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, ! 1 i 1 : i i 1 j Latest Work-Outs j 90 BALTIMORE, Mtl., November C Sundays truininp gallops :it Pimlico included the fol- lowing: PIMLICO "Weather Clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. J 80-AmiiFement ...35 Mettle r. 71-Cop. Demon ...385f, SO-Noel f t fsS-Dimmesdale ...37 89-Polly Ann 3S SS-Dinna Care ...38 S4-Persistcnce ...38 S7-Devastatioii ...37 88-Royal Duck ...37 86- Lustrous 30 SR-Scotland Aet ... 85-Mavourneen ...37 7C-So It Joes 36 Half Mile. I 78- AU Fair 51 82-Ruddy 47 ; r9-Crngic 48 8S-Sunnyland 52 i C3-Grisclda 49 03-Silk Tassel . . .4S 68-Mercury 49 76-Tipty AVitchet.r.l 85-Miles S 51 86-The Almoner ..50 ; K7-Mnitstik 49 S8-Toil 48 , 57- rrctext 48 79-AVhirhvind 19 ! Five-Eishths Mile. SS-A11 Americanl:02 S0-McKcnna ...1:01 84-Hiieado 1:H SS-AVigwam 1:02 70-Kvyn Sawycrl:3 SS-AVcst Ptstou 1:0" 84-Gold Mount .1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 84- Athelstan ...1:17 S8-Knot 1:17 S2-l!ees AVax ..1:15 88-Pcttifogger ..1:1.1 80-Cavt Eraptor.l:15 KC-Passamarin .1:1.1 79- IIeeltaps 1:15 S3-Racket 1:1 j f,S-Hob. Baker .1:20 89-Vitamin 1:24 One Mile. SS-Ron Homme .1:46 S7-Kcltie 1:47 S5-C.J.Cr,ginile .1:45 83-Lucky Find ..1:52 58- 7rauk 1:52 87-Lunetta 1:4 4 85- Ioctor Jim ..1:44 S8-Modo 1:41 SS-Despair 1:48 88-Overmatch . .1:4S 88- Kair Gain ...1:48 3.1-Picni: 1:45 ; 87- io:iIcr 1:45 86-Roucn 1:47 S7-Hid. Jewel ..1:54 87-Star Court ..1:46 8S-Ira AVilson ..1:45 S9-Win.Take AU1:44 Mile and a Half. 59- Thimblc 2:35 Scotland Yet showed .vpced. Amusement seems to have a sharp turn . of speed. Mettle ran well. Mintstick and Pretext worked together. ; Toil and Tassel galloped on even terms, all the way. Wigwam showed early speed. Heeltaps had plenty of speed in reserve. Thimble galloped fast all the way. ; 91 BALTIMORE, Md., November C Men- j days work-outs at Pimlico included the following : rorLico. Weather cloudy ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 79- Rrown Belle ..3S 87-Lady Myra ...38 89- IUuc Hawk 33 89-Lads Ixve ...39 77- Cum Sah 3S 84-On AVatch 35 89-Gareful 35 9-Pampas 40 StJ-Dexteroiis 3S S5-Rialto 37 89-Doughnut 3S Sl-Spanish Maize. 39 84- Kthel Clayton 36 67-Star Realm, ...40 .VO-Kthnea 3t! S9-Spugs . 38 87-Fifty-Fifty ...37 87-Setting Sun ...36 87-Kelicitous 38 88-Tnbby A 3S .S9-Ferest Ixire ...39 S5-Tryster 36 87-Jolly 30 90-Vitamin 36 Half Mile. 87-Anna Gallup ...10 89-Xedna 55 Wi-Blazed Trail ...12 56-Owasco 4S j 85- ltunga Buck ...51 S7-Prince James ...1.1 ; 87-D. of Allah... 49 90-Picuic 49 87- Dark Hill 54 85-Sweetheart 49 89-Exterminator ..50 89-Swcepy 49 84- Flv hv Day 55 73-S. and Boots... 49 80- FrankG 47 89-Stanley 52 .S9-llillsdale 49 S3-Tievelyan 51 S9-Irish Kiss 49 S9-Acnizelos 50 89-K. Sol.s Seal.. 48 83-War Victor ...52 -02-La Bar 52 Five-Eighths Mile. 88- IUue China ..1:02 S9-N. Hampshirel :04 75-Beatitude ...1:04 "70-The Gaff 1:02 89- F. of Truce 1:04 S2-Twaddle 1:03 56- Juicy Fruit ..1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 89-Air Tan ....1:10 S7-LKffarc ...1:23 89-Rclphrizonia 1:10 70-Ly Antoine 1:24 57- Buddugic ...1:18 70-Mormaw 1:16 67-Camouflage .1:23 S8-Mock Ornge 1:15 87-Capt. AIcockl:17 tO-Mense 1:20 87- Fannie Bean 1:22 P. Cliarmingl :17 85- Forest Majorl:22 S7-Poe 1:15 85-Gallivant ...1:20 .SS-Sleivei-onard 1:15 85- Harry Dattnerl:23 S9-Supercargo ..1:16 86- Hillhousc ...1:17 90-So It Goes ..1:16 78- Jacq. Julian 1:18 72-Terminal ...1:10 88-Joseph Brantl:16 82-Torcliy 1:20 One Mile. 89-Duncecap ...1:44 90-RoyaI Duck 1:45 58- Horologe ...1:44 82-Rockghorse 1:54 88- Kellerman ..1:45 S9-Serapis 1:45 Si-Mad Hatter 1:44 89-Tangerine ...1:44 88-Miss Smith .1:44 S3-Two Fcaths 1:44 59- Mcy BIossoml:43 Mile and an Eight1:. S6-Hephaistos ..1:55 90-Polly Ann ..1:57 S5-Oceanic 1:50 Mile and a Quarter. S9-L. Emmeline 2:14 V. Populi 11.2:15 On AVatch showed good speed. Tryster was only cantering. Sweepy had plenty of speed. Saddle and Boots and Dream of Allah ran well together. Irish Kiss galloped fast. Owasco was going well. The Gaff showed good speed. Poe Avorked well all the way. Sleiveconard was under restraint and had some speed in reserve, Mad Hatter was not extended, Miss Smith and Two Feathers ran Avell to- gelher. Hephaistos had plenty in reserve.