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D0RVAL PARK FORM CHART • MONTREAL, QUE., TuTPBAT, JTTNE 20, 19S2. -Borral I*ark 1 mile. Third day. Dorral Jockey Ciub. Spring Mi eting of 7 days. W «Jher cicaj; tempera-iure 63". 8teward Representing Canadian Racing Associaticna, KrawLs Nelson. Stewards of Meeting. D. Ray-mend, Dr. L. -I. Iiemieux. J. B. Panipliel. M. N. Ma far!an and J. T. McKride. lresiding Judge, D. S. GQliee. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Raeing Secretary. Sherid:in Clark. Racing starts at 3:00 p. m. Chicago time 2.:0O p. m.. W indicates wliip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig-area ia parentheses foiluwing the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of hone au4 weight carried. *Iudicatea apprentice allowance.