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! Latest Work-Ouis 68 LATOXTA, Ky., October 12. Todays training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear ; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. ra-Approval 39 03-Ilpaeelaw ....3S 51-Angela 38 !1-Sea Wrack ...38 05-Delusive 37 57-Scisso .s 3S 52-!lencolex 3S"-S 5j-Vio. Mahoney 39 Half Milo. 03-Anglum Maid 52tfj 05-Losro 54 2-Ainerican Ace 50 17-Macbeth 55 28-Dirdie 0 51 03 -Portia ml Urn .55 Ki-Cho Cho 52 50-PioeeeJs 5j ll-.To.sie M 54 Five -Eighths Mile. 05-Abadanc 1:00 05-IIuen 1:09 00- Dillv Star ..1:09 03-Jean. Dowdrel:09 58-D. Paradise 1:07 48-Montjoy 1:00 ili-Crestwd Doyl:05 .rS-Qtieen High 1:00 05-Crystnl Ford 1:00 t!7-Dedstone ...1:09 C0-Diana 1:07 Three -Quarters Mile. 5S-Pelle Amie .1:22 25-Zaek Terrell 1:24 55-Isosceles ... .1 :22 One Mile. 03- A1. D. flown 1:47 5-5reat Luck..l:4S Cti-Dlar. Stone .1:47 Just Fancy .1:50 07-Uol. Sphere 1:51 50-Spods 1:58 Track too bad for anything but slow work. NEW YORK, N. Y., October 11. Todays training gallops here included the following: 1SELMOXT TRAINING TRACK. . Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 5-IUack Friday ..37 i5-Kupee 39 U-Maribelle 37 Half Mile. i3-Felside 53 C.2-Setting Sun ...52 Leloha 58 5!-Skirmish 54 01- Mary Patricia .54 05-Ten-Lec 51 58-Kockabye 52 05-Tliimderclap ..55 12-Dock Pottom ..53 til-William Tell .52 U2-ltuddy 51 Five -Eighths Mile. 04- Ainanda Hoeyl:05 5G-Swift Grass 1:06 Three-Quarters Milo. 04- A1 Doyd 1:23 01-Little Celt .1:17 03-Aladdiu 1:17 55-Osprey 1:23 M-CIoughjordan 1:22 04-1at Casey ...1:23 il-Cyclops 1:20 U-Ktinviso 1:17 il-Do:uiuiue ..1:20 M-Vcnizelos ....1:20 953-.lacqueline Jr.l:25 J3-AVigvam ....1:21 The track was deep and holding this morn-and and no fast work was asked of the horses. JAMAICA. Weather clear ; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 57-AUie Ochs 37 45-Dun!eigh 41 03- Flying Devil ..41 Half Mile. 52-Dright Lights.. 52 5-Morniaw 51 H-Dowsprit 51 55-Patsy 15 53 I 2fi-Kxcelsis 50 42-Qnarrel 49 Hi-Juicy Fruit ...49 05-Ktincarol 50 0-Mavrcoron 53 03-Whisk 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 00-HulIabaloo ..1:05 Of.-Tikeh LOS titi-Dos-eclift ...1:07 i Threo-Quartors Mile. r.-IIuniboldt ...1:21 M;-.South. Cross.l:17 Hi-Loughland ..1:23 if.-Savoy 1:25 13-Occidciita ...1:19 OO-Twaddle 1:1S One Mile. ;7-Dominican ..1:48 US-Missionary ..1:47 OO-Jolm P. ,lonesl:45 !5-Pilgrim 1:50 The track was deep and holding this morning and no good works were recorded. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track slow Thrce-Eishths Mile. fid-Paddys Liss .30 Half Mile. 05- Copyright 53 914-T. Mnleskinner.53 04- PoIythia 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 00-Ma rkmctte ..1:03 Thrce-Quarters Mile. CO-Last Kffort ..1:18 i-So It Goes ..1:20 Oti-Mustd Seed. 1:17 05-Sunnylaml ...1:21 Seven-Eighths Milo. CO-Drv Moon ..1:28 CO-Woadthrush .1:42 33-Vulcn Park. 1:31 One Kilo. 00-FIan. Shirt .1:13 id-Prince Jamesl:42 Ci-Liberty CirI.l:4S LAUREL, Md.. October 12. Todays training gallops here included the following: LAUREL I All If. Weather clear ; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. S8S-Ann:i Gallup ..12 i3-Sr.ii Mist 31! 10-Dullet 40 iO-St. Juentin ...41 50-Dill Dlock 39 5ti-.St. Angelina ..30 ."i-Crosslcss 38 4S-Tricks .42 07-Knighthood ...37 985-Tlie Girl 37 C3-Mercury 40 CO-Vigil . 38 S5-lnulcry 33 Half Milo. C2-A11 Fair 52 013-Mayor House .53 C.7-Chickvale 50 Cl-Phalaris 54 lS-Iis:olute 53 C7-Picketer 50 05- lr. Johnscn 52 53-Day Jay 52 50-elemental 51 909-Sidereal 54 C3-Fratik G 51 01-Speedy Girl ...53 il-Flying Jacque 53 it-Slippery Kim .51 55-.tofk Scot 52 il-Tliimble 50 i.i-Mavouincen ..52 i2-Thorny Way ..53 "."-Montalvo 52 53-Top Notch ....53 C2-Ma!zavena ....52 Five -Eighths Mile. 13-Carol 1:05 4S-Pittstptt 1:08 03-Frank Moniopl:0! 01-Itoyal Duck .1:00 U-Fannie Dean 1:07 12-Sallys Alley 1:12 03-Gold Mount 1:07 05-Snilg Along .1:05 05-llilIsdale ...1:07. i5-Tormiunl 1:09 53-II obey Haker l:rtf 948-This. Queen 1:12 05-Xatural 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 5;-Anticipate ..1:25 ,5-Miniina 1:20 C3-!SiKhenrt ....1:21 50-Mv Own 1:23 50-liiibed Voter 1:21 10-Musty 1:28 f;0-Duck wheat ..1:22 07-Past. Swain 1:28 5-l-Citntiou 1:22 ti-Itock Pocket 1:23 1!-Curia nd 1:22 IS-Doy. Charlie 1:29 C2-D. Deadeye .1:10 4K-Uadical 1:19 59-Daniel 1:1S CO-Doyal Gem ..1:24 ID-Fair Gain ..1:21 H-Sandy Deal .1:20 C2-F. f Truce .1:22 02-Sir Jack 1:21 111 -Irish Kiss ...1:10 05-See. Thoughtsl:20 til-Little IM ...1:20 55-To!l 1:27 03-Moouraker ...1:20 02-Tip. Witcliet 1:19 :i-Miss Smith .1:19 !3-V:ilador .....1:1S Seven-Eighths Hilo. C3-Dunlin 1:3.5 1 One Mile. . C.2-"oniie Song. .1:53 SHO-Peccant ltf8 c::-Fnten 1:52 50 Dacipietta ..1:54 02-Joyful 1:52 23-Uebuke . 1:44 111 -Oceanic 1:19 85-Span. Maize 1:52 Milo and a Quarter. CO-Xedna 2:23 Crocus and Prudery ran well. Sun Mist showed speed. St. Angelina was going easily. Thimble had speed. Sidereal is not doing much yet. Royal Duck appeared to fancy the track-Sailing Along had speed. Natural was doing her best. Tippity Witchet ran well. Dick Deadeye showed good speed. Oceanic was going easily. Rebuke worked evenly all the way. Paraxon was never extended.