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, . . ; , ; 1 ; TOLEDO FORM CHART TOLEDO, Ohio, Saturday, August 19, 1922. Sixth and last day. Toledo Jockey Clubs summer meeting of 6 days. Weather clear. Stewards and judges, Joseph A. Murphy. H. P. Coukling and W. R. Norvell. Starter. George T. Miller. Racing secretary, S. N. Holmau. fid 7 7 FTKST RACi: About 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net valua to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 04 220 It 106 I T Rao 4.K-100 63896 Barriskano 103 2 G Marino SO-100 64309Malzavena 104 31 C Dishmon 1G70-100 6410Col Chile 108 4l F Moore 40C-100 64220Kimono 98 5 C Ralls 1420-100 62332 Surafax 103 G J Carroll 3300-100 64220 Pacifier 106 7 O Atwcll 1GGO-100 mutuels paid. It, .SQ straight, .20 place. ,.S0 show; Barriskane. 20 place, .80 show; Malzavena. .60 show. Equivalent booking odds It, 490 to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Barriskane. GO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Malzavena, SO to 100 show. Time, 1:11. Track fast. Winner W. D. Millards ch. g. by Norito Re-may, by Albert trained by W. D. Millard; bred by Mr. W. D. Millard. Went to post at 2:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights It. 1 pound; Malzavena, 1. fid7R SECOND EACi: 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim- ing. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64221 Bennington 112 MH 8 Jones 150-100 64277 Plato 101 2 C Ralls UO50-100 64279 Hnter Piatt 110 3 C Phillips 7.r.0-100 6t277Dudlo Bug 107 4i G Marino 1630-100 64312 Tilloloy 101 5 J Carroll 7310-100 64315 Benecia 110 6 C Watson 3220-100 64312 My Laddie 106 7l C Dishmon 7000-100 63802 Philanderer 112 81 E Hileman MC-lOO 61309 R. of PIcardylOS 91 E McJoynt 3610-130 64345 Babylonian 106 10 O Atwell 1340-100 64246 Trader 112 11 T Buel t tMutuel field. mutuels paid, Bennington. .00 straight. .40 place, .80 show; Plato, field. place, SO show; Hunter Piatt, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Bennington, 150 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show? Plato, field. 210 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Hunter Piatt. 270 to 100 show. Time, 1:08. Track fast. Winner H. P. Travis ch. g. 4. by Fair Play Roxane, by Perblaze trained by F. C. Travis; bred by Mr. J. Sauford. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched G4309Woolday, 104; 64349!Grandce. 100. Overweights Hunter Piatt, 4 pounds; Rose of Tieardy, 4. 64379 THniD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64314 Mab 100 l1 C Ralls 33.1-100 64311El-. 105 2 F aioore 270-100 63799 Jazz 112 31 C Watson 1850-100 64312No Wonder 107 4l H S Jones and60-10O G3861 Nightstick 107 51 J Carroll 9SIMC0 64222 T. J. Pgast 112 G T Williams 2550-100 Continued on tenth page. TOLEDO FORM CHART Continued from third pace. G42233Vansylvla 105 7 O Atwcll 220-100 04309 Northrop ltO 8 C Dishmon G523-100 . mutucls paid, Mab. .60 straieht. .20 J " place. .10 show; Riga, .20 place, .20 show; Jazz, . GO show. Equivalent booking odds Mab, 330 to 100 straight, 230 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Lui- 110 to 100 place. GO lo 100 show; Jaza. 180 to 100 j show. 1 Time, 1:07. Track fast. Winner II. I. Sanders lr. m. 8, by Mcelick Dona Hamilton, by Donald A. trained by C. Bald- win; bred by Mr. G. L. Blackford. Went to post at 3:14. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. 64380 FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlonss. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claim- in?. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, : 0. i Equiv. Odds. Intl. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 01281 Tom Roach 107 11 C Rails 520-100 04S4 7 Lul-Momo 112 2" F Moore 600-100 1 03571 Fond Hope 105 5"T Uae 800-100 G4280Chisea 102 4J G Marino 1540-100 , 64314 Minnie H. 105 51 J Majestic 350-100 04249 Neg 107 01 H S Jones 350-100 G4280 Malvolio 112 71 E Hileman C10-100 j 57008 Mter KarmalOT 8 O Atwcll 2030-100 mutuels paid, Tom Roach. 2.40 straieht, .C0 place, .00 show; Lui-Mcme, .00 place, -.50 show; Fond Hop?, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Tom Itoach, 520 to 100 straight, 230 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Lni-Memc, 230 to 100 place. 175 to 100 show: B"ond Hope, 110 to 100 show. ! Time, 1:09. Track fast. Winner W. P. Gaines" b. g, 4, by Disguise Oasis, by Commando trained by W. 1. Gaines; bred by Mr. J. W. Iarrish. Went to post at 3:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Sera tched C43 15 Shoreacres, 1 05. Overweights Kond Hope, 1 pound. 64381 FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64310Goldio S. 115 1 T Wayt 469-100 04223 Capers 115 2 C Watson 470-100 j 0427! C. Roberts 117 3J H S Jones 590-100 ; 04246 Madge P. 1!0 4l T Rae 300-100 G1310Musito 112 5 G Marino 1150-100 64347sZainer 104 61 J Majestic 820-100 , 01311 Our L. Ann 107 7i P Mooro 2G1C-100 04314 Ed Gson 112 S C Ralls COO-100 miittiels paid, Coldie S., 1.20 straight. .80 ; place. .70 show; Capers, place, .00 show; Carl Roberts, .00 show. Kquivalent booking odds Goldie S., 4G0 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 85 to 100 show; Capers, 210 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Carl Roberts, 100 to 100 show. Time, 1:08. Track fast. Winner J. A. Parsons br. m, 7, by Golden link r Sadie II., by Indio trained by J. A. Parson; bred by Mr. I. Derby. Went to post at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched 04314 Butler. 10-1; 04277 Bess Welch. 102. 6382 srXTH RACE About 3-4 Milo. Purse 00. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 642793Advanco 112 1" P Moore GS-lOO 0422l!San Diego 112 2 1 J Majestic 1630-100 042783Miss Caltha 93 3 C Rails 900-100 6431lsMaysville 108 4i H S Jones 193-103 04279 M. Hollins 113 51 T ltae 1SO-100 04277 Little Niece 107 6s C Dishmon 4900-109 643173Mary G. 103 7 C Watson S4O-100 mutucls paid. Advance, 5.60 straight, place. .40 show; San Diego, 0.80 place, I I show; Miss Caltha. .10 show. j Equivalent booking odds- Advance. G80 to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; San Diego. 140 to 100 place. 210 to 100 show; Miss Caltha, 105 to 100 show. Time, 1:10. Track fast. Winner R. D. CasseUs b. g. 4. by Von Tromp Sain Shot, by Sain trained by C. E. Hudson; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Went to post at 4:42. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driviug; second and third the same. Scratched 6134G Plain Bill, 110. Overweights Little Niece. 4 pounds. 64383 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G43153Buckboard 109 1J T Wayt 293-100 04314 Red 107 2 II S Jones 303-100 G4315Fr. Shannon 102 31 C Rails 210-100 . 64315 Old Broom 107 4J E McJoynt 2780-100 , 04348 Clare Frces 105 51 C Dishmon 3500-100 643l03Dr. Hall 107 6 O AtweU 450-100 64278 Gilder 107 71 P Moore 3170-100 63719 Pinecrest 107 8 T Buel 3750-100 mutuels paid. Buckboard. .S0 straight, .S0 j place, .G0 show; Red, .20 place, .70 show; Frank Shannon, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Buckboard, 290 to 100 straight, 10 to 100 place. 30 to 10! show; Red. 110 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Frank Shannon, 25 to 100 show. Time, 1:41. Track fast. Winner R. .1. Farris b. g, 8, by Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer, by Filigrane trained by R. J. Farris; bred by Mr. Edward B. Cassatt. Went to post at 5:13. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 04311 noover, 102; 64349 Will Soon. 107. Overweights Buckboard, 2 pounds.