Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1922-10-13

past performance

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UAUTUftDUE: entries and past performances . nAWmUliNt for Friday, October 13 . . . . 1 i WEATHER CLEAR: TRACK HEAVY. rtacing starts at 2:30 p. m. . rJas Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Inil. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.AN t.iiuiu :i: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 65831 I. AV. Hurpcr 114 1:0S ii.iXi- allowance, b Winkers. 66110 blourlcaf 1111:1114 4 113..i.i . , 66045 Eveline May 107 1:10 i 113... 00 : First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. ,, . Purse .00. All Ages. Claiming. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. , I1" ?800. a-ycar-olrts aim npwnnl. Ch mm ng. Track record: July 15, 1010-1:00 1-105. Todays Track record: July 29. 1010 l:l-!and 1 120. J Inil. Ilorse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.Han. G6048 Xenette 107 1:13!;; 4 107X725 , 66077 VansyIvia 110 1:07 C 1OS0725 66077 bltailltird 107 1:13 ! 112X721 66112 Hill Head 113 1:09 li 113X720 65877 Sweet Apple 103 1:13 112Xl- , 66109 Stylish Miss 115 1:10-. 2 94.. 715 66077 bCavalcadonr II. .. 00 1:13 107X10 66110 bMelody Man 100 l:17h 5 113X715 66077s May Girl 113 1:15 4 112X.10 66044 Red Chief Ill l:17h 5 113.. 705 66110 Rivulet 10141:10 5 112X70. 1 65880 Homaid M 112 1:09 4 113X705 65975 Ruck Nail 115 1:14 10 112X0. 62613 Marzella 0 113. .700 66011 blroelamatiou 00 l:14f. 3 10SX00 66111 Cleopatra Roy M113 l:lSli 0 113.. 700 66077 Hanovers Topaz .105 1:15 7 112X00jj Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles. ! c j t it i o t- i p! -v?aC!T7 V FUnJ?S-- rurso 1,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, j Purse Si00. All 1 Ages. Claiming. - , ,. c ... - icoo i -a- my: Track record: July 15, iOlO-l:OC-4-105. a 5972 J1 Tl v 1 inf wVt , v-5 : 66076 bWhippet 105 1:05 4 113X725 VTL 1 4v , finCm 66015 Honolulu Roy . . . .110 1 7 JUlXl m X7 tRRH9 bbll .Norniandie nn in.iin in Ill 1 1:09 .im i 113x20 65S73 occ-rQ r.m.ii..r Cionpier 10- 1tr 1-45 1.4.. 4 10SX710 66045 bDancing Girl 112 1:07 0 113X715 aoiTOO l incntle 6GC77 Don Jose 114 1:07 7 113715 - - - - JO- 66114- lokalon March .. .110 1 .48 S10-X.0., 65689 bHunter Piatt 110 1:07 0 113..710 65832 Lenieve .105 1:09 G10S..705 . Sixth Race 1 3-16 Miles. , 66076 Laura Cochrou 107 1-00 4 113 705 Purse ?S0O. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 66040 Flyeast 105 l:07i 3 111X700 Track recoid: July 10. 1910 2:015 3 92. , , 66047 bRuekboard 104 2:02 8 100 X 725 Third Race 5 E 1-2 Furlongs. 66114 Friz -r 111720 Purse ?S00. All Ages. Claiming. 66111bMiss Prosperity .. .102 2:04 lini 4 101X715 Track record: July lo, iai-l:0C 4 105. 66081 Fitz-lSoodle 4 101X715 65736 Ie Land Ill 1:05 S 113.. 725 65739 bOur Retsv 3 102x710 66046s War Pennant 113 1:09 0 110X720 66081 Lendonia " M 0 103X710! i 66077 lionero Rluc 9S 1:0S 3 111X71". 66114 Eouis 107 2:00 5 100..710 66077 It 103 1:07 3 100X715 66048 uTlmnderbird 104 2:031i 5 100X700 lSt RACE 5 1tFu-1"nJss AU Aes- ClHiminsr. July 1.", 1!I1. 1 :Gi Index Course Bist Time Tck Odds Wt St 54 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish VAN SYLVIA, br. m, 6 108 Ry Ivan the Terrible Sylvia Dunbar, by Orsini. Trainer, P. Renter. Owner, V. E. Reese. 6G077 Hthornc 3-4 l:25mud 11-5 107 3 1 li 4 E PetzoldtlO X. K. Real, Railbird. May Girl 65830 Hthornc 51 f 1:S9 fast 10 111 10 9 9 K1 W Meehanl2 End Man, H.McCloy, Ed lx- Van 45G0 Erie 3-4 l:18sloV 31 10S ll F Lux 0 Rafferty, Wodan, Kit. Chtliam 04473 Erie Ab 5-S 57fast 31 111 2n o Atwell 7 Peg.Eaton, IokeyJane, H.Willdo 04440 Erie Ab 5-S 57fast 31 110 2 O Atwell 7 Rutler, Kedgwick, Riidlc Uug G4379 Toledo 51 f l:07fast 11-5 100 7 O Atwell S Mab, Elga, Jazz CI223 Tcledo 51 f l:07fast 9 10S 21 O Atwell 11 Capers, Miss Caltha, Elga BILL HEAD, ch. g, S 113 By Doncaster Seddie King, by Leonid. Trainer, J. McCcole. Owner, J. McCoole. 