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NEW YORK RACING OF 1922 Third Installment. Herewith Is present the third and final installment of New York racing figures for 1922: No one questions Earl Sandcs leadership of tho present day jockeys. Nearly all jockeys begin their careers when small boys and then are nothing but promises for the future. But when Sandc made his first appearance in tho saddle at New Orleans he was already a good rider and fortwith proceeded to prove it. Sinco then he has improved in tho arts of horsemanship year by year and is now without a real rival. His high percentage over the New York tracks this year is striking testimony to his superiority. Ho led easily in total of winning mounts. His saddle mate In tho servico of tho Itancocas Stable, Lu Fator, and the greatly improved L. McAtee, furnished capable riding and finished in a tio for second and third places in the New York list, in mounts won and percentage, but Fator is probably the better rider. Tho two light weights, .T. Mcrimec and H. Thomas, their experience considered, rode well and may make good jockeys in time. Taplin, Fairbrother, Johnson, Lykc, Ensor, Keogli and Schuttingcr gave some good displays of real jockcyship at times. For the small time he rode in the East, M Garner made a good impression. Altogether in the matter of riding, as in tho case of good horses, the New York field had the service of the best in the country and here aro tho records of those who guided one or more winners home: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.O. Sandc, E 319 112 73 53 100 .32 Fator, L. 3G0 70 73 51 100 .21 McAtee. L. 307 70 05 C2 174 .21 Mcrimec, J 243 40 25 44 134 .10 Thomas, H 339 30 46 50 201 .11 Taplin, E 211 32 30 33 110 .15 Ling, G 1S9 31 20 29 103 .10 Marinelll, B IS! 20 38 19 93 .14 Kummer, 0 107 24 24 34 85 .14 Ctllahan. J 1SS 22 25 23 113 .12 Fairbrother, C 122 22 22 12 00 .IS Bell, H 153 21 23 27 S7 .13 Tonce, 0 101 20 15 21 105 .12 Morris, L 135 19 22 25 G9 .14 Marts, E 190 17 20 25 123 .09 Johnson. A. 104 17 20 15 52 .1G Lykc, L. 112 17 17 23 55 .15 Er.sor, L. 93 17 15 9 52 .IS Kcogh, F 112 14 19 20 59 .12 Schuttingcr, A 44 14 7 7 10 .32 Miller. C. II 129 12 13 13 91 .03 Butwell, J 91 11 20 12 48 .12 Penman, L. S7 11 15 7 51 .13 Garner, M. 40 10 7 0 23 .22 Parke, B 125 9 22 15 79 .07 Kummer, E 123 9 11 1G 87 .07 Robinson, C 84 8 8 7 01 .10 Fator, E. 55 8 7 0 34 .15 Curroll, G. W 13S 8 0 14 110 .0G Rabin, G 00 8 4 9 45 .12 Pool, W 70 7 9 5 55 .09 McCoy, J 00 0 7 S 15 .09 Jelley, B 34 0 0 4 13 .IS Gantncr. A. 70 6 1 8 55 .09 Rice, T 112 5 13 11 83 .01 Kelsay, W St 5 12 13 54 .00 Shilllek, II 55 5 5 7 33 .09 Carter. R 30 5 1 4 20 .17 ISruenlng. G 37 4 5 5 23 .11 McLaughlin. A 53 4 4 0 39 .OS Josiah, E 33 4 1 5 23 .12 Wilson, A 37 3 8 5 21 .03 Tryon, A 27 3 6 3 15 .11 Nolan. T 27 3 2 0 22 .11 Taylor. 0 30 3 1 1 25 .10 Collins. A 09 2 4 11 52 .03 Mooney. J. D 25 2 4 2 17 .03 Moore, II 18 2 4 1 11 .11 McDermott, R 20 2 2 1 15 .10 Smith, F 9 2 2 1 4 .22 McNamce, It. 12 2 1 2 7 .17 Catrone, F 17 2 1 0 14 .12 Huston. M 31 2 0 3 20 .00 Stohlc. E 19 2 0 3 14 .11 Wakoff, II 27 2 O 1 24 .07 Lcgerc, B 15 1 3 2 9 .07 Lowe. S 20 1 2 4 13 .03 Connelly, D 21 1 2 3 18 .Ol Studer, C 23 1 2 0 25 .04 Harrison, M 10 1 1 2 12 .0G Mcln, G 12 1 1 2 8 .09 Mooney, J 22 1 1 4 10 .05 Thurbcr, II 8 1115 .12 Weiner, F 11 1 1 4 5 .09 Peters. J 7 10 15 .14 Allen, A 1 1 0 0 0 100 Borel, 0 5 1 0 0 4 .20 Pullman, S 8 1 0 2 5 .12 Ensb, 1U 1 1 0 0 0 100 Caldwell. 