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LATEST WORK-OUTS 18 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y.. August 21. Training gallops here Sunday were as follows : SARATOGA. Weather clear ; track slow Three-Eighths Milo. 12- Arapahoe 37 15-Romping Rome36 lC-Brilliancc 37 lC-Sliamrock 39 982- Comic Song ...30 15-Son-o-Unc ...30 14-Capc Clear 38 33-Sun Mist 30 99S-Gunsight 37 14-Snn Quest 3S 14- Kippy 30 15-Sunday Best ..36 10-Longboat 37 10-Sun Doll 39 15- Morvicli 34 15-Sun Fey 38 JS-My Reverie ...37 15-Swt and lrotty43 10-Noel 37 15-Swcep Hawk ..38 10-Rork 37 Half Mile. 10-A11 American .r.3 lfi-K. Solomons S151 970-Bijou 54 10-N. Hampshire 51 14-Crugie .51 lC-Passamaria ...49 10-Comixa 51 12-Pow Wow 51 995-Coat of Anns .51 14-Fanaclic 50 16- Darid Harnni 49 12-Quaint 54 4-Daniel 53 li-Quairel ...50 14- FulIon 52 Ki-llentycoos 52 10-IIorologc 58 14-Runctta 51 13- IIkIeberry Finn54 10-Silk Tassel ...51 10-Horeb ....53 10-Scare Crow ...53 lli-Hobgoblin 50 10-Wigwam 50 12- Irish Brigadier51 rivc-Eighths Mile. 15- Audacity 1:09 12-Iouglioregan 1:03 10-Amor Patriael:09 15-June Grass ..1:08 13- Braedalbanc .1:09 10-Manv Smiles 1:03 10-Crochet 1:03 30-Miss Smith .1:03 14- Contour 1:0S l-Misa Star ...1:03 14-Chiffon 1:07 14-Marton 1:03 14- Cherry Pie ..1:05 14-Occora 1:05 15- Catapult 1:08 10-Prince Tii Tiil:05 15-Dream Star .1:09 11-Sakah 1:0" 14-Dustabout ...1:05 15-Scribble 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Asterisk 1:20 15-May Blossoml:24 14-Avalanchc ...1:24 12-Normal 1:20 14- Black Fridayl:24 15-Bed Brand ..1:23 15- Bud Fislier .1:19 14-Begal Lodge 1:23 ID-Confederacy .1:25 15-Sallys Alley 1:20 lC-Castanet 1:21 14-Snob II. 1:21 " 10-Cresta 1:17 S-Solisa 1:22 15-Hullabaloo ..1:18 16-Transom 1:17 10-Irish Kiss ...1:21 9-Routledge ...1:15 10- Jigstcp 1:19 10-Woodland ...1:17 11- Kiiighthood .1:25 997-Wynuewood .1:27 lG-Lady Madcapl:19 Seven-Eighths Mile. 14 -Boxwood 1:35 One Mile. 10-Bridesman ..1:4G 15-Halu 1:47 17- Best Pal 1:4G 17-Scottish Chicfl:46 14- Extminator 1:47 14-Tryster 1:44 15- Fairway 1:47 15 -Two Feathersl:50 Silk Tassel and New Hampshire were on even terms. Cresta, Woodland and Transom worked easily together. Tryster was under restraint all the way. David Harum showed speed in the going. Lady Madcap liad an easy gallop. Doughoregan and Crochet were both under a pull. Noel seems fresh and good. Romping Home was not extended. Hullabaloo worked easily. Routledge seems at his best. Miss Smith .could have worked faster. Morvich showed all of his fine speed. Bridesman galloped an easy mile. Best Pal seems fresh and good. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear ; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 10-Bees Wax ...39 Half Mile. 16- Mintstick 54 10-Sunnyland 50 13-Modo 50 13-Simplex 50 15-Ncwmarket ...50 10-William Tell .50 10-Rigel 54 Five-Eighths Mile. 9-Knot ... 1:09 10-Valentia 1:07 Three-Quarters Mil. 10-Aladdin 1:20 10-Mawrcoron ..1:21 12- Coeur de Lionl:24 15-Patsy B 1:24 15-Dream Days.. 1:19 15-Primus 1:24 10-Edict 1:21 10-Ting-a-Ling 1:24 15-Lky Antoine.l:19 One Mile. 13- Leghorn 1:50 3-Timbrcl 1:55 The track was slow and holding this morning and no work of consequence was recorded. WINDSOR, Ont., August 21 Sundays work-outs included the following: WINDSOR. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 12- Bill OFlynn .30 13-IIuglies Grham38 15-Gem 40 11-Lady Uoss 38 Half Mile. 10-Briand 50 10-Kirk Lady 50 15- Bullion 50 17-0. Birthday ..52 13- Dorius 51 10-PlutreI 52 7-Jas. F. OHara.51 10-Tycoon 48 16- Hadrian 51 Five-Eighths Mile. 14- Bncado 1:02 Erlinger 1:03 15- John Finn ..1:02 14-Topango ....1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. IG-Fantoehe 1:17 Bocky 1:16 14-Firebrand ...1:18 15-Bekab 1:10 942-Grandest 1:10 13-Trantula ...1:10 018-June Fly 1:15 10-Tan Son 1:15 9S6-Quick Bun ..1:14 One Mile. 911-Belgn Queenl:45 1 -Rubidium ...1:48 995-Dissolute ...1:44 15-Sir Clarence. 1:40 983- Dimples 1:44 S-Sailor 1:47 lG-Oo La La ..1:43 14-Troubler 1:45 10-Plucky 1:48 Hughes Graham showed speed. Bill OFlynn seems fit and ready. Tycoon seems to have lost none of his speed since his last race. Topango and Bucado worked well together. John Finn showed much speed. Quick Run was under restraint and is in fine form. Tan Son seems in his best form. Dissolute was all out, 19 SARATOGA SPRINGS, August 21. Mondays work-outs here included the following: SARATOGA. Weather clear; track near fast Three-Eighths Mile. 99G-Advpnturess ...35 12-Galantman 35 9-Brilliant Star. .37 4 16-IIigh Speed ...37 12-Bes. Lcighton .37,s 17-Notime 37 14-Brocadc 35 18-Sallys Alley ..33 9-BIli and Coo. ..37 17-Spot Cash ... 37 17- Blanc Seing ...35 17-Twaddle 35 16- Bellsolar 3C 16-Valador 30 17- Gadfly 33 Half Mile. 10-Beatitude 49 17-Kghts Bridge 50 17-BiIIy Barton ..48 17-Loiterer 50 13- Boys Bve Me .50 8-Marionctte 51 14- Belphrizonia ..48 17-Moonraker 52 17-B. of B. Bidge 50 14-McKenna 48 929- Banksia 54 15-Nancy F 48 15- Brunncl 52 17-Pcc of Umbria50 17- Blue Peter ...52 10-RiaIto 51 999-Bcttcr Sea 50 14-Itomulus 51 and 18- Comic Song ...51 17-Suporcargo ....55 17-Chickvale 51 14-Sad. and Boots. 53 15-Dry Moon 50 1-Soul Mate 48 17-Devastation ..50 14-Tuftcr 49 996- Ciarre 53 17-Turimlcnt 52 14- Ira Wilson 49 981-Wicneconne ...49 17- Juicy Fruit ...52 12-Wlnte Star ...48 18- King Sol.s SealSO Fivo-Eighths Mile. 8-Adonis 1:02 12-Lustrous 1:02 15- B. and Gold 1:09 11-Metric 1:02 15-Bantry Pass 1:04 16-Nassau 101 15-Canaque 1:11 1-Marys Pal ..1:02 10-Cormac 1:03 13-Pcc Regent 1:02 15-Cimru 1:03 12-Pirate Gold.. 1:03 10-Capt. Ctigan 1:02 14-P. Qui Boulc.l:05 15-Cimbra 1:03 13-Bunelise 1:01 10- Ccrtain 1:01 18-St and I"tty.l:06 14- Dimmesdale .1:02 8-Savoy 1-04 11- Frcnch Furze 1:07 18-Sun Quest ..1:02 15- Gunsiglit ...1:02 18-Sun Fey 1:02 17-Grass Maid. .1:02 14-Sun Thistle . .1:05 14- IIell Gate ..1:02 10-Segovia 1:05 15- .T. Q. Kelly. 1:03 10-Winr T. All 1:02 10-Lady Myra ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Bankcr Brownl:14 17-NatnraIist ...1:16 15-Calam. Jane 1:20 15-Prudish 1:20 15-Crocus 1:20 17-Pliilosoplier ..1:10 15-Dm of Allah 1:17 10-Rebukc 1:14 17-Flannel Shirt 1:17 18-Sliamrock ...1:10 12- Felsitlc 1:20 17-SIippery Elm 1:15 17- Glcntilt 1:15 14-Snmmit 1:19 10-Lord Allen ..1:1S 14-The Hottentotl :18 18- Many Smiles 1:14 17-Tom Cassidv 1:10 17- Mol. Barnes .1:19 10-VioIet Ray ..1:20 18- M. Blossom .1:17 One Mile. 13- Bit o White 1:43 17-Reroiint 1:44 13-Carmcncita ..1:48 13-ScotIand Yet 1:14 18-Horeb 1:44 14-Sleiveconard .1:43 10-Folythia 1:45 The Roll Call 1:52 17- Prince James 1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 18- norologe 1:57 7-Roekminter 1:57 17-Prudery 1:50 10-Wh.skaway .1:57 17-Nedna 1:50 Mile asd a Quarter. 