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DAIL Y It A CING FORM HANDICAPS I LAT0NIA The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Latonia, Ky., October 20, 1922. 1 Elmer K., Miss Muffins, Jimmic Daw. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Red Arrow, Pompous. 3 Raider, Flying Prince, Pit. 4 BRAEDALBANE, Montfort Jones entry, Pindar Peel. 5 Bunting, Lucky Hour, Montfort Jones entry. 6 Certain, Prince Tii Tii, Childs Play. 7 Adonis, Atta Boy II., Billy Star. J. L. Dempsey. New York I7aii1Ican. 1 Honor Man, Jimmie Daw, Elmer K., White Star. 2 Pompous, Tender Seth, Princesse dOuilly, Polite. 3 Raider, British Liner, Last One, Pit. 4 Braedalbane, Fair Phantom, Brilliant Jes ter, Translate. 5 LUCKY HOUR, Bunting, Cherry Tree, Chatterton. G Prince Tii Tii, Hughes Graham, Old Top, Rustem. 7 Jouett, Adonis, John S. Reardon, Runquoi. Chicago unil ItulTalo Ilmiillonx. 1 Honor Man, Elmer K., Banker Brown, AVhite Star. 2 Pompous, Princesse dOuilly, C. A. Rein- hart, Alluring. 3 Merchant, British Liner, Raider, Walk Up. 4 BRAEDALBANE, Fair Phantom, Bril liant Jester, Miss Joy. 5 Lucky Hour, Bunting, Surf Rider, Chat terton. G Old Top, Cash, Piedmont, Great Lady. 7 Sway, Jouett, Adonis, Estero. Olmcrvcrs Handicap. 1 Elmer K., Honor Man, White Star, Miss Muffins. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Pompous, Alluring, Grass Maid. 3 Raider, Merchant, Walk Up, British Liner. 4 BRAEDALBANE, Fair Phantom, Trans late, Pindar Peel. 5 Bunting, Lucky Hour, Chatterton, Rock- minister. G Great Lady, Cash, Prince Tii Tii, Old Top. 7 Jouett, Sway, Adonis, John S. Reardon. Consensus of Handicap. 1 Elmer K., Honor Man, "White Star, Miss Muffins. 2 Princesse dOuilly, Pompous, Alluring, Red Arrow. 3 Raider, Merchant, British Liner, Walk Up. 4 BRAEDALBANE, Montfort Jones entry, Brilliant Jester, Pindar Peel. 5 Bunting, Luclty Hour, Chatterton, Mont fort Jones entry. G Certain, Prince Tii Tii, Old Top, Great Lady. j 1 Jouett, Adonis, Sway, John S. Reardon. EMPIRE CITY The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Empire City Yonkcrs, N. Y., October 20, 1922. 1 Keenan, Al Boyd, Violet Blue. 2 Serapis, Vendor, Canyon. 3 DOMINIQUE, Dimmesdale, Sleiveconard. 4 Hephaistos, Horologe, Modo. 5 Transient, Maize, Lord Herbert. G Gadfly, Amusement, Marionette. F. J. Ortell. Now Yorli Handicap. 1 Keenan, Temptress, Brother Pat, Faithful Girl. 2 Canyon, Ralco, Vendor, Serapis. 3 Dominique, Dry Moon, Flannel Shirt, Ar row of Gold. 4 HEPHAISTOS, Modo, Emotion, Horologe. 5 Huonec, Lord Herbert, Transient, Regal Lodge. G Amusement, Gadfly, Mazeppa, Felside. Chicago ami Itnn:ilt Handicap. 1 Keenan, Faithful Girl, Candida, Tempt ress. 2 Serapis, Canyon. Ralco, Vendor. 3 DOMINIQUE, Arrow of Gold. Dry Moon, Dimmesdale. 4 Hephaistos, Horologe, Emotion, Modo. 5 Kirklevington, Regal Lodge, Huonec, Lord Herbert. 6 Felside, Amusement, Gadfly, Twaddle. OliMorverM Handicap. 1 Keenan, Temptress, Faithful Girl, Brother Pat. 2 Canyon, Serapis, Vendor, Ralco. 3 DOMINIQUE, Dry Moon, Arrow of Gold, Dimmesdale. 4 Hephaistos, Emotion, Modo, Horologe. 5 Regal Lodge, Huonec, Kirklevington, Maize. G Gadfly, Amusement, Felside, Twaddle. Consensus of Handicaps. 1 Keenan, Temptress, Faithful Girl, Brother Pat. 2 Serapis, Canyon, Vendor, Ralco. 3 DOMINIQUE, Dry Moon, Arrow of Gold, Dimmesdale. 4 Hephaistos, Horologe, Emotion, Modo. 5 Transient, Huonec, Kirklevington, Regal Lodge. 6 Gadfly, Amusement, Felside, Twaddle. LAUREL PARK The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are: Laurel Park Laurel, Md., October 20, 1D22. 1 Carol, Heeltaps, Comixa. 2 C. K. Harrison, Jr., entry, Soumangha, J. E. Widener entry. 3 Sling, Rolo, Simplicity. 