King Edward Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-20

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KING EDWARD PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, Que., Saturday, August 19, 1922. . King Edward Park half mile. Fourth day. King Edward Pari: Jockey Club. Second Summer Meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Steward Representing Quebec Breeders and Racing Association, W. J. Morrison. Stewards of ; Meeting. E. C. St. Pere. M. P.. and W. V. Lylcs. . Judges. Sheridan Clark, C C. Campeau and Sidney Bender. Starter, W. Snyder. Racing Secretary, Sheridan Clark. Racing starts at 3:00 p. in. Chicago time 2:00. . 64384 FtR5T RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse 1 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-ing. Net value to -winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 03440 Nalram 112 1 C Eamea 5171-100 G3G14 Split Silk 110 2 S Boyle 600-100 04138Two Eyes 105 3 R Doyle 1SG1-100 1 04120Clotta Smith 97 4 P Gross 2100-100 C4138Voorin 108 5 V Pulton 12GO-100 j 641 GO Smil. Thgh 110 6 C OMahoncy 335-100 G4284 Mister Jiggs 102 71 P Madeira 2003-100 G43193Sheka 110 8s W Hinphy 285-100 3 G1352 Ply. Beauty 105 9 N Foden 915-100 J mutucls paid, Natrum, 2.35 straight, .10 place, .45 show; Split Silk, place, .40 show; Two Eyes, .70 show. Equivalent booking odds Natrum, 517 to 100 straight, 270 to 100 place, 172 to 100 show; Split t Silk, 247 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Two Eyes, , 385 to 100 show. Timo, 1:05. Track slow. Winner G. Dcnnlers blk. g, 4, by Friar Rock - Nell Olin, by Wagner trained by M. Seifert; bred I by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 3:21. At post 3 minutes. Start t good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. - Scratched C4319 Sandab, 110; 04350 Thorn Bloom, , . J " j 1 : i 1 , j ! j ; , ; I I j . , j . ; . . 1 1 j 3 J t , - I t - , 115; 04350 Margaret N.. 110; 04350 High Olympus. j 112. i Overweights Voorin, 1 pound; Flying Beanty. 3. I j cqotj SECOND RACE Aboat 5-8 Mile. Purse ? WiOtJ 300 3year-olds and upward. Claim- ing. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 1 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. J G4352 5 Bashful 106 1 C Eames 185-100 C4353Crcmona 105 2 R Doyle 8SO-100 04078 Nick London 112 3 M Garrett 4R95-100 04167 Onwa 107 4" P Gross 710-100 60918Ravanna 110 5 C OMahoncy 2S30-100 641G23Joes Sister 110 6 N Collins 1560-100 I 04100 San Marcus 115 7 E Atkinson 485-100 r 03045 By Heck 112 8 W Hinphy 535-103 i 48040 Kling 112 9 P Madeira 2220-100 mutuels paid. Bashful, .70 straight. .70 j I place, .20 show; Cremona, .30 place, .30 , s show; Nick London, show. j-l Equivalent booking odds Bashful, 1S5 to 100 1 straight. 85 to 100 place. GO to 100 show; Cremona, j 205 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show; Nick London, : 247 to 100 show. ; Time, 1:05. Track slow. Winner P. Jones ch. f, 3. by Martinet La Gloria, by Woolsthorpo trained by C. Drake; bred . by Messrs. Williams Bros.. . Went to post at 3:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. . Scratched 01957 Fannie White, 102; 04110 Uran-ium. 112; 04007 Tommie C, 112; 63519 Connecticut. 112. Overweights Bashful. 4 pounds. ! 64386 THIRD RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse j 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Canadian Owned. Net value to winner 25 ; ; second, 0; third, 5, Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ! 64282 Capfn Greet ICS 1 M Garrett 11371-100 64318 Lillian G. 110 2 S Boyle 370-100 64353 M. Holland 105 31 C Eamea 4S5-1C0 64318Pittsburg 106 41 P Gross 263-100 I 64282 Josephine K. 103 5 R Bali G225-100 . 03874 L. Binmore 110 6l N Poden 3GO-100 j ! 64081 Joe S. 115 7J J Kennedy 1075-100 04103 Canteen Girl 105 S P Hunt 1725-100 S2 mutuels paid. Captain Greet, 4.75 straight, .SO place, .65 show; Lillian G.. .40 place. .00 show; Miss Holland, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Captain Greet, 1137 to 100 straight. 340 to 100 place. 132 to 100 show; Lillian G.. 120 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Miss Holland. 05 to 100 show. Time, 1:03. Track slow. Winner D. Beamans ch. g, 3, by narrigan Minnolette, by Mindora trained by S. F. Varian; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones. Went to post at 4:19. At post 2 minutes. Start . good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 01355 Fair and Warmer. 100. Overweights Lillian G., 0 pounds; Josephine K., 3. 