66112 Hthorne 1 l:5Shvy 9-5 10S 5 4 2t 2s H S Jones 7 Norniandie, Huzzas. T.Col.Rawn 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 2J 111 7 6 6 C II S JoneslO Dad, AVhippet, Rivulet 65473 Omaha 1 1:41 slow 12 113 31 It Scoville 5 AV.Mgomy. C.Holters, DyLady 64281 Toledo 1 l:41fast 17-10 10S ll II S Jones i Iierrot, Miss Kruter, Grandee 04225 Toledo lm70y l:44faet C-5 112 5 II S Jonesl2 Pierrot, Frank F., Miss Kruter C3900 M.Hghts 1 1-16 l:46fast 6-5 110 1 4 35 2 M Fator 9 Puzzle, Red, Madge F. 63871 M.Hghts lm70y l:44fast 2i 110 S 5 3 3i J Chalmers S Advance, FrkShannon, Speedster 63825 AI.Hghts 1 1-16 l:47fast 11-5 115 1 2 11 2" H S JoneslO Haiidfull. liermoiit. Pierrot STYLISH MISS, b. f, 2 94 By Granite Intricate, by Hastings. Trainer, G. Archibald. Owner, G. Archibald. 66109 Hthorne 51 f 1:1S hvy 23 103 C 6 G CJ .1 Smith 0 CEnrique, Gr.Eady, Fernamlos 66010 Hthorne 01 f l:14hvy 12 971 4 C 5J 5 It Doyle 7 Ormont, Crudenas, Zapatos 65829 Hthorne 5-S 1:03 fast 7 10S 4 7 S,s E Petzoldt 9 Crudenas, Paula, Zapatos 65782 Hthorne 51 f l:07fast 20 97 C 7 C8 C1 J Chalmers 7 Delante. Ormont, Miss Jane 65163 Thncliffe 3-4 1:17 hvy S3 105 6 4 41 310 J Wallace 7 Macbeth, Eau Gallic, Rockery 65014 Thncliffe 51 f 1:09 slop 36 112 6 3 3s 3" E Petzoldt 8 Macbeth, Athanna, Dentaria 61214 FortErie 3-4 l:14Vfast 13 110 9 6 9l 914 J McTagtlO OldTop, NulIiSecundus, HotCoal MELODY MAN, b. c, 5 113 By Martinet Ethel Le Brume, by Broomstick. Trainer, M. McFherson. Owner, M. McPherson. 66110 Hthorne 51 f 1:17 hvy 12 10S 6 5 5 3" M Slghter S Mary C... M.Denunzio, Ratty II. 66046 Hthorne 51 f 1:10 hvy- S IOC 2 2 4 471 R Dovle 0 WarWinr, MaryG., Wnrlemiant 66015 Hthornc lm70y l:55hvy 25 101 2 3 5 5u C Dishmon 5 Hon.Roy, Tok.Mch, W.Mnicry 65635 Omaha 5-S l:01fast 2 315 2n r Scoville 7 Innovation, Min.Mack, J.Nugent 65628 Omaha 5-S l:01fast 14-5 112 21 J Carroll 0 E.Ioiuter, MisriRoy, TheCubll. 65556 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast S 115 3si J Pecorara S Raisy, CleotraRoy, O. Homestead 65469 Omaha 5-S l:02slow S 112 21 J Pecorara S EdLeVan, Raisj-, Sovereign II. RED CHIEF, ch. h, 5 113 By Stetson Wingate, by Ailyar Trainer, T. Smith. Owner, T. Smith. 60044 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy 20 lit 7 6 7 7,s H CVments 7 Different Eyes, Perch, Railbird 64772 ConLake 3-4 l:21good 6 112 31 T Rae 7 KgWorth, Pr.Ronero. RnSpiller 64675 ConLake 3-4 l:17fast 17 112 f." T Buel 7 Rafferty, Miss Orb, Ponderosa 64528 Erie Ab 5-S l:01slop 11 113 4" T Ruel i AVthyAnn, Dr.Cpbell, D.Fasliion 64447 Erie 3-4 1 :15rast 1S-5 112 In T Buel 7 Sarafax, P.Greenway, Rluc Star 64411 Erie Ab 5-S l:02fast 18 113 7 T Buel S Wea.Ann, Mr.Krnter, CorkeyW. 63703 Ashland Gl f 1:27 fast 31-10 111 V G Willims 8 Maudie Wilson, Coombs, Jill HOMAID, b. f, 4 M 113 By Horron Fluid, by Blitzen. Owner, W. Nestlehouse. 65880 Hthorne 1 1-S l:57fast 30 103 2 7 7 71S J Smith 7 Friz, Brown Rill, Rtickboard 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 30 100 5 7 SJ 9T1 J Carroll 12 RrownRill, Whippet, Rlack Top 65627 Omaha 5-8 l:02fast 13-3 109 55 J Carroll 7 MayRoch, R.Gnleaf, T.andTight 62545 Omaha 3-4 1:19 hvy 29 110 53i E Rarhaml2 Fl.ofSteel, Iimovatn. Aclamatn 62459 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 38 110 5" T Thrailkl 0 Kirsties Cub, Manicure, Herder 62330 Omaha 51 f l:09fast 6C 10S 81 T Thrailk112 Okla.Kid, Our Leader, MaudM. MARZELLA, b. m, 6 113 By Toddington Mallie, by Kilkerran. Owner, F. Winters. C2613 Erie Ab 5-S l:01fast 10 113 S"l. J Meek 10 Atligarven, K.Cheatham. Trader 62383 Erie Ab 5-S l:00fast 109 110 5SJ D Bauer 1C Ethel II., Jill, Mabel Trask C2027 Chagrin Ab 5-S l:07mud 50 113 S R Ball 8 over Tp, Elga, Rlancliita EC837 Chagrin Ab5-8 l:0Gslow 5 113 ll J Shilling 7 Hercules. Mary II., Pin Money E0S2S Chagrin Ab5-S l:C4mud 10 113 3s J Shilling 0 Snowymorn. Mary H., Regent E075S Chagrin Ab5-8 l:02slop 27 11G Gtl J Shilling 7 Virge, Mild.Euretta, Rlancliita CLEOPATRA BOY, b. g, 0 M 113 By Deering May Esher, by Prince Esher. Trainer, S. S. Tracey. Owner, S. S. Tracey. 60111 Hthorne 1 l:5Ghvy 25 103 5 4 4 4i R Doyle 7 M.Ppity. W.Willow. D.ofWth 60045 Hthorne 01 f 1:15 hvy 20 113 3 9 9 9 A RichcrklO Dad, Whippet, Rivulet 6G014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 0 103 S S S S" R Doyle S Money, Edna D., Madrono 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:lGfast 10 1121 5 G G 7l A Richcrk S Ar.Point, SwtApple, L. Miller 65037 Omaha 3-4 l:15fast 7-0 115 2 R Scoville 5 LadyEileen, Mil.Roono. M.Gray j i 6555G Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 32 115 2s R Spicer 8 Raisy, MelodyMan, O. Homestead i 65422 Omaha 5-S l:02slow 14 113 3i R Spicer 7 Dr.MklL, JlelodyMan, Recluse IunmiKS. All Akbs. Claiming. July 15, 1!10 1 :0 -t 2nd RACE WHIPPET, b. s, 4 113 By Broomstick Greyhound, by Peter Pan. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner. M. Goldblatt. 60070 Hthornc 3-4 l:23murt 21 112 G 3 31 2l J Kederis S H.oftXoitli. Normdie, L.Miller . 60045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 21 104 4 2 2 21 E PetzoldtlO Dad, Rivulet, Huzzas 65834 Hthorne 1 3-1G 2:01fast 1G-5 103 5 4 G 3J S McGraw 7 Rl.WatchlL, Sp.Giil, M.Psply 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 12 10G 2 1 Hi 21 S McGraw 12 RrownRill. RlaikTop, Railbird 65691 Hthorne lm7ty l:47fast G 10G G G G GM R Bolton S War Pemiv, Sea Way. Piedra 65388 Lexton 1 1-1G l:50hvy 42 111 10 7 0 471 D ConnllylO Rekab, Randel, Split Grass 65233 Lexton 1 1-1G l:4Gifast 39 105 G 7 7 7" F Smith S Mildred, Hysteria, Loveliness NORMANDIE, ch. g, 6 113 By Star Shoot Mamie Worth, by St. George. Trainer, A. Wallin. Owner, Wallin and Bryant. 6G112 Hthorne 1 l:5Shvy G 110 3 1 Ill3 L Gray . 7 Rill Head, Huzzas, T.Col.Rawn , 6G07G Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud S 112 2 2 2 3" L Gray S H.of t. North, Whippet, L.Miller 65830 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 2 3 3s 5 L Gray 12 End -Man, R.McCloy, Ed I Van 64033 BlueGrass 3-4 l:17slow 19-3 117 4; It Harton ! MgaretAtkin, Friz, O.McKenna 04508 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 5 112 V R Harton 5 MarionAdler, ElMahdi, HotFoot 64200 Iex.Fair 1 l:45mud 1G-5 113 G L Mink 0 M.Pperity, Nan.Iane, IaKross 04226 Lex.Fair 3-4 l:14fast S 110 1 L Mink 9 McGoldrick. R.Atkin, LtColonel DANCING GIRL, ch. m, 6 113 By Olambala Dancins: Wave, by Top Gallant. Trainer, J. Eckert. Owner, J. Eckert. 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy S 104 5 4 4 511 C DishmonlO Dad, AVhippet. Rivulet: 65971 Hthornc 3-4 l:21slop 7 110 7 5 41 G" C Buel 10 C.Roberts, Dif.Eve?, AV.H.Prce 65830 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 10 10GJ 7 4 41 4 C Buel 12 End Man. R.McClov, Ed Le Van 65736 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast 10 110 C 9 10 108 H S Jonesl2 Ilantoon. Dc Land, Rill McCloy 65621 Omaha 3-4 l:13fast 7 112 Gl AV Gargan 5 Plironc AVard. Icon. Maysville 64693 Connght 3-4 1:14 fast 41 107 7 4 51 -3s M Andson 0 Kukltix, Col. Murphy. Oia Lee 64611 Connght 3-4 l:13fast 62 104 S 8 S Si F AVeiner 12 Retsinda, Toy Miss, MabelCurtis DON JOSE, ch. g, 7 113 By Ballot Micaela, by Watercress. Trainer, C. E. Groves. Owner, C. E. Groves. 6C077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 10 112 2 3 5 S13 H S JoneslO N. K. Real. Railbird, May Girl 65971 Hthorne 3-4 l:21slop 8 112 2 4 7 711 D Hum 10 C.Robcrts, Dif.Eve--. W.li.Prce 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 111 4 2 2? 53 M Slghterl2 Ann. AVelles. Jacobina, AVoolday 65G29 Omaha 3-4 1:14 fast 4-5 112 l5 M Slghter 1 Kborly. SeaAVater, LyVcd Irome 65377 Omaha 5-S l:01fast 23-10 113 2 D Hum 10 Perch, EdLeAan. Little Pointer 65308 Omaha 5-S l:01fast 18-5 107 SiR Jones 11 DaisyStovens. RrnDick, OlilCoia 01997 Bghouse 3-4 1:1G slow 10 110 5; H Molters 7 Col.Royle, Flor.Dean, Shelbyvle HUNTER PLATT. br. g, 6 113 By Peep cDay Daisy Piatt, by Marta Santa. Trainer, G. F. Stambaugh. Owner, G. F. Sta mbaugh. 65689 Hthornc -51 f 1:08 fast 30 107 12 12 12 12 C Phillips 12 Tuscola, LinaClark, MossFoxII. 64378 Toledo 51 f l:0Sfast 73 110 3J C Phillips 11 Bennington, Plato, Dudle ISul- 64279 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:09fast 55 111 7" C Phillips 7 Mar.Ilolliiis.- Advance, Zainer 64247 Toledo Ab 3-4 l:10fefast 110 113 S52 C Phillips 9 Carl Roberts. Dr.llall. Goldie S. 62425 Erie 1 l:44Vifast 3C 101 381 C Phillips 5 Magien, Stitnontnl, MissCrtwd 620CG Chagrin 5-8 l:07hvy 33 123 4s C Phillips 7 Foiest Queen. Has, Skooter X"NIEVE, ch. m, 6 108 By Luck and Charity Eugenia K., by Balgowan. Trainer, B. F. McClain. Owner, B. F. McClain. 65832 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 fast 20 107 2 C 01 713 J Carroll 11 Money, Nenette, Toy Mis-. 65639 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 4 112 4i J Carroll 4 officii!, Florentine, Rlack Top 65559 Omaha 1 1:39 fast 9 109 4 J Carroll i C.Mai roue, "of fid, AV.Mlgomv 65373 Omaha 1 1:40 fast 13 112 iu J Carroll 5 LeapFrog. C.Marrone, AdelineL. 