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Conroy Automatic Starting Gate THE BEST GATE ON THE MARKET PRICE ?100 COMPLETE LIGHT GATE FOR THOROUGHBRED STOCK FARMS PRICE 0 COMPLETE Address CHAS. L. TRIMBLE Care of AK-SAR-BEN OMAHA, NEBS GARS CHIEF OBSERVER 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FREE CODE: WINDSOR Michigan-EoM-Duck-Duck. right from tbo Chief, and I have NO EXPENSE to land a COUP hers today that will set them TALKING FOE HONTHS. Boys, this is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Dont MISS IT. This special ii MY SPECIAL LONG SHOT today. Should be every bit as good as Saturdays Special Long Shot Hessines 5.70- Won Thi3 is sure soma "Pippin3," only 50c. Just ask for GARS DAILY CHiEf OBSERVER FOE SALE WHERE V EE DAILY RACING FORM IS SOLD. 5 WINDSOR SPECIAL - - - JULY 19 HOBEE, carefully prepared by one of th THIS shrevrdest men in tha business, is, vte believe, the safest proposition ever handled. Also, wo expect a most wholesome price. To prove oar sincerity, we make the fol-loving inducement: National s Bargain Offer jj-F THIS HORSE, scheduled to start Wednesday, fi July 19, doos not WIN not run second or A third and at odds of 4 to 1 or better, wo wiU give the entire meeting at Kenilworth Windsor FEEE. We are specialists. Information filed with Daily Eaciag Form. The prico of Wednesdays Special is SPECIAL: ?25, and NO propositions accepted. Please include your phono number. Wo prepay all long-distance or telegraph expense on tbesa specials, Eash your subscription NOW. NATIONAL NEVS SERVICE SUITE 1C02 ICS NOETH DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. lX-JQCKEY TED kOERNER GilAND GETAWAY SPECIAL AT WINDSOR AND GMND OPENING BAY SPECIAL AT KENILWORTH Hcrsos sent upon request by wire for winnings of a 10.00 ttraight bet. Hy record as a successful jockey, owner and trainer is my reference. Write cr wire. EX-JGCKEY TED K0ERNER ROOM 301, IROQUOIS HOTEL Columbia at Clifford Street Detrsit, Michigan. CANT ALWAYS WIN SATURDAYS SPECIAL RAN SEC02JD. WIRE NAME AT ONCE FOE SEVERAL GETAWAY COUPS AT SARATOGA HEETING. joe Mccarty SARATOGA SPRINGS NEW YOEK YES, KY FRIDAY SPECIAL Spugs 15-1 Won All my friends must have made handsome profits. Another wonderful proposition is slated to go for tho money THURSDAY, JULY 0. Take my advice. DOZJT MISS THI3 OPPORTUNITY. Rush your namo and address at once. TERMS The winnings of ?I0, to be ssat me immediately after horse wins. L. ALLEN 322 East S3th Street New York City, N. Y. YOU CAN WIN with oar system cf turf speculation based on tried ard proTen methods of play which give a hijrh percentage of winners and a prompt recovery of losses. Our system is easy to follow and can bo operated on a small capital. SEND NO HONEY. WHITE TODAY FOE PARTICULARS. SYSTEM PUBLISHING COMPANY P. O. BOX 09 MONTREAL, CANADA A copy of the "Bice Eook" will convince the most skeptical. 25 cents at all newsstands. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: Ms.rch-Binana-11-19-20-13. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 W. Qaincy Street, CHICAGO, ILL. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during tha month of June, Is Now On Sale PRICE .09 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. T