4 LILT, Scribble, Golden Rule. 5 Exterminator, Tryster, Careful. G Nedna, Oceanic, Paul Jones. 7 Our Birthday, Mayor House, Moody. T. K. Lynch. New York Handicap. 1 Carol, Heeltaps, Comixa, "Woodland. 2 Soumangha, Lieutenant Seas, Earlocker, Joyful. 3 Rolo, Simplicity, Kirah, Perigourdine. 4 Scribble, Bucado, Lilt, Golden Rule. 5 EXTERMINATOR, Tryster, Careful, Bun- ga Buck. G Oceanic, Nedna, Muttikins, Paul Jones. 7 Moody, Hickory, Mayor House, Our Birthday. Chicago ami ItufTalo Handicap. 1 Heeltaps, Woodland, Comixa, Carol. 2 Soumangha, Earlocker, Lieutenant Seas, Joyful. 3 Sling. Rolo, Simplicity, Old Sinner. 4 Scribble, Lilt. Tuxedo, Golden Rule. 5 TRYSTER, Careful, Extermintor, Tippity Witchet. G Paul Jones, Thimble, Muttikins, Oceanic. 7 Moody, Minute Man, Jacques, Our Birthday. Observer Ilnnriltnp. 1 Carol, Heeltaps, Comixa, Woodland. 2 Soumangha, Joyful, Lieutenant Seas, Sea Tale. 3 Rolo, Simplicity, Sling, Charles J. Crais- mile. 4 LILT, Scribble, Golden Rule, Bucado. 5 Tryster, Extermintaor, Careful, llunga Buck. G Oceanic, Paul Jones, Nedna, Thimble. 7 Moody, Mayor House, Our Birthday, Jacques. Consensu of Handicap.". 1 CAROL, Heeltaps, Comixa, Woodland. 2 Soumangha, C. K. Harrison Jr. entry, J. E. Widener entry, J. E. Davis entry. 3 Kling. Rolo, Simplicity, Kirah. 4 Lilt, Scribble, Golden Rule, Bucado. 5 Exterminator, Tryster, Careful, Bunga Buck. 6 Oceanic, Nedna, Paul Jones, Thimble. 7 Moody, Our Birthday, Mayor House, Jacques. TOLEDO The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Toledo, Ohio, October 20, 1922. 1 ARGO, Eau Gallie, Dixie Pail;. 2 Miss Caltha, Assyrian Queen, Harp of the North. 3 Bill Blackwell, Lura. De Land. 1 Puff Ball, Flame, Cleopatra Boy. H Marmite, Manna, Plantoon. G Flibbertygibbet, W. C. Weant entry. Our Betsy. 7 Old Faithful, Blossom House, Murray. T. Daly. Xpw York Handicap. 1 Argo, Dixie Dick, Eau Gallie, Auntie Em. 2 Lady Heart, Harp of the North, Miss Caltha, Jacobean. 3 Lura, De Land, Chow, Bill Blackwell. 4 Puff Ball, Cleopatra Boy, Charlie Lcy- deeker, Squaw Chief. 5 Peter Piper, Marmite, Plantoon, American Eagle. C FLIBBERTYGIBBET, Eulah F., Dantzie, Kuklux. 7 Tarascon, Old Faithful, Blossom House, Murray. Chicago and HnlTalo Handicap. 3 ARGO, Noonhour, Dixie Dick, Nowata. 2 Assyrian Queen, Harp of the North, Lady Heart, Miss Caltha. 3 Lura, De Land, Leading Star. Dudle Bug. 4 Squaw Chief, Charlie Leydecker, Flypaper, Miss Dixie. 5 Plantoon, Marmite, American Eagle, Manna. G War Penny, Kuklux, Eulah F., Flibbertv-gibbet. 7 Blossom House, Tarascon, Old Faithful, Sea Way. OliNorverH Handicap. 1 Argo, Dixie Dick. Noonhour, Eau Gallie. 2 ASSYRIAN QUEEN. Lady Heart. Miss Caltha, Jacobean. 3 De Land, Lura, Leading Star, Bill Black- well. 4 Puff Ball, Squaw Chief, Charlie Ley- decker, Buncrana. 5 Marmite, Plantoon, Peter Piper, American Eagle. G Flibbertygibbet, Kuklux, War Pennv, Eulah F. 7 Blossom House, Old Faithful, Tarascon, Bill Hunley. Con.scii.siiH of Handicap. 1 ARGO, Dixie Dick, Eau Gallie, Noonhour. 2 Assyrian Queen, Miss Caltha, Lady Heart, Harp of the North. 3 Lura, Bill Blackwell, De Land, Leading Star. 4 Puff Ball, Squaw Chief, Charlie Ley- decker, Cleopatra Boy. 5 Marmite, Peter Piper, Plantoon, Ameri can Eagle. 6 Flibbertygibbet, War Penny, Eulah F., Kuklux. 7 Blossom House, Old Faithful, Tarascon, Murray. AKRON The horses which seem best in Saturdays races are : Akron, Ohio, October 20, 1922. 1 Melancholia, Lc Bleuet, Banyan. 2 Efficient, Lucky Pearl, Anna Star. 3 Bashful, Mad Nell, Razon. 4 Treadwell, Enos, Zainer. 5 Loch Lcven, Happy Go Luckv, Diocletian. 6 SENTIMENTAL. North Wales, Glenn. 7 Pierrot, Little Dear, Montperri. F. H. Snroulo