64387 F0TOTH RACE G 1-2 Furlongs, Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valno to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. E;niv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C41983Crest 112 1 W Hinphy 370-100 01058 Top Rung 115 2- C Eames 315-100 64322 ;Tlon Marchl07 31 R Doyle 535-100 G43533Fair Lassie 110 43 P Hunt 990-100 64321 Doyle 112 5s R Ball 1763-100 64198 Clearfield 107 6i l Gross 3215-100 04322 Hemlock 112 71 P Madeira 440-100 G4.",21Smile 112 8 S Boyle 735-100 04143 Cor.stantine 115 9 W Smith 4475-100 mutuels paid. Crest, .40 straight. .15 place, .20 show; Top Rung, .90 place. .10 show; Tcluilon March. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Crest. 370 to 100 straight. 107 to 100 place. 60 to I0O show; Top Rung. 15 lo 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Tokalon March, 70 lo 100 show. Timo, 1:29. Track slow. Winner R. Wartields b. g. 4. by Out of Reach Pierrette, by Ben Brush trained by R. War-field; bred by Mr. James Butler. Went to post at 4:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Sera tched 03099 Lieutenant Perkins. 112; 03701 Ileliocross. 112; C40S1 Sir Galahad II., 112; 04190 Plantarede. 112. 64388 FrFTH RACE G 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. I Net valuo to winner 25; second, 0; third. I 5. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G432lGolden Red 112 H p Hunt 510-100 04353 McLane 112 2 W Hinphy 125-100 64280 BVhanalian 110 311 H Chappell 2205-100 64282 F. G. Corley 112 4i S Boyle 855-100 64164 Port Light 112 5 N Foden 855-100 64113 Silex II. 112 C Eames 903-100 64117 Count Boris 112 7 P Madeira 2335-100 61U83Lavaga 105 L.rid.P Gross 793-100 ?2 mutuels paid. Golden Red. 2.20 straight. .S0 place. .60 show; MeLane, .90 place, .S0 show; Bacchanalian, .25 show. Equivalent hooking odds Golden Red. 510 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; MrLanc, .45 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Bacchanalian, .162 to 100 show. Time, 1:29. Track slow. Winner J. W. Plunketts ch. g, 7. by Peep o Day Kate D.. by Cesarion trained by J. W. Plunkett; bred by Mr. John E. Madden, Went to post at 5:20. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 642S7 Chow. 115; 04321 Lady Harri-gan. 110; 04353 Runmic. 112; 03969 Automatic Red 112; 04355Salgeorge, 112. 64389 RACE 1 Mile and 70 Tards. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; socond. 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Hon i. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 04287 Ross R. 108 1 W Hinphy H2J-100 G41G7MtIe Crownl07 2 P Hunt 555-100 G4142sSatinmore 108 3s N Poden 845-100 04287 Ed. Tranter 103 4 R Doyle 2925-100 G4121Rey Ennis 108 5 A Sandstrom 11G3-1C0 C4121Rtdland 113 GJ S Boyle 275-100 04280 Montperri 108 7 C Eamea 2755-100 04319 Drapery 108 8 R Ball 4355-100 mutuels paid. Ross It., .85 straight. .25 place. .00 show; Myrtle Crown, .15 place, ?3.25 show; Satimnore, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Iioss It.. 142 to 100 straight. 02 to 101 place, 30 to 103 show; Myrtle Crown, 107 to 100 place, 02 to 100 show; Satin-more, 110 to 100 show. Timo, 1:51. Track, slow. Winner W. M. Grants br. c. 4, by Textile Ashes, by Treniout trained by W. M. Grant; bred by Mr. Andrew Miller. Went to post at 5:52. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won eased up; second and third driving. Scratched 04350Thirtcen, 103; C42S8 Royden, 103. Overweights Ross R., 2 pounds; Myrtle Crown, 5. 64390 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile ad 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward, Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. J 64287 Old Ued 105 V N Foden 4521-10 04288s Edith K. 106 2" C Eames 210-1C0 04200 Ramona II. 137 3 P Hunt 373-100 04198 Lava 108 4. M Garrett 27S0-1OO 04282 "Theresa IPO 51 R Doyle 1370-10S 04287 Homam 109 6" M Fallon 400-1CO G4321 IaroL ICS 75 H Chapoell 1775-100 G4354 Pokey B. Ill S J Simmons 3783-100 mutuels paid. Old Red, ?li.05 straight, .00 place, .30 show; Edith K., .35 place, .53 show; Rarnona II., .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Old Red. 452 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 03 to 100 show; Edith IC, 67 to 100 place, 27 to 100 show; Ramomt II.. 40 to 100 show. Timo, 1:54. Track slow. I ? 1 J Winner W. O. Stoncrs ch. h, 5, by Contestoi- Orderlctte. by Order trained by E. J. Doyle; bred by Mr. Edward Frazer. Went to post at 0:26. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched -04319 War Smoke. 103; C4288Counscl. 103. Overweights Old Red, 2 pounds; Ramona II., 1; Homaru, 1.

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