64348 Toledo lm70y l:49slov 2 103 410 J Carroll 0 Puzzle, Iierrot, Christie Holtcrs 64221 Toledo 2-4 1:14 fast 2G 107 iu J Carroll 10 S.Diego, OurL.Ann, Bennington LAURA COCHRON, b. f, 4 113 By Leonid Helen Print, by Argyle. TTainer. W. L. Stanfield. Owner, W. L. Stan field. 66070 Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud 20 112 4 S S S" A Tmbley S ILof t.Nortii. AVhippet, Normdin 65928 Hthorne 1 l:42fast S 105 3 4 41 f5 C Buel S EdnaD.. Jacobina. Cliris.Holters 65783 Hthorne 3-4 l:13fast 20 109 4 10 10 ll11 C Buel 12 RrownRill, AVhippet. Rlack Top 61984 Thorncfe lm70y l:44fast 29 99 S 11 11 ll19 J Thomas 11 Encrinite. Stanley, Coloi:elMatt 62148 Thcliffe lm70 l:44sfast 44 101 611 C Ralls 12 llaman. Skeer Face. Encrinite CI 353 Tijuana 11-10 1:49 fast 12-5 10G 2 1 1 1! T AVilson 8 Coniehon, Audrey K., Poacher . 1 i : , J , , 1 ! j 1 : , i j i i . , FLYCAST, ch. f, 3 111 By Atheling II. Washoe BeUe, by Sweep. Trainer, W. Coll. Owrer, T. Hoffler. 66040 Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 12 104 C S Sc Sl J Carroll 9 AVarAVinr. MaryG., AVarlYniiant 65830 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 30 102 9 10 la ll,c J Carroll 12 End Man. R.McCIoy, Ed Le Van 65482 Lexton 1 1-16 l:4Gfa"st .43 110 4 7 G G17 D Connelly 7 Jordan, Nancy Lane, Itandel 65333 Lexton 3-4-l:lGhvy 123 107 7 7 S S" N Swart S Gammer Gurton, Louanna, Mom 64917 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 19f 102 12 11 12 12l N Swart 13 Lina Clark, Inquisition. Glyn 04685 Ciiurchill 3-4 l:13fast Gf 100 11 14 15 15" AV Pool 15 Qunlligh, Whirl, AVdingTiirgb 60913 Havana 3-4 l:lGandslow 10 X05 11 11 11 113 G Fields 11 ArticlcX.. Caimito. Swiftcricknt 3rd RACE 5 2 F",jJ",f?s AllAsrcs. Claimliif?. July 15, 101CJ 1:0 Z-7 DE LAND, ch. g, 8 113 By King Olympian Belle of Do Land, by Griffon. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 05736 Hthorne 01 f l:0Sfast 41 110 2 2 2 21 J Kederis 12 Plantoon, Rill McCloy. Sirocco 65097 Thncliffe 01 f l:07slow 17 102 2 2 21 41 J Smith 12 Ilindoostan, Ogarite, Ras 62252 Thncliffe 51 f l:07fast 4 107 51 E Barnes 12 LdingStar, Ruddles, Sil.Springs 57372 Thcliffe 51 f l:07fast 2 106 21 A Gantner S Retsinda, Murphy, Dottas Rest 57249 Thcliffe 51 f l:07fast 1G-5 106 61 A Jacobs 9 SisterSusie. AVlialebone, Mrmite WAR PENNANT, br. h. 6 110 By Jim Gaffney Maltha, by Ogden. Trainer, J. Robertson. Owner. J. Robertson. 06040 Hthorne 51 f 1:16 hvy 11-5 109 1 1 lu 31 F Murphy 9 AAarWinr, MaryG., MelodyMan 65971 Hthornc 3-4 l:21slop 7 109 1 1 21 5 P Murphy 10 C.Roberts, Dif.Eve?, AV.H.Prce 65736 Hthorne 51 f l:0Sfast S 113 7 5 5 57 A Richcrkl2 Plantoon, De Land, Rill McCloy 59147 Jeffson 3-4 1:16 slow 16-3 110 5 3 3 3! ll A AVilson 12 G. Stone, M.Gingham, Donatello 5S9S8 Jeffson 51 f l:llhvy 31 114 G 5 4 5s 4 L Morris 11 Serbian, Malvolio, Tiger Rose 5S22G Empire lm70y l:45fast 3 116 5 4 4 5 8 S5 E Sande 10 F.Fogarty, T.-a-Ling, Dark Hill 58160 Empire Ab 3-4 1:12 good 2 114 7 5 4 31 ll E Sande 15 Asterisk, Ting-a-Ling, Rolo BONEandO BLUE, ch. f. 3 111 By Tony Bonero Mary Blue, by Blues. Trainer. J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. 00077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 10 113 8 9 10 1018 E Virgo 10 N. K. Real, Railbird, May Girl 00014 Hthorne 01 f l:14hvy 31 109 4 3 4i 410 C Dishmon 7 Different Eyes, Perch, Railbird 05928 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 31 103 4 2 33 471 .1 Conway 8 EdnaD., Jacobina, Cliris.Holters 64035 ElueGrass 5-8 l:02slow 43-10 103 331 H E Jones 0 C.Taylor, G.Minard, Searpia II. 61000 BlueGrass 5-S l:02good G 103 1 C Dishmon 7 Machiavelli, Pamly, EdGarriso: 61506 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 7 100 2 C Dishmon 5 Lt.CoIonel, Macliiavi, J.Goniian 04507 BlueGrass 51 f l:07fast 7 303 3 C Dishmon 0 Loyalist. LyFrakes, Scarpiall. IT, ch. g, 3 106 By Norita Bemay, by Albert. Trainer, W. B. Millard. Owner, W. D. Mill ard. 60077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud G 10S 9 2 2ti 0 C DishmonlO X. K. Real, Railbird. May Girl 66011 Hthornc 3-4 l:21hvy 8 101 2 4 3 3 C Dishmon 0 Delhimar, BattylL, Proclamatn 05831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 12 109 12 12 12 1210 S McGrawl2 Aan. AVelles, Jacobina, AAoclday 65417 N.Kton Ab 5-S l:01fast S9-10 110 in R Ryan 0 Hat.AVilldo. Rafferty. OurAli o 65313 N.Kton Ab 5-8 1:03 fast 3-2 118 4 C Eames 0 Col. Tex, Sarafax, Gin 05248 X.Kton Ab 5-S 1:01 fast 77-10 97 41 J Pevic 0 Elga, Dr. Hall, MeLanc 65073 N.Kton 3-4 1:24 slow 5 10S 31 J Alien 7 Mad Nell. Kimono, Maura I. W. HARPER, b. g, 7 113 By J. F. Crowley Fenelon, by Governor Foraker. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 65831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 20 111 3 10 10 910 J Singtonl2 Aan. AVelles, Jacobina. AAoclday 65470 Omaha 5-S l:02slov 3-2 112 in J Sington S RobGiles, R.A.Jones, LdyEilcen 64900 Bghouse 51 f l:0Sfast S 114 710 P Martinez 9 StanleylL, Chrome, RessieYoung T4813 Bghouse 3-4 l:14fast 8 109 581 J Sington 11 Col. Snider, Little Abo. Sky Man 64427 Hastings 3-4 l:21good 12 113 9 W Gargan 9 Aelvet, York Lassie, Cafeteria 61392 Hastings Ab 5-8 l:01mud 11 114 3 I Martinez S Eye Bright, Tovon, Phyllis K. C432C Hastings 3-4 l:17fast 12 113 510 P Martinez 0 J.Underwd, Mayfwer. D.deGse FOURLEAF, ch. f, 4 113 By Bulse Cousin Martha, by Pirate of Penzance. Trainer, M. Sanders. Owner, M. Sanders. 00110 Hthorne 01 f 1:17 hvy 20 11218 S 7 V 6 E Virgo S Mary G., M.Denunzio, Mel.Man 05831 Hthorne 51 f 1:09 fast 20 111 C 9 93 103 L Gray 12 Aan. AVelles, Jacobina, AVoolday 65736 Hthorne 01 f l:0Sfast 10 110 8 11 llHl50 D Hurn 12 Plantoon, Dc Land, Rill McCloy 63581 Ashland Ab 5-8 l:01good 5 113 33 S Wholm 4 Sister Susie. AAoodpile, Rivulet 63095 Connet Ab 5-S l:00fast 8 115 11 A Kroger S Rritish Isles, Dr.llall, L.-Mcme 63013 Connet Ab 5-8 1:01 fast 11 10S l" F Lux 7 Midian, Dr. Hall, Miss Orb 62929 Connet Ab 5-S 1:02 slow 14 103 7" T Buel 7 Malvolio. Rr.lsles. HoraceLerch EVELINE MAY, blk. m, 7 113 By Woolwicder My Oath, by Jim Kelly. Owner, G. C. Neill. 66045 Hthorne 51 f 1:15 hvy 20 111 10 10 10 108 G Marino 10 Dad, AVhippet, Rivulet 62457 Omaha 41 f 56 fast 51 113 ll T ShockleylO T.R. Favorite, Virgin, TheCubll. 62377 Omaha 51 f l:09fast 10 109 7" T ShockleylO AVchester, T.Ellison. R.M.Rron C2287 Omaha 51 f l:09Mfast 7f 107 31 T Shockleyl2 AValtcrina, Lenieve. Candegrey 4-th RACE ""4 aiile -year-olls and ujiward. Claiming. July !, 1!1 NENETTE. ch. f. 4 107 By Ivan the Terrible Yo Ho Ho, by Masetto. Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. 66048 Hthorne 3-4 l:21hvy 3 111 3 3 43 481 J Kederis T Jacobina, Delhimar, B.RlackivcIl 65925 Hthorne 3-4 l:Hfast 13-5 108 3 4 43 4 J Kederis S End Man, Tov Miss, Rond 65832 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 fast 41 109 7 7 G 2 J Kederis 11 Money, ToyMiss. Rill Rlackwell 65204 Thciiffe 51 f l:07good 2S 97 5 5 41 4C1 J AVallace S Ablaze. Ogarite, Sagamore 05132 Thncliffe 3-4 1:14 slow 29 101 G 5 G G31 J Smith S L.BrkSliecp, Rob.Allen, Graysn 05059 Thncliffe 1 l:41slow CI 111 2 2 21 41 H J Burke S ReesAVlng, FairVirginia, Aerlty 04408 AVindsor 3-4 l:14good 12 109 10 10 91 9 H Ericksnll Chas. Henry, Fusee, Quick Run 64090 FortErie 51 f 1:12 hvy S 103 6 4 31 2" F AVilson 11 Colando. Crock o Gold. P. Piper 63000 Hamton 3-4 1:15 good 6 107 5 4 3 3 T Wilson 10 Ph. Fair, Anticipate, L. Luxury RAILBIRD, ch. g, 0 112 By Plaudit Maud B. L., by Star Shoot. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, M. Sanders. 00077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 5 112 6 C 3 21 L Gray 10 X. K. Real, May Girl. Aansylvia 66044 Hthorne 51 f l:14hvy 10 104 5 4 3n 351 J Carroll 7 Diffnt Eyes, Kerch, Bonero Rlus 65877 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 4 115 4 3 41 4T1 L Gray 8 Ar.Point. SwtApple, L. Miller 65783 Hthornc 3-4 l:15fast 15 109 G 8 7 41 L Gray 12 RrownRill, AVhippet, Black Top 63643 Ashland 1 1-1G 1:54 fast 116 4 G Griffin 4 AVil.Arrow, Obstinaje. Li Kross 63583 Ashland lm70y 1:30 good 4 113 3 G AVillims i AlStrauss, LaKros?, Millersburg 62892 Conneaut 1 1-1G 1:54 fast 3-5 111 ll T Wayt S AVreckless, Tatting. Zetetic SWEET APPLE, b. m, 5 112 By Sweep Sweet Charlotte, by Ingoldsby. Trainer, J. Eckert. Owner, J. Eckert. 05877 Hthorne 3-4 l:lGfast 20 1101 S 6 3?. 23 D Hurn 8 Ar.Point, LauraMiller, RailBird G0G20 Tijuana lm70y l:47fast 41 108 7 7 7 7 7 G11 C Gross 7 Gath, Regreso, Rouen 60412 Tijuana lm70y l:47fast 11 109 5 5 7 7 7 714 C Gross 7 Gath, Franklin, Louis Lhmund 60303 Tijuana 3-4 l:14fast 25 110 5 6 7 61 GJ J Hunmer 7 Bil.Lnne, MissManage, Soc.Star 57S1G Kworth 1 1-4 2:19slop 30 106 1 5 5 6 6 6l J Dreyer 9 Mist.Polly, G.Duncan, Deckmate 576S3 Kworth lm70y l:45fast 10 106 ll 12 11 11 11 SH K Parton 12 Crmpsall, AV.Smoke, M.Rosell. 