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NEW FAIR GROUNDS POLICY Racing and Business Ends of Meeting to Be Segregated No Accounts to Be Carried. NEW ORLEANS, La., December 21. At a conference held yesterday between James L. Lemarie, assistant general manager of the Business Mens Racing Association, and Joseph A. Murphy it was decided to practically segregate the racing end of the Fair Grounds meeting from the business end. No horsemans account will be carried on the books of the association and checks will be paid daily at the racing office on the succeeding day. All jockey fees, scratch fees and all other obligations of horsemen must be paid in cash, and horsemen are notified that they must be prepared to pay such obligations. This will obviate the necessity of horsemen going to the business office of the association for their checks and will also simplify the work in the racing office itself. It was also decided that all applications for badges and registration of horses must be in the hands of the racing secretary by December 28. Owners failing to comply with this will be compelled to await the convenience of the racing officials in issuing their badges. The same rule will apply to applications for trainers and jockeys licenses. These blanks can be obtained now from Julius Reeder or racing secretary Joseph McLennan. It has been practically decided that William Snyder will do the starting under the personal supervision of Mr. Dade. A letter was received yesterday by Judge Murphy that C. W. Hay, the third steward, would arrive immediately after Christmas, and as Mr. Conkling is already on the ground the stewards will be able to clear up all licenses and other details well in advance of the opening day, January L