10-Broomstcr ..2-15 lG-Bunting 2:15 Prudery and Nedna did a fine work-out easily together. Many Smiles was never better. Gadfly and Twaddle showed much speed. Flannel Shirt was under restraint. Prince James seems fit and good. Recount is ready for a good race. Billy Barton worked surprisingly well. Dimmesdale had an easy gallop. Naturalist is training kindly. Scotland Yet was not extended. Nassau and Certain worked on ever terms. Runelise worked well. Sleivcconard was not fully extended. Blanc Seing showed speed. Horologe could have worked faster. Bit of White seems fresh and good. Lord Allen was under a pull all the way. Broomster and Bunting galloped an easy trial together. Rebuke showed improvement. Dream of Allah and May Blossom worked easily head and head. Slippery Elm is training well. Hell Gate was not extended. Nancy F. worked from the barrier. WINDSOR, Ont., August 21. Mondays training gallops here included the following: WINDSOR. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 17- Anita IIampton38 17-IIonpvs .Tewel.3R 18- Bill OFlynn .37 9-P. G. King ...38 15-Buckwheat 30 17-Leta 39 15-Beavcrkill 40 17-Master Jack ..37 17-Colonel Matt .40 14-Mary Reigel .38 13-Claymore 38 17-Playwright ....39 10- Elemcntal 37 13-Sun Brae 37 930- Fuse 38 10-Salton 39 4-Fornovo 37 17-Titania 3S: 15-Great Hawk .40 14-Witch Flower.3s Half Mile. 13- American Boy.52 14-Hallucination .50 15-Bandeau 53 16-Prismar 49 17-Canmore 49 17-Mart 0Hara..5o" 8-Delusive 50 14-Repeater 52 17-Dr. McArthur..49 17-Bock Garden. .49 14- Dorando 50 15-Reformer 53 15- FIyg Jacque .50 15-Speedy Girl ...49 14- PastI Swain .50 Five-Eighths Mile. 17-II. Burgoync 1:02 17-Redstone ...1:04 13-Rocky Mtainl:03 15-War AVinner.l:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 17-Collinga 1:17 15-Martha Falnl:13 15- C. ot.Roost .1:19 17-Muttikins ...1:10 15-Chas. Henry. 1:14 970-Mom 1:19 15-Diadema 1:17 739-Mnsty 1:10 17-Feylance 1:10 11-Sea Way ...1:19 993-Flibbgibbet .1:18 17-Sudor 1:10 17- Gordon SIiaw.l:17 4-Toe tlic Markl:10 13- Honor Man .1:18 14-Van. Welles. 1-17 18- J. F. 0Haral:14 Seven-Eighths Mile. 834-Bees Wing .1:33 10-Fair Gain ..1:35 One Mile. 17-Attorney 1:31 Baby Cal ...1:48 17-Ajom 1:48 13-Citation 1:43 14- Baby Grand. 1:43 14-Dottas Best. 1:45 997- Bond 1:52 14-Westwood ..1:44 Elemental showed much speed. Fuse is training well. Mary Reigel galloped well. Bill OFlynn showed speed. Sun Brae only cantered. Claymore was under restraint. Hallucination and Dorando worked well together. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear track good Three-Eighths Mile. 17-Jocose 3S 10-St. Valentine .39 Half Mile. 12-Anterio 51 17-Sir Sidner 53 14- Blno Teal 51 17-Saii:ng Along .52 17-Brooraflax 50 14-The Almoner ..50 15- Eulala 52 17-Vigil 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 14- Bht Lights 1:0S 15-Heremon 1:00 15- Eliminator ..1:08 15-Paisley 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 11- Bullet 1:21 14-Fluff 1:24 17-Dcep Sinker .1:24 One Mile. 15-Brumado :57 10-Pilgrim 1:54 15-IIarridan ...1:52 10-PIayfellow ..1:54 15-Kirklevgton 1:54 15-Sedgefiehl ..1:50 14-Mad Hatter 1:49 Broomflax showed improvement. The Almoner seems fit and good. Hercmon worked well. Mad Hatter was under restraint.