Latest Work-Outs, Daily Racing Form, 1922-08-20

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j - - . j Latest Work-Outs 17 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 19. The main track was deep and sloppy this morning and no real fast works were asked ! of the horses. The main course was closed and all the training was done over the Oklahoma training track. Following is a list of the horses worked and the time of their trials: OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. C-Best Pal 30 15-Glcntilt 3St Half Mile. 991-Ambler 57 13-Monardella ...51 15-B. of B. Ridgc.52 10-Notimc 50 15-Btst Love 53 10-Oui Oui 51 15-Betliany 51 13-Pragon 59 15-Bluc Peter 5-1 15-Pc of Umbria 52 934-Bluc Mount ...53 1-Ioor Fuss 53 10-Bel7.oni 51 992-Recommdstion 57 9R.-i-Carol 53 11-Runviso 52 15-Careful 52 OOO-Sca Tag 54 O-Chickvale 57 13-Seicnadcr 50 15-Crossless 5R 15-Sky Line 51 10-Fil-dc-Fer 52 97S-Spugs 55 10- Flying Cloud . .57 13-Suptrcargo lfi-Gadfly 54 1 -Suspicion 53 967-Gon. Thatcher. 53 8-Tliessjly 51 12-IIcnna 53 S-Trovolyan 52 14-.Tuicy Fruit ...55 in-Turbulent 55 12- Jupiter 51 15-Twaddle 51 13- Miss Belle ....53 9S3-Witehwork ...55 3- Miss Cerina ..51 9GI-Woodlnke 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 14- Blnnc Scing 1:05 . J3-MiRS Joy ...1:01 13- Brumclina ..1:07 15-OiI Man 1:09 11- Dccp Sinker .10S 13-Peddler 1:0S 14- Dr. Johnson .1:07 985-Sir Sidney ..1:09 14-E1 Dorado ...1:07 13-Scot. Chief ..1-13 921-Gran. "Ware 1:09 G-Surf Rider ..1:05 14-Grass Maid.. 1:12 The 8a Re ...1:07 14-Kglits Bge 1:12 15-Tom Casidy 1:07 14-Kindred 1:14 10-Violet Blue .1:05 999-Luminist 1:07 15-Yan. Travelerl:09 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Allic Ochs ..1:25 3-IIuoncc 1:20 14- Armistice ...128 15-Joccse ,:2ijV 15- Barbary Bushl-24 9-Liwaito 1:18 lD-Broomflax ..1:19 15-Mol. Barnes.. 1:23 lG-Brocklesby ..1:2G 12-Moonraker ..1:21 9-Devastation .1:18 15-Must. Seed .1:22 12- Doublc Cross 1-25 15-Picketer 1:23 15-Druid Hill... 1:22 15-Sailing Alongl:20 15-Duncccap ...1:18 15-Slippery Elm.l:2. 15-Encbantment 1:24 12-Spot Cash ..1:20 14- Flagstaff ...1:23 15-Vcndor 1 :23 15- Forest Lore 1:21 15-Vigil 1 :1S Seven-Eighths Mile. 15-Daniel A. ..1:39 12-Recount 1:39 One Mils. 15-Athelstan ...1:48 14-Naturalist ...1:59 972-Cap Rock ...1:53 1 1-Philoiopher ..1:49 lG-Billy Barton 1:51 15-Pillory 1:47 15-Flanuel Shirtl:50 15-Prcc James 1:49 15-Lcttomian ..1:51 15-Star Court ..1:52 15-Loitercr ....1:59 12-Yankee Star 1:52 13- Maryd Belle 1:49 2-ZcaIot 1:54 Mile and an Eighth. 15-Nedna 2:02 15-Prudery 2:02 WINDSOR, Ont., August 19. The following work-outs over the local course took place this morning: WINDSOR. Weather clear ; track fast Thrce-Eighthi Mile. 15-A. Hampton ..39 14-Our Birthday.. 41 8- Attorney 39 13-Rcx Gaiety ...39 15-Nickname ....38 Half Mile. 999-Ajom 57 14-Push Pin 51 14- Chariton 51 15-Reap 1 14-Der-i!er Sou ...50 15-Rock Garden ..Sirs 14-Dr. McArthur 50 14-R. Wingfield 50 990-Lcta 5-i 14-Sly Fox 50 14-Magikon 50 li-Synipathy 50 S-Old Top 50 10-Thorny Way... 50 Five-Eiehths Mile. 13- Fannic Bean 1:04 9S3-Mocking Birdl:03 lG-Gordon Shaw 1:02 15-Siren Maid ..1:03 4- LEffare 1:02 Thrnc-Quarters Mile. 14- Bastille 1:17 15-Max Gold ...1:19 14- Beljoy 1:10 15-Mart OHara 1:17 15- Canmore ....1:15 9S3-Minnie B. ...1:22 15-C. J. Cralgmel:19 13-Minute Man .1:15 9S4-Collinga 1:22 987-Macbeth 1:17 14- Diomed 1:17 10-Messines 1 :l.i 15- Feylancc ....1:24 990-Pit 1:18 15-Fia of Trucel:15 14-riaywright ..1:20 15-Fusee 1:19 13-Sister Josella 1 :17 15-Galipot 1:17 15-Skecr Face ..1:17 932-Gourmand ...1:18 15-Stoto 1:21 717-11. Burgoyne 1:16 14-Sudor 1:17 9S3-Honey Jewel. 1:18 688-Tamper 1:10 15-Ludy Meave .119 15-Titania 1:19 10-Lilt 1:16 OSl-Tcpmost 115 4-Manoevre ...1:17 One Mile. Croupier 1:51 15-Masler Jack 1:47 13-Chin. Walsh 1:17 15-MnttiKins ..1:50 7-Colonel Matt 1:40 ll-Redstone ...1:45 15-Gol. Sphere .1:43 14-Sp.m. Maize 1:44 . 10-Hildur 1:45 10-Tippo Sahib .1:48 9- Lunetta ....1:45 Nickname only cantered. Sympathy was under restraint. Old Top worked well. Rock Garden only cantered. Red Wingfield and Dernier Sou worked together easily. LEffare showed speed and appears to be in fine form. Gordon Shaw was whipped out. Siren Maid worked easily all the way. Collinga and Feylance only cantered. Minute Man showed a good-turn of speed and is in fine condition. Lilt was under restraint. Canmore and Flag of Truce worked well. Golden Sphere worked an easy mile. Redstone was doing about ail he could.

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Local Identifier: drf1922082001_2_3
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