56795 B.Bonts 1 1-S l:5Gslow 5 108 2 3 1 3 31 3s W Hinphy 7 BrbonGreen, Blazonry, EdithlC. CAVALCADOUR II., b. g. 6 107 By Verdun Amazone III., by Ladas. Trainer, C. Irby. Owner, C. Irbv. 60077 Hthornc 3-4 l:25mud 3 107 G 3 7 711 A TmbleylO N. K. Real, Railbird, May Girl 65971 Hthorne 3-4 l:21s!op 7 ICG 10 10 C3 47 M SlghterlO C.Roberts. Dif.Eyes, AV.H.Prce 65831 Hthornc 51 f 1:03 fast 30 101 10 8 S Ss D Hurn 12 Aan. AVelles. Jacobina. AAoohlay 64984 Tncliffo lm70y l:44fast 6 103 5 4 4 41 A Tmbleyll Encrinite, Stanley. Col. Matt 04733 Devshire lmTOy l:4Snvy 5 107 7 5 51 G33 A Tmbley 7 Musito, St. Germain. Bond 04008 Devshire 1 1-16 1:30 slow 14-5 110 3 2 2 2i A Tmbley 7 RVkboard, Turnabout, P..Hackle 04342 AVindsor 1 1-S l:54fast 10 101 S 4 51 GSJ A Tmbleyl2 Fornovo, SumrSigh, GiltFringe HAY GIRL, b. f, 4 112 Py Hessian Wyf, by Miller. Trainer, J. Robertson. Owner, J. Robertson. 66077 Hthorne 3-4 l:25mud 20 112 10 S Cl 33 G Marino 10 N. K. Real, Railbird. Aansylvia 65928 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 10 101 S 7 Gl C5 R Doyle S EdnaD., Jacobina, Cliris.Holters 65780 Hthorne 7-S l:29fast 20 ICG 4 S Ct 713 P Poirier 10 AVarPenny, Skeer Face, Money G0C27 Mexico 7-S l:31fast 2 105 6 6 6 6 6 4s A Frieshon 0 AVishmakcr, My Rose, Falcon II. 00309 Mexico 7-8 1:33 fast 5 105 3 3 3 3 2l 2t A Frieshon 0 Tom Roach. Ormlos. Jack Hill jGOlGO Mexico 3-4 l:17fast 4 10S 5 4 2 2 1" A Bogski 7 Foreclosure, Tugs. Lotta G. RIVULET, ch. m, 5 112 By Rapid Water Mettie Eereaud, by Joan Bereaud. Trainer, A. Wallin. Owner, Wallin and Bryan. GGMO Hthorne 51 f 1:17 hvy G 110 4 4 4 5 L Gray 8 Mary G., M.Denunzio, Mel.Man 66045 Hthornc 51 f 1:15 hvy 15 111 1 1 1- 31 L Gray 10 Dad, AVhippet, Huzzas 65925 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 20 107 G 5 5l G L Gray S End Man, Toy Miss, Rond 64039 Blue Grass 3-4 l:14faEt G 108 5 J Francis 7 G.Minard. Macliiavi?. K.Garrisoi 64602 BlueGrass G-S l:02good 21-10 110 41 R Harton 0 SplitGrass, Scarpiall.. L. Frakc.: 01200 Lex.Fair 1 l:4.r.mud 16-5 105 5 L Gray 0 M.Pperity, Nan.Lune, LaKross 64229 Iex.Fair 51 f l:0Gfast 6 107 2 J Bobbins 5 Settle, Bonero Rluc, Flip 01204 Lex.Fair 3-4 1:13 fast 35 115 59 L Mink 3 MabelG., AuntieMay, MyGraeie BUCK NAIL, blk. g, 10 112 By Leonid Bessie Reaubert, by Dungarven. Trainer, L. F. OLeary. Owner, L. F. OLear y. C5975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51slop S 107 5 5 G 633 C Dishmon 0 Tok.March, B.Hunley, R.AVchll. 05G26 Omaha 1 1-1G 1:48 fast 9 112 62 AV Gargan 7 D.of Wrath. Rarskane, F.Again 05171 Omaha 3-4 1:15 slow 8 115 S" AV Gargan S Flortine. Mar.Gray, R.Grnleaf CCS2G B.Bonts 1 1-3 l:3Gfost 23-10 111 1 7 G 6 4 C81 J Smith 7 Mr.X., Ainer.Sdicr, Rckhornll. ECC47 Dorval 1 3-1G 2:01fast 1 10G1 19 7 G 4h 45 J McTagt 9 Hay, Zoie, Bourbon Green 5G3S0 Dorval 11-8 1:54 fast 7 107 10 9 7 2 2ll 2 J McTagt 10 Tkster II., A.Sdier, ILM.Svcns PROCLAMATION, ch, g, 3 103 By Jim Gaffney Royal Message, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. L. Austin. Owner. F-. A. Kibler. fiCOll ITthorno 3-4 l:21hvy 10 104 6 G 1 1" P Poirier 0 Delhimar. Batty II., It 65378 Hthorne 3-4 l:15fast 20 1041 4 3 4 a15 P Poirier 7 Sirocco. II. of the North. Dad 85500 Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 100 S 7 7" 718 F "Wilson 8 BlkBctty. Blos.IIouse, Dislutc 65207 Thcliffe 1 1-1G l:4Sgoo.l 34 101 10 7 ll1 11 p AVeiner 13 Royalu, Blosmllouse, Tarascon G5100 Thncliffe 1 1-16 l:47slow Si 33 7 6 6 6l M Fator 9 Dantzic, I.uckboard, Secretary C4620 Devshire lm70y l:49hvy 7 100 7 7 G 6" M Fator 7 Griselda. Mary Maxim, Elias O. HANOVERS TOPAZ, ch. g, 7 112 By Abe Frank Duchess Phillipc, by Sam Phillips. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, F. It. Irwin. 6G077 Hthorne 3-4 l:23mud 20 112 1 7 S 9 D Hum 10 N. K. Heal, Itailbird, May Oirl 65972 Hthorne lm70y l:55andslop :0 IDS G S S S J Sington S Grayssian. Friz. Walk Up 65730 Hthorne 51 f l:0SM;fast 30 110 12 12 12 12rs J Singtonl2 Plantoon. Do Land, Hill McCloy 64994 Bghouse 51 f l:10slow S 114 4 P MartinezlO Kcnward, K.Waldo. Nick Klein 04873 Bghouse 51 f l:0Sfast 12f 109 10" J Sington 10 Cascade, Black Toi, Kd Le Van 1 G -,liles :i-ye:ip-olils and upwara. Claiming. Sept. 5, 5th RACE GRAYSSIAN, i. s, 5 110 By Hessian Dorothy Gray, by Hamburg. Trainer, F. It. Irwin. Owner, F. R. Irwin. 