Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-21

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I j I j I . ! | , | i : I I ; j ; i j I ! I : I | j . ] 1 1 I 1 I I 1 j , A : , ,; » , » ,j • j J M M » M j ,: , j j J f , . j J ; ! ■ . I _ fj j - | I j * J! i I I Ii LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS I 957 I LATONLA, Ky.. Jane W.— Todajr*a traia- j iiti, e-allops liore included the toDvmlaf. f l.ATOMA. ::i • r 1 ar; track fast — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 0".4 I-.. •: Pardaa ...90% 959-Lady Madcap .37.i ! 3i m? s-].; 30 BOO-My P. GardaerM 942 Braedalfcaae ...93 k~-3Me-ilili 9S% 845Caatieaa M M7 lo.Tie 3;;; 940 Distim ties 35--. 865-Slaaderer 35 i 892-DearU 95 H 868-Baaay Daxraar 35 1 843-reji 99% tfll Tj-raas :r,", 834-Lady Caaaap ...95 Turbulent M | 932-Uadi I.oy 99 908-Weary Dick ..93% asaaf Mile. Albert I, 90% f47-Kin?gcW ....49r, I 863-CliatoariBe ...49" 778-Mara-aret AtkiaS0% , 864-Coraaa 4! 84S-MaeBeth 99 ?M:-riiief Curry ...401s 804-Plata 90% ; 833-nr. Hieksaaa ..471.-. 842-Qaeea lli?h ...90% | 841-Kasteehae 50% ! ".:M:.ipid Day ....48% i 853-riyaa 49-D 850-Boyal Uit k ...99 j I Flower Shop ..50 !54 Selim 40-t-, 863Geatle*a Joa»tt471t 730-YeOa K B0% 858-la Meaaoriasa ..401c 861 Woodltap 30% 864 lake Finn ....-IS-, 848-Toaaaeed 50 .-, 939 leka y. Kelly 4ij Fcur and a Half Furlongs. lack Trout ...90% Keel Foot 90% Use giarhtka Alile. BGO-Barracada ...1:03 952 Mr. Beck ....1-09 i. 86S-Beaa 1 1:00% 864-Maarrearoa ..1:01% ! 933-ltristow 1:021s 861 -Mary Pal ...1-04 i MO-nandeaa 1*09% 865-Pheael 1:08*, j 940-Beadita 1-02% 847-PaTlowa . ...1-OS t 864-Cle-rer 1-02% 050-Playful Mi--s 1-02% i 881-Irkth Pose ...1:03, 993-Padaa 1:081s f 945-Jakie Hay ..1*01% Beillij 1*02% s Tkiea Bkaartera Mile. f 864-Aaray l:17-s 951 Miiler-lmr? ..1:17 , KiS-Aaa-oa 1:10% 851-MolUe Kin?. .1:17 j 861 Kkldledee ...1:17% 869-Old Ckap ....1:10 "■.-, E B66-Baia-ae«r 1:19 800-Opoleat 1:10% [ 830-Chattertaa ..1:17 947-Pleaaasre ....1:17 I 869-aayataria ....1:19% anTTaaatL 1:15 . 954 -Harry B 1:16 918-Bawaa 1:10 ! 931-laard Alien ..lO" 951 Topmast ....1:10 I Seven-Eighths Mila. I II 862-Toloaaaa 1*38% 964-Waa. OMt ...1:29 ! 97.0 Radia 1:27% j One Mile. | aOO-Abtaaeda CirI1:47=-, 932 Mormon Elderl "4.1 1 964 -All Bkfht Sir. 1:42 317 riadai Peel .1:41 i 940-Birdie G 1:43% flH Biah 1:42% |!| 968-Blae Paradiael :4S% 861-Bekab ... . 1-41*i ! 847-Rl| Bskelca 1:43% 909-Traaalate ...1:42 i 834-CTeatiaa 1:89% 954 -Tkhhadaaa ...1:40% • 968 Ceaa i :4S% | Kile and an Eighth. 953 Sm, God 1:56 • Mile a::d a Quarter. I 964 Deadlock 2:0S Deadlocks mili and a qiinrtPr -was a good I Work. Mawmiron ran easily. Radio was j under stout restraint. Pindar Peel worked I an extra good mile. Lady aiadcari and Brae- i dalbane ran toarether and both were under lsuaint. Muriih, none the worse for the I trip, could literally fly. Translate ran wen, ; Thihodaux seems at his bfst. ! NEW YORK. N. Y.. Juno 20.