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STRAIGHT SHOT, 30-1, WON Get REPORTER any newsstand, only 85c. Bead about him. Should sptffcj eonriace any skeptic who wants real pSiyrWijfy info. Got several more to be pulled V VI27 off. Any wonder same peaole weekly Vyy years buy it. Subscribers mailed plain envelope 3 weeks 51.1 STRAIGHT SHOT also wired to one aarao a day subscribers. Oosts but S for 6 tartars. THE TURF REPORTER Oldest PubUoaUea in Existence 49 W. Quiney St. EstaK 144 Chicago, 111. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN Wednesday prcial WON. Two mora big spe oiais. One foe SATURDAY; another TUESDAY. TERMS: WINNINGS OF 0. 1303 LLX1NGTON AVE. NEW YORK CIIY Pucuo Icn.X 6U0.