05172 Hthorne lm70y l:55slop I 110 4 2 2J 1 A Tmbley S Friz, Walk Up. Madge F. 05833 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 2 109 3 2 2 2l It Bolton 4 Haiti. Citizen. Marine Corps 05737 Hthorne lmTOy l:47fast 11-5 115 5 1 1" 2J J Metcalf ! Ringltose. Madrono. M.Denunzio C5G89 Hthorne 6 f 1:0S fast 10 10S1 1 7 7i 7 R Bolton 12 Tuscola, Lina Clark, MossFoxII. 05453 "Woodao 1 3-16 1:59 fast 13-10 100 4 4 GJ S,B C Turner 14 Dantzic, BrassTacks. RekBetty 05210 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:47good 2i 102 5 1 1 Is J Wallace S BobbyAllen, KingJohn, SisterFlo 05132 Thncliffc 3-4 1:14 slow 41 105 3 2 21 31 I Gordon S L.BlkSheep, Bob.Allen, Ketsda HONOLULU BOY. ch. g, 7 107 By Salvation Zerita, by Cerito II. Trainer, J. Masterson. Owner, J. Masterson. 0G015 Hthorne lm70y l:55hvy 13-5 106 5 4 3s ll J Kederis 5 T.March, AV.Mgoray F.Fogarty 05330 Lexton 1 1-4 2:10hvy S-G 10S 4 2 23 2U M Garner 4 Dr.Gilbert, LiFoudre, TheSmer 649C7 Churchill 1:1-4 2:07fast 4-S 113 7 2 24 2 E Pool 8 Travesty. FlygPrince, Dr.Gilbt 04855 Churchill 1 1-S l:52fast 5 107 5 5 3 37 W Pool 7 Runquoi, Normal. Lou AVidrig 04410 Windsor 1 3-16 2:00fast GJ 100 S C 4 31 L McDottll Croupier, K. Rankin. Fantucnc C4303 Windsor 1 1-S l:53fast 33-10 111 3 5 S 31 H Ericksn 7 JuneFly, Ferguson, Kath.Rankin CROUPIER, blk. g, 4 108 By Colinet Marie Hyde, by Handcuff. Trainer, C. Reed. Owner, H. C. Keisel. 05973 Hthorne lm70y l:54slop 2 105 2 3 lt 1 E Petzoldt 5 Kuklux, Ten Can, Coyne 05784 Hthorne 1 1-1G 1:43 fast 12-5 101 4 1 11 2 E Petzoldt 5 LXillian, B.Bctty, W.Mtgomy 04971 Churchill 1 1-16 l:15fast 23 102 4 5 5 5 A Yerrat 7 Unc.Velo. R.Wgfield, S.ofllure 04703 Devshire 1 1-16 1:43 fast 24 100 7 9 9 9J E Petzoldt 9 Plucky, Jimmie Daw, Merrlmac 01410 Windsor 1 3-1C 2:00fast 11 10G 1 4 24 lot E Smwodll K.Rankin, UonolultiBoy. Fanehe 04241 FortErie 1 1-16 1:43 fast 17 106 1 4 4s 4" M Fator G Lnnetta, M.A.Noonan, Sangrado FINCASTLE, ch. g, 3 101 By Tho Manager Kings Daughter, by Ornamoat Trainer, W. G. Woods. Owner, F. Delbarrio. 0G080 Hthorne lmTOy l:S9mud 12 102 1 3 3 Si C Dishmon G Lina Clark. Haiti, Black Betty OG048 Hthorne 3-4 l:2lhvy 3 107 5 5 G 5" S McGraw 0 Jacobina, Delhimar, B.Bekwell 05927 Hthorne Gl f l:20fast IS 103 5 7 7 7SJ S McGraw 7 M.Beigel, Betsinda, LeeEnfiold 05585 AVoodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 9 09 6 3 4a 7eX F Sharpe S Cahalan, Claymore, Brass Tucks C540G Woodne 1 1-16 l:47fast 12 102 2 1 lnl F Sharpe 10 SisterFlo, Flibtygibt, NorthSea C509G Thr.cliffe 3-4 l:14slow a 103 7 S Got Gl G Corey 10 Tbeo, Thorny Way, Delhimar TOKALON MARCH, b. g, 8 102 By Marchmont II. Tokalon. by Tammany. Trainer, F. R. Doyle. Owner, S. Jones. 66114 Hthorne 1 1-S 2:11 hvy 3-2 105 3 3 21 2J R Doyle 8 Friz, Edna D., Napthallus GG015 Hthorne lm70y l:55hvy C 99 3 2 1 2l R Doyle 5 l.oiu.lu.y, W.Mgomy, F.Fogty 05975 Hthorne 1 1-2 2:51slop 2 102 4 1 1 1 R Doyle G B.Hunley, Ii.Watchll., Spec.Girl C5740 Hthorne 1 1-S l:56fast G 101 6 6 610 G R Doyle 7 Piedra, Klias O., I.uckboard 05G91 Hthorne lm70y l:47fast 41 1C 7 S 7 5 R Doylo S WarPenny, Sea Way. Piedra 05217 Dorval 1 1-4 2:13sIow 6 100 S 8 4and 31 R Doyle S I"rc-a-Fcu. Pltaredc, K.Trojan G5142 Dorval 1 1-4 2:21 mud S-5 101 6 3 14 1 R Doylo 7 Hercules, John Arbor, Rhymer CiU DA OH l i-10 MileH. :;-year-olls anil iixnrnril. Claiming. July li, BUCKBOARD, b. g, 8 . 106 By Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer, by Filigrane. TraiEer, R. J. Farris. Owaer, S. Simmons. GG047 "Hthorne lm70y l:59hvy 21 103 4 1 1 1 E PetzoldtlO C.IIoltcrs, M.Pperity, D.ofWth 05880 Hthorne X 1-S i:37Vbfast 3i 1C9 6 3 S-l 35 A Tmbley 7 Friz. Brown Bill. Ellas O. 05740 Hthorne 1 1-S l:56fast 13-5 110 5 2 2nt z-i A Pickens 7 Piedra, EliasO., Miss Prosperity 05207 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:4S9igood 9 ICS Wheeled. H J BurkelR Itoyalu, l.losmHouse, Tarascon 05100 Thncliffc 1 1-16 1M7tss1ow 51 111 4 3 2l 21 H J Burke 9 Dantzic. Secretary, Pir.McGee FRIZ, ch. g, 5 111 By Handsel Calanthe, by Ben Trovato. Trainer, J. M. Hubbard. Owner, J. M. Hubbard. 