— Todays | training gallops over Hie local courses m-eluded the following: ■ BEUIOXT PAKK TIIAIMNG TIlAlK. | VTeather cloudy; track go-it-- ! Three-Eighths Mile. ! P.rummeiina ...95% 964-Hosskel 39% II 955 P.ifov 37 954 .lack Horner ..37-- 744-Blaaea 4: 9S0-l«areM 37" 969-CyckMte 37 Mil I eahu Greedy 37 859-Ckerry Pie 40 963-Beforaaer 99 847-Cltatiea 30 965 Boatkera Peiie 99% II 940-Ma-csae Me ....10% 954-Stella Marie ..37 Half Mile. 842 Arrow of Cold S3 859-Moae 92% I 842-rjnaqae S3 851 Oceaaic 40i j 851-Cheeterbrook ..40% 932-PeaatTe 54 832-Beaal Jaks ....56 952-Qaeaada 51 DroRheda 49-;, 955 -Baddy 48% 95 Driftwood 7,4 tit TppaSUI 40% 800-Baaotioa Sl% 861-Staaplea 4! 864-HeJrlooBB 490 953-Si. Allan 51 »54-!lot Muffins ..51 953 Suwecp 49 974-Kh:; rman . . . .49i 947 Toil . 4!: 707-Miss Uelle ...51 917 Ton Minutes [!k5 Five-Eighths Mile, 969-BkM China .1:03 927 Iidy Inez ...1:07*"--, i 954 -Betkaay l:OJ".-, f*47-Uokes Drift.. 1-04% ; 994-Blacfc Maakeyl-04% 964-Saaa-ariea ....1-0B 868-Black Pascal 1:01 947 Sky ljne 1*04% 841-Jaae ;ras.s ..1-09 947-Scire Crow 1-02% : 963-Ljr Baltsjaat*l-04% 9lit Wrangle 1*09% Three-Quarters Mile. 953 Astrolite ....1:19 951Kav.|le 1:21 B64-Ala-aa 1:11 854-Jicate* !!!!!!l!i9 85«-Bowsp-rit ....1:19 953 Lkv lalaaai 1:17 934-Blaffer 1:19 954 Sh.rando .. 115 863 Hilly Watts .1:18% 954 -Treviscot ... lis" 955-K.;u.itor 1 :15 962-Wytte 1 :18 Seven-Eighths Mile. BfiTI ltigkasrt 1:31 834-Ira Wilson ..1:33 One Mile. 932-nisrksasst ..1:00% 953 Martin?ale ..1:47.- 9M Caaaic Sou? l:405 9til Mlsat 1:41% 952-Cum Bah 1:52 942 Mollie Paruesl :44:j 9.54 View ...1:48% 9.34 Overtake ....1:43% 954-Fliut 1:48% 954 SoiuiiiiKs Parkl:47 | 862-Grey Iig ...1:40% 962-Slisc 1:48% 97,3 Kji i Sang 1:43 953-Thuuderclap .1:50% 93". Many Smiles 1:44% Baweea has a good way of going. Ituddv showed improvement. Oceanic showed daz-| zling spied. Sherando ran easily. Grey Jig galloped imr ressively. Sennings Park was under restraint all the way. Mizar worked well. Kai-Sang is nearly ready. Comic Song aseano in his best toraa. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. 951-Amller 99% 952 Mambi 35 1 963-BeaaBe IjeightonSOTf, 951-Oreus 3.3 941 I Prigadier .38% 9.34 Pilgrim .90% 951 Irene Detsa ...38r, 920 Kunnyol 99% I 953 Joseph Prant ..30:ts 952-Tufter 37 Half Mile. 953-Anna Mack ...50% 95.5-M. A. Noonan .34 954 Came uf leur ... 49% 954 Ma ize M I 953 Cork Elm 50 952 Uebuke 91% 951-Pimmesdale ...48% 954-Stony Point . .495 I 952-Uaydue 49!5 954- 1 .11 Puttons . .49% 951 End Man 50 947 Vineyard TA 95-Ksciuire 58 991 West Pittston 51 i I 940 0 en. Gaaaarsa 90% 947-AVilkcbbarre ...51li Five-Eighths Mile. 954 -All Americanl:03*i Spot Cash ..1:03 954 -John Joseph. .1:02% 954-Yan. Travelerl :0t% 934-MDrmaw ....1:12 954-Zeus Lassie. .1:09% 954-Pluto 1:02 Five and a Half Furlonjs. 