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Latest Work-Outs 135 NEW ORLEANS, La,, December 22. Todays training gallops here included the following: .TEFFEItSOX PARK". Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Milo. 134-Beach Beauty ..37 120-Genersl retain. 38 131- Bolster 39 129-Nan McKnney.3S 127- Calcutta 42 331-Bivulct 38 GO-Consoiution 3716 130-Troilus 30 133-Doctor Jim 30 Half Mile. 12S-Oreus 40 127-Seottish Chief. 51 130-1roiraKanda ...54 125-Trantula 49 9G-Settins Sun ..50 83-Tribune 1:00 114-Sw. and Pretty54 Five-Eighths Mile. 133- Alva 1:0-1 120-St. Allan 1:08 120-Ch. A. Byrne. 1:06 127-Silver Springsl:02 L,ura 1:08 131-Woodtrap 1:14 123- Nose Dive ...1:C? Three-Quarters Mile. 12G-Jnny Overtonl:24 133-llapid Day .1:17 124- Mt. Kose 1:1946 128-RorU 1:16 132- OraloKgo 1:15 132-Yar Pennant. 1:21 125- Old Chap 1:22 Seven-Eighths Mile. 126- Beln Queen .1:34 132-Wankcag ....1:30 Ono Mile. 134- Ballybcll 1:49 131-Our Betsy ...1:50 128- Crack o Dawnl:17 Orcus showed speed. Trantula was not extended. Nose Dive worked well. St. Allan looks good. Oraleggo showed a good gallop. Rork is training well. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather clear; track slow . Three-Eighths Mile. 124-Bnnker Brown .33 12S-Peiion 3S 133- Best Pal 3S 131 -Macbeth 3S . 119- Forestiere 38 131-Reel Foot 40 127-GoIdencrest ...3? 125-St. Donard 3S 130-Jupitcr 33 127-Wjlie 33 Half Milo. 123- Adrenturc 52 125-Rapid Traveler 53 130-Bluo Brush 54 12S-Stamp 52 127-Comstalk 53 131-TIie Colonel ...52 331-EscarpoIctte ...54 12S-Thc Nephew .. .50 lOS-Iris-h Pat 53 131-Ainderburg 54 lOO-Joscpliine C. ..53 131-Vvapiti 54 134- Ni;yaka 52 133-"Vireless 50 120- Prince "Welles 53 114-Youneed 52 Five-Eighths Mile. TS-Cap Bock ...1:04 127-McIntosh 1:05 120- IIindoostan ..1:04 131 -Toss Up 1:00 133- Laiss 1:08 12S-Translate ...1:05 132-Mick. Moore 1:07 119-Untried 1:06 121- Mom 1:00 Three -Quarters Milo. 124- Briand 1:21 131-IIadrian 1:17 134- Citation 1:24 12S-Maxiraac 1:19 123-Honolulu Boy 1:21 12S-Tender Seth .1:17 One Milo. 132-Billy Barton 1:47 130-Past. Swain.. 1:54 134-Jordan 1:45 130-Sh Light 111.1:47 132-IEffare 1:48 134-Trevelyan ...1:54 129-Mayor Carrel 1:51 133-Wynncwood .1:52 Jupiter went easily. The Nephew was not extended. Nuyaka and Adventure were together. Hindoostan seems fresh and good. Cap Rock was in hand. Translate looks good. Lugs went handily. Briand is training well. Tender Seth worked cleverly. Hadrian could have worked faster. Maximac had an easy trial. Leffare seems at his best. Jordan worked well. Trevelyan and Pastoral Swain worked on even terms.