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VIOLINIST SELLS FOR ,100 NEW YORK, N. Y., October 12. Before the races today there was a sale of horses in training in the Jamaica paddock by the Thoroughbred Sales Company, with George Bain officiating as auctioneer. In all there were twenty-four head disposed of for a total of 5,160. Violinist from "Bud" Fishers consignment, brought the top price when he fell to the bid of the Lilane Stable for ,100. The second best price was ?3,200, which L. J. Carey paid for High Speed, one that was consigned by Frederick Johnson. Following is a complete report of the sale: Horse. Purchaser. Price. Violinist Iilane Stable ,100 HiKli Speed l. J. Carey .;t,200 Udar Allan Ioe Fied Markham 1,000 Krewer Crane 1500 Uukv Antoine 1-oscnlzo 2,000 Adventuress I- Hrant 2,000 The Almoner -I. Crane 1.700 Itillv Mc-I-cuighliu ...Course Smith 1.300 Waterman Mlane Stable 800 Faithful OUT W. I. Vohiik TOO Audacity I-. Kraut 700 Itunmath 1. Keyes 050 Kunetlu I. Coylc 400 Wise Dove K. I, lte.ves 400 Anna Mae Jleadowbrook Farm ... 400 Hetty Wood K. I. Keyes 300 Oniric I. S. 1. Itandolph I.O Cisqua I. S. I. Itandolph .... 2115 Taffeta I. S. 1 Itandolph 200 Plurabelle -1. T. Omay 150 Okoboji K. I. Keyes 150 Spinning Flax A. .1. liedell 150 F.xtcml A. J. Kedell 110 Yearling, by Peter Quince Lady Love ; E. D. Reyes. The purchases of E. D. Reyes were made for shipment to Porto Rico. 1 1 1 ! t 1 1 i i 1