00114 Hthorne 1 1-S 2:11 hvy 9-3 110 1 1 l3 l1 C Dishmon G Tok.Mnrch, Edna D., Napthalius 05972 Hthorne lmTOy l:55slop 3 112 1 3 3 2l G Dishmon 8 Grayssian, Walk Up, Madge F. G5880 Hthorne 1 1-S l:57y3fast S 106 7 Z 2 13 J Conway 7 Blown Bill. Biickboard, EliasO. G4G43 HlueGrass 3-4 l:14?sfast 9-5 3 20 21 J Ktass G F.Kinney, El Mahdi, JudyAbbott 04033 HlueGrass 3-4 l-.Hiislow 5 121 ;h J Bass G M.Atkin, O.McKenna, Nmandie 04570 BlueGrass 55 - l:0Cfast 9 117 CJL Gray G Auntie May. Tuscola, Mabel G. 04148 Lex.Fair 1 1:42 fast 4 115 la Bass S La Kross. Jetsam. Brennan KISS PROSPERITY, br. f, 4 101 By Jim Gaffney Claxonette, by Peter Quince. Trainer, H. Webb, Owner, H. Wccb. 06111 Hthorne 1 l:56hvy 9-10 1031 4 2 l1 11 E Petzoldt 7 W.Willow, D.ofWrth, Cloo.Boy OG047 Hthorne lm70y l:59shvy 41 10S 7 5 4 341 J Kederis 10 Bkboard. C.Holters, D.ofWrath 05834 Hthorne 1 3-16 2:04fast 31 1011 6 f 45 45J E Petzoldt 7 B.WatchlL, Spec.Girl, Whippet 05740 Hthorne 1 1-S l:56fast 13 100 4 5 41 4el C Dishmon 7 Piedra, Elias O., Buckboard 05485 Lex ton lmTOy l:41fast 93 103 G 6 fi G14 J Heupel G La Foudro. WalnutHall, llrlock 05388 Lexton 1 1-16 l:50hvy 12 107 8 6 C- 6"2 B KenndylO Rekab, Itaiidel. Split Grass FITZ-B 0 ODLE. ch. g, 4 10G By Fitz Herbert Lady K. II., by Meddler. Trainer, G. Archibald. Owner, P. T. Richardson. GG081 Hthorne lmTOy 2:02mud C 111 1 1 41 SJ R Bolton 0 Sea Way, Lendonia, Madge F. 06014 Hthorne 1 l:51hvy 13-3 110 3 2 3s 31 R Bolton 8 Money, Edna I., Madrono 05924 Hthorne 3-4 l:15andfast 31 107 9 S 7i S E Petzoldt 9 IS.Bckwell. BattylL, D.ofWrath 05210 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:475good 24 102 4- 3 4a 51 F Weincr 8 Grayssian, Bob.Allen, KingJohn I 05096 Thncliffe 3-4 l:llslow 12 107 5 t 71 71 F Weiner 10 Tueo, Thorny Way, Delhimar 04727 Devshire 3-4 l:15hvy CI 117 4 9 9 9" W Lilley 9 Fincastle, Jacques, Bobby Allen OUE BETSY, b. f. 3 102 By Huon Mary Le Bus, by St. Savin. Trainer, A. F. Dayton. Owner, D. B. Jones. 05739 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast S 102 6 G fi ll- C C Miller 7 narrvB., -MatvRcigel. L.Eufiell O5059 Thncliffe 1 l:44slow 14 1C9 G 7 7 6J C Miller S BeesWing. FairVirginia. Veritv 03086 Devshire 11:41 good 9 91 9 8 7and S R Flynn 12 CabinCrk, Machiavelli. Eternity 62019 Wdbine lmTOy 1:47 slop 1G 103 4 5 5 4" C Miller 5 Bedstone. F.ltean. Proclamation 01014 Pimlico 1 l:40fast 5 95 1 3 3and 41 J Clialmers 7 FannieBean, Sword, Jewell V. D. LENDONIA, ch. m, 6 M 103 By Olambala Reticella, by Heywood. TraiEer, J. Delihant. Owner, W. T. Deiihant. 06081 Hthorne lmTOy 2:02mud 30 111 4 5 5 21 E Virgo fi Sea Way. Madge F., Ring Rose 05928 Hthorne 1 l:42H.fast 13 10617 S 8 Su E Owens 8 EdnaD., Jacobina. Christ-Holtcrs 05876 Hthorne 3-4 l:16fast 15 112 l 5 u"l 4s E Owens S Roy C, Little Billie. Gcn.Petain 65787 Hthorne lm70y 1:4781 SO ICG 7 7 7 7" E Owens 7 t-V.-i Way, Bond, AValk Uy 42563 Arlton Ab Gl f good 15 110 5J R Walcott 6 Wewoka, Fels, Greetings 42516 Arlgton Ab 5-8 hvy 15 110 Gl E Francis S Catoetin, Arrowsuiith, Booth LOUIS, br. g, 5 106 By Leonid Dolly Hayman, by Crighton. Trainer, W. L. Stanfield. Owner. W. L. Stan field. 06114 Hthorne 1 1-S 2:11 hvy 5 103 0 Lost rider.E Pzoldt G Friz. Tokalon March, Edna D. 05881 Hthorne 1 1-1G l:43fast S 107 5 7 31 33?. G Buel S Frank Fogarty, Piedra. Walk Up 65784 Hthorne 1 1-1G 1:49 fast G 109 5 5 5 G1 C Buel 5 L.Lillian, Croupier. BlackBetty 65540 Woodne 1 1-4 2:05 fast 2f 101 3 2 11 1 J Wallace 11 Rouen, S.PeurlL. Oid Faithful G5451 AVoodne 2 1-4 3:53andfast 9 92 7 7 55 4" M Garrett S P.Diaiuond, B.of AVhite, Finery 65353 AVoodne 1 1-1G l:47fast 15f 107112 11 11,510TJ G Buel 12 Haiti, Dantzic, Bills Luck. THUNDERBIRD, ch. m, 5 106 By Star Shoot Grace G., by Albert. Trainer, A. WaUin. Owner, Wallia and Bryan. CG048 Hthorne 3-4 l:21hvy 30 111 6 6 6 G L Gray fi Jacobina, Delhimar, B.Blackwell 04644 BlueGrass 1 1-8 l:53fast 9 105 5o R Lee 7 Airgo. M.lrospcrity, Nan. lane" 64604 BlueGrass 1 1-1G 1:49 good 16 110 2 R ilarton 0 Colossus, D.Tokalon, Bwn Check 64261 Lex.Fair 1 1-16 1:5G mud 7 110 Is! L Mink 5 Bloomiiigtoii, Corydon, Brennan 04148 Lex.Falr 1 1:42 fast 102 Fell. T Cumngs S Friz. La Kross, Jetsam C3706 Ashland 1 l:147fast 12 112 4 W Dkson 7 M.Crcstwd, SeaMime, Primitive

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922101301/drf1922101301_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1922101301_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800