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! Latest Work-Outs 885 YONKERS, N. Y., July 10. Todays training gallops at Empire City included the following: EJiriltH CITY. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 735-Atta Roy II... 42 972-Gndriy 3725 082-Rantry Pass... 30 975-Hard Guess ...41 970- H. I.Ighton ..LS 41.i U-lionus .... 39 OSl-Moonlit Way 30 DSn-Daniel A 30 9.3-Sir Kidney 3Sf. 5S3 Dustabout 37 9S2-Tuibulent 3S Half Mile. 0.S0 A15 American 50 OW-Maize 53 973 Ambler 49 i t81-Owasfo 55 !S2-Chile 52 9S2-Iunta Gorda 54 9R2-Cran5- 51 9S3-Pensive 51 070-Chier Flynri ..53 9S:i-SateIlite 51 OSl-Hcniesiictch ..53 OiS-Shcrando 556 9;-l--.dy Inez 50 9S3-Spot Cash 53 0S3-Matlson 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 982-Adventuress .1:03 Lawn Mower 1:09 987-Avalanche ..1:C5 VC.7-Nat S 1:05 973-Canaqtic 1:05 Paddy 3 Lassl:07 OSl-Elected II. ..1:03 973-Rustlcr 1:11 9.9-I"aucier 1:07 Rubke 1:00 979-Igborn 1:07 V4 t!S3-Scdge 1:05 972- Layol 1:03 981 -The. Girl 1:03 Three-Quarters IJilo. 975-Amor Patriael:20 01 -P. and DUesl:19 !S4-AIlii; Ochs ..1:23 970-Krodus 1:17 982-AthcNtan ...1:17and 9-v-3-Horeb 1:21 0i3-Ace of Aces. 1:23 fi3-Hullataloo ..1:18 950- I!etter Luck 1:20 !S5-1 lurlltelle ...1:19 954 Rlanc Suing. .1:25 SlSS-Resting Timcl:20 !S3-l!est Loe...l:2 Si2-Urf.-ain 1:22 983-Chcapsidc ...1:2-1 9s2-Tomahoi ....l:lSfc 951- Costigan 1:20 580-AVar Mack .1:18 952- lr. Clark ...1:18 983-Zev 1:17 907-Dovesroost ..1:20 Seven-Eislsths Mile. 953- Cherry Tree 1:32 0S3-Sleiveconard 1:31 Oao HHd. 9S2-Aimistioe ..1:53 982-Matinee Idol 1:47 952- Black Foi ..1:47 976-QiMvada 1:53 982- Hrainstorm ..1:45 9S3-Tliu Sphinx 1:49 973- Oalantraan ..1:49 970-Tnoruhcdge .1:55 983- Hottcntot ...1:59 lS2-yie 1:4S 953- Iris!i Cfetti 1:47 Ze showed good speed in the going. Dr. Clark and Tornahoi worked Avell on even terms. Cherry Tree Avas not extended. Matinee Idol Avas under restraint. Sleive-conard did an attractive gallop. Better Luck had an easy gallop. Alhelstan could have worked faster. Galantman looks and acts good. Brainstorm seems at his best. Sedge and Canaque ran well together. Exodus has all of his speed. Bantry Pass showed good speed. "WINDSOR, Ont., July 19. Todays training gallops here included the following: WINDSOR. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 950- Brilliant Jestcr34 97S-Mar Gold 40 933-Dcllabm 39 978-Mainmast 37 954- Inke John S3 9S3-Mich. J. Daly..3S S4-Ktiaa 0 38 iiSO-Flayful Miss ..37 971- i:ulah F 38 982-Radlo 37 951- Forest Major .38 OSO-54a AVay 33 981- Gallivant 33 980-Sir Thos. Kean."7 SS2-Gray Gables ..40 S72-Titania 3S 971 -Lent 39 Half Mile. Anglo Maid ...49 982-Hiddcn Jewel 53 9Sl-Bu!l;on 51 972-Jvhn Finn 49 982- Btill. Drummd.50 9Sl-?Jagtkon 50 951- C. J. Craigmile52 980-Messlnes 52 OGl-Oimples 53 97S-N. Sccundus ..49 971-Diadema 4S S55-Pctie 50 U75-K:iSteiside 52 979-Roiie H 53 Flying Jack ..19 9S2-Royal AiHitor 52 9S0-Geni 49 US2-Thoniy AVay.. 50 952- Hcbrides 51 970-Topar.go 53 Fivc-Ei-hths Mile. 957-Aquatic 1:07 9S2-I.ocarno ....1:04 983- Bucado 1:08 907-Malamont ..1:04 953- Beaverkill ..1:10 !20-No;th Tower 1:03 931-Ciceronian ..1:03 9S3-Resarf 1:07 982-Curlaud 1:03 9S2-A.Kiiows Mcl:03 981- J. F. OHaral:03 Three-Quaiters Mils. OSS-Affectation .1:20 971-.Iouett 1:17 98-1-Be Good 1:17 982-Lady Meave 1:18 957-Bastillc 1:19 97-i-Hudor 1:16 970-C.o the Rco8tl:18 981-TiautuIa ....1:19 9S0-Harinonicus .1:13 9Sl-AVm. Oldt ...1:10 9S3-H. Graham.. 1:1S One Mile. 975-Boniface ...1:43 9S0-M. Rappold 1:47 953- Firebrand ...1:52 975-Registrar ...1:45t5 CS4-Ferguson ...1:41 979-Ssilins B. ...1:56 954- Kew. OKeil 1:44k Mile and an Eighth. 982- Gol. Sphere ..2:03 Gem was under restraint. Bullion Avas only cantering. Diadema. showed fine r.peed all the way, Avith some -in reserve. Anglo Maid is traiinng Avell and is near to a race. John Finn appears to be in good form. Cur-land could have gone faster. AAho Knows Me appears to be a fast maiden. Bo Good worked fast. Wm. Oldt was under restraint all the Avay. Harmonious is about lit and ready for his best race. Boniface and Registrar ran well under restraint.