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MOUNT ROYAL PARK ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather cloudy; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. Superior mud runner. X Oood mud runner. i"p Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentic allowance, b Blinkers. First Hace 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-ycar-oIds and upward. Claiming. Canadian-owned. Track record: Aug. 23, 19101:13 1103. Todays Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.Wt.Uan. G3551 Captain Greet ....113 1:16 3 90.. 725 6551SJ Landless 100 1:13 4 107X720 63514 bThc Belgian II. ..121 1:20 8 108:1:715 CS352 bAvion 6 108X715 C3515 Jake Schas 117 1:16 7 1090715 63600 bOraTtsman 101 1:15 4 104X710 G3554 Fair and AVarmer-JOS l:14,s 6 101X703 GS516 Miss Holland 103 l:16fcs 4 101.. 703 C3C12 Eva Song 101 1:15 4 102.. 703 G2C72 Ramona II 103 1:11 8 102X700 C3514 Chiacoteague 109il:M 4 102x700 Second Eace 3-4 Milo Purse 00. 3-year-olds end upward. Claiming. fTntck itcord: Aug. 25. 19101:134103. 65616 Lillian G 103 l:12h G112X725 CS410 bHddte Tranter 107 l:13h G 109 X 720 C3089 Aunt Deda 1C1 1:13 4 107X715 C2219 San Marcus 105 1:14 5 112j715 63550 Iraicry 112 1:14 5 109.. 715 C355C bLewis 15 115 1:14 7 100710 02S72 Hocnir 112 1:14 11 1090703 C3G14 Kayman 110 1:13 4 111X703 GC1 Carnonball 102 1:15 4 111.. 705 G36M Starkader 110 1:13 6 114.. 703 G320S Seven Seas 103 1:14 4 109 .700 63515 UKol Gilfey 1111:15 S 103 X700 CSODO Black Pat 153 1:14 4 114.. 700 0Cr-10 Automatic Red ...111 1:15 4 109V700 G25I9 Joes Sister 101 1:17 S 107. 700 Third Eace 3-4 Mile. Itirr.e SC00. 3-year-oMa. Claiming. Track secoril: Aug. 25, 19101:134103. G3551 Xavisco 110 1:13 104x725 03551 Plurality 110 1:15 100X720 635 bThe W.-15 117 1:15 111X715 CS551 King 11 107 1:15 101.. 715 G2510 Silk Sox 102 1:15 101.. 713 63551 Carrie Baker 92 1:15 101x713 G340:s Flying Beauty 9S 1:1G 101.. 710 65551 Chaste Star 107 1:18 99. .700 62572 Mti.zey 104.. 700 G35H bDolIy Varden 110 1:10 104X700 0326D rapt. Bob M 103. .7C0 0325C Fairy Nymph M . 109 .700 Fourth Eace 5 1-8 rurlongs. 00. 3-yenr-oItH and iipward. Claiming. Track lecord: Aug. 23, 19101:003 107. 5410 LOCH LEVB.V ...115 1:07 4 100.. 725 63514 Hopeful 110 1:09 6 107 X 715 63031 Gratiau 90 1:03 4 113x715 C?71 bKnos 103 1:07 7 111X715 G35143 Sunrosc 102 1:07 7 101X710 63S55 bNan 107 1:10 G 105.. 710 Cf.44S bCo5. Murphy 112 1:03 5 107X710 j C35I6 B.ack Baby 103 1:07 4 113.. 710 C3G14 bRitnmlc 10 1:03 4 107X710 61E30 Miss Dixie 112 1:00 4 101.. 703 6S3fOl Laughing Ryes 11.103 1:0S 6 103.. 705 G34I2 bFIying Orb 101 1:09 5 107 X 705 63515 Twenty Seven 111 1:07 8 100:1:705 C3443 bG olden Red 115 1:03 7 93x"C0 G33U Propaganda 115 1:03 C 111X700 Fifth Eace 1 1-S Kiles. Purse 1922.sh00. 4-ycar-olds and unward. Claiming. Tiack record: Sept. 21. 19151:5:; 1107. C3554 bllarry M. Stevens. 105 1:54 6 102X725 63553 May Roberts 5 111X720 63553 bliospector 1015 1:53 8 103X713 63517-5 Peggy Rives 59 1 :55 4 103X715 62517 Tokalon March 99 1:54 8 101.. 715 C3G17 Gccrge C. Jr 101 1:55 4 100. .710 C5651 Hercules 10S 2:15 5 9S..705 63E53 bCrinisoa Rambler. .100 1:55 4 103X703 6S51C3 Shipmate 5 104X700 Sixth Eace 1 Kile. Turse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 23, 1922 1:39 5110. 1 C35E5 Chimera 101 1:41 G 103X725 63672 Bacchanalian 97 1:11 4 1O1..720 GS61t3 Just Fancy 103 1:40 5 106.. 715 C-36173 Plant.-.redc 98 1:40 6 103715 63M5 Lu-ky Pearl 101 1:40 6 100X715 62515 George W 102 1:11 4 109 X 715 G3S35 bThe Portuguese . . .11." 1 :49s 7 113X715 625I5 Sn:iie 108 1:45 5 103.. 710 63615 Comment 110 1:45 4 10G..705 63515 G 98.. 700 03555 tPoIygnmist 103 1:45 0 103.. 700 635IS Lad 113 1:41 10 103x700 63519 Chow 10S 1:41 4 109X700 6S515 bTop Rung 113 1:30 G 111.. 700 63619 blCehcma 4 104.. 700 Seventh Race 1 Mile. Turse 00. 3-year-olds acd upward. Claiming. Track record: May 23. 1922 1:39 5 110. 6-3617 Lieutenant Perkins. Ill 1:42 5 108X725 63514 MeLane 6 10Sx720 635153 By Jove ICS 1:44 4 108.. 715 62554 Cavalier 113 1:42 6 108.. 715 63555 Zoie 104 1:30 G 100. .715 63515 bkichsrd A 97 1:41 5 10SX715 63G17 bllemloek Ill 1:43 8 1OS071O 65550 Horaam 110 1:41 8 10SX710 C3617 Forge Ahead 93 1:40 3 ICO 705 63GI3 Satinmore 5 103.. 703 63412 Morning Face 103 1:14 4 03; 700 G25545 Lavaca 110 1:42 5 101V 700 63555 Hewitt 03 1:40 5 IDS .700 63381 Capitsnia 107 1:40 9 10S:;:700 63C19 Counsel 107 1:11 8 108X700