untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-04


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! WANTED Any odd months or half yearly volumes of tht Chicago Daily Racinj Form, or any other books pertaining to horse racing or breeding. E. X. WENRICK 51 East S7th Street New York City, N. Y Annua! Racing form for 1921 Is Now On Sale DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 41 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ELL. 57-160 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK N Y. i EXCHANGE STREET :: EUFFAIO. N. Y. j I j j I , r i-1 n- -n--rr-rrflii - i . -i - r.-i t--it - . i n trr-m inn fnivr inr rn . rmr i.i "" Iiii-,! InilTi" rviiUffllffll IO PROPERTY OF j Mr. MONTFORT JONES IN PADDOCK LandTONIA RAGE COURSE Wednesday, July 5 Noon I FOR CATALOGUE, ETC., WRITE S. C. NUCKOLS, Jr., or JULIUS G. REEDER 1 I KNOW OVER 1,200 HORSE OWNERS km TRAINERS The TURF REPORTER, oldest publication in existence, ?-nd ORIGINATOR dissemirat:ns informandtion from track weekly, in booklet form, enabling- thousands to obtain experts Preferred Track Reports; AVork-oats; Reflections; Comments; Conditions; Horses in Training at All Tracks; Horses Form of AVhich Public Knows Nothing-, at fraction of its cost. AVIIY WI3 MAKE GOOD Our editor, H. J. Seideneck. always on the job. many years raced a large stable of thoroughbreds, various times training them himself ; account his numerous traek interests, got to know personally fully 75 per cent, of the owners and trainers on the turf today. ave m:iir liox peh jiaxext rmxcirijES We never misrepresent. Busicess run like your bank. Thats why we do all our business by mail. Guarantees and promises kept inviolate. Losers advertised as well as winners. Past IS years ocr ads appeared in Racing Form. THAT YOU MAY KNOW US BETTER Compare REPORTER with any 1,001 imitations. Not particularly this weeks issue. Take any week in the year. If you really want and appreciate legitimate track information. Past 18 years came people weekly all over United States, Canada, Mexico, even in Cuba, using REPORTFR. AVhy ? Get cce at any news-stand, only 35c. It will convince the most skeptical. Hailed subscribers plain sealed envelope, 3 weeks , 5 weeks .50, 10 weeks . Fourth of July Special: AVire-Sunday-Mad-Run-Law-You. Code for Special last page REPORTER. TCIIP REPORTER, 22 West Quincy Street Established 1S04. Chicago, Illinois. CREATED TO SURPASS XOT TO lAWALLKL Racing Patrons Read Carefully GETAWAY SPECIAL NO. 1 AND 2 GO FRIDAY, July 7, and SATURDAY, JULY 8. Both horses are ready to run the best races of their career and the connections are going to bet. I will advise those who are willing to send me the winnings of a 10 straight bet on these two real good things the last two days of the meeting at Latonia. My record as a successful jockey, owner and trainer is my reference. Write or wire EX-JOCKEY TED KOERNER Apartment 4, Liberal Building Sth and John Streets :: :: Cincinnati, Ohio. j I HOPELESS, 275-100, WON TEDDY R., 1-2, WON, Saturday, July 1, Specials. Send for July 8 two. GUARANTEE must get a winner or following two FREE. For live ones, se8 latest Thoroughbred, all newsstands, 35c. TODAYS BEST: Ship-Southern-See-Buy-Out-Got. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 CHICAGO, ILL. TREAT ME RIGHT Your name and address will get you names of two Latonia starters that are right. Place five for AL WESTON Suite 400, 37 Kadtson Ave., NEW YORK, N. Y. VVILSONTBIGSPCIALS usually have 2 or 3 good ones each week. I have a connection with what I consider come cf the shrewdest people in the business. TERMS Winnings of a 0 straight play. Rush your name. Dont use postals. L. WILSON 300 GREENWOOD BLDG. CINCINNATI OHIO Tho American Racing Manual for 1922 IS NOW ON SALE. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, IIX,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922070401/drf1922070401_11_3
Local Identifier: drf1922070401_11_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800