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Latest Work -Outs 981 AVIXDSOli, Out., July 15. Todays training gallops here included the following: WINWSOlt. "VVoathor clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Hile. 979-Gallivant 40 1131-Xenette 3S !174-Ilugl!0rf Grahum38 930-Paiupas 38 t79-liebride 39 979-Kliiuegold 39 il.lO-Lilt 35 9".S-Top Notch ...33 JIT.S-Max Gold 40 l5S-Tiickster II. . .10 979-Magikon 37. 903-V.illuw Tree . .37tb Half Kile. DtW-Beavcrkill 53 9S7-Quiek Bun 52 W8 -t:m tic 51 9Sfl-:;i:eer Face 51 933-roreKt Major., 97-1-SpaniHh Maize. 52 ltl9-llnen 52 978-Sister Flo 50-js !i;9-Prisniar 50 Five-Eighths Mile. PftS-Ammunition 1:0-1 . Playful 1:03 U71-IIaiiriau 1:06 957-Witch Elm.. 1:03 979-Nurtli Store. 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. !79-Aiuatic 1:17 9.5-Mabel Curtis 1:10 Ji7H-l!p !ood 1:23 7S-Misg Jemima 1:22 717-P. v H.-k 1:15 "SO-Playivrisht ..1:19 liS4-Bill Block ..1:10 Ui;7-Scwell Combsl:lC .73-Cote rtOr ..1:20 978-S. Thoughts 1:1-1 979-Colando 1:15 973-Sny Ducrovl:I4 l5C-C. J. C"smilel:17 975-.Somn-.c 1:15 Ciceronian ..1:15 957-Trantula 1:10 9S0-Blias I. 1:18 979-Wild Life ..1:13 947-J. F. 0Ilara.l:17 971-Y"oh Klowerl:lG Jenette 1:17 S!53-Wm. Oldt ..1:17 9fi"-Mwle 1:17 92S-War Winnerl:15 One Mile. and73-Affcctation .1:43 9S0-Iark Hill ...1:4C 9 17- Asia 1:47 978-Fliaey 1:44 HSO-BulIiou 1:42 979-Natural 1:44 971 - Cur. Events .1:47 9S0-Paddie 1:43 974-Capt. Scott.. 1:44 76fi-S:iilor 1:48 J!50-Ir. Bae 1:40 9S0 -Translate ...1:42 853-DoriJ 1:41 974-Voleanic 1:45 Lilt showed line speed. Iiayful ran weli, "Witch Elm showed a good turn of speed. Colando raced from the barrier and showed speed all the way. Sunny Ducrow had plenty of speed ; is in good form. Natural ran well. Capt. Scott worked fast all the way. EJiriltE CITY. YONICERS, N. Y., July 15. Todays training gallops at Empire City included the following: Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Kile. 973 Knd 5ia 29 97S-Mad Hatter ..40 937-Excusc Me 40 Owasco 40 Grey P.onnet .40 97S-Pittton 37 979-IIomestrctch ...40 979 Spot Cash 3S 977- HiIluouse 37A 373 Sunnyland 49 875-Moonlit Way ..35 9C3-Wsst Pittston..33 Half Mil. 979-Best Ixve 52 971 -IO Tigre 53 978- Bridesraan 52 959-Miss Star 52 978-Bluc BueIi 52 974-Prudish 58 970- Clovaly 50 97C-Pluribelle 53 977-Cality Jane ..58 979-Patsy B 55 972- Cromwcll 53 979-Besting Time. ..52 977- D. and Drakes..49 971-Buulc5sh 54 978- Kthnea 53 977-Thrcc Square .53 971- Great Man 51 9C9-Vciiizelos 52 918- High Prince ..53 97S-Woodland 58 978- Hnrridan 54 972-Wildrake 55 977-Idic Toy 55 979-AYaterfeathcr .55 97C-LIwaito 53 9C0-Zeus Lassie ...52Vfe Five-Eighths Mile. 9Gt-Black Monkeyl:08 900-Betty Wood. .1:03 970-Rock Salt ...1:04 9G4-Cormac 1:0J 971-Bclski 1:07 970-Cork Blra ...1:07 979-Roseate 1:03 9C5-Cahalan 1:05 970-Bomp. IIomc.l:0S 970-Dastabout ..l:0i 973-Roke3 Drift. .1:03 78-D.s Daughtcrl:07 974-Bectortown ..1:05 979- Dare 1:03 077-Sandy Hatch. 1:03 974 Elected lL..l;0i 077 Suspicion ...1:11 I 947-Henry G 1:03 97S-Stella Maris. 1:07 979-Hot Muffin. .1:11 970-Simdsy Best. .1:09 878-Juao 1:07 977-Smatler Pop. .1:08 977- Jug 1:07 978-Twaddle 1:04 970-Leochares II.. 1:04 9G0-Thc Girl 1:07 979 Lmrels 1:03 971-ThiiubIe 1:01 072-1etcr Brown. 1:05 9i7-TT.e Sphinx. .1:08 075-Papiilon ....1:10 077-Winnccoune .1:00 979- Poor Puss ...1:05 979-Wiid Flower. 1:03 97S-Paula Shay. .1:07 AY rangier ...1:03 937-Bed Wreath. .1:09 Three-Quarters Kilo. 970-Allie Ochs ..1:25 971-Librrty Girl. .1:21 901-B. McLhlin .1:17 Plural 1:21 978- Broomster ...1:22 978-ltcparation ..1:25 974- BIanc Keing .1:27 978-T. Sev. Divn.l:22 908-Bluc Whale ..1:25 970 Sedge 1:25 9154-CIitcrbiook ..1:21 078-.Stveconard ..1:21 975 - Dexterous ...1:22 973-Tac II 1:21 PigoUon 1:21 977-Try titer 1:20 975-Frank Watersl:25 975-Turtcr 1:19 977-Georgie 1:16 977-Wishbone ...1:19 930-UalI Mark ..1:27 979-Zev 1:23 Seven-Eighths Mils. 078-Frigatc 1:31 979-Bamkin 1:33 972-llonorab!c ...1:40 973-Whiik 1:32 One Mils. 980- Costigan 1:49 956-Tangcrine ..1:53 950-Marie Maxim.l:49 973 Teddy B. ...1:51 970-Ralco 1:46 Mile and an Eighth. 979- Bon Homme. .1:59 979-Trevclyan ...2:03 Twaddle worked fast. Marie Maxim was under restraint. Ducks and Drakes seems fresh and ready. Sandy Hatch ran well. Twenty Seventh Division worked well in the going. Wishbone had an easy gallop. Kec-tortown was not extended. Bon Homme was under restraint all the way. Frigate looks and acts good. Whisk could have worked faster. Georgie did the best work of the ! morning. Tryster showed speed. Billy McLaughlin seems fresh and good. Tangerine galloped easily. Halco as usual worked good. Thimble and Teochares II. worked together. ! Itock Salt showed good speed. I