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I 1 j LEADING AMEBIC AN JOCKEYS The high scores of last week among the leading riders fell to two jockeys on the minor circuit. T. Wayt rode eleven winners at Conneaut Lake Park and M. Fator piloted ten at Reno. On the big circuit J. Owens, the saddle sensation at Latonia, gained in prestige and popularity by bringing home eight winners. E. Pool and C. Turner each rode seven, while Earl Sande, H. Long and G. Watson each added six to their totals. The standing of the thirty leaders is now a3 follows: Jockey Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.O. UAV. Lang, C 539 127 9G 77 259 .23 2 Huntamer, J. ..499 112 85 91 211 .22 0 AVllson, T 4S2 98 S5 09 230 .20 1 Kennedy. B. ...399 78 69 55 139 .19 1 Penman. L. .. .318 74 50 40 143 .23 5 AYayt, T 351 72 51 57 171 .21 11 Studer. 0 452 63 73 03 233 .14 0 Williams, G. ...312 03 55 52 HI .20 S Gamer, M 291 r.9 54 51 127 .20 1 AAllson, A 310 55 Gii 53 108 .16 1 Prible, D 273 53 33 37 145 .19 0" Pool, AV 211 49 23 48 121 .20 6 Boganowski, AY. 399 43 59 02 ISO .11 0 Fator, M 315 43 50 -15 172 .15 10 Pool, B 277 43 S3 17 144 .17 7 Soheffel, B. ...338 46 44 41 207 .14 0 Morris, L 230 4G 42 24 113 .20 1 Turner, C 181 45 33 21 57 .2.3 7 Owens, J 301 44 44 43 170 .15 8 Hum, P 352 43 47 41 221 .12 1 Thomas, H 342 43 45 frti 193 .13 2 Sande, E 131 42 41 21 27 .32 Wallace. J 3415 39 40 55 233 .11 2 Long, II 23 37 33 2S 200 .12 G Ralls, C 310 33 43 42 217 .10 0 AVatson, C 121 32 14 13 02 .26 C Pickens, A 13! 31 32 14 S2 .20 0 ! Kclsay, AV 223 31 31 30 131 .14 2 Stirling, D 120 31 16 21 53 .24 8 Fields, G 279 30 31 37 1SI .11 0 Moore, K. T. ..179 SO 27 26 9J .17 0 Nob.o, E 133 30 IS 1:9 50 .23 0 "Martinez, P. ...221 30 23 31 132 .14 2 I 4