0 10 1 0 2 10 .05 Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.O. Callahan, H 21 1 0 2 18 .03 Davlcs, T 11 1 0 0 10 .09 Doyle, T. J 8 1 0 1 0 .12 Doyle, T. W 2 1 0 0 1 .50 Lancaster, R 4 1 0 0 3 .25 Me teal f. J 12 1 0 0 11 .09 Ohert, W 12 1 0 0 11 .03 Walls. G 5 1 0 0 4 .20 Walls, P 10 1 1 0 8 .10 Jockeys who rode to places without winning were the following: Jockey. Mts. 2d. 3d.Uirp. Tool. E 12 4 1 7 Hammond, O. 19 3 3 13 GUck, H 8 2 2 4 Reilly. "F 8 2 2 4 Costcllo. R 24 2 1 21 Hclnlsch, W 0 2 0 4 GInley. F 2 2 0 0 Taylor, W. W 0 1 2 3 Conley, J 3 1 1 1 Hughes, 0 0 1 1 4 McLanc, S 11 119 OBrien, B. 1 1 0 0 Taylor, E 110 0 Mountain, M 14 0 2 12 Fisher, A 1 0 1 0 Howard, H 0 0 1 5 Kopel, J 1 0 1 0 McCIcary, W 5 0 1 4 Simons, L. 7 0 1 0 Sullivan, F 8 0 1 7 Taylor, J 7 0 1 0 Walker, H 1 o 1 0 Jockeys who were unplaced in all their races were: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Beach, E 1 Unci, C 3 Brown, J 1 Hamilton, H. 3 Cogan, P 1 Holsey, R 3 Ferire, T 1 Kelly, W 3 Finn, T 1 McCormack, T. 3 Fraley, A 1 Mozcr, It 3 Gciberg, F 1 Penn, E 3 Huff, N 1 Kaliska, R. 4 McGinnls, D. 1 Rose, G 4 Morton, G 1 Rowan, J 4 OBrien, J 1 Steams, H 4 Patton, W 1 Zorn, E 4 Sweeney, J 1 Hirschbcrg, A 5 Turner, 0 1 Dyson, G. 7 Bryson, V 2 Pierce, J 7 Hoffman, R 2 Walters, II 7 Madden, J 2 McMurray, R 9 Maillard, E 2 Ambrose, E 14 Slaughter, M. 2 Of tho cross-country riders D. Byers scored tho most winning mounts. But of those who rode in ten or more jumping races "V. Powers recorded much tho best percentage and is generally considered our best steeplechaso jockey, as in his days ho was best in flat racing. Tho records of the winning jockeys are tho following: KIder. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. Byers, D 24 8 7 3 0 .33 Powers, V 15 7 3 2 3 .47 Crawford, R, H 20 5 0 3 0 .23 Haynes, B 13 5 0 1 7 .33 Mergler, 0 7 4 1 0 2 :57 Barrett, 1 13 3 1 4 5 .23 Jones, C 9 3 0 2 4 .33 Marstcrs, W. 7 3 1 2 1 .43 Sims, A 12 3 0 1 8 .23 Chejne, L. 17 2 4 4 7 .12 OConnor. M 10 2 2 3 9 .12 MeNalr, W 17 2 3 0 0 .12 Smoot, C 10 2 2 2 4 .20 Williams, A 7 3 0 1 4 29 Bethel. W 8 1 2 0 5 .12 Rrady, P 8 1 1 0 0 .12 Gilbert. R 4 1 0 0 3 .25 Kennedy, N 7 1 2 1 3 .14 MacManus, R. 3 1 1 01 .33 Pierce, J 9 1 2 3 4 .11 Riders who were placed, but did not win, and their records are: Kdcr. Mts. 2d. 3d.Unp. Mahoney, W 17 o 4 7 Gentry. W 8 2 0 0 Howard, W 4 2 0 2 Hunt, W 0 2 2 2 Akers, C 1 1 o 0 Rurgcss, 1 3 i x 1 Campbell, A. 8 10 7 Keating, W. 5 10 4 Rowan, J. J 3 10 2 Oolnes, L. 2 0 11 Hines, C 8 0 3 5 Jones. W 10 10 Klcnck, K. 5 0 14 Continued on sixth page. NEW YORK RACING OF 1922 Continued from third page. Riders unplaced in all their tries are: Rider. Mts. Rider. Mts. Higgins, S 1 Green, W. 2 Klecger, B. 1 Scott, H. 2 Messer, II 1 Simpson, R. 2 Moynihan, D 1 Diamond, 0 3 Gentleman riders had rew opportunities and the records of those -who won are : Gentleman Rider. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp.P.C. Ewing. Mr. J. N 2 1 0 1 0 .50 Burrage. Mr. A 1 1 0 0 0 100 Page, Mr. H. S 1 1 0 0 0 100 Tucker. Mr. J 1 1 0 0 0 100 Smith, Mr. R. P 2 1 1 0 0 .55 Gentleman riders -who were placed in races hut did not win are : Gentleman Riders. Mts. 2d. 3d.Unp. Waddey, Mr. E. 3 111 Chesterton, Mr. E 110 0 Leiper, Mr. J. G., Jr. 110 0 Alpers. Mr. F 2 0 2 0 Belmont, Mr. R 1 J 0 Bosley, Mr. J 2 0 1 1 Gentleman riders unplaced in all their races are : Gentleman Rider. Mts. Gentleman Rider. Mts. Andercgg. Mr. J 1 White. Mr A. ...... 1 Cross. Mr. H. S. ... 1 Wildeg, Mr. W. n.... 1 Lyons, Mr. W. E.... 1 Fursc, Mr. R. H.... - Voss. Mr. F 1 Davis, Mr. A. J a Samuel C. Hildreth leads the trainers in the New York field. hi3 record of winners sent to the post exactly doubling that of his nearest competitor, George Odom. The limit of training skill is embodied in the following high-class exponents of an honorable profession : Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Hildreth, S. 0 70 Edwards, J 8 Odom, G 35 Cobtirn, G. W 7 Gordon, A. B 29 Hcaly. J. S 7 Henley, T. J 20 Hopkins, F 7 Hirsch, M 29 May, J. W 7 Garth, Wm 24 Nottcr, J 7 Harlan, 8. P 21 Miller. R. 0 7 McNaughton, S 17 Randolph, P. 3. P... 7 Fltzslmmons, J 10 Spencc, K 7 Powers, V 10 Welsh, T 7 Byer, N. L 14 Burch, P. M 0 Goldsborough, A. J. .14 Gunthcr, A 6 Loftus, J 14 Hughes, H 0 Tnral, F 13 Mayberry, G 0 Waldron, R 13 Moore, C. IC 0 Rlakcly, A. G 12 Pettirson, G 0 Lewis, J. II 12 Kowc, Jas.. Jr. 6 Murphy, M. J 12 Schorr, J. F 0 Rowe, Jas 12 Talbcrt, E 6 Taylor, F. M 12 Walker, W. S 0 Shields. W 11 Wallace, W. M 0 Smith, R. A 11 Burch, 8. L. 5 Wayland, E 11 Burlew, F 5 Clancy, W. 0 10 Fizcr, W. II 3 Knrrlck, W. II 10 Hastings, J. S 5 McKnight, W. J 10 Holder, E. 0 5 Sletas, K 10 Hoag, II. W 5 Applegate, O. A. ... 9 Kirschbaum, C. .... 5 Joyner, A. J 9 Spclrs, W. J 5 McDanlel, D. R. ... 9 Tryon. L. H G Wooddlffe, A. 8. ... 9 Wilson, J 5 Brown, K. 15 8 Balrd, W 4 Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins, Casey, W. V 4 Stevens, F. J. 2 Feustel, L. 4 Tellot, L. J. 2 Frayling, J. K 4 Zeigler, G 2 Griffin, H. T. 4 Alexanara, F. A. ... 1 Healy, J. W 4 Anderson, W. T. 1 Johnson, J 4 Barnes, G. V 1 McKee, S 4 Bedell, A. J 1 Moran, T 4 Bernard, M 1 Biddle, H. 0 4 Brewster, D. ....... 1 Roseacher, H. 4 Brodus, F 1 Smart, M 4 Burg, J. M 1 Thompson, H. J 4 Burke, E. A 1 Webber, T. 0 4 Casey, O. J 1 Boots, C. T 3 Clark, 0. V 1 Boyle, G 3 Congdon. W. H. .... 1 Boyle. R. V 3 Crawford, E. J 1 Brady, M 3 Daly, W. J 1 Brooks. W. H. 3 Donohue, T. J. 1 Buxton, C 3 Fennell, A 1 Byer, F 3 Fox, P. J 1 Carman, R. F., Jr. ..3 Frisbie, F. 0 1 Evans, J 3 Garth, L. W 1 House, W. S. 3 Gasser, O. W 1 Kraft. F 3 Groh, J 1 Lawler, S. J 3 Harrington, F. ...... 1 Lustis. W. 3 nenderson. S. M. ... 1 McDonald. J. S 3 Henderson, M 1 Milam, J. C 3 Herold. F. A 1 Richardson, J. F. ... 3 Kennedy, H. J 1 Simons, A 3 Kermath, J. T 1 Vititoe. D 3 Madden, T 1 Bray, F. M 2 Martin, W. L. S. ... 1 Bennett, E. J 2 McKeevcr, R, 1 Block. W. 2 McNamara, J 1 Boden. J 2 Miller, R. 1 1 Roland, J. 2 Nicholson, J 1 Calm, L 2 OByrne, J 1 Coffey, J ,2 Odom, J. D 1 Fieischman, J. W. .. 2 Page, IT. 8. 1 Goldblatt, M 2 Rites, II. 1 Goose, R 2 Roberts. O. K, 1 Hogan, W 2 Ryan, W. M. 1 Jacobus, A 2 Shilling, O. U 1 McAvoy, J. H 2 Smith. J. V 1 McCauley, J. F 2 Stonebridge, H. .... 1 Nash, J. E 2 Taylor, F. H 1 Pierce, O. C. ., 2 Taylor, S 1 Sanford, C. 2 Unna. IT. 1 Shaffer. E. 0 2 Walden, R. J. 1 Shannon, T. J 2 Warren, W.- A. 1 Smith, J. 1 2 Weston, A. G 1 Springer, E. D 2