662 SartoLii Ab 21 6 J ft fast 4i 140 8 8 8 6 3| l1 W Hunt 8 Sweepment, Soumancba, Dublel I GUT GAUNT, cb. g, 6 144 By Oxford— Ansooella, by Clear the Way. | j Trainer. J. W. Healy. Owner, Canterbury Farm MaMa. ; ,* 62627 Aqu.du I Ab 2 4:17 fast U-5 144 4 3 3 34 A Sims 4 Vigilante. Kob.Oliver, Hallavill j : I 62471 P.. Imor.t Ab 2 4.01rifast 7 133 4 3 4i5 V R Simpson S Ards. Syossct, Tell Me I 470R5 Pimlieo 2 3.55 fast CI 142 1 1 1* 1* S Bush 10 Blightyll. O 15 Bender, Syrdarya 47050 Pimlieo 2 3:56 fast 09 107 13 3 3S» 3" A C mibel!14 Esquimau. Minata. King Terry . BRYAN 0. LYNN. gr. g. 6 M 144 By Probe— Salina, by Maxio. Trainer. G. Minor. Owner, W. Keating. , 61.579 PtamUeo l44B%faat C .44 f. 7 5 6" R MelTaa 7 Infidel II., maitard, KnHarlan 61."2» Pimlieo 2 4:0T."rslow 23 141 1 3 3 36 1 Diamnd 4 Esquimau, Tlie Trout, Phoenix C1424 H.deGce Ab 2 4 *2%iast 45 100 3 6 6° E" O Diamnd 9 S-.Teepmt, Fonuistss, DIb. Shore ■ , C1410 H.deGce Ab 2 4 .C0=».fast 29 ISO 2 7 7 7" O DiamndlO BaajBimaa, FreeState, Infidel II. I 6S471 Pimlieo Z Solitary laf 135 I 1 2 Fell. C Wilksn]2 Vigilante, Lieut. Sea?. Overmch , 6S40S PsaUieo 2 l46%alop 24 127 4 2 S 4 46 •*• C Wilksn 0 Sea Skipper, Vigilante. Peccant H3S Laarel Ab 2 3:57 faat 18 145 7 3 6 7 5 5»» C Wilksn 7 Infidel !!.. K.itie. Vigilante j, 68055 Laurel Ab 2 4:00 fast t 127 8 8 7 6 4l» 4" F Stacey 8 Slioal. J.Coffroth. Kath. Harlan | KIGBILAND LAD, br. h. 8 X li7 By Dick Welles — Bessie Spahr, by The Commoner. , » Trainer. C. Rtss. Owuc. S. Ross. , • 62471 D-iiiior.t Ab 2 15 145 7 4 G» 6* I Barrett 8 Ards, Syosset, Tell Me M 61304 H.deGce Ab 2 4-1 good 8 139 1 7 7" 6*« .1 Morris 9 Infidel II. , FairMac, Smithfield I Batl H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 70 112 6 « 9 10 108 H ThurberlO Burgoyne, Midian, Jean Bnllant . 62256 F.G lids 1 1-10 1 .51,h- y 3i 112 4 3 3 3 4l 4*111 Thurber 7 Bond. Verity, Tiger Rose ;J 62151 Jefson 1 PS 1:05 « fast 5 112 11 1 1 8 »* H Thurberl3 LyWard, B.Hampson, Brookld 62073 Jefson ImNy l:5=jVJbvy 4 111 1 1 1 I 21! 2 T Mu-ray 9 K.Neptune, bfim Nell. Susan M. HMOS JoTson UaTOy 1:41 fast 6 B4 0 2 4 6 62 6;1 H nanrberlS Corson. Jackstraw. Aztec [ CAVESDISir. b. g, 4 M ISt By The Carragh — Isirose, by Isidor. , Trairer. II. Smart., K. Smart. j, 62474 Brimoot 1 l:3*14faat 100 115 2 9 9 9*« F Keogh 9 MterHand, Venizclos, Ifrman , HasT Laarel Ab 2 4:02 fast 10 ISO 1 S Lost rider. R Simpson 5 Musty, Perkiomen, Sobrigade , HaBt Empire Ab 3-4 148%tast 12 112 2 13 4« 4»1 F Keogh II Curfew, Killala, Arrow of Geld I 1 64026 Pimlieo 3-4 1:17Hhvy 26 104 4 2 2 6* 4»i R Lcaster 6 H.Atkln. H.Iardner, SomeBabj j , M H.deGce 3-4 1:12-„fant 33 114 3 4 6 11* 12* F Keogh 14 PollyAnn, Bay wood. Flambette : i 61319 Iimlieo 1-4 lOftfaat S DO 1 1 3 61 72 F Keogh 10 Iolytlda. Bon Homme, Twopair ! RS17 Pimlieo 3 4 1 :1 ftfaat 7 113 4 1 1 1 ?i J Grneisen 9 Loughland. GtKd Hope, Thimble I i VOX POPTJLI H.. ch. h, 6 M 144 By Voter— Sprrrnante, by Polymelus. Trainer. J. Kealy. R. Er.ox. j 7000 H deGe 1 l-O lftstep 57 lit M I « «*« C R Cfrd 7 Chief, Scotch Verdict, Trooper I, 67012 Tim Ab 1 1-1C 1:50 fast 27-10 107 3* J Ryan 4 Blue Flame, Armagh, Corax