952 Better Luck 1:09 954 -Nose Dive... 1:16 934-Bullet 1:23 954-Occidenta ...1:13% I 9.34 -Eltxth Price. 1:09% 954-Reparation ..1:20 avt-Lally 1:151k 954-Trajanu8 1:18% 907-L«atherfai-e .1:27% I One Mile. 994-ssw Homme 1:44 9.34 - Ita inbow Boy. 1:40 953 Horologe ....1:13 954-Kunstar 1:49 I j f i 1 | I , ; | i j I i. Mambi showed good speed. Pilgrim and 1 Ambler ran on even terras, Orcus worked I surprisingly fast, Dimmesdale was under • restraint. Pluto worked fast. Better Luck ; worked from the barrier. Oeeideata and Laity ran together, itunstar had an easy gallop. Bon Homme seems fit and good. Horologe galloped well all the way. AQUEDUCT. Weather doudy; track good — Thre- Eiphths Mile. 923-Jees Scot 39-. 954 St. Pcnarl ...31 931-Pilierty Cirl ...99% 935-Sallys Alley .30 S71-Pavia 90% 955 War Mask 37% Half Mile. 95 1 Dry aseea 49 964-Bkaftai 50 861-Maadalay 31 953-Waterfeather .51% 931 Mead. Morning 49 Five Eighths Mile. 942-Aaaie Bnaai jl 81 960-Nal S 1*04% BBB-Ckief Plvnn..l:08 955 Poscat. 11. .1:08 990-Maryd Pelle 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 953-Bohicd Hair 1:20 953-Jnunebnr ...1:20% 955-Ca-l! t..n ...1.23 954 New Orleans 1:18% 950 Pencil Girl ..1:10% 9.V,-Swiep By ...1:i4".-, 97.4-Fl.nmel Sliirtl:!: 954 -So It iot .1:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 954 Be Frank ...1:29 One Mile. 954-R. M Lghlinl:43% 932-Firm Friend 1:42 97i -Canyon 1:43 954 Harridan ...1:40 I Prt Milnaaiaatat 1.43 9a6-lVeeesaueo 11.1:43 ; 1 I • ; I ; Eilly McLaughlin ran well. Be Frank and Leochares II. were driving. Kxterminator only cantered. Dry Moon is improving. Canyon ran well. Firm Friend worked well. MONTREAL. Que.. June 90.— Todays training gallops at Blue Bonnets Inetoaaai the following: BLUE BONNETS. Weather clear; track heavy — Three Eighths Mile. 946 Aquatic 43 950 - Illusionist ... 39 948-Petsinda 4-1 951 - Racket ;-% 951-;r.itian 42 942-TranIuli 40 940-Hiidur 42 980-Waakeas, 41 Half Mile. 950 Alga rdi 99 Kicksy Wu-ksy 56 OaOBaatille 54 laadfcer Baaaeh 99 999 raaaeaflair ...81% 702-Paaa8s !•■.. r ...99 701 Cmdcr CoHs 99 949-Padiant 98 9M fkaaapaala ....SI 913 Baaaaar 93 Doraniln 50 Smite A 932-Honeys Jewel 55 Tommio ...51 940-Iron Boy 50 97.2 Witch Bks ...52 Jack Sin has . . .54 Five-Eighths Mile. Comment ...1:13 952-Poyal Tiaiiarl 14 980 UeM. Spin re 1:07% 9.30-Pedstoi.c- 1.12 942 Jerry Prittoil 1:13 Three-Quarters Mile. 931-Bcaifaee ....1-28 9.0 Moil Catparail-2al 949-IMndy 1:27 7*1-Piaaud 1 32 862-Gark 1:27 911 fkaaaab ...1:28 955-Helen Pogers 1:21 Beceaiaaace 1:31 ffl Taha Overton! :2s 955-Toe the Maikl:24 952-Mode 1:27 97.0 Wakefield ...1*29 951 .Mainmast . . 1 :22

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Local Identifier: drf1922062101_11_2
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